TRE GATE CITY JOURNAL >4♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ H CONDENSED STATEMENT •Í LOCAL NEW S IN BRIEF Malheur County Bank ; . . . -----» ♦♦ » H 4 » l « » I 4 44' ■ C ase * y *4 o - ;*.« _>■ * MARRIED lk ln * "bou, . « J un># «ftear a* ffi'iiucntlj,* ^ mnrrted!" »uUl think sh» s" ,l"J»plly t" the theater1», f Orniuiont Labor*. 11 KMthering. jj! «"fds "Labor» " ■" ttsked tut k ; V- ■ a maue noin spatially prepared insecticide oils that are pat- ted a d contaiu do refuse oils, ill not discolor the animal's hair, ill net taint milk ill not blister if directions are followed, as no offensive odor. i a heavy bodied eii and will not evaporate quickly, contains ne sediment, repels flies longer than other fly sprays, kills flies. It (title 'em kills lice on cattle and in poultry houses. s unexcelled as a disinfectant for disinfecting stables, hog n\ chicken hous-s, oat houses, etc. cans are beautifully lithographed, yellow and black, with invenient spout fer pouring oil from can into sprayer, lenty advertising included in each ease is packed in gallons and 4 gallon cans, and in SO and 50 gal- n steel drums. Drums free. M ' hp Dorothy Neece o f Ontaria via It* d friumia ¡n town Wednesday. 1 Imore McLellan p.intrd a fine now sign on the new blacksmith shop this week. Bert Shelton is down from Baker county to sp -nd a few day. \l i ing frienut and relatives. A. B Cain of Ontario ih in town to day in the interest of the Malheur County fair. Mr. Cain states that the outlook for the fair is exception, ally bright this year, more money having been received from subscrip­ tions up to the pmsent time than was received all through the season last year, and interest is correspondingly greet. Chss. Thompson has received the appointment as federal inspector of fruits and grain for this district. k+ 44 M I M I 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 t Bub Lackey, wife and daughter Z. Ims. Tom Butler ard wife teturntd Tuesday from New Meadows, where they have been Soujourning for the past month. Wallace Lynch v-sited Caldwell Sunday. Nyss.t, Oregon at the dose|of business June 30, 1924,2 ' friends in Mardn Wilson ard Glenn Brown re­ turned Thursday evening from a two- week a vacation spent close to nsture in the wilds of Stein's mountain The boys found the mountain streams fill, d with trout, of which they cap­ tured a large number, some of them of quite Urge sixe. ( r e s o u r c e s ; l ia b il it ie s Loane and discounts_______ $337,208,*8 Overdrafts____ . __________ SSS.W Banking Mouse, ^Furniture ‘ Ml end Fixtaree___________ 15.W1.I7 Other Real Estate_________ MS.f i Bonds, Warrants end Secu­ 4.WS.T7 rities........... ........................ CASH AND DUB PROM BANKS 6M17.W Capital t o e k ------ --------. . . . $ Surplus and Preflte______ _ 40.W1.7S Bills Payable.......................... WOMB R eiscan nts_____ ____ NONB DEPOSITS............................. 3SRIW.48 Sanford Emison, at one time a prom­ $417,8« . IS ¡$417 1 LIS inent citizen of Nyssa but nuw of Los Angeles, Cal., with his wife is vwita OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS | ing at the home of Mrs. Emison’s lî. J. Ward, President. {John Ray, Vice PrusMcnt sister, Mrs. W, G. Vogts. The Eml- J. P- Dunaway, Cashier. sons are well remembered by all the O. G. Bauer, Assistant Cashier older residents, who are pleased to H.|A. Diven. Assistant Cashier. see them once again. After viaiting J, F. Reece, 1 J. J. Saraain G. L. Phillips in the Twiu Falls country the Emiaqps Directors. will motor back to Los Angelea. Th* little. unlooked~for services, courtesies and alteations, outside tha boat«* Mrs. S. J. Ehrgood has traded her path o f routine, are what have counted most in makina loyal friande aad cus­ farm property here for a rooming tomer« for this bank. house in Boise. Miss Ruby Minton, accompanied by her graadmather, left for Portland wrung with tin^ Sunday, where Mias Minton will speiui S. her vacation. leaves out V J Two long gravel trains go through nscrlpt. Nyssa daily taking gravel from the big pit near Homadale to the grading easure George Goodrich la on tha aiek list ► +-i->4 + I44-K 4 4 4I work oa the Boise cut off. • s n.v, yon er * this this week. Geo. O. Smith, who for some time H. J. Ward and J. F. Dunoway left haa been employed as carpenter on the O. 4. L , threw up hia job this week Wednesday for Stein’s Mountain to low «o? and returned to hia ranch in Kingman transact some business. — " V a l, In !„ •‘partment endtld Kolony. wan only ales The cooking club held their latest meeting at the river where an enjoy­ able day wa.- spent in swimming and E. C. VanPetten of Ontario was in a Chanet playing. A delic.ous covered dish town Tuesday evening meetieg with a NY SS A. OPEGON » you like be« * luncheon was served at noon. number o f prominent citixens inter­ u who cnine be, The Frank Lynch family has moved ested ir, the Owyhee project. The Wm Glenn of Owyhee was in town into the Reeee house in the south meeting was in the nature of a get- * sailor best, I» To the Public to gether confab with the object of Tuesday. part of town. K hi» liandkerddd ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H a ady to do all kinds of Mrs. Foucb, Mrs. Reberger and forestalling any trouble or friction tg and wagon work and ❖ 4-H-4"H-‘fr-H"H“I"M'4*4 4,4 4''k'8,lli4 ,Hr daughter were in Caldwell last Friday. which might develop over matters |tf||gHBcssed to have you make £ pertaining to the project, and to dis­ RCASTIC C. W. Reberger and H. T. Francis e a call. Apposite Methodist church. cuss means by which the interests of cone uded a deal last Saturday by Frank Lauck. tha project may be furthered. Wa are which Mr. Reberger became the owner glad to announce that all elements are of the Francis farm property and Mr. working together harmoniously to sa I Peaty our Cleari g and Dyeing Francis possessor of the Reberger cure the aid of the government in this r’ a City Dye Works, Boise. Ida. «ity holdings. matter and doubt not that their united A special meeting of tha city coun­ efforts will meet with complete sue cil will be held on Tuesday, August 26, cess in the very near future. Much at which a marshal to fill out the un credit ia due to those who have work­ expired term of Marshal Reberger, ed hard in the face of great difficul- With over 300 samples to choose from you can have resigned, will be appotnted. All ap­ tiea to put the project into the favor­ your new Fall Suit er Over­ your hurry, it plications tor the position wRl be cen- able position it now occupies with ree coat made to your new meas­ sidered at that meeting. urements as low as tarnation officials. NYSSA - t- OREGON. The Reberger and Francis families i u n a n are exchanging houses today. H I 1 I I11 IH I I" l 4 4 4 4 4 4 - + 4 - M - 4 - 4 - M - M I 4 t- 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 !■ i" not so b«J iry lad; Geo. P. Ward motored to Elgin, itor—yet Oregon, Thurauay, returning the Same ome a pet Have your shirts tailor made. day bringing with him Mrs Clarence They cost no mort. beam and cbltdren, who will visit at d Easier We give particular attention A largeeonsignmsnt of grade stakes the Ward homo. We are informed that a private feud has arrived at Nyssa for the use of to repairing and prassing in lisle maita The lljpVERSITY of OREGON contains: ‘j suits, fry our service. The old school building presents a between two young men of the com­ the reclamarlon bureau in laying out a If— The College of Literature. Scieni-r much improved appearance, the result munity, Earl Davia and Tom Baird, new road from Adrian to the site of 'Ultl have thru and the A rts with 22 drpGrtrrcnt*. of a new coat of paint neatly applied w ich w a s heartlessly interrupted by the proposed Owyhee dam at Bex b y Fred Marsnall. The coal Su e d, Deputy Marshal George Green Thurs Cenyon. Quite a large force it now TWpraf lasional schools of Archi- 1011 Main sit-, Bouse, Idaho garage and other outbuildings also re­ day evening, will be resumed on Sat- engaged in preliminary work an the Aliied Arts—Butiinciij Phone 1479R Proverbs ceived a coat at the hands of tha same turday next and lought to the bitttr damsita. All findings to date are en ­ ution—Education—Gr»o~ is wife are ont UfttC Study—Journalism—Law— eixi. This will doubtless be a most tirely sat'lfactory. workman. Medicine— Music—Physical Edu Audrey Ward it now salesman for, sanguinary contest and those who get cation—>Scx iology—Extension the .MoUonnoii produals For the a kick out of gory sights shoulu make e two to makei {Bmmwtalo^ue or any information present he will worn Nyssa and Unla- i it a point to be present, for if the event proves to be up to advance no­ tfrNf Tht Rofistrar, UnWertlty of rio and vicinities. tices blood vill flow freely while the Mrs. Ruth Lackey, formerly Miss ortsman championship is being determined. Ruth Long, is in a hospital in Los i went hunting Angeles undeiguing medical treat­ m o th ment. She is reported to be improv- DESTROYER nythlng? ng. t .links. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clossen and Miss Kills Theml The dance in Community ball on Irene took a pleasure trip by auto to Thursday evening turned out to be a Destroys their eggs When in need of Present Midvale Sunday. ; AND % ‘ vary successful affair. A large ciowd T h ou san ds of houae- lips you b«« w iv e * h a v e q u i t w o r r y ­ Mr. and Mrs. M. 1). McLeod o On­ was present, many from a distance, in g a b o u t m o t h s . T h a ey u s e C E N O L M O TH D E ­ tario visited Mr. and Mrs. L. E Alex­ and all had a good time. The enjoy -s, darling, anil S T R O Y E R . K il l.t h a la r­ ander Suuday. Mr. Alexander ia the ment o f the evening waa not marred vae th a t d o th e d a m a g e. ’ itllits. W i l l n o t s t a in — p l e a s in g Nyssa representative of the Idaho by any rough stuff, such ae has a f­ o d o r . U se it to d a y . Power Co. during the absence of flicted several previous dance*. Tha fe n f Frank Miller. the kind of l muaic was previded by Prof. Spies D C C IFTjBEY Sold by ike her out n» Mr». Mary Rophling of Castle Rock, Oregon Trail Orchestra, and was as Wash., is visiting at the home of her usual exactly suited to the demacds of NYSSA PHARMACY ALSO MAKERS OF , wlint does h the occaaion. neice, Mrs. L. L. Dinw-iddie, C. L. MeCoy, Prop. fW O 'H O R S E Brand Bib Overalls | Mr. Clanton, the auctioneer of Pay­ fo r M en a n d B oy s otliing else but Ceaol Agency ftEUABLL MERCHANDISE UNGE I #5» ette, was in town "e d n sday in the riTUTlON interest o f the Iowa picnie, which will be held in that town in tha near fu­ ture. Albert Iredale of Emmett spent Threshing is in full swing in the Sunday at the U. T. Francis heme. surrounding country. Oraine are' Frank Edwards has moved his fam­ yielding well, much better than wee BURBIDGE & RAY. Prop. ily into the house formerly occupied expected early in the season With by Dwight Smith. good crops at the prevailing high C. M Beaumont of Kingman Kol­ prices it looks as if prosperity is ba We are offering, for s abort time oaly, oae ony has sold 700 tons of hay to Frank ginning to smile on the farmer McKmght, the Vale sheepman, at $10 Wo grind per ton. See Mc Fa 1 and see bet tei our own Albert Cook and wife left Monday for a short vacation in tha Wallowa lenses district, A number of potato growers ar* Phone 147 R. A Ambrose and wife and Henry moving ibair product to market this Eyesight Specialist Terms to suit buyer. Al shape. Ambrose and wife, ailol Jerome, Ida , week. While the price is not very J Ontario - Oregon were visit'ng Nyss« relatives and high it I* sufficient to return a small This is sxceptional value for a large family er commercial friends over the week end. R A. Ambrose is a brother ir Isw of Al profit to the farmer. The tonnage Thompson and Henry Ambrose is a per acre is satisfactory end the qual­ brother in Isw of J A Felton. ity excellent. Many grow er! are of Judge Test and E M Greig of On the opinion that prices will be higher tsrio were visitors in town Wednes­ later in the season. day Mrs. Mattie Thomason has returned from Emmett, where she has been visiting friends and relatives. Work done while you wait Warren Fenn was a business visitor While playing oa top o f a box car Best Workmanship —Best Leather in town from the Owyhee Wednesdsy, near the depot Monday evening Ar­ Try our mail order service—Shoe* mailed 24 hoars after Douglas McDona'd and wife spent thur L y n h misled hia footing and fell the week end visiting friends at Stsr. received. We pay postage one way. to the ground Fortunately no bones Idaho. were broken, but the boy received a Loet—Shaeffer Fountain Pen. list Radiator Experts 0*y acetylene Weldin* nasty under hia chin caused by week. Finder plea»» return to Jour on dig do»* sinking a chunk o f slag. nal oflP-t and receive reward ........................................................................................................................................................................... ... id sunn tint* ■9 W-WWW.-. w-v WW-1 1 buzz-bean edito, J rocery Department Everything for the Table cy and Staple Groceries er Hdwe. Go. Don’t Overlook the fact that you can buy seeds cheaper in bulk High Line Our Prices Are Right New Fall Lines t 29.50 $ ____w p w Nyssa Grain & Seed Co. Carnival of Blood Promised To Lay Cut New Road E. F. Bruce 1 W hy W orry A bou t Dance Fresh, Cured or Lunch MEATS Nyssa, Or. ur Stock Is Always Fresh yssa Packing* Co. Dr. J. A. McFall ness and Saddlery Work a Specialty WEAR BETTER- bLA'ST LONGiy A N OTHER,. V m Good Crops and Good Prices Spuds Moving SSA HARNESS AND SHOE SHOP Nyssa, Oregon r th S ? Boy Falls MAKES Æ i IN yssa Garage Oldsmobile 8, Seven Pass. Touring for $350 Three Ford Touring at right prices Come and see us Cook & Cook