Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 15, 1924)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL EXCELLENT POINTS AB O U T GIRL’S O W N ROOM Around ESS Orchard HIT-OR-MISS SPRAY IS NOT SUCCESSFUL Many small orchards can he found that provide a steady source o f Income 1 through the summer months hy the production of high-grade fruit. The quantity o f fruit shipped Into North 1 Carolina annually Is evidence o f the demand which exists for local fruit : that is given the proper amount of care. In the western part o f the state one o f the principal enemies V> la* dealt with in the apple Industry Is the scab disease which occurs on fruit o f un- eprayed trees to the extent o f from lit) to 100 por cent. The old "hlt-or-mlas" system o f spraying lias proved unsuc cessful because It is essential for con Corner in Girl's Room, Showing Pleasing Arrangement. trol that lb«* fungicide he present on the fruit at the time o f Infection. ' o?*Asrictthu*«?)** D,p*rtrn' nt tractive shade of gray or tan. The A study o f the life history of the ittle thought and some real old flnlsh shou|d. however, he re- seuli fungus conducted several years I can transform an uninter- lnovod « » d 'h e wood sandpapered ago brought out the fact that the win lvltlng room Into a place o f SIUOoth before any paint Is applied, ter is passed by the disease on fallen and charm. The girls in the Choose a Good Bed. leaves beneath the tree, and that re • Own Room" clubs, under A Rln,l>le- painted-metal single bed newed activity takes place In the enrl.v in o f the United States lie- wl,h “ * ° od «"d spring. Hefore tile apple Is In full if Agriculture an.] various deslrnble for a young girl. A sllp-on bloom, an abundance of spores is pro-’ i ultural colleges have ue- ‘‘over of unbleached muslin Is excellent wonderful results In mak- for keeplnK the muttress clean. The mttraetive rooms according plllow' llkp the mattress, should lie eslions given them hy club prote< ted b-v « thin, close fitting, wash- . able cover between the ticking and the shade for the walls, floors, irtlcles In the room is usual- . Cushions, table covers, other small bright colored tl.e needed touch o f color. cretonne in curtains and netinies suggests the color Tt.t. I. ...... YOUTHFUL ONE-PIECE FROCK; KNITTED SUITS NOW IN FAVOR f \ and Idonse vogue Ik the one-piece dress which combines the two. Frocks o f this type have u convincing argu ment In their favor in that the plaited skirt sewed to the blouse presents an eminently youthful ap|iearance. The picture herewith proves the assertion. I’lutlnum gray, Hrsl quality, Is the chosen medium for this practical and handsome model. It Is one of tli ise desirable types which Is ready for every occasion. The flowery vines pen ranee In till.* handsome knitted cos tume Interknit In lacquer red and green characters. Tim* the vogue lor the Chinese Is presented in mi entire ly new conception as applied to knitted urt. Tin* appearance of knitted suit* on the horizon I h Indeed a welcome event III the Held of fashion, bringing with It a trend o f countless new and re freshing ideas. In some Instances the strictly tailored note is maintained to a nicety. Such is u very handsome h a p p il y a« in sue pled a d will not will not Nnll not thus no ol is a he*» Icon tains repels fli kids die: [kills lice is unexc an*, chic [cans an pnvenien fienty adt is pack si Significant Omissi, "D o you know l ow the La spell their program?" asked IIshman at a social gutherli he spelled out the words “L grnm." W ell, what Is wrong wli Inquired Ills hostess. ''" 'b y , you see It leaves ot 'm e.' Huston Transcript, In Steel ( Short Measure Hlrein Ileechnut—Sny, you n J most gosh hanged buzz-bean edltJ ’er heard tell of. Editor I'oduck— How so? H lrem Beechnut— Wa'al, in J week's paper the department entltkt "local Intelligence" was only q j tw o Inches long! P11*"" case. An mprovl*ed dres,s,n« “ tide can be ;>'“ dp hy hanging a mirror over a small aW‘'; 1* ‘ ° bf P u r r e d to dress- !’ * ,n l' ‘‘ S w,ith floun, es of cretonne “ l“ d u s t , A bureau ° r t’ hest " f drn":ers ls needed for storing cloth- Ins und personal belongings. Bureau Give Him a Chance Grnndma— Who do all those young men to see your sister? Eddie— I like ihe enuse lie doesn't hang over the keyhole. you like bent who cnine bJ sailor best, g Ids bundktrdH VERY SARCASTIC DESIGNED FOR WARM W EATH ER WEAR tvhlch so gracefully pattern the blouse are embroidered In dull silver Inter spersed with floss In French blues, rose and dull greens. An adroit but toning of the hip hand at each side gives an expert lilting to the blouse. Now that gray printed silk enters extensively into dress styling, one of the attractive results is the frock whose waist portion Is o f the colorful print, with plaited skirt attached, the same being of a solid color matched to the predominating shade In the silken blouse. Another effective adaptation of the blouse with contrasting skirt attach«*.! FRUIT ICE CREAMS PREVENT CHIGGERS OF VARIOUS KINDS GETTING ON SKIN Insects Can Be Kept Off By Different Flavors May Be Had as Desired Using Flowers of Sulphur. (P r e p a r e d b y t h e U n ite d S ta te s D e p a r t m e n t o f A s r lc u lt u r e .) If It Is necessary to go where chig- gers abound they may be kept off by previously sifting flowers o f sul phur Into the underclothes and stock ings, says the United States Depart ment o f Agriculture. Naphthalene, which also protects from other Insects, has been used In the same way. Vas eline, pure or mixed with sulphur, Is satisfactory except that It soils the clothing. A good hot hath, with salt or strong soap, taken Immediately after expos ure will often prevent those on the skin from “ digging In” ; hut as the presence o f the tiny insects is un fortunately not evident for some hours after going Into long grass or hushes, the only thing to do when they are discovered is to apply some cooling lotion, such ns ammonia or bicarbonate of soda, directly on the affected parts. A 10 per cent dilu tion o f carbolic acid, a dilute tinc ture o f iodine, or collodion may he used. The destruction o f wild bushes and * other places which harbor chlggers has helped to eradicate them. Private lawns and country clubs enn he made free from them to a large extent hy keeping the grass cut anil use less herbage mowed ns closely ns possible, so as to expose the chlggers to the sun. Dusting the grass and other plants with sulphur, or spray ing with dilute kerosene emulsion mixed with sulphur facilitates exter mlnntlon. Putting sheep to pasture on large acreages Is thought to get rid o f chlggers, because» It Is he- | lleved, they are nffected by the oil or lanoline 111 the sheep's wool. ( P r e p a r e d b y t h e U n ite d S ta te s D e p a r t m e n t o f A g r i c u l t u r e .) Far from the soda fountain—out In the country, at shore or mountain re sort— the children may enjoy chocolate sundaes and fruit Ice creams o f many kinds If Ice is procurable and if they are willing to furnish the labor when it conies to turning the freezer. Plain Vanilla lee Cream. 1 q u a rt m arket cream (usually 16 to 18 p e r ce n t fat) H pint w-hole or e v a p o r a t e d m il k navy blue model recently developed In a mohair and fiber mixture with plain Hopper— What' fiber knit binding, All the regulat’on rules were observed In eorrettly Snail ! notched coat collar, mannish double- breast buttoning, proper eufTs and Social Saurian plain shirt. An overwhelming n:gu- A s o c i a l " l i z a r d ’s '’ not bo bad A s is t he p r e d a t o r y lad; niont In favor o f the knitted suit Is A t h e a r t an a l l i g a t o r — yet that it does not wrinkle. A m b i t i o u s to b e c o m e a pet. One of the smart outcomes of the knitted suit vogue Is a model the ukirt H e Breathed Easier of which Is ii monotone o f color knit Sybil— Father, the music masts with ribs simulating plaits at each side. With this conies u Jueque.te proposed this morning— Father— W h a t! wrought In gayest plaid. Hie same pro Sybil— That I should liar* [km duced entirely through knitted stitch. It Is noted that the shopper cn the lessons a week. fashionable city thoroughfare prefers neutral and nidhotoiie effects, reserv Questions the Proverbs ing Ihe brighter and pastel shades tor “ I*ii, a man and Ids wife are oni country club events und guy r,.si)rf aren’ t they?" “ Yes, my son.” "Then it doesn’t take two to raabi quarrel, does It?" A G ifted Sportsman p in t s u g a r ( ( , pound) % t e a s p o o n f u l va- n ll la Time to Have a Taste. chopped walnut m eats; with enished Peanut Butter Cottage fruit in sirup It may be some other Pudding kind o f sundae. IN cupfuls flour N cupful peanut Vanilla lee cream can also be varied 1 teaspoonful *ftlt butter 1 teaspoonful soda 2 tablesnoonfuts by Introducing different flavors Into I t, cupfuls water lemon tulce the mixture before freezing It. A cup \ cupful sugar ful o f sweetened fruit pulp Is the right Sift the flour, salt, and soda to amount for the quantity o f cream and gether. Combine the water, peanut other Ingredients In the recipe. Half butter, lemon Juice, nnd sugar, and a pint o f sweetened peach pulp (made stir In the dry Ingredients. Beat the from one capful o f dried peaches and mixture thoroughly, hake It In muffin 14 pound o f sugar) Is enough for about pans, nnd serve with chocolate or 2 quarts o f the crushed peach Ice other pudding enuce. If desired. 4 cream Illustrated. A few tahlespoon- teaspoon tula o f baking powder may he fuls o f caramel flavor In vanilla Ice substituted for the soda and lemon cream gives a pleasant variation, snys Juice, says the United States Depart the United States Department o f Ag ment o f Agriculture. J rlAilture. contains: The Colic* af Lite, and thft'Ai’ * with 2 The profes si set tsctuioind Allied . Admin it Iratton—Ed nato Stud 1 — Joel i M olM ae— Music— I lojue or oi I R eg istrar Eugene. Or. Mr. Splint— So you went huotlai with Jinks? Mr. Ylpe— Yes. Mr. Splint— Shoot anything? Mr. Ylpe.— Y es; shot Jinks. % 1‘ lnln vanilla Ice cream can he served with a hot or cold chocolate slrun as chocolate sundae It Is good with !<• sirup poured over It and n few The UNI\ ERSITY Implication Present "A re mine the only lips you km ever kissed?” "Y es," he sn ld ; "yes, darling, mi the nicest."— I.nndon Tit-lilts. Bed of Strawberries Is Favored for Table Use incom petent Reports on farm gardens indicate that In the past few years, fewer gardens are growing strawberries, in proportion to the Increase in people who would eat them. For the small amount o f work necessary to keep up a strawberry bed after it gets started, this Is one of the favored berries for table use, and deserves a place In every farm garden. Tick out soil which Is almost ns fer tile ns for other vegetables. Rows may he as close as .30 inches and the plants 15 Inches apart In the row. Flam's must he ‘‘maiden sets.” that is. runner-set plants of last summer, Is carried Into the blouse hy mean* of which have never borne fruit. A a monogram motif. strawberry plant should have all old An all-white ensemble which leaves and all hut two or three o f Its »tresse, ,he blouse ^ new leaves pruned off when set. The together with „ 'h re e „ carter . roots should he cut back to about two mutch features amitne' e he„v.|, and one-half Inches In length. Set a ........... pattern .... „ * ■trawherry plant Just so none of the blouse Smt wrap, the entire heme roots are above the surface o f the ground and no soil covers the eye or nespe.iks tlte mode elegant. growing bud o f the plant. The soil should he pressed so tightly over the well spread out roots that the plants cannot he pulled up by one leaf stem. Spray Plan for Apples The spraying program or aohedule should lie laid out with apeelflc ref erence to the orchard to be protected. Importance should be attached to Its locnlity and to the variety o f apples grown, as well as to the age and con dition o f the trees and their Imme dtate surroundings. Climate varia tions In different seasons also modify the severity o f the attack and the ease o f control o f the varions». All these factors affect the spraying program. ___ Dora— Harold Isn’t the kind of 1 man a girl wants to take her out v* toring. Flora— Indeed. Why, what does bi do? D ora— Drives, and nothing else but BROKEN CONSTITUTION American— Uncle Sam has Ihe 0“** constitution o f 'em a l l ! Britisher— But badly broken W amendments, doncher know. Conscientious Money Said Uncle Sam. tn accents cool. Our wealth In mltthty sums Is l*et'R try to have the Oolden RulJ Supported by the rule of gold." AM ft.shlon inml hm„ knit.ert mode fils season. For street »ear. sport, „„ a ,,reM R enew ed Every Day stunning - , % P,“,f ': 3 P Î " M an darin - « - *utmn*M «Ith match com the In, ensemble having ev 'C 1 »he tailored suit app' ' “ I thought you said last night Ih** Jen's com plexion was ruined." “ So I did." "But there she Is over there life Ing as beautiful as ever." “ I referred to her Inst night’» r°* plexlon. P ocket Digging ' isltor— This country is dry, ^ It? Bootlegger— Wen. If yon du deep enough you can find soniethli# P h u iu