T M Ô A f» %Ni i B ■■ % * ■ cm »1/W— JOURNAL >V ww <<|fr n ,«^/)m mgfornmm%>>■! » n MP ■ ' f H MALHEUR COUNTY FAIR 1924 1924 September 10,11,12 ONTARIO, OREGON $500 in Free Prizes % $5000 in Purses 1 Registered Jersey Cow A Wild West Program ( f skill ar.d thrills. 1 Cream Separator best o f good riders. 1 Dress or Suit of Clothes (Choice of any in store. The wildest of wild horses. The Relay Races, Running Races. Cowboy Races, Cowgirl Races, Auto Race—in fact, the whole thing in races. Donated by Golden Rule Store) 1 Bicycle 1 Electric Vacuum Sweeper (Donated by Idaho Pov er Co ) ) These and many other articles of value and merit will be given anay in front of Grand Stand on opening day. $ Be There $2000.00 in Premiums An Exhibit Worth While OPENING DAY ATTRACTIONS Band Concert at 10 A. M. on Streets BERNARDIA EXPOSITION SHOWS NYSSA BAND EVERY EVENING 11:30 A. M. » Monster Parade BandJConcert at 7 P. M. DAILY ON STREETS 1:30 P. M. , Races and Sports DANCING EVERY EVENING DAILY ON FAIR GROUNDS Sept. IO, II, 12 Where will y o u shoot this Fall? For Quick Service ; m CALL THE Ontario, Or. Most of the best hunting country is posted. What's the answer? Send for this fre e book, “ Hunt ing Posted Property.” It will help you find more and better shoot ing. It tells you how farmer and sportsman can get together. What’s the future of shooting? The book tells—sent free. i H U N T IN G ■iPOSTtED, PROPERTY^ > Nyssa Transfer ! PHONE _______ 70F2 j: I j. E. 1. DU PONT DE NEMOURS A CO., Ine. S p o r tin g P ov o d er D iv is io n « W iimington, Del. li NYSSA BARBER SHOP' :: A N D C IG A R STO RE, • SHAVING, HAIR CUTTING : HOT AND COLD BATHS THE OREGON STATE L. K. HAMAKER. Drop. ; Nyasn AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Oregon + * | Copper Riveted WAIST Overalls ARE MADE OF EXTRAHEAVY WEIGHT A Liberal and Practical Ed ucation In the eeveral pursuits and pro'cetlona In life Through the following tehoole and departments— The School o f Basic Art« and Ssisaces (Art, English, public speaking, modern languages, history and ths aeieneea) Providirg the foundation training upon which technical specialisation is built. TESTED DENIM The Ten Technical Schools TWO-HORSE BRAND Ac.Ricui.TrRg -thirteen departraet* (B. 8., M. S. degree^') E ncinkrino seven departments (B. S . M. S. degree) H ome Et'ONOMica—five departm'ts (B. S . M. 8. degrees P harm acy — (B. 9., Ph C degrees) W E A R BETTER Z AND L A S T LONGER' T H A N OTHER M . ” * . r A ? , . K . ▼ E S * I v -* ■f '*+' a n e w • > rn rr ■ -* if t h e y ( B 8 . M I. degrees) M il it a r y S c ie n c e and (B. 8 degree) T a c t ic s flv* unite (R S. degree The training include* physical education, industrial journalism, social sciences, and music. Entrance and greduatiee reqairvmeets are standard. Through the ueual rating organisation ■ the relief* le a«« red I ted to the best graduate schools In America 9ted.nl life I, exceptionally well organiaed to develop Ideal* *f leadership and *ee> vice te th* common wealth. Admiesion of Freshmen September M, ItSfl. Far illustrated beoklat* and speclfl* in farmetiee writ* t* TH E ALSO MAKERS O f I TWO-HORSE Band Bib Overalls C ommerce - four departments (B. 8. degree) FoRCRTRY —two departments l B. 3 , M 8. degrees) M ines -three department* (B 9 degree V ocational T raining - five d* pertinents C hemical E noinimrino O r e g o n A RKBISTBAB g r i c u l t u r a l CORVALLIS Notics of Sheriff’s Sale the land above (escribed, before Reg ister and Receiver, U. 9. Land Office, at Vale, Oregon, on the 10th day of September 1924. Claimant names as witnssses: C. C. Hunt, 'John Lacksy, A. R. Millar, Peter Tansen, all of Nyesa, wMI meet on the seeond Monday of Oregon. Geo. W. McKnlght. September, 1924, at the County Court Register. House, Vale, Malheur County, Oregon, to publicly examine tbe 1924 assess May for Sale ment rolls, and te correct errors in valuation, description or quality of the About 500 tone ef clear, alfalfa hay, lands, lota or other property assessed 70 acres of pasture and sevesal toaa by the assessor ef Malheur County, corn, 16 miles seuthwast o f Nyssa, Oregon. All persons interested shall ntar the head of Owyhee dlteb, Geod appear at the time ana place appoint feeding groands. Will balld sheds if ed. Andrew M. Grahnm, «sired E. L. MecLefferty. Assessor Malheur County. Dated at Vale, Malheur County, BP Oregon, this the 14th day of August, 1924. w ip e them MALHEUR COUNTY BOARD EQUALIZATION OF Ry virtu* of an execution in fere- cloeur* duiy issued by tbe vlerk of the Ciri uit Court ol the diet« ol Oregon, for the County of Malheur, deled the iUad day 01 August, i»24, and directed to me, upon a dtciee and order of ■ale rendered in said Court on the Slat day of August. 1924, in a cettain suit in tbe Circuit Ceuri tor said elate and county, wherein P, t . koberls was plaintiff and U. W. Garrett, John A. Leanest*, adminiatrator of tha eatata ef Ida Garratt, deceased, and Almina J. Ganett, Elizabeth P. Garaett, Wil bur P. Garrett, George B Garrett anu Helen Jane Garrett, the sole beira of Ida H. Garrett, deceaacd, were dé tendante, a judgment waa rendered in favor of tbe aooye named Plaintiff, P. E. Roberts, and agan.st the aDove u t with named defendant, G. W. Garrett, for the sum of Six Hundred and No-100 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Dollars ($600 00) with interest there on from the 16tb day of January, 1980, al tbe rat* of ten per cent (10 per Department o f tbe Interior, cent) per annum, and Seventy five and (J. S. Lead Office at Vale, Oregon. No-100 Dollars ($76.00) attorney's August 6, 1924. feet, together with coats and dis* Ants in the sugar, in the buraements in the sam of $26.40. bread, in pantry and Netisa ia hereby given that Alexan Which judgment was enrolled closets. Once they get in, and docketed in the clerk's office of der McDonald, assignee o f Laviaia 8. they’ re everywhere. Get Blodgett, of Nyesa, Oregon, mho, on said court in said county on the 22cd rid o f them with CENOL day of August,1924. December 8, 19*8, need* desert land ANT DESTROYER. Death to ants in 3 minute«. THEREFORE NOTICE IS HERE- entry No 0*09 for N*SW*, flee. 24, BY GIVEN, That 1 will on Monday, EiSEi, Sec. 2$. Township 19 South, Sold by the 29th day of September, 1924. at Range 46 East Willametta Meridian, the hour of 11 o ’clock in tha forenoon ; has filed notics of intention to m m e NYSSA PHARMACY of said day, at the north main en* trance door ef the county eourt house final proef under 3rd paragraph of Act C. L. McCoy, Prop. in Vale, Malheur county Oregon, sell of March 4, 1916, to establish clain to Cenol Agency at public auction, subject to relemp- tton, to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the right, till* arid interest » ♦ ♦ + ♦ > I M - t y H - H e t y « I C 9 4 I of the above named defendants, in and to the following described real property, towit: Tbe Southeast Quarter of the South west Quarter (SUJSWI) end the Weat Half of Southwest Qusrter of the Southeast Qusrter (WJ- SW iSE i) o f Section Thirty (SOI Township Fifteen (16) South, Range Ferty Seven (47) E W. M., Tegether with the tenements, hereditaments sad appurtenances Uwreaato belonging er in anywie* appertetning. Taken and levied upoa as the prop erty of the above named defendants, ov eo much tbereaf as may be ncccs sary lo satisfy said jedgment is favor ef P R. Roberts aed against the sbeve earned defssdant, G. W Gar rett, with interest theieen, togalh.r with ell teats sad diabaraamanta that bava er may accrue. Dated at Vala, Oregon, this 27'h dag af Augoat, 1924 H. Lea NOE, Sheriff, By C. W. Glenn, depaty. Data ef first pabllcatian Aug 2fl. 1924 NYSSA f- OREGON, Data o f last publication 8*pt. 26. 1984 Data of eaia Sept. 29, 1*24, at 11 a. » + I » » »♦ ♦ ♦ »♦ ♦ ♦ »♦ ♦ > ♦♦♦♦» I H m i l H K i ^C E N O l OFFERS Emm The canning factory at Payette will NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS btiy vour Sweet Corn. Notice is hereby given that by vis a222t IDAHO CANNING CO. tas of Section 4291, Oregon Compiled Laws, 1918, the t C o l l r g r O RISON ANT DESTROYER Don’t Overlook the fact that you can buy seeds cheaper in bulk Our Prices Are Right Nyssa Grain Seed Co. &