Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1924)
T he G ate C ity J ournal — NYSSA. OREGON, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER I». 1924 VOL. XXII NO. 26 91.M P IK YL '»X -3 3 -1 - LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF Ç u t i i i cr - jit . j t t lx t !■♦♦+♦♦< 1 + 1 hH » » »♦ ♦ « » M l »♦♦♦♦♦> I County Truant offloer Chita. Thomas o f Vale was in town Thursday For tha second dm* Thursday the Prun. picking « a s finiahtd at the big lanha orchard Sunday. Ttaia year’« fire department whs called out to fight crop war mack smaller than usual, tb* fireflend, this time tb> blase being but the price« received were fa id y in Henry McNee's house Tb* depart* ment responded pn mptly srd within a satisfactory. Civilisation was not built by the indolent f w minutes after arriving at the or shiftless- -it took hard work—consistent Those big chicken dinner* at the scene had tba fi e under control. The effort. Nature intended that all of us shouUi Hotel Weete.n arc causing eonsterna- tion among the fea'hered bipeds of fire origntnated on the second story work and arranged that all the great rewards and the r o o t and upper part of tho of life should come through labor. this »action, and their ranks nr* being house was a total loss. The- loss was sapidly decimated. Fur next Sunday's The price of life heakh happiness and suc partially eevared by insurance. In diutier their fatalities will be greater cess—is work. addition, Mr. and Mrs. McNee lost than on any previous occasion. In over $700 ia billsg which w t n in tha Most men work—they earn the rewards of addition to tried chicken and all the houee and were burned. life—but many do not enjoy them. The tixin's there will he aalads and ehuco There were certain suspicious cir finest rewards are won through THRIFT. late pi*. cumstansas which irdioated that the Ad tnrift to your work aad enjoy tht Sid Ski ner is in from Diamond this lira might hava erigiaated from the fruits ofyour I m r . week looking after baeineae matters. explosion af a still aad Sheriff Lee Today we pay tribute to the men who County Judga Task was a visitor in Nee aad District Attyrney Rabt. Lytle work But every day we pay tribate to the mad* a theraugh scarab of tha pram town Tuesday. men who have also saved. G. W. Dean, republican candidate iaas for arideace, but evidently with out fiudiag nay sutesisotly incrimia- for sheriff, w u in town Tuesday. ating to warrant aa arraat- Mr. Me- The Nyssa Packing Co. shipped Nea’ s axplanatiea is that the upper mixed carload of liyaatoch to the room was used as a washreem and the Portland market Taaaday. Nyaaa, Oregon fire caugat from asm« af tha heating Hava yeur shoes half salad at tha apparatas. Capital..............125,00099 Nyaaa Shoe Shop. S ir p lu s ............. 111.000.90 Those hot biscuits for breakfast at Bvarp pear la laap year with a pe- the Hotel Western ase filling a lang dastrlan. fait want— alas a multitada ef state' John Davis’s speeches arc putting achs Takan in connection with the Itíífl I. '■'! li lM .ll.' strawberry jam that usually secern Coolidpa’a chances of alaction ia need pantos them they are irrisietehl*. of a political pulmotar. Frank Edwards ate an even dosen of Tha people now flad that they caa See McFa.l and see bette them Friday morning and the manage keep cool without Caelidge. ment immediately went into executive Mrs. D McLellan ia on tha sick list. session to consider tha adviaabihty of doubling up on the price of his board Eyesight Specialist The Eastern Star Kensington will The party Friday «rasing in hanor meet Wednesday afternoon,Uciubvr 8. Ontario Oregon at toe home of lira. Frank Milter, of tba frashmaa «lass c f tha Nyssa with Mrs. Frank Hail and Mrs. Miller high sehool was a vary enjoyable a f aa hastesaes. All mecebesa are invM- fair those participating, at leaat for H T. Francis has remorl, d hia r. si- The Hpple harvest ia an. While the nil except the a t a b s r s o f the fresh ed to be preaent. man class enjoymsat was donee on Third street, recently stcur- crop ia small, there ia a considerable Born, to Mr and Mrs. Cliff Tillman, a matter of aeaaidarabla doubt. Tba 'ed in a trade with C. W. Reberger. number o f car* fer shipment to east- on Saturday, September 27, a baby Prices being received motto e f tho rest of the participants |Mr. Francis now haa one of the eluss- ern markets daughter are very good was “ treat 'am rough" and they did ieat iittla bungalow in town. Thao Klinkaobarg arrived h sa e Sat their heat ta lira up to it. Aa a sam urday from Alaska, where he serv.d ple. eli they were given t# ant was as fisb and game warden daring tha panaaksr and onion syrnp, while the summer. others feasted on nil tha daliaaatee of Mrs. J. J. Whalan uf Nampa visited tho season However, the "fresa iea " j friends and relatives in Iowa Wadoaa took tha matter philssephically an d, oonaelad tkamsalves with the reflec- day. Mrs Warren Fann o f Owyhee was tion that nent year turn would urns. The frohman class this year is shopping in town Thursday, Mrs. Paul J Rairden of Bellingham, cempasad of 26 mambers, tho largest Wash., arrived in Nyssa this wash to in tba history of the achooL McNee’s House burns Labor Day He„Getsthe Game t*W h«n choosing yonr gun’ and shells, remember that It’s performance that eounts> 5T a i the traps, Winchester shot guns woo more champion- ■hips in 1929 than the next three makes combined. Two world’ s records were also smashed with these famous guns and shells during 1929. Malheur County Bank Hunters who shoot Winchester guns and Winchester shells get the game. You get the same performance in the field as at the traps Shoot the wining combination this fall. Pheasant Season Opens Oct. 5 Eder t h e Hdwe. NYSSA, OREGON 7H N Cfl£ST£A Go. s t o r e Freshman Party TheEnameLthat Enriches the Beauty of the Home join her hutuai.d, who is teacher of tne eighth grade. Shoe repairing expertly done at tha Nyssa Shoe Shop. Scalp and hair diaordsrs disappear in r—. aw a—. - a~ t mi aa iw > i nov-wbit* I w ■» alter a . t » applications el Lussy anaoa a uvn pus cajnc b tWpcnst at t o n d with S s'porast of hat« to □ Hew pwi estesi Tiger Hair remedy, aocsrding to mill OavOap bsauty, tesogth «od paa- B E S -r ä Ä a ■ n « o «feote: ions of uacra. As* your barber oc Tho murky room... that tloctny druggie, about tha monay back gear (bat chasrlaa poo* an tee. ___ A r 1 «Sbnghl L j :.- ■. —■ i r . . ■ ■ ■ Bert Shelton o f Baker visited his parent*, Mr and Mrs. J. N. Bfceltoa, ■OISE PAYETTE LUMBER CO. u couple ef day* ibi* week, returning NY8SA, OREGON i to Baker Friday. Tha dance Taursday evening in tha m n w u m A Q B fT 'f& t, Sharp bunding drew a good attend DEVOE PAINT AND VARNISH PRODUCTS auce. Avar) thing went amooMil) and all present expressed themselves as i well pleased with the.event. The floor ■ sfjftoto is ^ fts e n ^ftote i s^/V»to ■ s ^ ^ a s j j has bean worked over and ameelhed down aa that it is now ideal for dene- ing purposes. When in need of Ross Parkinson and iittla daughter motored to Vela Thursday. Mr. Park inson went to deliver some apeaimens o f the taxidermist art. in which ha is an adept. Fresh, Cured or Lunch M EATS Phone 6 - Nyssa, Or. Our Stock Is Always Fresh Nyssa Packing Co. BURBIDGE & RAY. Prop. t e e --* * * « NYSSA HARNESS AND SHOE SHOP ty-gga, Oregon Work done while you wait Best Workmanfthip— Best Leather Try our mail order service—Shoe« mailed 94 hours after received. We pay postage one way. H aracu Mid Saddlery Work a Specie lty A. McFall Banish Washday and beau ti til «calo with D m > trafcMdootoalJrbf r toonfingJ too Mkrotac En *m«L Durable, sanitary. I énrabúity. aaaOy wash. Kl.. aupreme in auaUty t «otan bold M r aa woû aa chana Win tb* g loa »ad hricMaas lot? Remami tar... tho quality ad tho I J t m f r product determine« Wo kind af a J(*r»cet I li dft- r+ A r Dr. J. j A lto acceasoriea at the Service Sta tion. Gao. Smit, who has bean running the Rinch ranch during the past sea son, has moved to town and is «ecu- tha Mattie Tbomasoa houee en north Third street. The Nyssa bard haa secured the services of Prof. Stonsr of Payalta as bandmaster. Mr. Stoner hae an aw viable reputation aa a hand leader and the local organization will doubtlaea make rapid advancement under hia guidance. Payette haa one of the te s t bands in the Northwest, tha eradlt for whiab is due tatirely te Mr, Stonar. Rally Springfield Tirea at tha gar- \rica atation. D. A. Reece e f Savaoah, Mo., ar rtved auexpeetedly in N /a s» Thuraday to visH his bretber, John Rear« This is the first time in It years that Mr Reece haa haen here aad ha was ear prised to aee the evidences of davclp ment, tha big fields af earn in parti«» lar causing mash plaasaal sarprise Try the Sarvlee Station fee ysur gas aad oila. An appartuaisl ia a mss who find« a w olf at tha doer and appear* dowa • h «o town next day ia a naw fur ceat. Ouie tops repaired at the Nyssa Shoe Shop. Service Sta ben Opened Ta tha Paplia: The Service Static«, corner Main and Second «treat«, la now open and ready t* sarva all corners. Prompt sarvlca end eesalaoa* treatment. Give nee a trial. Cddie Powell. R «of Fir« A email fir* on tha ro o t o f tha drug store occasioned a Iittla aeeitemant Thursday. Sparks from a lira which workman wars using to melt material for rapairing th* roof caused tb* bias*. Tha damage done w u smell, thanks to tha quick and efleiant ac tion a f tba fir* department. Episcopal Service Church service will be held in the Episcopal Parish Hal' Sunday evening. October t, at I ’ eelock. Sunday school is held every Ssndey morning at 10 o ’eleck. All are walcam*. lev . Irvin Q Wood. Renvemter th* I m i« Thing* It I* easy to talk gtthly a t sarrlag humanity aad to forget te pass tha salt ta the man whe alt* next n* at tahto, to tklwk ef plarlag oor Uvee at a world*« dt spanai and negl act tha ( i •man attaattaaa which meap so muab in our owu hate« — Henry Sloan* Ote Chiropractors Dr*. Bradford ft Bradford. Cerrar graduata«. ConaaUattaa and eiemiaa- tioa fra* Tea pana asce«««fui pane tto* hi tes state te Praga«. Pirat door west o f I Piaao for Sol* Near Ffyi High grada, late Medal place, to perfect aaaditlea. Big saviag and f i t monthly to rtliahla party. Write at enea t e d i a « Mosi Co., fit Front fit., Portland, Oregon. a in t Drudgery Forever! Now comes a special offer which puts the finest, most dependable of all Electric Washers within the easy reach of every incoma. No more drab days o f drudgery over a wash tub. No longer is it necessary to be satisged with the alow monotonous work of a hand power washer. For during this month you may ckooso any modal Hurley-Thor Electric Washer For an Initial payment of 5 DOWN and the balance in casy-to-Bpar* amounts each month These are the most liberal terms on which Hurley- Thors have ever been offered. Think of itl A genuine Hurley Thor, peer of all alectric washing machines, put into your home for so small a first payment—only |5 The Thor is the acknowledged leader. House wives of America have accorded it first place. Every Fourth Electric Waaher in the country is a Tho*. Cam« in and aak us to demonstrate tha Hurlsy-Thnr „ We want you to lenrn for yeursalf, first hand, the many points of Harley Ther super orlty. We want to show you Its case of operation; iti mechanical sturdiness and dependa bility. Thera ia a mi del here to suit your acquirements per fectly Choose it b o w while you may buy on euch remark able terms. Lome in thia week! Electric Shop IDAHO POWER COMPANY * 4 »