The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937, December 12, 1924, Image 1

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for the Kiddies
The most complete line ot Toy*
ever shown in Nyssa
or l>ad and th<
Gnns, K .lives.
h e fact
For Mother and the
Aluminum Kitchen Utensils
Electric Toasters
Percolators, Waffle
Irons, 3ilverware
Shears, Coleman
Lamps, Lanterns
And many other useful and practical gifts. Come in and
■ee them and note the high quality and reasonable prices*
Saturday, December 13
A FREE GIFT will be given to every child entering the
store in company ef their parents.
a ra n
brd Dealers!
10 days special on Goodyear Cord Tires J
. $7 50
30x34.........................................$ 9 00
3 8 x 4 ........................................... 17.00
A Tube Free With Each Tire
«»ours for Service”
tadios for Sale or Trade
Tensen Motor Co.
Nyssa, Oregon
See MeFa 1 and see belli
Dr. J. A . McFall
Eyesight Specialist
W« grind
our own
Phone 147
If you have B«ef Cattle, Hogs,
Mutton or Veal
Nyssa, Or.
Phone 6
Young P**'
Preset»! *
Nyssa Packing Co.
•r, .« « * ■
I p . S
jp H
n il A
o r i^ M
I White Bread Buns
Brown Bread
for Holiday
ynur order n
Fruit Cakes.
H arry Newby and fam ily have m ov­
ed back to th e ir fa rm w est o f town
from th e ir hom e on th e E a st Side,
The N yeea P acking Co. (hipped a
double deck load o f h ogs to P ortland
T he E ae te rn S ta r ' K ensington m et
on W ednesday o f te n oen a t th e hom e
o f Mrs. F ra n k lin F ry , w ith Mrs. F ry
and Mrs. Will Beam as hostesses. The
room s w ere p re ttily
deco rated in
C h ristin as hoily aud e v e rg re e n s and
the C hristm as schem e sa rrie d o u t in a
m ost deheioas luncheon th a t w as
served. A business m eetin g was held
and th e a fte rn o o n sp e n t in gam es and
M rs. C. C. H u n t is v isitin g re la tiv e s
and frien d s in P o rtla n d th is w eek.
" • ÿ 3 0 * 3 ............L . . . .
3 2 * 4 ...........L . . .
J a c k Newby th is w eek m ovtd hie
raeldence ite m the w e st side of h i
place to tk e e a s t aide, th e rtb y m aking
his home m ore aaceseibl*.
B orn—To Mr. and Mrs Billy N ukida,
on W ednesday, D ecem ber 10, a boy.
Eder Hdwe.
M u G eorgia D ennis v isite d n Cald
well T hursday
Eddie Rowell, G eorge G reen ano
L airy H am aker moUeeU to Ja m esoi
Sunday, re tu rn in g the earns evening
L ettu ce 26c a c ra te , 40 to 60 beads
B ring y cur c o n ta in er. N yssa G rain Si
Seed Co.
G ra n t 1 R aw son and w ife w ill leave
Sunday fo r D e tro it, w here th ey wiil
m ake th e ir f u tu r e hi m e.
Dewey P urcell and fam ily of Kelao,
W ash., w ere visito rs a t th e J a s . I.
D iven home W ednesday.
Q eorge Schw eizer is helping an the
big p a in tin g jo b oa the E a s te rn O re ­
gon ra n ch e s.
W arren B lodgett ie going ahout with
hie hand w rapped up as a re s u lt of the
football gam e a t O ntario Sunday, in
which be su sta in ed a se v e re sprain of
the w rist.
P e te r M ielink o f P a rm a sp e n t a
couple of days g re e tin g old frien d s in
tow n th is week.
Geo. L. Phillips and P. I. S peer
shipped two carloads o f b e ef c a ttle
to P ortland Tuesday
T hieves raided th e s la u g h te r house
o f th e N yssa P a c k in g Co. on S aturday
n ig h t and sta le ab o u t $31 w o rth of
sheep pelta w hich w ere being stored
W illiam T ensan, W illiam Vendel and
K Sm oltz le ft M tnday for th e ir hom es
tn H olland. The la tte r t a o a re e x ­
p e cted to r e tu rn to N yssa in th e
The E. Q, Land Co. is hav in g a fresh
c o at of p a in t a d m in istere d to all the
building* on its ran ch es in this neigh
borhood The w ork ie in c h a rg e of
E v e ra tt W isdom of O ntario, and when
finished will add g re a tly to the appear-
at>ee o f th e v a rie s* p ro p erties.
I. M. O. A nderson, C ounty Club
lewder, ie in N yssa today in tn e in te r
e st o f club m a tte rs .
Dr. J . J. S arazin re tu rn e d today
from a m o n th ’s v isit w ith re la tiv e s in
M ichigan.
At Bedside of
Mother S e ria lly Ik
M rs. E D. J a s p e r o f La G rande
Mr*. C larence Beam *f Higin, Geo. P.
W ard a f N ysea and Gordon McDonald,
a s tu d e n t a t t i e U n iv e rsity of O regon,
a re all in A lbany a t th e bedside of
th e ir m other, M rs E H McDonald,
who is a t th e B rid g e w a te r Iheepital
su ffe rin g from h e a r t tro u b le am
pneum onia and wb* is said to b* in a
serio u s condition.
Episcopal Service
C hureh se rv ice will be held in the
E piscopal P erish b a ll Sunday a f te r ­
noon a t 8:30 o ’c lo c k .' B ishop R em ing­
ton will be h i r e fo r th is se rv ice
a re welcom e
Rev I Q. Wood.
Oatario Wins
The a umr.i of the Nyssa high
school went to Ontario Sunday
to play a game of football with
the alumni of the high school of
that city. A large audience was
in attendance to witness the
event, many of whom were from
Nyssa and vicinity. Beth sides
proved themselves abls to put
up a strong game, even theugfc
many of the playara were a little
shy on training. Ike score was
7-0 in Ontario’s faver.
JSard Concert
Nyssi, Oregon
The band concert Wednesday ,
at the close ot business October 10, 1924,
evening t»y the I.yvsa band 1
proved to he all that the advance ;
notices had led the people to ex
C apital Stock ..................... $
pect. The program was carried O v e rd ra fts .............. ............... .
Surplus and P ro fits................
House. F urn itu re
out j without
a number missing B anking
end Fixtures
and in a m anner th a t denoted other Raal E state!" . ” .'"
most satisfactory advanctm e t . Bonds and W a rra n ts ..............
Bills Payable
40 4i . Pit
N O N 'I
ite incoimi e _____________
4,670 47
cash and p u s prom banks no,139.13 D E PO SIT S.............................. 3S9.6IT Ì
The boys were in good fo r m and
under the direction of Prof,
Stoner rendered niHic t ^at
»485,110.: J
would have reflected credit cr a
mush elder organization. The H. J. Ward, President.
John Ray, Vice Proaldyr.t
band program v/as supplement
F- Dunaway, Cashier.
by vocal a duet by Misses Mil-
& G- n“Uer’ Assistant Cashier
H. A. Diven, Assistant Cashier,
ored Long and Verne Thompaon, j, p. Reece(
j. .| Sarazin
G. L. FM.’ipu
vocal solo by Mrs. McCarty and
a reading by Miss Dorothy Cook. The little, unlooked for services, courtesies ar.d a tte n tio n s, outside th e hasten
nese numbers were all SO well path of routine, are w hat have counted m ost tn m aking loyal friends and cos
received that the performers
tornera for this bank.
were forced to respond to en­
thusiastic encores.
The program wag opened by a
speech by E. M. Blodgett, deliv­
ered in his usual happy manner
and put the audience in the
proper frame of mind to eajoy
the music. The audience was
Our Motto:
not as large as could have been
wished, owing doubtless to con­
Prompt Service—Courteous Treatment
siderable sickness in town, but (©)
the receipts aasoanted to about
$4° net, which will be used for
tke benefit of the band.
Nyssa Filling Station
Club Meeting
1 L. E. Blodgett, Prop.
The regular meeting of the
Commercial Club waa held
Thursday evening and a number
of matters of interest were
taken care of. The matter of
giving an entertainment of soma ©
kind tor the benefit of the club ©
was discussed and a committee
appointed to arrange the de­
The club also decided to pull
off another stunt on the day be
fore f hristmas, similar to the
one last year when a pig and a
number of turkeys and chickens
were turned loose and given to
whoever could ealeh them Si I
Burbidge and Larry Hamaker
were appointed to look after the
Backs Info Window
While backing his car in front
of Wilson Broa. store on Wed­
nesday evening, Pearl Dingman
found it impossible to stop the
critter on account of the leverae
gear having suddenly gone
wrong. The car continued to
baok up until stopped by the
window frame. Considerable
damage resulted, the large plate
glass being shattered and the
marble facing beneath the win­
dow ruined.
We have noted several cases
of exactly similar accidents in
neighboring towns, none of
which would have happened had
the head-in aystent of parking
been in use.
Party a t Thrashers
A jtarty was held at the home
of Mi»s Elsie Thrasher Friday
evening of last week. Those
present were: Bernice Martin,
Frances Klinkenberg, Zelma
Thrasher, Von Della Baxter, Jeff
Bruee Gilchrist Max Gilchrist,
Leeter Klinkenberg. Eugene
Hanafin and Arthur Servoss.
After playing numerous games
the guests were eaeh presented
with a large plate of taffy which
they all enjoved pulling
Don’t fn rg et auto ta p and e u rta in
w ork a t N ysea H arness t Saddlery
H arness w ashed and oilad, »2 00 p e r
sat. N ysaa H arness 4k addlery Shop.
The Kiddies’
Only a few more days till Christmas Day
Th* C ash V a riety S to re , O ntario, O r e g tr, ro w have on th e ir t a ­
bles fo r your inspection a fine line of
Toys, Games, Velocipedes, Doll Cabs, Children’s
Chair«, Wagonr, Sleds, plain and Decerated Table
Ware, Fancy China, Flower Bowls, Vase«, Water
Sets. Sherbets, Console Sets, Rockingham T«a Pots
And numerous other articles suited to th« season
Our prices, as always, are the lowest in this vicirity.
Come in before buying. See what we have aad
get cur prices.
The Cash Variety Store
O n tario , O regon, O pposite Postofflce Bloek.
, >
For Sale.
No. 2 Onion*, *1.00 p e r cw t.
No. 1 Onion*. »2.00 per cw t.
Idah* Rural«, 75c per cwt.
N e tte d Geme, *1 00 per cw t.
B ring your seek». P. T en tan . n 2 ltf
•: City Dray Line ::
Reasonable R ates
For Sale.
PH O N E 15
Cull apples, 50c per box
Rom# < >
B eauties and W inesaps.
B ring yo u r I I
boxen. W. L. Gibeon,
n!22t '
it m u t M H m w H
:-P>44W Vi 4 « ******
Get your
at Ny«*a Fleur Mill
$ 10.50
p C p L d U
Chopping and :
^ «
Strictly no
f. o b. care N ysea
Cash with order.
p. m .
A \ v