GATE CITY JOURNAL Published •very Friday Oregon, by BROWN Entered at the Poatotftce at N u u , Matter w m . aa second-etZ. — Owyhee Thanksgiving, as usual, was ob served b; a number o f family gather ings. The m elt extensive, perhaps, was that o f Mr. and Mrs. Oee Sch- weiter aud family, who had as guests on that day Mr. and Mrs. George Schweizer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Householder. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Russell and baby, Mr. add Mrs. Chas. Johnson, Mr. and Mre. A. R. Bradney, Mr and Mrs. Herb Loye and family, also Miss Lois Russell and friend, Miss Scott o f Boise. Mr and M-s. Lou DeGoede and son John at9 Thanksgiving tinner with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Brown o f Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Glascock ard family ,ttrnded a family reunion in the Newbill home near Ontario Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. William Snyder and family helped demolish a roast goose in the B. F Kerr home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. MacLafferty had as Thanksgiving guests, Mr. and Mrs Richardson, Miss Richardson and Mr and Mrs. Clark, all o f Parma. Guests entertained Thursday in the Bigelow home were Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Lowe and Mr. and Mrs. Noble Pul 1 mi who, together with the family, alt o f whom were home for the occasion, managed to destroy a fíne fat turkey and flxin’s. A family reunion was held in tie McGinnis home also. Fred Klingback made atrip to Boise and Emmett Friday, returning Satur- day. Mr and Mr*. Harry Evans and fam ily ware guests at a duck dinner on the Hennes home Sunday. w . place at present. Later may bring them to the Peutz raneh to feed. Clarence Nasbit. athletic coach and teacher at New Plymouth, also for mer classmata of Julian Lowe at 0. A. C.. visited Friday in the Lowe home. Owing to the illness of Mre. Carl Quackonbush (formerly Miss Marian Lowe) the expected Thanks giving visit was postponed until the Christmas vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Evans motored to Emmett on business Tueeday, where they were entertained at din ner by Rev. and Mrs. Hilton and at supper in the J. N. Largant home of Litha. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klingback and family called Sunday at the Ray Can- trail home. W. W. Smith sold his hay Monday. Claude Smith is ill with blood poison, starting from a severe scald on hi« hand while shaving Sunday. Pupils o f Owyhee school neither ab sent nor tardy for the month of No vember in the upper grades are: Dor othy Kaylor, Earl and Merle Kygar and Georgia Rust. Those in the lower room are: Kenneth Kygar, William Peutz, Jr , Lawrence Peutz, Everett llutfinan and Arthur Snyder Some o f these children come as far as six miles to school Florence and Verle DeBord had ad- noids and tonsils removed by Drs. Weese and Fortner Tuesday. An “If” for Boys. The following verses, which show real poetic ability, were writen by Orville Bigelow of Owyhee, not yet 16 years old. Orville is now a Junior in high school at Caldwell, but took the first two years of high school at Nyssa. His many fxiehds are proud of bia un doubted poetical talents and prediot for him a brilliant future: If you can be well dressed and tasteful Yet look not with disdain upon worn garments; !f you can cook and not be wasteful Yet still love sports and out o f doors environments; Notice o f »«hoo1 Meeting. ^ ^ ^ NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN l o t h « ¿ f t 1 » / 'V a 'i d * ^ '1«» + of Malheur Coanty, State ef 0r* * * % .h *Stk d.y of December. will be held at the ssbool hoese oa » * J , . th, budget hereinafter e cleeh i. the aftora^ forth. Iopoiilio. •» le*i>M lira, aadte rose • — ■ set eat with »he levyiag beard, , .lid school distrie» during the •» special district laa. ty seeded by " 30 1926 |. estimated in The totsl amount of money : 14.19*4. aad t ^ j W u Itcen«d fram f t t „ the eouaiy - cal year beginniag on June 14, luxe. and Ineiude. the ^ tu„d aad apecial district ..heel fund. S».t. school tax, and all othoi monayi W the dulriet. the followiag budget bud g et ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVICE. No. Salary per yesr » ROOh.UO SupertnNadent 10,440 00 Teachers 750.00 Janitors 60.90 Clerk W h en y o t “ trad e in” « a new Ford Total $ 1,000.0# 10,440 0# 75S.SO 66.00 . *13,140.00 Total................................................................ MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES I. Furniture (desk*, stovt«, curitin« ) — 2 Supplies (chalk, eraser», etc)........................ 3. Library book*------------------------------------------ 4. Science equipment.......................................... 6 T pe writers...................... ....................... ...... 6 Janitor’s supplies............................................ 7. Fuel................ ................................................. 8. Light power and phene--------------------------- #. Water .............................................................. 10 Postage and stationery.................................. *00 00 40 00 26 00 75 00 220.06 150 00 760. 0 *70 00 41.00 15.00 GEO. I*. WARD The most evt *16,000.00 T ota l............................................. M ain ten an ce and R ep a ir«: Building and Ground»------------------- In d eb ted n ess: . . » *,476.00 1. luterast thereon ______________ 600 «0 2. Interest thereon-------------------------------------------- * 6 000.00 3 Retire Warrants--------------------------------------------- *00 00 , * 6.076.00 Total........................................................................... Transportation of Pupils: 667.0« 3« 1,6 Truck, gas, oil, e t c . ....................................- .................... H a g o n ............................................................................... S e e m e fir s l-n iy servicJ nothing Service Gar Flashlipi. Razors Watch- Harmonic D on’t O verlook the fact ca n buy se e d s cheap« J And many 80S 00 276.71 160 00 Insurance.................................................................... M iscellaneous.............................................................. Our Prices Are Kj s tore Total estimated amounted amount of money for all purposes surmg the year...................- ............... ESTIMATED RECEIPTS Ed er Seed Co, **6,470 *4 N yssa Grain From county school fund during the coming school year. * 4,146.96 From state school fund dur’ng the coming school year. 710.13 From elementary sehool fund during cyming schlol year 1,518 86 Estimated amount to be received from all other souraee during school yesr, high school tuition ................. 3,696,00 * 6,470.94 Total estimated receipts, not including proposed tax Recapitulation. NYSSA Woolgroweri to Meet Lodge Election Remember the «mall Things. It I« easy to talk glibly of serrín» Mutati t? and ta forgtt tn pasa tha salt to the mau who sits neTt us at table, to think of placing onr llvan at n world's dispone I and neglect the small i ft nations which mean so much Î* our owa hem»—Henry Sloe no Oa# Runabout - T outing Car C oupe - T u d o r Sedan Fordor Sedan Chassis - T ru ck Chassis s !‘ / J > • jy Added fercentrgea. A 6(1 pei -i*ru in, reuse for an art Ida lhai cost* $1 »-»aid make It cost *1 fiOi Bui for ihe article that has doubled to price the new price la 200 per si the cfd. Sheep Men, Attention! 400 tons nice clean hay for sale \ “ C .U fferty' Nyssa, Oregon. At the ranch. Mitchell Butte. n282t - - - - - $260 $290 $520 $580 $660 $225 -$365 M - qq Bring your t*,k, SEE T H E N E A R E S T A U T H O R IZ E D F O R D D EALER F Tenaen. n21tf PUBLIC NOTICE ,NJ ™ C0-ÜNTY COURT OP THE for m a l - W S U g *” • Ä rÄ S T i L owie* did, on the 12th H - — •«plication «.kin. " y court *>'• •rder and d. . „ . * o f L > ' f*r •" '*¡■6. ordarine “J 1 * eour‘ ‘ »th e,. - P Ä n a « !'* * « h £ ^ ** „i«, sr s “ i A Tu “Y o t [ T w t t R ; id T em si Mu Leave order at Journal Phone 6 Office. Band Concert P»r cwt. 3 2 x 4 ................... 34x4............... If you hai Sund»! L . , “' ' 1*’ 75c P« cwt. Netted Gena, $1 All Prices f.o.b. Detroit These are the lowest prices ever offered in the history o f the Ford M otor Company. They create a new standard of value for m otor car transportation. 8c qt Sale. J"0"'' *2’00 P*r 30 x8........... .. for Sale K in zie A . C orbin No. 2 Onions, *1 oo per cwt I 10 day« sp«4 MI L K I can do no more custom spraying. Delivered to any part o f the city la given at thia tim» * Ih.t you may make arrangem ent^"^ »our spray,n f , h. eomjni Far ore PHONE 15 Ngtiee to Fruitgrower«. C. C. Hunt N E W PRICES Satu A FREE GIF 1 w 827 1# E m e r g e n c y ........................................................................ Effective December 2nd, the Ford M otor Company an nounces new low prices on all Ford cars. A reduction of twenty-five dollars on the Fordor Sedan and lower prices on all other types make Ford cars even greater value than before. o t h e r i. ■ee then and no r Total....................................................................... ALL PRICES REDUCED Gans, Kiti 4- -1-4- 4- 4* 4-4* 4-4—9 V V *9 V-9-5--Î--C -f* If you can be a sport when loser, as well as when you win the game; x ota| estimated expenses fer the yeer............................. *25.470 64 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cautraii have pur If you ean "play the gam e," be not a Total estimated receipt» net Including proposed tax------ 9 470.94 .^q^.U .q.q..a » 4 ..t^ .» »4, i- l-4-.!-4-!-4..I,.H 4i t>mi chased a new player piano. Ray said swindler, he wanted one he could play himielf. *16,000 60 Though tempted o ft te cheat or the 29th day o f December, 1924, at Gordon MacLafferty, who is attend maim; Dated this second day of December, 1924. the county court room in the county ing high Bchooi at College Piece, S D GOSHERT, Attest: court house at Vale, in said eounty If you can shun tobacco, cards and Wash., has joined the H. S. ai.d ccl- Board of Directors. H A. Diven, Clerk. and state at 11 o'clock in the fore dancing, lege orchastras, in which he plays noon o f that day, at which time all Care for the helpless, young and old. first and second violin, respectively. elect d for the ei suing year: persons may appear anu offer and Be not consent to work without ad Mr. and Mrs. Lou DeGoede and fam Mrs. Ethel Crawford, worthy ma- show cause, i f any they have, why the vancing. ily visited Friday in the DeBord home, Thu 17th annual senvention of the prayer of said application should not tron. Look »cund you for the one who's as also did E. L. MacLafferty. starved and cold; Mrs. McCullough of Big Bend, woolgrowers’ Association will be held be granted. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Napton and in Pandlatoa, Oregon, January 14 and E. H. TEST, worthy patron. son, who are leaving soon for Cali If you ean work as well as play, 15, 1826, according ts statement rs- E. M. Blodgett, County Judge. fornia, paid a farewell visit to Mr, Mrs. J. J. Saraxin, associate ma calved tron Msc Hoke, secretary of And be as helpful as you can; Attorney for Petitioner. and Mrs T. M, Lowe Sunday. Mrs. Then everyone you meet will say, tron, tha assosiatioa. First publication November 14, 1924 Napton will be remembered as a for There goes a friend! There goes a Mr. Moka states that tha sheep and Last publication Deeembar 26, 1924 Mrs. Alico Wilson, conduotresi. mac principal in Owyhee school. man! Mrs. Elisabeth Bauer, »nociate wool growers of Oregon are feeing Al Long was down from Sage Brush tha brightest psespeete for th« coming conductress Springs for hay recently. Wai also two or three years that tha induetry Mrs, Hilda Tensen, treasurer trying to locate pasture. baa ever knowa. While prices are aet |" Mrs Nettie Gibson, secretary. The Eastarn Stars held their regu August Tuleson and William Peutz, expected te reteh war tima time levels she the i« rvifo • j -w-v • After the election e eocial hour and who recently purchased 1500 ewes, are lar election of officers Wednesday •oetsf predustioals expected lo b e “ V / l t y Ü F S y L 1I16 pasturing them on the Ellis Walters night. The following officers were refreshments were enjoyed ! stabilised and to remaia at auch a C. KLINKENBERG level that the returns from lambs and < ¡ weol wi4 shew the grower e reason PROMPT DELIVERY able profit from hie eperaticae. Reasonable Rates IB»' tí’i or Dad and ( At Liberty Theater Yooni PW Praackinf morning* Wed. Night, Dec. 10 1924 We ask all other organizations and social circles to reserve the date for the benefit of the band. We are preparing a high class musical program. Watce for program later ^ate Chiropractors BraOfand A Bxedfued. Carver tea. Cena«Ration and Mamina •• V«n paar« sucoeeefu psas- the atate of Oregon. First •f Bank north Nysss