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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1924)
I 1 # ; Gate City Journal Supplement NYSSA, OREGON, Sept. 5. 1924 Cooking Club Tryout * .4 Under the leadership at Mrs. A. V. Cook, assisted by Mrs J. P Baxter, the Nyeie Progressive Cooking club met August 80 in the Commercial slab room for the pnrpesse of shooting the best teem to exhibit nt the Malheur County fair. This was done tqr elect ing three juditee—Mrs Mattie Thom aason, Mrs H. R. Sherwood and Mrs. Joe Ewing. These worth* judges judged the work ef the girls by the demonstration of prune bread making, aa well es by the eeseye given on prunes and their uses and floor and breadmaking The different brands of flour were donated by the business men as follows: Pickett flour. Wilson Bros Wigwam, Eder Hdwe. Go. White Dewn, Nyesa Flout mill. Seventeen persons witnessed the demonstration The girls wore white caps and aprons and did excellently. This ie the girla' flrat experience and we wonder if the girls of nerghbwing towns with two years experienou can do better work, aa the speaking teemed to be the hardest part for the elub members. The leeal club leaders directed the g*sls with sxperior skill. The county cluk leader, Mr. Anderson, was present when the work was com pleted. The bread previously baked was judged During the judges’ con fess ce the gfc-ls sliced, buttered and passed the bread to the eppreciative crowd. The remaining loaves sold readily, as the breed was excellent Aftee deciding, the judges announced Helen G arrett and Dcrothy Cook aa the winning team to demonstrate at Ontario. Mrs. Ewing also gave the girls several valuable points on cook ing. To cover the expense of the ooe- turnes. etc., of the girla representing the elub the seme will put prmia breed on sale at the looal stores on Wednesday. September 8. To com plete the program Mr. Anderson, county club leader, photoed all tha cooking club present, aa well as the deserving leaders. The second photo was taken of tha two winners On Fraley. September 8, e free demon stration will be given at the A. Vt Cook residence by the winning team. The state leader wHl be present and refreshment served by the coolting club. The elub members present were: Dorothy Cook, Katharine Leuck, Ada Blaylock, Marie Hunter. Helen Gan- rett Minnie Goodrich. Crete Marie Foster and Betty Tensen. Eight were absent. Help for Farmers Ontario, Oregon, Aug. 14.—Editor Journal—I have before me an article by Gen. Dawes, candidate for vico president on the republican ticket, at Lineoin, Nebraska, Aug, 30, on solu tions for farm ers' ills. We have seen from time to time mention in different papers throughout the land that “ ell ag'ee that the farm ers are In need cf help.” The beck bone of the greatest land on earth, and the greater part of them BROKE, BROKB. Joel give them a square deal end tkey will work their way ont in safety Fleet of all bond and license ell com mission eoncerni, compelling them to keep e complete recosd ef every car «hipped at local office, or enact laws prohiblliag ceasignment of any and all fruits and vegetables. For inetaaee, I have in mind one or ganization that shipped 8 rare of let tuce, with returns of 14e per crate Another part* shipped 11 cess, with returns of leas thmi SOc per crate. Another shipment of 100 crates netted the grower 7c, and in many cases the demand we* made for freight or part of the chargee for handling. These are only a few of many and In some cesea a demaad hea keen made for several hundred dollars after skip ping the entire crop. U there u anyone interested enough to look this condition np 1 will cheeo fully give my time and promise to even show them casee far worse than thoae mentioned. 1 onra for a sqeare deal for the far mer. G. P. CHRISS. NOTICE Notice ie hereby gives to all the landowners and persons interested la the Owyhee Irrigation District that a meeting will be held at the Kingman Kolony sebool house on Monday, the 8tb day of September, 1924, at the boar of 8 o’clock p m. for the purpose of explaining to those present the method and plans proposed by the U. S government for the necessary con struction for the irrigation of tha lands within said district Repreeeatativee of the United State* reclamation service will be ureeent and address tb* meet' g, explaining fully the plan eontemulated by the reclamation service for irrigating the lands within laid diatrict. This will bee very important meet ing and the board of directors of said disWict urge everyone to be present and take part in said meeting. By order of the b( ard of district. E. M. Blodgett, sec. Fnr R ent— Large, well furnished room modern furnace beat, at Ehr- E. M Blodgett Is attending to legal business el Mountain Home this week. good place. Visitors Entertained The Misses Zeima and Monta Mathews of New Plymouth and Miss Leslie Hunt of Portland were guests at a series of enjoyable entertain ments given in their honor by Nyesa friends. Misses Zeima and Monta w re guests at the Eder home and Mias Leslie at the C. C. Hunt home. The first party was given Thursday by Mary and Agnes Swan, Friday evening by the Misses Greo* and Dor othy Goahert and Saturday evening by Miss M a'gaiet H urt The latter party was also in the nature of a fare well for Mias Ruth Reberger, whs left next day for Baker So attend school. Those present ware Agnea and Mary Swan, Virginia Thompson, Ruth Reberger, Leslie and Margaret Hunt, Grace and Dorothy Goebert. The young ladles who did the enter taining proved to be admirable hos ts'* and showed their goeste a good time. Plunge parties, games and re freshments were featurds st each event. A delegation from Nyssa. includ ing R. J. Davis, John forbes and Al Thompson, attended a reclamation meeting on Deed Ox Flat Thursday evening. The meeting was addressed by government reclamation officials. The Nyssa delegates report a most enthueiastis meeting and say the resi dents of that section arc very anxious to com* into the Owyhee district if certain legal difficulties can be over come. Rev. Freeman, who has been in eharg* of the work of tha local Meth odist church for several months, de ported Thursday for Missouri to re main. Ck L. McCoy want to Caldwell Tuee- day to attend a special session of the Elk’s lodge at that place. The Ladles Bridge Club will rusume uetivities tonight at the home ot Mrs. Harlan Diven, after u summer vaca tion. The Nyssa schools will dose Wed nesday, September 10, so the school children can etttend the county fair at Bntario. the -aroe day as the Nyssa band furnishes the mu-ic at the falv. J. Ewing, Principal. Eastern Star Kensington will m eet at Mrs. Eder’s on Thursday, Septem ber 18, with Mre. B. D. Geshert and Mrs. Eder an hostesses. All members are cordially invited, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Towna ar rived home Tuesday evening from Shoshone, Ida., where they have been staying for several weeks while Mre. Town* recovered from ao operation for appendicitis.