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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1924)
T H E G A T E C IT Y JO U R N A L DEM AND H m Wectf • B ob Took Over 100,000 people have testified that T A N L A C has relieved them o f; Stomach Trouble, Rheumatism, Mai-Nutrition, Sleeplessness, Nervousness, Loss o f Appetite, Loss of W eight, Torpid Liver or Constipation. “ Ask Anyone Who Has Taken T A N L A C * O T U M MILLION SOTTLSS SOLO O dd T h in g s T h a t H ap p en A London paper draws attention to two odd things that have recently happened at sea which must make an appeal even to a dull imagination. One was a collision between an air plane and a steamer; the other was a curious case of damage to an airplane rising over the Dorset coast. The damage was first seen from land and was notified to the pilot in the sky by a wireless message. The pilot was instructed to make for the sea and land in shallow water, which he did, being picked up by a rowing boat. BACK ACH Y? Lame and achy in the morning? Tor tured with backache all day long? No won^r you feel worn out and discour- agaHUiut have you given any thought to your kidneys? Weak kidneys cause just such troubles; and you are likely to have headaches, too, with dizziness, stabbing pains and other kidney irreg ularities. Don’t risk neglect! Use Doan's P ills , a stimulant diuretic to the kidneys. Doan's have helped thou sands. They should help you. Ask your neighbor! A Utah Case Mrs. S. J. D ov- less, 191 F ift h E. N orth St., Payson , Utah, sa ys: “ My k id n eys w e re w ea k and acted ir r e g u la rly . I had a du ll ache th rou gh my b a c k t h a t made me m ise ra ble, and sharp, j t w in g in g p a i n s i seized me. W h e n I I g o t up from a stooped p o sition I becam e d iz z y and b la ck spots danced b e fo re m y eyes. A ft e r u s in g a box o f D oan’s P ills I f e lt fine.” D O A N ’S 1^ The Red Line Trai! By CRITTENDEN MARRIOTT Copyright. W. O. Chapman THE HANDKERCHIEF. 8 Y N O P 8 I8 .— T h ro w n from his auto In & N ew T o r k v illa g e , a man Is ca rried unconscious Into ths hom e o f a M iss E d ith Grant. A d octor discovers he has been shot, fa ta lly . Consciousness r e turning, he babbles o f •’m illion s.’' H e begs th at H e n ry Archm an, m illio n a ire residen t o f the v ic in ity, be sent for, d e cla rin g he has Im portan t papers fo r him. A rc h man cannot be reached by phone, but w ord Is sent that his secre ta r y Is on the w ay. A man an nou ncing h lm eelf ae A rchm an 's secreta ry. A kin , a rrives, talk s w ith Morbach, and leaves w ith a p a ck ag e he g iv e s him. M orbach dies. Archm an e a rriv a l, w ith his secreta ry, rev ea ls th at the man posin g as A k in is an im postor. A rchm an denounces E dith G rant as a g ir l en d ea vo rin g to snare his son H a rry . Archm an, It a p pears, his m illion s made In C h i cago. has yield ed to the im p or tu n ities o f his fa m ily — his w ife, d au gh ters N ellie and Bessie (s e v enteen yea rs o ld ), and son H a rry — and m oved to N ew Y o r k In an en deavor to gain rec og n itio n by the F ou r Hundred. T h ey have not succeeded. Mrs. Archm an Is b itte r o v er her fa ilu re, p a rtic u la rly m ourning the fa ct that she has not been “ tak en up’’ by a Mrs. Van K u ll. A rchm an orders N e llie tq g e t ready fo r a lon g Journey w ith him. H e refuses to rev ea l th eir destination to his w ife , d e cla rin g It Is “ not his se c re t." N e llie tells Bess she Is In love w ith James Carr, a youth w o r k in g on A rchm an s ship. El Rio. She g iv e s Bess a m essage fo r him. Arohm an and N ellie de part. H a rry te lls Bess o f his de term in ation to m arry E dith Grant. Mrs. Archm an receives a map, w ith the explanation that it w as am ong M orbach’s papers, and s u g g e s tin g she fo rw a rd it to Mr. Archm an. L ord G eo rg e Caruthers, tra v e lin g E nglishm an, a rriv es at the A rchm an home, by Invitation . H e m akes a good impression. Bess m eets C arr and tells him her sis te r’s m essage. She learns from him th at “ E d ith G ran t’ ’ Is his sister. H e says he loves N e l lie. Mrs. Archm ari takes Bess and H a rr y and C aru th ers and sails w ith C aptain B un ker on the E l R io to meet her husband. A Miss Denslow, en ga ged as g o v erness fo r Bess, and A kin, sail w ith the party. C aptain B unker has sealed orders. Miss D en slow and Caruthers, It appears, have m et b efore. T h ey decide to keep It a secret. Bess finds a note u rg in g her to w a rn Captain B un k e r to guard his Instructions. She thinks it a Joke, but p la y fu lly w arns the captain she w ill see them b e fo re he does. she said. She was very young and her heart was beating furiously, but she spoke with dignity. "It Is mine,” the repeated, "but I have no Idea how It got Into your safe. Certainly I did not leave It there. I did not open your safe. I didn’t even aee your safe. I never dreamed of violating my father's wishes. I had reason to believe that some one else might try to get at those Instructions and I tried to warn you. I seem to have failed." “Good heavens 1" Captain Bunker stared. “ But— but—the handkerchief I" he protested. “ Whoever broke In evidently left It there accidentally or In order to make you suspect me. Plainly, he suc ceeded." Captain Bunker Ignored the In nuendo. “ But,” he protested again, "you suspected that— What do you mean? Whom did you suspect?” “ I don’t know.” "You don’t know whom you sus pected ?” “ N o; I don’t. Some one— I don’t know who— left a note In my state room asking me to warn you to be careful, that an attempt might be made to get at the papers. I thought Is was a hoax, but I warned you nev ertheless. But my warning failed.” "But who wrote the note?” “ I don’t know. I found It on the dresser In my stateroom." “ But who left It there? You must have some suspicion.” Bess shook her head. “ I haven’t an Idea,” she said. “ At flrst I thought It might be Harry trying to play a Joke on me. Now I don’t know what to think.” "But you must think 1 Listen to me. I opened the safe this afternoon. I unlocked the Inner drawer and looked at the packet. It was secure, Just as It was when I put It there three days ago. I locked It up again. I locked the safe. I will swear to It. H alf an hour ago I opened It again. The lock of the Inner drawer was broken. The paeket had been opened and sealed up again neatly. Yonr handkerchief lay beneath It. I f It had not been for the broken lock, I might not have noticed that the safe had been entered and might not have thought anything of your handkerchief being there. But the lock spoke for Itself. I opened the envelope and read the Instructions. They were explicit. They ordered me C H APTER V III— Continued — 10“ Bess glanced up at the bridge where STIMULANT DIURETIC TO THE KIDNEYS Captain Bunker's form was outlined Fottcr-Milbura C o. Mfg. Chem., Buffalo, N. Y. against the sunset. Then she turned back to Lord George, as If to speak. Bnt the Kngllshman anticipated her. ® 1 »J "That really was a bottle n ow !” he cried. "It was, ’pon my word. Did you see It?” "Y e s; I saw It.” Bess spoke short Reduces Bursal Enlarge* ly. Her vague suspicions suddenly I ments. Thickened, Swollen flattened. T is s u e s , C n r b s , F i l l e d “ Jolly good shot. What?” Tendons S oren ess from “ Yes; It was a good shot. Where B rn ises or Strains; stops Spavin Lameness, allays pain. do you suppose those bottles came Does not blister, remove the from?” hair or lay up the horse. Only “ Where? Oh, I fancy somebody a few drops required at aach tossed them overboard up forward application. $2.50 a bottle at somewhere. Er— Captain Bunker must uggists or delivered. Book 1 A free. have opened his Instructions. What?” W. F. YOUNG. lac.. Sn Lnua St. 3pm, f„ld. Mu,. Bess started. Undoubtedly that was the explanation of the change, of course. “ H I go see!” she cried, and raced forward. Captain Bunker was on the bridge. If he saw Bess ascending the ladder to his perch, he showed no signs of his perception. His broad back and indeed his whole attitude was re haarlem oil has been a world pellent. Almost Bess hesitated. wide remedy for kidney, liver and Almost, but not quite. Curiosity bladder disorders, rheumatism, drove her on. “Captain l” she said lumbago and uric acid conditions. timidly. Captain Bunker turned. His face was forbidding. “ Miss Archman,” he said coldly, “ can I do anything for you?" Suppressed anger thrilled In his tones. Bess faltered. "N o—nothing." she correct internal troubles, stimulate vital jtammered. “ I only wanted to ask— organs. Three sizes. All druggists. Insist ask whether you had opened the In on the original genuine G o l d M e d a l . structions yet?” She tried to make her tones light, hut failed lamentably. What could be the matter? she won dered. “ Yes; I have opened them.” Cap 01 Disfiguring Blemishes tain Bunker’s face grew grimmer. Ab ruptly he turned upon the girl. "Miss Archman,” he said, “ when yon threat Sample Soap. Ointment. Talcum fre e Addreaa: ened to see those Instructions before Cntlcar» 1 »h e ra te fltr P i f t M, ________ I did, I thought you were Joking. I did not dream that you would attempt L eg en d o f U n ico rn to carry out so dishonorable a threat, Medieval conception of the unicorn or that yon could succeed even If you ns possessing great strength nod did attempt ft.” fierceness may have been partly due “ W h y! I—I— I—Good gracious! I to the fact that In certain passages was Joking, of course.” Bess' face o f the Old Testament, the word R ’em lengthened with dismay. "How dare (translated in the authorized version, yon speak this way to me?" she burst unicorn) refers to a two-homed an out. imal, savage and quarrelsome, sub “ I fancy you know why.” Bitter dued to gentleness only at the side ness rang In Captain Bunker's tones. of a virgin. The Idea of purity is " I do not know how yon got Into my Included In the significance o f the uni safe. Miss Archman.” he said. "True, com used In many coats of arms. It was old-fashioned. But I compli ment you on your extraordinary skill In opening It. Bnt I cannot compli ment you on your respect for your father's wishes or on your carefulness In hiding your tracks.” The captain rid your system o f CatarTh or Deafness plnnged his hand Into his pocket and caused by Catarrh. drew out * bit of cambric. “ Permit Seld y-y druggists fo r o rrr 40 y o n (he to return yonr handkerchief, Miss P. J. C H E N E Y & CO., Toledo* Ohio Archman," he said. “ You left It In the broken drawer In the safe.” SAVE YOUR EYES! Bess took the handkerchief. Her Thompson's By*water Ua-' s Dr. Tfc. r Bn y at roar druggists or lips had grown qnlte white. Silently, 11« r Elver. Troy. N.Y. Booklet she scanned It, Identifying It by the mark In tbe corner. Then she lifted Wonderful for dusting, poi eye« to Captain Bunker. “This Is and L iq u id Va handkerchief. Captain Bunker.” Use Cuticura Hall’s Catarrh Medicine N t h i — ts s y g AFTER BABY ARRIVES Many Mothers W eak, Nervous Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Helps to Restore Health A great many letters similar to the following recommend Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound aa a won derful medicine for bringing the new mother back to normal health and strength. I t is an excellent restorative, con tains no harmful drugs, and can be taken in safety by a nursing mother. Thousands o f mothers who have regained their strength by taking It are its best recommendation. Why pot take it yourself ? Now Well Again Milwaukee, Wisconsin.—“ A fte r I had my second child I fe lt sick and nervous and could not do much. Then after the other baby came I was worse than ever. I suffered this way for a long time and did not know what to do. I was looking over my cook books, and found one o f your little books and I sat down and read every page. Then I bought a bottle of Lydia EL Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound anj took four bottles o f it before I stopped, and now I am well again. I always recommend the Vegetable Compound to my frien d « ” —Mrs. J o h n MrrzKS, 773 8th A ve., Milwaukee, Wis. Buffalo, N. Y . - “ My health got worse after my little girl’ s birth, and my mother advised me to try Lydia EL Pinkham’a Vegetable Compound aa Painters at C hina’s M e rc y CHAPTER IX In many respects the painter today Is at the mercy of the Chinese work From the Taffrail. men for without China bristles, now Dark fore and aft except for the since the Russian supply has been tiny sheltered light that Illumined the decidedly cut off, the price o f paint compass, the El Rio steamed along brushes would soar. The situation southward. Captain Bunker was vio was extremely critical for a time dur lating the most stringent rules of the ing and after the war, but it is more sea, and was running no slight risk stabilized today. In his elTorts to throw his pursuer off the track. Until the swift-paced tropic night descended, he had continued his west ward course, knowing full well that his change of direction must have been betrayed by the vessel’s smoke. Then, when darkness had screened his move ments, he put out his lights and sped eight or ten miles southward; then Mother 1 Fletcher’s Castoria has turned and ran eastward for twenty been In use for over 30 years as a miles or m ore; then veered to the pleasant, harmless substitute for southeast and ran on through the Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops night. and Soothing Syrups. Contains no Whether he had thrown his pur narcotics. Proven directions are on suer off the track, he did not know. each package. Physicians everywhere Once or twice he stopped his engines and listened, Bllently and Intently, Does H e F e a r a W e ttin ? without hearing any measured pro- “ I see that Sim’s new portrait of pelller beHt behind him. This, of King George Is being severely criti course, was not conclusive, but It was cized. What do you think o f it?” encouraging. “Too much flashy clothes for this About midnight he stopped again— time and age.” this time for longer than before. Or "W ell, I think myself he'd look bet ders for silence fore and aft were ter without that swell reigneoat he's passed quietly through the ship, and wearing." the low hum from fo'castle and from poop died away. For a time the hiss ing of the water along the sides con tinued, then It ended as the El Rio lost way. For perhaps five minutes the ship lay quiescent; then, abruptly, the screw began to revolve. The El Rio was off once more. There is only one medicine that really Captain Bunker had been occupied stands out pre-eminent as a medicine for not only by his efforts to throw the curable ailments of the kidneys, liver and supposed pursuer off the track, but bladder. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root stands the also by an attempt to discover the spy highest for the reason that it has proven who had robbed the safe. This proved to be just the remedy needed in thousands to be extremely difficult. Every one upon thousands of distressing cases. on hoard who might reasonably have Swamp-Root make» friends quickly because been suspected of committing the rob its mild and immediate effect is soon real bery seemed to he above suspicion, ized in most cases. It is a gentle, healing compound. and were able to prove a perfect alibi. vegetable Start treatment at once. Sold at all Into the bargain. drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium Very speedily the captain demon and large. strated to his own dissatisfaction that However, if you wish first to test this the steward. James Price, whom he great preparation, send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a had flrst suspected, had been forward with the men during the entire time sample bottle. When writing, be sure and mention this paper.—Advertisement. available for the robbery. to go to a certain Island. They warned me that I should probably be followed by one or more ships. They told me to evade them at all hazards— that It was a matter of life and death. Life and death, you understand. And here — here— I ’ve simply got to find out who's on hoard spying for them, be fore It Is too late. And you've got to help me. Consider a moment. Who could have gotten Into your stateroom? Did you leave It locked?" “ No.” "Then anybody who could have come aft could have gone In. We may take It that It wasn’t your or your mother or your brother. How about Miss Den»- lo w r “ Miss Denslow I” Bess cried out the word. "Oh. It conldn't have been Miss Denslow! We haven't known her very long, but she came to us from Miss Van Kull. Of course. It couldn’t have been she." "Humph!” Captain Bunker seemed only half sntlsfled. "I'm glad. Miss Denslow seems a very pleasant lady and I’d hate to think her guilty of such treachery. How about Lord George? I suppose he Is a genuine nobleman?” “ Genuine! Good gracious! Mother would have a duck fit If he wasn’t. She met him— Oh. of course. What was I thinking abont! The British ambassador Introduced him to Mrs. I ’axton, and Mrs. Baxton 'ntrodoced him to mother." “ How about your maid?" “ We’ve had her for years and years. Besides, I know her writing, and thla wasn’t a bit like It.” ’’That settles the passengers.” Cap tain Bunker tugged at hla beard. “ I’ve had my officers for years, and can trust them. That leaves only the crew. Only the steward Is allowed a ft He’s new to me. Have you no ticed him?" Bes* nodded. “Yes,” she said, f “That 1® I've noticed him casually. I it bad done her so much good. I bad headaches and tired feelings, with no ambition, also pains at times so it hurt me to walk. With the Vegetable Compound I took Lydia El Pink ham's Blood Medicine and used Lydia El Pinkham’s Sanative Wash, and 1 have been greatly helped. I do hope you will use my letter as a testimonial as it will help other women.” —Mrs. G eorge S hoemaker , 848 EmsUe St., Buffalo, N. Y. Followed Friend*« Advice Vienna, South Dakota. — “ A fte r my second child was bern I was com pletely run-down and didn’t care for anything. I had sharp pains in my sides ana a white discharge and was nervous and weak. I didn’t seem to care how I neglected my work. A friend told me about Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound and I took it fo r two months the first time and one month the last time. I t has helped me in a great many ways and the pains have le ft me entirely. I cer tainly wish you to know how much benefit I have received.’ ’—Mrs. G .W . F r e e m a n , Vienna, Sooth Dakota. Such letters and a successful rec ord o f fifty years should convince every ailing woman that Lydia El Pinknam’s vegetable Compound is the medicine she needs. For sale by druggists everywhere. Learned H is Lesson "I notice that you courteously re frain from mentioning the name of your political rival In your speeches.” " I t ’s more a matter of discretion than o f courtesy. I once started to denounce n rival, and as soon as I mentioned his name the audience hurst Into deafening and continuous applause.” —Boston Transcript. Children Cry for “Castoria” Especially Prepared for Infants and Children of All Ages SWAMP-R00TF0R KIDNEY AILMENTS FOR O V E R 200 Y E A R S Clear Your Skin le ooks rather above a eteward’i place. But—* “I guess he*a the thief. HI attend to him, all right.” Captain Bunker's Jaws set themselves grimly. "But I’m afraid It’s too late to stop him from sending word to his employers I” ” HIs employers?" “ Yes. Of course, he'» not working for himself. He's working for the peo ple who murdered that man Morbach and who stole the map. When they found that It didn't tell where tbe Is land was, they sent It to your mother and then managed to follow her. There Isn't a doubt of It. And— and— ” Captain Bunker turned on his heel and pointed toward the northern hori zon, now dark with the shadows of coming night. “ Look,” he said. "Prob ably you can't see It, but that smoka yonder cornea from a boat that has been hanging on my heels ever since we left New York. It Is swift, amaz ingly swift, and silent, amazingly si lent. It comes without lights. But once In so often a flash of sparks from Its funnel betrays Its presence. It’s following us. trying to And out where we are going. And some scoundrelly spy on board of us Is helping It. And— and” — Captain Bunker choked— “no doubt he's sent the Information long ago.” Bess’ face wrinkled with perplexity. "But how could he send It?" she quea- tloned. “ Probably In a bottle with a flag and with its cork rubbed with phosphorus I f he tossed enough of them over board his masters would find one.” Bess’ face cleared. “ Don't worry about bottles, captain.” she said con solingly. "Lord George has been sit ting at the stern all afternoon, break ing them with rifle bullets.” Man Evidently there le a spy on board. Who it it? And what ship is following the El Rio? The grandest night In the w i l d Is h man; the saddest sight in the world is the wreck of a man; the noblest work In the world la the building of n man.—L. Wilbur Messer. (TO BE CONTINUED.) F irs t D iv o rc e C ou rt The first divorce court in England was Instituted In 18.r)8. The court con sisted of three Judges. At the flrst sitting five marriages were dissolved, and In the first year of the court's op eration 88 divorces were granted out of 288 petitions. From the time of the Reformation up to 1858 there had been but 317 divorcee In England. granted by acts of parliament. Until the passing of the divorce act In 1888 the theory In English law regarding divorce was the same aa that of the Roman Catholic church, although In practice this rule was not strictly ad hered to, and wealthy and Influential persons, through parliament, secured freedom from galling ties. The divorce act provided that the wronged hus band could he released from hla obli gation to an unfaithful wife, hut gave no such recourse to an Injured wife, unless the husband's offense In this direction was aggravated ny other of fenses. recommend IL The kind you have always bought bears signature of L u ck y Crim inals The Bragunza, one of the largest diamonds In the world, was found by three criminals, who had been sent Into exile among the cannibal tribes and wild beasts In the Brazilian In terior. They took the stone to a priest, who turned It over to the gov ernor. The gem became the glory of the crown Jewels of Portugal, and the king, In gratitude, pardoned the exiles. For Pain Neuralgia Lumbago Headache Rheumatism Colds Accept only a Bayer package whichcontains proven directions Handy “ Bayer” boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100— Druggists Aspirin Is the trad* mark o f Btyrr Mann- facture o f Monoacctlcaddeater o f Sallcylloacld •"l" •• ' 1 — ■' ... .1 ST-U’ . ..z- 1 W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 36-1924. Freshen a Heavy 8kin With the antiseptic, fascinating Cuti cura Talcum Powder, an exquisitely in d e stru ctib le scented, economical face, skin, baby Customer—Are the stove lids inde and dusting powder and perfume. structible? Renders other perfumes superfluous. Clerk—Yes, to he sure. One of the Cuticura Toilet Trio (Soap, Customer— I’ll take one of this size. j Ointment, Talcum).— Advertisement. Clerk—Better take two; you might I break one.—Good Hardware. [ P a in fu l O ccasion , He who says that he never made j “ Well, how did you enjoy your visit a mistake in hin life is probably mltv j to the dentist’s?” taken. 1 “ I was bored to tqars.” Builders o f Success Building creative mental pictures la your main Job—your moat Important I activity. You secure the material for these pictures from desirable associa tions, people you respect and admire. j books which have a recognized vahia things which are ronatrurtlve and In spirational. Yonr friends, your books, yonr Interests, decide your success Select them with c a r« W h e r e w ill you s h o o t this F a ll? Moat o f the best hunting country is posted. What’s the answer? Send for this fre e book, “ Hunt ing Posted Property.” It will help you find more and better shoot ing. It tells you how farmer and sportsman can get together. What’s the future o f shooting? The book tells—sent fre e • . I. DU POST DR NKMOUES A GO., tm Sporting P ou xlrr !Hvision l i l t n i n j ( i n n , D e l. SUPON!