THE GATE CITY JOlTRNAl. Dialriet No 12 C ha rte r No (P a id A d v e r t is e m e n t .) THE REPORT OP Which Will At N y ssa, in C O N D ITIO N OP T H E M A L M K l K COUNTY BANK the State of OreK,m at the Close of Basine*. October 10. 1024 RESOURCES Loom and diacuunta. induuirg rediirounls shown ui ■'*»» Vf- art aial :(0. if any ........ 0 «erd. »f to a . c u r . d and um -eru. e<1. . '~r 670.99 inc'uuil t ««««'Kt» t i c , t> tl.iao tl“ n ’ d n . a t u r e . $6,960.86........ (.»ther hondi. warainle ai d se.uiuii - «m inent, m ate, municipal. 30 * f9 34. 403.53; , -i- -*n, f i - u B anking in house Washington . . . NO Incoma Tax O regon...............INCOME TAX California . . . .NO Income Tax E S H il. \\ E HAVE EXAMINED cfpies of the document ry evidence as to tee effect of a 9 tate income tax upon Oregon We are satisfied as to the genuineness of the documents W e find that this evidence substantiates the claim that many millions of dollar, have been diverted from investment in Oregon industries that would provide a home market for Oregon agricu’« tural products. We find t h e damage is so serious and of such extint that we appeal to our neighbors and to voters in all parts of Oregon to vote for the repeal of the present income tax and to oppose the enactment of any new state income tax bill, at least until such time as the other Pacific Coast states have enacted similar leg.sla- t ;on so they cannot grow at Oregon’s expense. We do not object to paying a state income tax. but we do abject to imposing a tax that keeps capital out of our state, retards stste development and tends to leave o r larmers dependent upon dis tant markets. We resent the tendency to give Oregon the reputation of being a “backward state.” Oregon’s resources and the courage and enterprise cf her pioneer people entitle her to a great destiny. Let us all join hands to rid Oregon of legislation that handicaps Oregon development. READ THE NAMES OF THESE SIGNERS: 15 i ä , H ä « E S * Chíeckñ'on banks outside city or town o th e r cash (tema — -- . Tata! ca*b and d - e iron. ba- $ Oth. r • h U i if .ay, 4,570 47 15 364.36 96h 09 c Anything You Want „ in Paint and Vamish o í r e p o rtin g bunk and g „ Y . ™_ a S 10 i. d I I * r / T >0 J. ,0 > -W ^ ^ yQ Flat W a i L I Paint; in every Unt o™» Enamel: in ju et the shade you w an t' You can't get uniform or suhafactory reeulu union you can tecure the correct pruduct fur tbe particular job in mind -TTO U SB P ain t ra • la ■> u •• $465.110 96 T o t a l ......................................... L IB ILI H E S $ •£ ( oo on To meet your every Paint and Varnish requirem ent w o have »tucked a complete line of Devue Paint and Va. tush Product» (’»pilai stock paid i n ........ .......................... ...... *5 000.00 ».m ilM f . u l . . . . . . . . — ........................ . '¿4.610 Ï 4 la) Uiidi liö'i profil» ---- - . »lu uw ai 6 4Ü.88 (b| L ett :urra .t expenses, 'n t rs* » ' t t a x e s p a d »1-.- 41 1 ,1 » d i .l d a n n i t i s o o j . t t to t u x Pu: . iog depot t . due o- . U t . ,f O . 4 m. c a n t i , clu e i .r .1 " M b « H h -- - - -«• J J “ C n.hier’» er.eek* of n i bank .a i t e . l i 4 p » v « - e t n m i » -- Total of ,lern . n l dep > its. ot i r th in . ink depot.ts, •« iject «o reie rve, iti ms 23. 24. 25, 26, $1.5,0.6 u3 #,43 jq 27 c u r tid :atos of dep-wit oa ts ta id .it? Tots' of t i n i ani springs d pm«ts O .fah ,■ on d e m . n or j«ct to notica item i 27 and 28, $121,043.30 $46.>, 111.4» ^ ^ w , td j j 16 h Cay Hot* you may »elec! without BOISE FAYETTE Lumutain,u. N Y 8SA, OREGON . AUTHORIZED AGENT FOR* DEVOE PAINT AND VARNISH PROD -a.:..;..v e e v e - ■K a-i-H f ' f I * City Ticket For Mayor—C F. Eder. F o r Couneilmen—P. M. W arren, C L. McCoy, H F. Brown. Sid Bur bidge For tteeorder—A. X Millar. For T r e a s u r e r - O G. Bauer. Don’t fever, Lowe’s lost one last week and Gaylor hafl one dte with milk fever. Friends will be eorry to learn th a t, while re tu rn in g from a week s visit with relatives in Walla Walla, Mr. and Mrs Ellis Walters and three younger eoi.a were victims of an au to accident winch rjuive seriously in- jured Mr. Walters. Blinded by the glaring lights of an a p proaihing car, Mr, Walters turned his car a little too far, g e ttin g into loose gravel on the grade, causing his bar to turn over, breaking the top and windshield The r e st of the family i sc-ped without bodily injury. Cliff Tillman went up and got the children and car, bringing them back to Oregon Trail district, where they are staying in the J. B. Sm>th and Johnson homes. Mrs. Wal ters is with her husband a t Hot Lake sanitarium, near which the accident occurred. Miss Myrtle Points and brother Frank have rente d the Boydell house across from the J. C. McConnell ra ch and will live there with their nephew t h a t he may a tte n d school Good 312 X Yes ! ■♦♦♦< * 4 Overlook the fact that can buy seeds cheaper in My co«nnii»»icii exoiree Dec. 7, 1924. Vote For Repeal E ATS i Hotel Western :: White Cooks m Nyssa • Grain Seed Co. l OREGON, NY MS A i|. ¡i.Ji ( ; , —(—I— f— f**H‘4 f..*.. u C R, Emison, Trustee, , tiffs, and Ontario Roller pary, a corporation, A 1 M ary E Ferguson 4 0«1 de m on, were defenaimu was rendered in favor 4 n a m e d plaintiffs, TkeOM Bank, a cor potation, ut. CU IH O PRA CTO K S | son. Trustee, and age« * nam ed defendant Onlarsl DUS. BRA D FO R D & B R A D F O R D Company, for the pm Two Tltouaand Five Hi C a r v e r Method 100 Dollars ($2 500.0«) Consultation a n d E x a m in a tio n F r e e One Thousand Dollars of from October It, 11 ‘X ^ N y s sa , Oregpn H undred Dollars Job fro m October 1st, 1% OSTEOPATHS T housand Dollars ($10011 t o b a r 8th. 1023, all at p e r c e n t (>0 percenOi DR. H A R R I E T S E A R S said nates, and forthfl O steopath ic Physician Two Hundred Fifty Ontario, Oregon a t t o r n e y ’s fers, an* l Office: Wilson Bldg., Over R a d e r s ’ t a x e d a t Twenty four which judgment wo docketed in the Clerk■ A T T O R N E Y * A T L AW C o u r t ill said Cointy* of September, 1924. E M. B L O D G ET T A tto rn ey a n d Counsellor a t L aw Practice in all c o u rts Nyssa, Oregon R. W. S W A G L E R A tto r n e y a t L aw Rooms 12, 14, 15, Wilson Bldg., O ntario, Oregon INSURANCE. W. B. H O X IE THEREFORE c u tio n aud order *f 1 T h u r s d a y , th e 6th 1924, a t tb e hour of i t h e fo r e n o o n of asidi m a in en tr a n c e doer i C o u r t H ouse at Vale, 1 O r e g o n , s e ll at public a t o r e d e m p tio s , to the 1 day* Fr f o r c a s h in hand, all a r d in t e r e s t of the* f e n d a n t s in and two I s c r ib e d real property.1 L o ts five (5), >•* 1 (7), block one ( 111), in the city off h e u r County, w it h ion« Pur Î hereditament'.1 ces, including me“ 1 1 c ated on said lill1 Office a t Residence, T hird and chinery in the b u iM j T aken and levied op«J Ehrgood Avenue. e r ty of the above :: N yssa , Oregon or •< much as ®*J M ] » a tis iy «vd judg*‘", ,|J O nta rio Rational Proprietress. Wanted and C. R a g a in s t the H * * 'l 1 I >»» To t r a d e tea m of horses fo r Ford ***inj “ Knlur^Milb rar, at Gamble Island, t h r . e milea ° i n n t e U r r e , s ° t R,,‘'er thereon, * - north of Nyssa. H e rm an T h ru m . o263 r o s ta and duburi«®* | mav accrue Dated at ValeJ Onf* I of September, !«*■ INSURAN CE Mrs. Frank Edwards : I 01 Quick Service I Notice of ¡Sheriff’s Sale CALL THE lea Our Prices Are Patronage day afternoon at the Rippy home in 800 M O RE SIGNERS o f a b o v e a p p ea l; MORS THAN 1500 CONTRIBUTORS to the Apple Val>ey. e x p e n s e of g e t t i n g f a eta b e e f o r e v o t e r » ; s ig n e r » and c o n tr ib u te * a live in ALL P a r t s o p O r e g o n ; t h is a d v e r t is e m e n t i s is s u e d by C 6 C h a p m a n , F d ito r o f A number of community people went th e O re g o n Voter, in it ia t o r e f r e p e a l m e a s u r e ; r e a id e n c e 16# L ownsdale S t . to see ‘'The Covered W agon” a t the P o r tla n d , O r e g o n . Bend pavijlion Monday evening— among them Glaseocks, F e n n ’s, Mc Ginnis’ DeBord* and Sehweizer’s. " « » * H ++++++++++++4-Ï++++ t » + + + + + + W W M * * * * * * * * * * The local P T. A. had a good meet ing Friday Owing to illr.-ss. Presi dent Mrs Kliintt was absent and Vice President Mrs. Klingbark presided A CIGAR STORE survey was taken of requirements to mako our school standard aad it wai - L ¡ Individual:induct Public. Owyhee Dray Line Devue lixpjrtmaii, reo.urcmentj rftlaa "*»*w f f — mm (Ji , ‘ r L ’ O r,' fruit qarszin, G L Phillips Directora Subscribed a r d sworn to b e fo r e me tbi Miss R M Steiwer, Spray S C Crawford, Jordan Valley F L Meyers LaGrande H W Gahari, Jordan Valley Kathleen M Thornton, Lakeview W li Helm, Jordan Valley Kellie May Hill, Lexington D L) Joslyn. Jordan Valley M L Boyd, Dallas Bert C Palmer, Jordan Valley The above it the tic ke t selected at Oscar Hayter. Dallas Eugene Hayte., Dallas th e m ee ting held Thur»dny evening to Fred J Palmer. Jordan Valley | Louis E Bean, Eugene place in nomination condidate* for the E M BloJgett, Nyssa various city offices. Mayor P M iH H Hendricks. Fossil J P Dunaway, Nyssa W arren w a a c h ten aa chairm an at.d ' A J Egan. G^rvais A L Cockrum, Ontario J. P. B a x te r waa cuosen s e c re ta r y . Homer W Egan, Gervais There were th ree nominations made W F Homan. Ontario W W Lloyd, Halfway C E Woodson, Heppner (or m ayor—t . F Eder, H. F Brown. E C Van Petten, Ontario b'erd Groner, Hillsboro L. B. Hamakcr. a!l of whem re spec t W S Brown, Vale Blanche cook, Jacksonville fully declined th e honor. An impns M G Hope, Vale D I) Joslyn, Jordon Valley sioned appeal by E. M. B lodgett sic J P Houston, Vale G W Marvin, ¡silver lake onded by numerous others, however, Jay H Dobbin, Joseph S W Hoech, The Dalles caused &fr Eder to re le nt and allow H S Brimhall, Tillamook his name to be voted on The three Sam Litch, Enterprise C D Rorer, Eugene names were balloted upon, resulting Porter J Neff, Medford S c Miller, Dillard in Mr E d e t ’s alm ost unanimous elec A L Mills. Portland J Frank Adams. Merrill tion. Frank E Andrews, Portland Fred w Falconer There were five nominations f t r H D Norton, Grants Pass Mac Hoke, Pen ¡let; n couneilmen—P. M. W arren, H. F. Mr and Mrs. Ctias. Points left last R M Fox, Portland Brown, C L JUoCoy, Sid Hurbidge, John S Orth, Medford Jay Cibson, Gaston C. F Miller The following w. re ■week tor a w in ter’s sojourn in The James Pelton, Fort Kalamath Gertrude C Glover, Klamath Falls elected: W arren, Brown, Met oy, Da.les. C C Clark, Arlington Charles H Castner, Hood River Burbidge. F r td S n iv e ly and John Bigelow were P A Frakes.Scappoose Charles Kay, cloverdale r o r Keeorder—A. H Millar was the overnight gue sts iri the Peulz home Charles W Ellis, Burns G M Rice, Pendleton only nominee and he was elected by ' Sunday. Frank Branch Riley. Portland acclamation. B H Draper, Salem Mr. and Mrs. Ed Henness of Kuna A B Robertson, Condon For T r e a s u r e r —O. G. Bauer was »«e visiting the home folks this week, C D Teats, Riekreall J E Roman, Astoria the only m mince and he vas .eciiiJ >n,j Mr9 Fred Klingbuek and Charles E Gates, Medford E C Sammons. Portland by a cc la m ai’on. family were dinner guests at DeBocd’s Arthur M Churchill, Portland chas J Shelton, Baker Sunday. ^ H VV Collins, Pendleton A A Smith, Baker Harry P.usseil is doing the ccmmun Dan r Smythe, Pendleton O S Blanchard, Grants Pass ity a good turn lately, having killed Conrad Strafrm, Dallas Thomas Gavin, Shaniko four coyotes and two skunks. Geo W Steel hammer, S'lverton Miss Marian Lowe and Mr. Carl C. j Charles H Stewart, Portland Mark N Tisdale, Sutherlin Mrs. Robert Elliott a tte n d ed the Quackenbush were married at the: J W Mayo, Stay ton N G Wallace, prineville _ . . . . . . , R t b e k . h convention in Vale WedneB- Bpiseopel rectory in Lewiston, Ida., j Phil Metschau, Portland carl G Washburn, Eugene day. on Ootober 4, 1924 A D Moe. Hood River T c wheeler. Cottage Grove Mrs Quackenbusb, t h e _______ ..., j , daughte _ r of Charles Hall, Marshfield J L Gault, Corvallis Outo tops repaired a t the Nyssa Mr and Mrs. T. M, Lowe, is well S P Peirc«, Sixes Shoe Shop. known and highly esteemed here. She ________________ J C Perry, Salem was g r a duated from Whitman rolleg« patsy Daly. Prairie City in 1923, where she w p a member of L B arnum , T he Dalles Robt W Sawyer, Bend •+-H-+*+ + + ♦ + + + ♦ ; L J Chapin, Salem Delta G am ma Sorority and of tbe ns-* * Josaph J Keber. Mt Angel E G Kave'l. L akeview tionai Phi Beta Kappa. Since t h e n , T Alta B Smith, pilot Kock A u g u s t J S t a n c e . LaG rande she has been teaching in the high T W C McKinney, Portland E G K nratli, Hillsboro school a t W aitsburg. D H Robbins, Molalla Jean K LasBwell, Oakland Mr. Quackenbush, who panticipated Hal B Hot», Oregon City Charles T Bennett, Mosier Wm H O a u g h tie y , Echo in naval activities during the w ar, is a V L Dandy; Myrtle Point g r a d u a t e of the Minnesota University F H Churchill, Roseburg and tho a t present principal of the Fred H Hopkins, Medford AT W a i t s b u r g school, is now taking a law ? Wm J Liljequist, McMinnville W C Dalton, K la m a th Falla course. Frieads here unite in wish S L Parrett, Newt-erg P F t handler. Canyon City. ing th e young couple a long, proiper H G Enders, Jr, Ashland W C S t e w a r t, Dayville ous and happy married life together. W S F erguson, A thena Fred Hollister, North Bend S a r d Madras H Wayne Stanard, Brownsville F H S W Burt, H untington J J Donegan, Burns F H Gauike, Joseph B e ar in mind the haOcwe'on e n te r The best the market af- W c Leever, central Point C P bishop, Salem ta i n m e n t a t the school house on Fri • ■ ford» in great abundance F l b e r t Bede, C o t ta g e Grove H W Young, coquille day avaning, October 31. Neighbor Genrge W H o b b s, S dverten and variety. C E Ingalls, Corvallis ing eemmnnVties are al.o invited to O E ln g lit, Corvallis L D Scarborough, cres^eM A D L ea vitt, K la m a th Fall eome and help us have a jolly time J J Roberts, Redmond F D McCully, Joa. ph A number of young folks, mostly L ana Miller, N ew port M G Hope. Vale school students, climbed Mitchell Will M P e te r s o n . Pendleton W L Thompson Paul E Pollman. Baker Butte Sunday, some on horseback. L A Wright, Union C 0 Portwood, Fnaeil L. G. DeBird and ni ees, Mildred Mrs Lewis A McArthur,Portland K e ith Powell. Woodbarn S o lic ite d : and Evelyn DeBord, were gaeats 8u n» * » George P u tn a m . Salem Mr» c E McDowell: prineville ii NYSSA BARBER SHOP !i ii jj City founded on 6v* ,,u restriction and buy with hill confi dence knowing that you am getting Devue Supreme Quality “ eveey STATE OF OREGON, Countv of Vnlheur. S3 , . . , weHr th, t 1, J P D u te w tv . e*«hi -r of t h - i h ' f n i n s J bank d > aolemnly »wear in ..I oe ief. the ab>v * s « t i nani, la rue to the b a it o in .' k i «<1, Ige, 4 J r D U N ..W A Y , C shier Correct- A t t e . t: If you vant t Son in all Paint y come 'e our start \ reliable advice n product and prog»» By v ir tu e of an execution io f o re elosura duly i 89U, d by t h e Clerk of the Circuit Court of tho S t a t e of Oregon, for th s County of Malheur, d a te d th e 25th day of September, 1924, and di rected to me, upon a decree and o rd e r of sale rendered in said C c u r t on th e -3rd day of S e p te m b e r, 1924, in a c e r tain suit in the Circuit C ourt for said S tate and County, w herein t h e O n ta Sf