The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937, November 14, 1924, Image 4

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    T U
J O to W A t
U r . E ie b e n b e rg e r buy» and
ile» hay on q u it* a n e x te n s iv e seal#,
Published ovary Friday
Oregon, by
C ifl a m
N . . , . , . . . . . . . . . .<
inn over the waek and.
m i
N u t l C e o f U i a Ì I » * f * H ® * Ó n lf
,j #
o w n ers aod a ll parsoti» iu la r
Tire Prices D
vR AlN AG li M d 'flllvT .
T . M L ow e w aa a b u lin a la v is ito r in
M a a a «u a l »un ara naraby na
y . . . T uaaday.
titled «out t h . B o .rd •« b a p u . * ^ * * “ *
rk e ic h a o l did no» a v a il ita a lf o f boli
ly p riv ile g e s on A r m iitia a D ay .
We O ffer United State,
V 'i n n u f f i « d f u e County U u ra
o l a < tlu , u r c o u n ty , D ie« « “ , a p etitio n
pray lug th e county c o u rt lo r p«**»1“
iS p i i X . V 'b ,
4 THB COUNTY OOURT OK THE ^ „ u adopted lu the "Plan «or Kec
STATE OK OREGON FOR MAL- iani.non’ 'an .at torti) m »no I1» “ 1
Apron Social
H F II R r m i N T Y
Diviaions Nos. 3 and 4 of the
Social Circle, captained by Mrs.
F.R Marshall and Mrs.C.C.Hunt,
will give an Apron Social in the
Commercial Club rooms on Tues
day, November IS, commencing
at 7:30 p. m., to which all, and
especially men,
are cordially
invited. Proceeds for benefit of
public library.
This neat little apron ia aant to you.
And thia ia what we with you to do:
The little pocket you plainly see,
For a apecial purpose ia meant ta be.
Now measure your waist lino inch by
Vnd see that measure does not pinch;
Fes each small inch you measure
In the pocket put a penny sound.
30x34 regular aiae fabric..........
80x34 regular liza. Royal Cord
811x84 over alte. Royal Cord...
30x34 regular ane, Usco Cord
30x34 Koyal Tube...................
30a84 Gray T u b e..................
immediately tulluwmg ibis
maun a p a r» bare«!, and alio lor an
In th# matter of changing tho name ^ J<r ^ dectae ul tliia eouri appoint
F Walter S. Ssymanowict.
ma torso commissioners, ai provided
Notice ii hereby given to all perrons tor ununr tbo provisions ol section
s .,»...
* « . '• £
» ie a d id on th e 12th d ay o f Novem -
ir, 1924, tile in la id c o u n ty c o u r t h ii
« p licatio n a s k in g a r d p ra y in g fo r an
. . . . .. j j _____
» 01 . __. . . . . . i n n , ,
t “ lg o l wlly huiuiug b a iiu i, and
o l„ a r wurk e lo r a l i e n i m i th e oem-tit*
and d a m a g e , lu any anu all la u d i or
. i n . . . w . , i i i o r a n e l i m i th e b t n e n ii
5.29x4 10 Royal Cord Baloon Tires with Wfcd
Kims to fit Ford Cars, cumplí
$ 98.10
r parcels.
Walter S. Saymanowica to Walters.
Christmas seal sticker* should not Simmons, and that hsaring on aaid ap
■ placed on the address aids of mail, pli ation and pet tion • ill bs had on
the 29th day of December, 1924, at
the county court room in the county
court house at Vale, in said aoueity
and state at 11 o’clock in the fore
noon of that day, at which time all
regular persons may appear ana offer end
. Leah show cause, if any they have, why the
ttled up prayer of said application should not
Service Gar
Don’t O verlook the fact tlui
H E U R GUT n T Ï .
S t a i t, U h
The game ii fair you will admit—
You waist the money—we pocket it.
Then bring or send it without delay
To ear room on November 18th day.
lu lue waiver or me owyliee Drama««
aiutici, ihittiucur coumy, 01* * 011.
i etiuou ol
ö u y «rv u u i»
can buy seed s cheaper in!
* l'u n i *or K ccU u iëU o u .’'
cuuie now if*e nutlet disutili potinoli*
«in, r, in. r«Ub*, Jouit r. &««*«, mm
.The Social Circle will be there to
Just what for them the aprons can
So try to have it there on that date,
For which we thank you —please don’ t
be late.
01 IQ« U W )U t« L>taiu«t*e Ulblilct, « 1 .*
1 0 . m r(i
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Evans and ion
and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hennis went to
Ontario Monday, whete Mr. Evans,
_ ,
who was suffering from quinsey. was
efficiently cured by Dr. Wea e.
OU O ttiiA ll
a *u l
L )i*U i*& C
iuuy K p re o tn t a.iu *>now &md nwuor*
i a a l saiU u w y u v c u 1 su in g " Dia
in c a is a u r s ln s g c u k i l i u uuiy o rg an
iz tu anu e x istin g unuer « 11 U u j v a lu e
ul lUs D rain ag e a s w s u l lile ¿ .a r e ul
G regun, anu uy v irtu e or au oru er
inaile and e n iv reu uy Ihe ju u g e 01 tile
cuum y c u u n 01 lu aiueur su u u ty , Ure-
gu u , uu lu e shill uay ul J a n u a iy , i « 4 .
i u a i su o se q u c a i tu m e u ig a in z a .iu n
u l saio u isltiek s a ta pioueeuings v a i e
uao iL e reiu iu a i a bwasu u i oup eiv is
u i a w a s o a i y auu legany eiscMiu, as
pru v iu eu uy l a v ; ia a l w unm m i.iy
u ay s a i u r ui'ganU iug, M e ssiu o u a ia
u l su p e iv is u is appuinieu a euiel eng»,
n eer lu r sa m u is iiM i; iu a i saiu cu iei •«-
g u ie e a p p u tn le J .u ia u e Wit iiesaaeary
su i v ejo ol m e lan es » i t i l i m e Uoaa
u m , im e ol saio d is u m i, anu m a s s a
r e p o n in w ritin g m m e buaru o l su ­
p e rv iso rs w im la sp s ana p reh laa of
•a id su rv e y s , as provided ib h e c iie a
3204, G lsua s O regon L aw s, and s a b ­
ia 1 l l s d m saiu b o aiu oí su p e rv is o ,s bis
te p o r i ia w ritin g ul a ' P lan lo r «tecla-
illation, WDicu said P ian lo r recla-
N tj
tate 01
^ ^
than«* north 34 dag. 28’ west 1200'.
All lines to bs opan drain built to
grade. Width of bottom four feat,
with sides slopes af one to one.
L 1 Li .e
46,500 cubie yds at 20c_____ $ 9,300.00
Read crossing, pipe & valve
Bridge .................................
3 Humes................................
August Tuleson and a friend famil-
iarly known a. "Snake River Bill” are notified to appear at
d ,...,
. , P „ „ . KriiUy,
“ i , i i . , . J .f K "
leaving for Crane and other parts «n oount and to cc nteat the
quest of sheep.
Dated October 27, 1924.
Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Hannes were
guests Sunday at the wedding of Mr.
and Mrs. H 'a eouain, Miss Mary
Smith o f Ontario, who was married on
that day to Harry Weymire of Boise.
F L. Debord shipped two crates of
prime dressed turkeye to Portland
J. S. Glascock want to Ontario the
first of the week to see about dispos
ing o f his turkeys, o f which he has
50 fine ones.
Consul'ation ami La
Postal Regulations
Pack articles carefully in strong,
durable containers.
Wrap parcels securely but do not
seal them -except whan bearing a
printed label or indorsement reeding:
"Contents merchandise, fourth class
mail. Postmaster: This parcel may
be opened for postal inspection if
reseessvs " together with name and
aj.ireaa o sender, as staled paraela
not ao labeled or indorsed In printing
are subject to postage at tha latter
Mr. and Mrs. Len DeGoede and ton
John were sapper guests in the Kling
back home Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elliott were
dinner guests in tha Frank Stubbs
home in Nyssa Sunday.
Mr and Mr*. W.
and Mrs, Murphy
C. Kirhenberger
of Melba were
Nysn, Oil
Ostsepatkk IR
Oatsrit, ÛR
Office: Wilic» I #
Attorxey aid C«
Practise it
R. W. SWil
•'Fp.:rnvi r R . ^ : r n ’ t i«*fc; r , d
Attorney 8
Rooms 12 , 14,
D l«T R ia \ h'
Bob Overstreet and bia tractor have
been causing quite a comotion on the
Overstreet ranch lately, getting a
arop of fall wheat in.
Jimmie Huffman has been helping
Fred Kllngbaek with his eorn husking
during tha past week or so. Mr Kling-
back having raised an excellent crop
of corn on his upper ranch this year.
The past tew days have been quite
cold and remind one e f coming winter.
•Id-timers say tha signs—tight corn
husks on corn, extra heavy hair and
feathers on farm animals and fowls,
respaativaly, ate., inditate a long,
eold winter coming. A great many
farmers are preparing for such
weather, too, judging from the big
loads of sagebrush being taiiy hauled
in 6rom the hills,
tnal sad ooiiiimsoimie.a assessed Ibe
benefits and damages ana hied ibsir
report, as provided in 3aclion 7X5»
Olson's Oregon Laws; that rtra prop)
usty owners ami all uiier.siea persons
weie notiusd af ibe hung ef tat- com­
missioners said report, as provided in
Section 7260, Uleon’s Dragon Laws
that no oroar or decree has been’
made by said court couhrming said
commissioners' report; that the said
oniel engineer has mane his further
soiveya for a ehangs in th,
Heelatnaiton anu made a report
thereof in writing to the heard ot sa
; pervisors with maps .„d peofilos of
, •*,d • « » • * » . WHICH «p ort contains a
Changed plan l»r Uramiag and re
claiming the tanas describe.) in the
petition praying tor the cogamxation
W‘11Cl1 **i* «hanged
Flan for Keciamauon, ” s u o ».“ .*
in the report of eaid chief engineer
has been adopted by th. ,.,q »J ,rd 0[
J. F. Ret-ee___ . . . .
S M. Stewart____
Wm. Peulk___ . . .
® L Fieher______
Spaulding MSg.Co.
Malheur Ceunty...
•nd figure, a. follows, t0wit:
W° rd'
I o Board of Supervisors, Owyha#
Drainage District
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elliett sold 26
head e f lambs they had raised by
band to Mr. Butler of Arcadia. They
averaged $6 76 each.
Mr. and Mra. Alvin McGinBis and
soo James and Mr. and Mrs Andrew
McGinnis were dinner guests in the J.
P. McGinnis home Sunday.
Prepay postage on all mail matter«
Address all matter plainly and com­
pletely ia ink, giving street address
or box number whenever possible.
Plaac sender's return card in uppe»
left corner o f address side.
Caner Ka
Special Coyote Poison
Aecording to County Agricultural
Agent L. R. Breithaupt the special
coyote poison inventdd by the U. S.
Biological Survey a couple of years
ago is proving pretty popular with the
Bheepmen and coyote hunters in Mal­
heur county. They are finding out
about it over in Harney county and in
auctions of Idaho and Nevada border­
ing on Malheur, too.
quantities of the poison is being ob­
tained from Mr. Breightaupt’e office
to be used ill eradicating coyotes over
thia wide territory, although tha
greatest demand has come from resi­
dents of Malheur county as yet.
Stanley Jewett, who represents the
U. S Biological Survey on predatory
animal control, is greatly elated over
the succass his hunters, and sheep,
met and trappers as well, are having
with this new processed strychnine.
It it used in baits, directions for mak
Ing, as well as tha strychnine, being
obtainable by getting in touch with
Country Age it B-elthaupt at Ontario,
Oregon. Many accounts are told by
see ring
A crbags S x r v io :
Popular in
u latrici cmibtoiore oigmiUMU, t«»pcw i
Iaformal Dance
will give an informal dance in
the Parish Hall on Friday,
November 21
will be served during the eve­
Everyone is cordially
invited to attend.
Our Prices Are
0 Lt. t m D . r , tu « uiny ei«ck«u, qutni
u«u au a ucutsg n o m a oi duperyiboib
aary amount for Christmas. The next
meeting will be held with Mr». Mar.
tha Klingbaca, an Thursday afterneon,
December 4 A good attendance is
^ oti
desired on that date, aa there is im m'n 11
portant business to bs settled.
who, c
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Johns, from near iani^ e
Watson were over night guests in the 29 To
The state highway crew, whieh for Elliott home Monday.
the past month has been fixing up the
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Lowa, Mrs. R. of *'its
Oregon Trail between Nyesa and Elliott, Mrs Chas. Fisher and Mrs. rfl Pa
Cairo, finished the job last Saturday Frank Fry »ttended the county council to ®*‘ r
and moved to Ontario. They certainly of the P. T. A at Vale last Saturday descril
le ft a fine piece of work benind them, and report a very interesting meeting ceiver
the highway now being almost per­ Tim council has been invited to hold Oregc
fect. The crew is now engaged in its next regular meeting, in April, at 1924
smoothing up the highway between the Rend (Wade) school house, where
Vale and Ontario.
a free dinner will be served by their
D. P
P. T. A. to ail paid up P. T. A roem Bean,
here who attend So muah for one Kon'
enterprising community! The offer
was much appreciated and instantly
The ladies o f St. Paul’s Guild
N o t i,
Ontario, W
m a GE
.I|M * ‘‘">8 ‘ he west bank o t i L
Office at Reside««.
»lusg the bank of the
i V iitriir
x i : r • k0Ut E - M-
.V F ® ^
• to the west nnd south-
r*lns that will c, t ofT
the water comin
the aistrist was " ! ,n .*° ‘ ho la ds Of
desirabl. m,tf,0l
“ • most
The following
of this report-
C°W‘"th" M‘lheUr
t u '» £ undersigned, Wm Peutx
John F. Rears and C L, F.iher being
2nV"*V*.rv ll]r ,w orr- * a,’ h for myself*
•"eVtU°*‘ h i"2yi Th,t 1 am /duly
■ ¡\x
.om . „ true a, I , . - iW b; n ; , e*nd th*
p u l'.
Wm. Peut*.
C. L. Fisher.
S S “ ,’ * ;;
. ,
ITO’* / «? "1#“ fc * poir*t • W south
ses tien 85° 20 4g* n#rth**, ‘ corner
Thense west 4600’.
Nyss*. O'*
h n o :% ;v V o X f: ; eT 4 e r i‘ in°d tn
Tbs Ideal Play Sud for OuMrst.
Ehrgood P*
S“ Pervi*"r.
within *th ***i.' STATE OF” oRIE*GrONt|ti0n* " '
((O V E R A L L S Keep Kids Kiean
C. K U N E E N B U 6
J . k ’ i f * r’ s “ Pecvieor.
To trade tea*
car, at Gamble
north of Nv»»*-
Mv ron,™i.B ®d8ett\ Not* ry P“ *»lic
7. 1924
" ° n , x " ireo December
Beginning at itatien 27 2 n
Reasonable Estas
V niropractors
Brudiord « Bradford.
**• Consultât**» am) ea
P*»f" sueemaf*
U e state of
L. *