THE GATE CITY JOURNAL Utj can have gone wrong, Ur. Archman? It Is your ship and—" Arehman! Lord George started. 8s It was Bess’ father upon whom ha A fte r E very Meal had chanced. Well and g o o d ! He slipped his pistol Into his belt and ITS t h e l o n g e s t - l a s t i n g took a step forward. ¡ ¡ ¿ » le c tio n y o n c a n b u y By CRITTENDEN MARRIOTT stranger here, Nellie,” he declared. “ Good evening, Mr. Archm an!" ha “ How he got here, I don’t know, un­ ¡¡¿'jXIa I f « n h e l p p t o d l- Copyrtshc. W. O. Chapman said quietly. “ I’ m delighted to And less he came on that ship Captain you 1” n d n c le a n s e r Bunker was so troubled about. Don’t CHAPTER X V — Continued Two suppressed exclamations and a f o r th e m o u th tell him anything—" »18 — sudden thudding of feet came from In B l te e th . "S ilence!” Strindberg roared the or­ On the .and, not a score o f feet front. Lord George could barely see le y ’s m ea n s away, the dying embers o f a tiny lire der. “ Silence! Who are you?" the men, but he knew that they bad lia s w e ll a s The young fellow shrugged his were flickering. faced around. “ Don't shoot!" ha Bunker and Carr had seen the gleam shoulders. "I go by the name of Carr,” called laughingly. “ I'm alone and I’ m he answered. “This lady U to be my almost as soon as Nellie. Swiftly they a friend. I repeat. Mr. Archman. that dropped their oars Into the water, wife and I advise her—” I am glad to find you. Your wife and “ Your wife I You are a fool. Thla checking the boat’s way. “ Here they younger daughter are waiting for you are, all right,” remarked Bunker, not lady la not for such as you. She— ” only a few yards away. We cams But Nellie Interposed. “ Stop, Cap­ down on the El Rio." without satisfaction. The skiff grated on the sand and half tain Strindberg,” she said, with sud- "My wife and Bess— Who are you?” a dozen dull forms sprang up, dimly den imperiousness. "S top ! This Is a "I’m a Johnny Bull—Lord George risible In the circle of firelight. In a matter with which you have nothing Caruthers. Flash your torch on me foreign tongue some one spoke what to do.” She turned to Carr. “ Forgive and satisfy yourself, If you like. A h ! me, dear," she said. "I don’t know Quite right. You see I'm alone. Now, was evidently a challenge. With a cry, Carr tried to back away who or what Captain Strindberg Is, but If you’ll allow me. I’ll come nearer and But before be could make a single I have no choice except to trust him. explain." stroke hands stretched to the gunwale Our ship Is in the hands of mutineers; «tir» There was a pause; then Archman my mother and friends ure lo s t; my spoke quietly. "Come nearer If you and drew the boat high. Carr shrugged his shoulders. “ W e’re father Is probably a prisoner; and we like. If you are from the El Rio, God !■ ■ ■ cau ght!” he muttered. “ Who are ourselves are fugitives. If this gen­ knows you are welcome.” lolj tleman really means harm to a feeble they?” he asked Nellie. Lord George came forward briskly. line* Given Odd Name* Nellie leaned forward and addressed old man like Overlord Dorth— " “ I'll cut It short,” he said, “ for I fancy In • Itaklng o f queer mine names, the leader o f the party In the foreign “ Harm I N o !” broke In Strindberg. we’re all In a hurry. It’s this way.” * 1 a coiY°«pondent of fo u l Age, 1 tongue he had used. Then, without “ I am glad to hear you say It. At m thoae o f two little mines tliut waiting for a reply, she turned to Carr any event I cannot stop you. This Swiftly he told about the voyage of the El Rio, the shore excursion, and b,,,.Joperated a few years ago «lien and Bunker. “ They are friends,” she island Is small and you will soon find the mutiny he had witnessed from the ip,.,’ * district mine Inspector, which I said. “ Some o f the people who live him no matter what I do or say. Cap­ mountain top. I lk V B w lll compete favorably with here, I think. Everybody here speaks tain Strindberg, I will tell you every­ At this point Archman groaned. lilt ¿.H ruggling Monkey” mine, men- Danish, you know. We had better get thing so far as I know !t. Then I will “ Good H eaven!” he breathed. “ Nel­ •d In Coal A ge ; or the "Toailvine," out and I will talk to them." She ask you to help us.” lie’s on board." IJ%Srh0'd ’a Thomflit," anil are en stood up, took the hand that one o f the "Nellie? Your daughter?" ill,, I to a place In the front ranks of men extended and Jumped lightly "Y es! W e heard this afternoon that CHAPTER XVI ¡j, o f queer mine names. The ashore. a ship was lying here. Nellie heard It is a little mine operated by the Carr and Bunker followed. first and left at once, saying she was Until Daylight Beside the Are Nellie halted and wtFJ n Coal and Iron company on its going on hoard. I was detained. As Lord George descended into the ra­ turned to a man who seemed to be the s. i ch line two miles north of Dayton, soon as I could, I hurried after her, ftllll» called the "T lckly Gizzard’’ leader. “ I am Mlsa Archman,” she vine with extreme caution. He could but when I got there she was gone— see the ground where his next foot­ I (eg,, Another little mine, located in said, In Danish. gone In the only boat— and darkness The man saluted formally. For sev step was to be planted, but he could had shut down. I could see the lights It is I county i>“ d operuted by tlie Rock Coal company, went under eral minutes the two talked. Then see little m ore; and he could not be o f the ship, but I couldn't make any­ Nellie turned to her companions. “ I sure that the next atone on which he body on board hear me, shout as I o f the “ Possum Jaw" mine. don’t understand what he says very put his weight would not give way be­ might. And I had no boat, you know. well," she explained. “ I’ve tried to neath him and send him crashing to I sent back for one. but It couldn't be Sulphur Stone tell him about the mutiny, but he the unknown depths below. Moreover, brought until low tide. I am expect­ I ndstone la of little value as a doesn't seem to understand me, either. he was by no means certain what he ing It n ow ; but— but Nellie has been ’ alng material, as it will not stand He says that the captain Is up the would find If he reached the bottom gone for nearly six hours. God 1 It C*c(ure m excess of some 8,000 mountain somewhere, but he has Just In safety. drives me mad, mad! You— you know ds per square Inch. Recent ex The map had come Into the posses­ sent a messenger to say that he la on tents by the United States board the way bock. I asked him about our sion o f the party mysteriously— ns who was on the El Rio. Tell me. why should the men mutiny? Captain C0,m|tards Indicate a cheap method people, but he saya he hasn’t seen any mysteriously as the first map had Bunker Is not n hard master— ” ^ T M tn g sandstone as strong as of them. I'm not certain that he be­ come. Might It not, like that first “ I don’t think It was a question of ) forte. The stone Is cut, then soaked longs here. He doesn't know who map, be a forgery, deliberately de­ discontent. Things have been happen­ j lilt e d snlphur for several hours. Overlord Dorth Is and— " signed to lead astray, If not to betray ing all the way down.” Lord George «tJtpulphur permeates the structure to ruin and death, those who trusted told of the attempt to signal, the dis­ "Overlord Dorth 1" viJwhen cold, Mocks will stand a It? Certainly It seemed queer that it covery of the destroyer lying In wait, "Yes. Dorth rules the Island, S¿lire o f 30,000 pounds compres- haven't had time to tell you of him. should be necessary to descend Into and the passage of the Danish-speak­ Tests for weathering qualities I'm afraid these people are intruders. such a pit In order to reach a road ing sailors. Somewhat to his surprise till In progress, but Initial results And yet—” that seemed to lead up the mountain. the story seemed to encourage Arch- Imported to be extremely favoruble. "D idn’t Captain Bunker say that a Lord George suspected all things. mnn. ship was following us?” broke In Carr. He believed that at any moment he "If that Is all,” he breathed; "If "These men look like marines and— ” might have to fight for his life; and that Is nil—all will be well. Already Literally Nellie caught her breath. “ Ma­ they guess that— that— no matter! rines?” she cried. "Oh 1 They can’t in ter—How’s the hash today? They will treat Nellie with all re­ be I They can’ t be— ” «alter (nonchalantly)— 1.Ike every- spect. Take me to my wife and to i else.— American Legion Weekly. She broke off as the men faced Bess.” He made a step forward. Ktsl round and stood at attention. The Abruptly the third man, who had ■ry man’s conscience Is Just a flickering flames shone on what were not yet spoken, broke In. “ The m oon!" undoubtedly uniforms. he said. “ She com e!" A line o f armed sailors was ap­ Archmnn drew a long breath. "M ay­ proaching. As Nellie fuced about, a be we would better wait,” he said. man, obviously an officer, strode Into The moonlight will reach the El Rio the circle o f the firelight. When he j ow In a few minutes. And If the destroy­ saw Nellie he saluted. “ Good evening, er Is near—” He paused Impressively. madame,” he said In Dnnlsh. "Perhaps It will he,” Lord George hesitated. “ But— hang It all, I hate to “ Good evening 1” Nellie replied In croak, you know, but I’m afraid you’re English. “ Do you speak English?” In for a fine disappointment. We saw “ I speak It a little.” The officer’ s ^ t h o u s a n d s the trouble from the nmuntuln, and the words were precise, hut his accent was of users hava destroyer didn’ t take any part In It. good. wondered at the No boats came or went, and the de­ q u ick n ess o f the "I’m so glad. I apeak Danish very stroyer didn’ t follow when the El Rio 1 a c t io n o f R esin ol badly. I am Miss Arcliman—” O ia t m e n t a n d started In this direction. I’m sorry, The man’s face changed Instantly. O ip . T h e answer but I don't believe It had anything to He whipped his hand to his cap. “ Miss tM t it ia n ot a do with the mutiny. It doesn't look Nellie Archmun?” he questioned 9 treatment, b u t o n e that to me like nn ordinary mutiny. It eagerty. --- • the depths o f th e p ores looks to me more like what you Amer­ “ Yes, but— ” i attack« the s o u rce o f th e icans call a put-up Job.” —»order, starting th e h ea lin g The officer spun around. “ Stand 'Then—then—Nellie Is lo st!” back I” he ordered to the men, who 'Oh, n o; The game Isn’t played *»ic first touch re lie v e « th e were crowding inward. “ Lieutenant, out yet. These chaps don’t want to run :hing, burning and soreness withdraw ■ your men to a respectful few days p ersisten t use away with the ship, or they'd have distance." He swung round again. fails to dear a w a y the gone before now. They’re waiting for “ The gracious lady will pardon?" he something, and as they’ve moored the said. "I did not know. What Is the the skin is o n c e re- ship close to here It looks as If they gracious lady’s pleasure? I am Cap­ ' V '. * ° normal c o n d it io n , Lord George Suspected AM Thlnge. He wanted to find you. Anyhow. I’ll wager tain Strindberg.” »daily use of Resinol Soap is Believed That at Any Moment He they’ll be coining ashore In the morn­ ly sufficient t o k eep it The flickering firelight danced on Might Have to Fight for Hie Life. ing, and when they do— well, we’ll y. Ideal for th e com * Nellie's bewildered face and In the no have an Innings. And, besides, there’s ■—unsurpassed fo r the less perplexed countenances of Carr he moved silently as a shadow, with that destroyer. It didn’t come here and shampoo. A s k y o u r and Bunker. an automatic pistol clutched In his what he k n o w s a b o u t for nothing. I suppose you know why “ I am glad to meet you, captain,” right hand. It did come, by the way?” faltered the girl. “ But I don't quite At the bottom at last, he found Archman hesitated. He seemed to understand what you mean. I— ” himself standing on a broad, flat rock. be turning the situation over in his “ I and my men are at the gracious In front o f which the ground seemed mind and trying to resolve whether to luminous. Hesitantly he lady's service. If she will lead us to faintly explain at all, and. If so, how much. her father— ” stooped nnd put out Ids hand and Again the third man broke In. Nellie's face clouded. “ I wish I touched water. He had halted on the "S hip !” he said. “ See!” could,” she exclaimed. “ He must be edge of a stream or Inlet— probably Black against the silver water the worried to death.” the last, as he quickly ascertained masts and funnels of the El Klo pro­ “ He Is here? He Is well?” that the water was salty. It appeared truded themselves. The shadow of the "Oh, y e s ! He is here— that Is, near to be twenty or thirty feet broad. mountain hnd left them hare and It here; and he Is well. But— O h! I Hesitatingly he faced senward—then don’t know what to say. You are in Jumped, as a sparkle of light flashed was retreating slowly downward. oil has b e e n a w orld - Archmnn looked at It and nodded the service of Overlord Dorth, are you to his eye. It was the merest flash, slowly. Then he faced toward Lord »edy for kidney, liver and not?” gone almost before It was seen, but It George. “There Is a reason for the disorders, rheumatism, “ Overlord Dorth? D-orth?” Ab­ was ns conclusive as a bonfire. .Some destroyer’s coming," he said. "But— ruptly the officer's face brightened. human being was at the bottom o f the > and one add conditions. ,ou will forgive me If I do not speak “ Surely, surely, gracious lady. I ask ravine, close at hand. Silently he now. Soon all will he known. Condi­ nothing better than to serve him.” crept toward the spot. tions are changing fast. For years the “Then—then— You must know The way was not long, nor the —the— the— he whom I serve has been about my father—Mr. Archman, you walking difficult. The path was well HAARLEM OIL hiding from those who would find him. know— and how we came down here, trodden and free from obstructions, Bui now— I cannot say more. Soon— and what—” and he moved along rapidly. Almost perhaps tomorrow— all will be made t internal troubles, stime! i>e v e il “ Your father. Mr. Arrhman! Par­ instantly he heard voices, one o f which clear. At any rate, Nellie Is safe ■uAlldrugcists I t ist don 1 The gracious lady has not yet at least, though low, was wrung with Com e! Let us seek Mrs. Arrhman. suine G old M idal . seen Overlord Dorth?” pain. What’s that?" “ Yes. I’ve seen him, and I am to see "Something's wrong,” the speaker From out on the water had come a him tii.norrow. I was to have seen walled. "Something’s wrong. She’d sudden uproar—a far-off mingling of him today to hear something Impor­ have come back else. What shall I do? shouts and cracking of pistols. Lights tant that he wants to tell me. But he What shall I do? Nellie 1 Nellie! flares! out, moved and vanished and wasn't strong enough." Nellie I" reappeared. The moonlight had swept "H e is not 111?" The voice b rok e; then went on. downward to the deck o f the El Rio, "I’m afraid he la. Very III. Did “ Flash your light. O la f!” It ordered. but the distance was too great and the E— 31 you not know It?” “ Flash your light.” bulwarks o f the ship too high for It to Captain Strindberg fairly wrung his An electric torch flashed, revealing reveal anything. hands. “Take me to him at once, the tossing waters o f the bay. Again N M V o n , F a v o rit. Then abruptly something flashed and ^ ^ M r o r k , II d o . grncloni lady," he begged. “ I muat and again It flashed. Then the TOlce Lord George uttered an •aclxesetlon. r W M t M I u t r r B C . Cu. see him at once, at once." spoke again, hnpeleasly. “ It's no nae. "They’ re swinging out boats!” ho “ But I cannot take you to him. 1 Olaf. Somethlng'a gone wrong and cried. “ One, two, three of them. don’t know the way. Don't you know I'm helpless. If she's lost the way— They're doing It fast, too. Listen! R ? O h! What does It all mean?” But ahe hasn't lost the way. She'd You can hear them ” Oarr struck m. He had been listen­ have called oat If she bad— If nothing (TO BK CONTIMtTBI» , Salt Lake City, No. 44-1924. ing with growing uneasiness. “ It were wrong.” Maone that Captain Strindberg la a A hot temper «arpe ate Judgment Then another voice spoke. “ What The Red Line Trail W H After 15 Hard Months — His USKIDE Soles Still Qood! o f that! Marcellus R. Abel, a Cincinnati wore this pair Soles T HINK officer, in rain,slush,on hot, rasping pavements. traffic teen m on th s, o f USKIDE fif­ “ I have had such com fort,” he says,“ cool In summer, warm and dry in winter—and they are still good for several months’ wear.” U S K I D E —the wonder sole for wear. It wears a n d wears—twice as long as b est leather—often longer. USKIDE cuts your shoe bills. Have your repair­ man put USKIDE Soles on your shoes today. And be sure your next new shoes have g en u in e USKIDE Soles. The name is on the sole—for your protection. And—for a Better Heel to Walk On l A fie companion for USKIDE Sole«—the **U. S.” Spring-Step HecL Made o f new Sprayed Rubber« the purest, toughest rubber known« Get onto a pair right away. United States Rubber Company USKIDE Soles Fragrance in Flower* A Merry Jou*t Fragrance In flowers Is determined by laws which are beyond human com­ prehension. It Is not a quality pecu­ liar to a family, but to Individuals, or rather varieties In thut family. Old varieties o f roses were mostly fra­ grant ; many of the newer and mosi beautiful are not. The older peonies were rather unpleasant In odor, but many o f the newer varieties are de­ liciously perfumed. “ What Is this?” "A tilting contest.* “Tilting?" “ Of soup plates."— Louis­ ville Courier-Journal. A Lady of Distinction Is reoognlzeu by the delicate, fascinat­ ing Influence of the perfume she uses. A bath with Cutlcura Soap and hot water to thoroughly cleanse the poreg followed by a dusting with Cutlcura Talcum powder usually means a clear, sweet, healthy skin.— Advertisement. Rain Move* a Mountain Torrential rains In South Wnles caused a mountain to move and sever a water mnln, cutting off the water supply o f 100,000 people. One Way “ How do so mnny real estate men mnke a living?" “ Oh, we sell to-each other." quickly that rash disappeared! i ESINOL OVER : a r s m SAY “ BAYER ASPIRIN” and INSIST! Unless you see the “Bayer Cross” on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians 24 years for Colds Headache Pain Neuralgia Toothache Lumbago Neuritis Rheumatism Accept only “ Bayer” package which contains proven directions. Handy “ Bayer” boxea of 12 tablet»— Also bottles of 24 and 1JK)—Druggists. lM U » tra d» mark o f B a je r M anotaetur* at M onoac»Mc»ct