THE GATE CITY JOURNAL ness call« him, and I don't think he la himself tnat he had been mad* s fool of long enough. bored." Joyce understood the significance of "Yes, yen do . . . and It’s all your the retort. Verinder at last bad re­ fault." She broke down and turned volted ugalnst being played with fast half from him. Deep sobs began to and loose. He was going because of rack her body. her violent flirtation with Jack Kil­ "I’d like to know how It’s my fault," meny. T hli waa h it declaration of he demanded resentfully. “Am I to Put Up 300 Quarts Fruit, 500 independence. blame because you broke your engage­ Glasses Jelly and T ook Care Miss Seldon was alarmed. She had ment to walk with me and went with o f Four Children not for a minute Intended to let the that thief Kilmeny?" millionaire escape. The r ery possi­ “Yea.” The word fell from her llpa IN E Iowa.—“ I have been mean­ bility of it frightened her. It had not so low that be almost doubted his ing Norwalk, for some time to write and tell yon occurred to her that the little man had ears. how much good your spirit enough to resent her course so “W h at. By Jove, th at’s rich I" medicine has done me. When I started effectively. W ith the prospect of los­ H er luminous eyes fell full Into bis, to take it l was al­ in light, his great wealth then dropped. “If . . . If you can’t They spoke In kisses, In caresses. In ing It up most bed fast and to dw arf the desire of the see—” little m urmured nothings, as lovers loomed would have been in hour. She blamed herself because bed all the time if I will till the end of time. Something in the excitement of her affair with “See w hat.’ I see you threw me had had any one to sweet and turbulent swelled In her Kilmeny she had for the first time In overboard for him. I see you've been care for my children. bosom, an emotion new and Inexplic­ her life let herself forget real values flirting a mile a minute with the beg­ There was so much able. For the first tim e In many ex­ But Joyce was too cool a baud to gar and playing fust and ioosa with swelling and pain me. I'm banged if I stand It.” periences of the sex duel she was that I could hardly time In repining so long as there “Oh, Dobyans! Don't you see? afraid of herself, of the strength of waste take a step. I took was a chance to repair the damage. I . . . have do mother." this Impassioned feeling that was Was seven b o ttles of the lost prlxe beyond recovery? "Don't take the poinL" sweeping her. She disengaged her­ Two Lydia E. Pinkham’a Com­ points were in her favor. Verin­ She spoke as a troubled child, as pound and used Lydia E. Vegetable Pink ham’s San­ self from his embrace and stood back. der had not yet gone, and he was very Wash, and found that so healing. Beneath the quick probe of his eyes if to the breezes of the night. “I ative I am not entirely well yet for I was in Infatuated with her. She would have a faint trem or passed through her much to be careful. You know how bad shape I started your medicine, have to flatter him by abaaln„ her­ body. The long lashes fell to the hot talk. Could I let them say that but 1 am so when much better that I am not by throwing herself upon his people I . . . ran after you?” The last cheeks and curtained lambent win­ self, afraid to recommend it, and I think if I mercy. But since this must be done, words were almost In a whisper. dows of light. keep on taking it. it will cure me. I prepared to pay the price. done my work all alone this sum­ “W hat are we doing?" she cried she It was “Do you mean . . . T' ap p ' .red that Dobyans Verinder “Oh, couldn't you see? How blind have mer, caring for four children, and I softly. not Intend to give her an oppor­ canned 300 quarts of fruit and made are!" "Doing? I’m making love to you, did 600 glasses of jelly, so you see I must tunity. From the soup to the walnuts men The little man, moved to hla soul sweetheart, and you're telling me you the of conversation had to do because this proud beauty was so be fetter. I feel pretty good all the love me for It," he answered, captur­ with topic and I am glad to tell others about the Impending departure of the deeply in love with him, took her In time ing her hands. the medicine.’'— Mrs. C. J. W e n n e r - mine owner. Joyce w as prepared to MARK, Box 141, Norwalk, Iowa. _ "Yes, but . . . I don't w ant you he very kind to him, but he did not his arm s and kissed her. Women can depend upon Lydia E. A little shudder went through her Pinkham’s to , . . mak* love to me . . , that for an instant let his eyes dwell in Vegetable Compound to re­ way.” blood. It had not been two hours hers. Behind the curtain of her dark them from female troubles. For “You do.” He laughed aloud, and silken lashes she was alertly conscious since Jack Kilmeny's kisses had sent lieve sale by druggists everywhere. with a swift motion drew her to him of the man without appearing to be a song elect, icnliy Into her veins. But again. “We belong, you witch.” so. He meant to snub her, to leave N ot th e S am e “ F ish ” His ardent kisses smothered her and without seeing her alone. That was "You poor fish I” drew the color Into her lovely face. to be her punishment for having rut This rem ark was overheard in the She yearned toward him, faint with too deep into his self-esteem. He was New York aquarium . In these city a sweet, exquisite longing. Was this going to Jilt her. Institutions they always try to In­ love then? Had It at last trapped her During dinner and during that sub­ struct the public. in spite of her cool wariness? She sequent half hour while the ladies “You poor fish !” did not know. All she was sure of waited for the men to rejoin them, An attendant Immediately ap­ was that she wanted to be In his Joyce was in a trem or of anxiety. If proached. bowed politely to the lady, strong arm s and to feel forever this Jack would only stay away until she and said : “They do not mind being champagne leap of the blood. could see Verinder . . . In the tanks. T here they are well She called the mine owner to her fed and also protected from their n at­ W ith the excuse that she must dress the instant that the men reappeared. ural enemies. It is doubtful If they for dinner, Joyce went at once to her He looked across the room sullenly know their liberty Is In any way re­ room and locked the door. Discarding and appeared for one dubious moment stricted. So you need not feel sorry the walking suit she was wearing, she to hesitate. But before he could fram e for the fish.” slipped Into a negligee gown and seat­ an excuse she had spoken again. But the lady w as addressing her re­ ed herself before the glass. She liked, “I want you to see this ridiculous marks to her husband. while thinking things over, to look at illustration. It is the most amus­ herself in the mirror. The picture ing . . ." that she saw always evoked pleasant She held up the book to him. No fugitive memories. It was so now. illustration met the eyes of the sur­ Never had her beauty seemed so radi­ prised man. Joyce was pointing to a FOR INDIGESTION ant and vital, so much an Inspiration sentence in the story heavily under­ scored by a pencil. of the spirit in her. for How had he dared? She was a “Why are you so cruel to me?" IN d ig e s t oh rare imperious queen of hearts. No His chin dropped with amazement. ticv r* man before had ever ravished kisses Then slowly an angry flush rose to 6 B ell - a n s from her in such turbulent fashion. his face. Ilia Jaw set firmly as he 1 Hot water When she thought of the abandon looked at her. with which she had given herself to “Yes, it’s certainly ridiculous . , . Sure Relief his lips and his embrace, tl.3 dye and amusing," he said aloud. “I—I Think the Story Calls for I*," “T here’s another, too,” she went on deepened on her cheeks. W hat was She Answered a Little Brokenly. this shameless longing that had car­ quickly, recovering the book. H er fingers turned a page or two ried her to him as one looking down she trod down the momentary nausea 254 AND 754 PACKAGES EVERYWHERE from a high tower Is drawn to throw swiftly. On the margin was a pen­ with the resolute will th at had always ciled note. himself over the edge? L u ck y F ish erm a n G ot This been hers. Verinder had paid for the It wns of herself, not him, that she “I must see you alone, Dobyans. I right to caress her. He had offered Taken from the w aters of Lake must." Ills millions for the privilege. She too Minnewanka, at Banff, a trout that was afraid. She had wanted his She lifted to him a face flushed and must pay the price for w hat she re­ weighed 37 pounds Is now being kisses. She had rejoiced In that queer, exultant stir of the blood when eager, from which wounded eyes filmy ceived. mounted by local taxiderm ists and his eyes stabbed fathoms deep into with tears appealed to him. Her shy­ “We m ust go in," she told him pres­ will be placed In the Banff museum. hers. W hat was the m atter with her? ness, her diffidence, the childlike call ently. “They will wonder.” It is 42 inches long and 24 inches in Always she had felt a good-natured upon his chivalry were wholly charm­ “They won’t wonder long, hy Jove," circumference. Many good trout have contempt for girls who threw away ing. She was a dlstraetingly pretty he replied, a surge of trium ph In his been caught in the lake this year, but substantial advantages for what they woman, and she had thrown herself voice. none so large as this. These lake called love. A fter steering a course upon his mercy. Verinder began in­ Joyce looked at him quickly. trout in the Minnewanka w aters are as steady as a m ariner's compass for sensibly to soften, but be would not “You're not going to tell them to­ one of the m ysteries of the Rockies. years was she going to play the fool give up his grievance. night?” It is said to be the only lake in the at last? W ai she going to m arry a "It's amusing, too—and unneces­ He nodded. "Tonight, my beauty.” mountains harboring this variety of pauper, a workingman, one accused of sary, I think." he said. "Oh, no. Please not tonight. Let’s fish. crime, merely because of the ridic­ The long lashes fluttered trem ulous­ . . . keep It to ourselves for a few ly to her cheeks. It seemed to him ulous emotion he excited In her? days, dear.” The last word was • High words are apt to consist of The idea was of course absurd. that she was on the verge of uncon­ trifle belated, but th at might be be­ low language. sciousness, that the pent emotion was cause she was not used to it. Joyce Seldon was the last woman In the world to make a poor m an's wife. going to prove too mucb for her. Verinder shot a look of quick sue “1—I think the story calls for It,’’ Tomorrow she must have a serious piclon at her. "I’m going to tell them tonight—as soon as we get back Into Summer Find You Miserable? talk with hint and set the m atter on she answered, a little brokenly. It’s hard to do one’s work when a proper footing. She must not let He retorted, still carrying on the the room.” day brings morning lameness, herself be swept away by any quixotic conversation that was to mean one “But . . . surely It’s for me to every throbbing and a dull, tired sentiment. The trouble was that she thing to the others In case they beard say that, Dobyanr. I w ant to keep feeling. If backache, you suffer thus, why not liked him so well. When they met, and another to them. “Depends on our little secret for awhile.” She find the cause? it’s your kid­ her good resolutions would be likely the point of view, I suppose. The caught with her hands the lapels of neys. Headaches, Likely dizziness and kidney to melt In the air. Perhaps It would story Is plain enough—doesn’t need his dinner Jacket and looked plead irregularities may give further proof be better to wait. It was now only any more to carry Its meaning." Ingly at him. that your kidneys need help. Don’t ten days till the time set for leaving. He was standing between her and “No—tonight.” He had a good deal risk neglect! Use Doan's Pills —a She might w rite him her decision. It the rest of the party. Joyce laid an of the obstinacy characteristic of stimulant diuretic to the kidneys. Thou­ would be sweet to hold him as long appealing hand on his coat aleeve. many stupid men, but this decision sands have been helped by Doan's. Tears brimmed over from the soft wns based on shrewd sense. He b«4d They should help you. A sk your as she could. . . , When Joyce sailed down the corri­ eyes. She bit her lip and turned her the upper hand. So long as they were neighbor! A Utah Case dor to th ; pnrhvr which adjoined the head away. If ever a woman con­ In the neighborhood of jack Kilmeny J. C. sheriff. Carlston, prir.V* dining-room of the party, she fessed love without words Joyce was he Intended to keep 1L deputy N. Main Street, Manti. V=V caught a glimpse of Verinder turning doing it now. Verinder's Inflammable "Even though I want to wait?" Utah, s a y s : “My heart began to quicken. a corner of the passage toward his “Why do you want to w ait?” he de­ kidneys were weak A* “W here?" he asked grudgingly, low­ acted kidney too free­ room. Lady f arquhar was alone In manded sullenly. “Because of that l and ly. The se­ ering his voice. the parlor. fellow Kilmeny?” cretions were high­ A glow oi trium phant relief swept colored and "Didn’t I see Mr. Verinder going through her. She had won. But the She knew that she had gone as fat ly had a dull ache, I out?" nsked Joyce, sinking Indolently very nearness of her defeat tempered as she dared. "How absurd. Of through the small my a back. Into the easiest chair and reaching pride to an emotion still related to course not. Tell them If you like, hot— of was l a m e n There ess. for a magazine. It's the first favor I've asked of you j through my back gratitude. The warm eyes that met too. One box of Doan’s Pills, how­ “Yes. At least he was here.” Aftc.- were alive with thanks. She since—" ever, fixed me up fine.” a moment Lady Farquhar added his H er voice faltered and broke. It j moved her head slightly toward the held a note of exquisite pathos. Verln quietly: “He lenves tomorrow." Joyce looked up quickly. “Leaves window. der felt like a brute, but he did not In another moment th ;y stood out­ Intend where?" to give way. STIMULANT DIURETIC TO THE KIDNEYS side, alone In the darkness. The night “Goldbanks. He la 'a rt'n g for Lon­ was chill and she shivered at the Fo.t.rMilb»jrr. C o , Mfg. Cham.. Buffalo, N. Y. don." change from the warm room. Verin­ W hat It Joyce going to do— "But . . . W hat about the reor­ stepped back Into the parlor, m arry Jack, whom ahe loves, or | ganization of the companies? I der stripped from the piano the small j Verinder, whoee money she thought . . Navajo rng that draped It, and re- I wante? “He has changed his plans. James Joined Joyce on the porch. He j Is to have his proxies and to arrange It about her shoulders. the consolidation. Mr. Verinder Is wrapped She nodded thanks and led him to (TO B E CONTINUED.) anxious to get away at once." S e n d fo r S a m p le s end of the porch. For a few mo­ To Ontlwr»Leberetorl—. D»pt M. M»ld«a. Mga A fter nn Instant's cotulderatlon the ments si leaned on the railing and Annua/ R ainfall Joyce laughed scornfully. She was watched the street lights. Then, ab­ A vivid picture of the am ount of rain I dismayed by this sudden move, but P A R K E R ’S she shot her i.nestion at him. that did not Intend to show It. “Isn't this ruptly, falls upon the United States Is H A IR B A L S A M “Why are you going -w ay?” B — a w i n m a i uf f -8 tn p «H eir F allin g rather . . . precipitous? W e're all Stiff as a poker, he made answer. given by a W ashington scientist It Is j Restores Color and going In a few days. Why can't he "Business equivalent, he says, to ten Mississippi , Beauty to Gray end Faded Hen In London. Miss Seldon. rivers flowing constantly. Otherwise | •0c. end #1.00 at Prortrli't*. w ait?” R in eox Chem . Wfcg. P a tc h '- tie, 5 . Y to leave and all that, but—” measured. It equals 30 Inches of w ater | H er chaperon looked at Joyce as Sorry HINDERCORNS <*,. »U , «top« ell paio, roauree com fort to the she answered. “Urgent business, he She cut him off sharply. "I want for the entire area, making a total vol- j Iona—. the truth. W hat have I done that urae of,000 cubic fe et } says." "Urgent fiddlesticks!" Joyce stifled yon should . . . treat me so?” But this la only half the amount that a m anufactured yawn. "I dare say Anger stirred In him again. "Did j would be necessary to m aintain ths Cae INFLAMED EYES Dr. T hom pson s B fe w e te r , I say yon had done anything?” we bore him as mucb as he does us. full productivity of the soli of the « ' ¿ ' . S f f i W i:, Wish we were all bsck in grimy o ld . "But you think I'm to blam * Yoi whole country. One-third of tills know you do." 1 o r drewftur fo re x - London." amount runs down to the sea and ________ H ieb est rererencee. “It won't be long now." Lady Jim “Do I?" His vanity and suspicion rivers. The problem for engineers to j B eet reeolta. P ro m p tn ess t a ­ in red. W e answered with a crnll.* at the other made him wary, though he knew she i solve Is the utilisation to the utmost Booklet r a n re ----------- S 4 «tiS t n a o .R n a ( B- C o le suggestion. "No, I don't think bust- I was trying to win him back. Hs told I of the supply that nature furnish«* THE HIGHGRADER B y W M . M acL E O D R A Copyright by O. W. Dllllacham Ce. “ MY HOUR1* S Y N O P S IS — W ord th a t th e ir n ig h tly frolics a re d ista s te fu l to a p a rty of “h ig h -to n e d B ritis h ­ ers" recently a rriv e d a t the Ijodge. a m o n g th em an a rm y c a p ­ tain a n d his siste r of th e sam e n am e us himself. Is b ro u g h t to J a c k K ilm en y (k n o w n to his In ­ tim a te s as C ru m bs) and some frien ds c a m p in g on th e G unnison In Colorado. Called to a cc o u n t for th e u p ro a r by D ob y an s V e rin ­ der. snobbish m illionaire, m e m ­ ber of th e B ritish p arty . J a c k s n u b s th a t Individual and h as a frien dly c h a t wUh Moya D w ig ht, a ttr a c tiv e Irish girl. J a c k has no use for his B ritish relatives, tw o of w hom he k no w s a re a t th e Lodge W hile Ashing. J a c k aga in m eets Miss D w ight, and by h er is Introduced to th e o th e r m e m ­ bers of the p arty, chief of w hom a re Lord and Lady F a r q u h a r , as "Mr. C ru m b s.” J a c k is im m ensely im p ressed by the loveliness of J o yce Seldon, com p an io n of Moya. Next day. at G unnison, th e F a r - q uh ai p a rty sees “Mr. C ru m bs" win the b u c k in g b ro n c ho c h a m ­ pionship. He d isa p p e a rs a f t e r the contest. On th e ir w ay hom e Moya and her c om panions a re o v e r­ ta k e n by a sheriff's posse In p u r ­ suit of tw o men who h av e robbed the t r e a s u r e r of the C ou n ty F a ir a sso ciatio n of the proceeds of th e show T he sheriff declares th e men are J a c k K ilm eny ( "C ru m b s ” ) and ills friend Colter. C ap tain K ilm eny and his s is te r realize that Jac k Is th eir cousin. His p articip a tio n in the ro b b e ry seem s assured. J a c k m eets M oya and convinces her o f his Innocence of the crim e c h a rg ed a g a i n s t him. Jo in ed by the F a r q u h a r p arty. J a c k ’s re la tio n sh ip to C ap tain K ilm eny and his s iste r Is e s t a b ­ lished He leaves them . W ith lack K ilm eny his p riso n er, the sheriff m ak es a sh ort s t a y at the Lodge. Jack , on leaving, ta k e s the c a p ta in 's h a t in stead of his own. In J a c k 's h a t Moya a n d I n ­ dia d isco ver a p ap er g iv in g d ire c ­ tions for Anding a p ack ag e. C ap tain K ilm en y and th e tw o g irls And It— th e m oney stolen from the fair association. C o n ­ vinced th a t J a c k Is a lto g e th e r u n w o rth y of h er th o u g h ts . Moya becomes e n g a g e d to C ap ta in K il­ meny, w ho has long been her suitor. M eeting J a c k . Moya f ra n k ly tells him the d iscovery of th e "lo ot” h as convinced h er he Is a thief. She Incidentally rev e als th e fac t th a t C ap ta in K il­ m en y is on his w ay to r e t u r n the money. J a c k leaves her. The c a p ta in Is held up a n d robbed of the cash. J a c k adfplts th e Hold­ up. e x p la in s the m y s te ry a n d is res to re d to th e conHdence of the visitors. Moya and Jo yc e Seldon a re c a u g h t In a blizzard. T hey . seek refu g e In th e cab in of tw o m in e rs— a n d a re in w orse danger, lack arrives. Aghts the tw o m in ­ ers, sav es th e tw o g irls and ta k e s them to O oldbanks. V erin der In­ d u s trio u s ly c irc u la te s th e c h a rg e (hat J a c k Is a h ig h g ra d e r. CHAPTER X— Continued “They are pensioned, aren't they?” “They are not," returned Jack curtly. "The mine owners of Goldbanks don't believe lr encouraging negligence. If these workmen hadn't taken chances they probably would not have been killed, you see. But If they didn't lake chances none of the men could earn a living for their families. It la plain how very mucb to blame they are." Moya looked across the summits of the hills Into the brilliant sunset that lay like a wonderful canvas In the crotch of the peaks. A troubled little frown creased her forehead. She was unusually silent on the way home. Once she looked up and asked Cap­ tain Kilmeny a question. “After all. two wrongs don't make a right, do they?" “No, dear girl. Life's full of Injus­ tice. 1 dare say some of the men I lead are better than Ned Kilmeny, but I’ve got to forget that and sit tight In the seat th at’s been dealt me by the cards. If Jack Is trying to Justify hlghgrading, he hasn't a leg to stand on.” She sighed. “You don't think, do you, th at—?“ He answered her broken sentence. “Don't know. He doesn’t play the game by the same rules we do, but my Judgment Is th at the gossip about him has no basis of fact.” The girl he loved gave him one grateful look and fell again Into si­ lence. Captain Kilmeny walked beside his slim, tall, worshipful sweetheart with a heavy heart. She was his promised bride. T hat she would keep fuith he did not doubt. But the prog­ ress that he made In winning her love was so little th at he seemed to him­ self to be marking time. The shadow of his vagabond cousin still lay be­ tween them. CH A PTER XI One Maid— T w o Men Jack saw to It th at he and Joyce followed the others down the trail at a very leisurely pace. The early night of the Rockies as already cut­ ting them off from the rest of the world. Captain Kilmeny and his be­ trothed could be seen as shadows growing every minute more tenuous. India and her escort were rlready lost in t* e descending darkness. It was the first time that the Gold- hanks miner had ever been alone with Miss Seldon. He meant to make the most of his chance. Her loveliness sang its way through his alert, m aster­ ful eyes Into the blood of the man. They talked little, and that Irrelevant­ ly. In both of them the tide of emo­ tion ran full. Each was drawn by the subtle Irresistible mayuet of sex at­ traction. When their eyes met It was hut for an Instant. A shyness, de­ lirious and delightful, ran like a gold­ en thread through the excitement which burned their blood. “We . . . must hurry.” Joyce breathed deep, ae If gl e had been run­ ning. “Why must we?” he demanded. "Tills Is my hour. I claim ft." “But . . . they're getting ahead of us." “I-et them." He gave her his hand to help her down a steep place In the —1 0 - Rut nn admission of thin showed In Ills strong hrown fare. His mor­ dant <‘>€>s miH'ked her while he went Into a whimsical argum ent to show that hlghgrading was really a virtue, sine.' It tended to keep the rich from growing richer and the poor poorer, lie wanted to know hy what moral right Verinder owned the Motile Hib­ son anil the Never Quit any more than lie did. The mine owner, putting from the exertions of the last bit of aseent, ex claimed Indignantly: “Own ’em, hy Jove! Doesn't a Johnny own whut lie buys and pay* for?” "You don't suppose flint when God or Nature or the First Cause created that ore w in a million years ago He had Dohyans Verinder In mind as the owner,” derided Kilmeny. “T hat's all anarchistic rot, you know. Those mines are my property, at least a commanding interest. They're mine because I bought the shares. Go em inent Ir founded on u respect .'or property rights.” "So I've observed," retorted Jack dryly. “I'd hack that opinion, too. If I owned half of (]• lilhanks." ”1 suppose Mr. Kilmeny's high grad­ ing friends are superior to law. It Isn't necessary for them to abide hy the rules society has found best for Its protection," Moya suggested. The engaging smile of the accused rested upon Miss Dwight. ”1 met you and your friends In a m otorcar yester­ day. I’ll bet th at speedometer said twenty five miles, but the town ordi­ nance puls the speed limit at fifteen. W hat about that?" "You know that's different. No moral question wns Involved Rut when II comes to taking what belongs "But I Did Last Year and the Year to another—well, I say that a thief Before That." Is a thief.” | trail. Their fingers laced, palm cling­ "Illght as a rivet. Miss D vlght. Rut you're begging the question. Does that ing to palm. ore belong to Dohyans Verinder any ! "You . . . m ustn't," she pro­ more than It does to—well, to Jack tested. KIlBteay, say. for the sake of argu­ “M ustn't I?” m ent? I go down there and risk my "No-o.” The note of faintness was In her life blasting It out. He—" "Rut you don’t," Interrupted Moya. voice. Courage flooded him In trium ­ "Not today, perhaps—or yesterday phant waves. A moment and his Rut I did Inst year and the year be­ arms were about her, the velvet of fore that. I've brought up In my arms her cheek Hgalnst hla. She lay still the bodies of men torn to pieces and for an Instant, pulses throbbing wild­ carried them to their wives and kid­ ly. Rut when his llpa found hers the dles. How about those women and women In her awoke. In an ecstasy children? Haven't they earned an tn- of tenderness her arm* crept around leresl In the mine? Isn't their moral his neck, and she clung to hlin. A claim greater than that of Mr Verio- distant sea surf roared In her ears. tier, who alta In London and draws For the first time In her Ilf* passion had drowned coquetry. the dlvldeuda?" HOW THIS WOMAN GOT STRENGTH Sure Relief m \ D O A N ’S ^ Cuticura Toilet Trio k l PATENTS \