PflllNT Y^PAT NiRW^ W v l l A 1 J L n l IlC iT v W tram Brogan— Mrs. John Thomson of Brugai- was in towu Wednesday »hopping and visiting. Motor to Ontario— Mr. and Mr». Carl Fegtly motored to Ontario Tunaday afternoon for a brief business visit. Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Corder were business visitors in town Tuesday, having made the trip from Bonita. County Coroner Dr. R. O. Payne of Ontario, who fills the position o f county coroner, was a business visitor in town Li. 1 trip to Pendleton and points in t ie Move This Week— Mr. and Mrs. John Chester ami Willamette Valley. Upon his le- turn Everett Hutton resumed his children have this week moved from | work as driver o f the Vale Mi u their old home on the northern edge Company truck, which position I is of town to the bouse just across been held by John Boswell for t ic the street from H. W. Cbampneys residence, formerly occupied by Mi past two weeks. and Mrs. Thus. B. Nordale. Receives Sad News— Sam Hess received news Mond iv To Crane Prairie— o f the death of his youngest brutki Donald Graham, who is employed at McMinnville. The funeral wo in the assessor’s office, is leaving held Tuesday, but the news cam Saturday for a two weeks’ vacation too late for Mr. Hess to attend at Crane Prairie. visited Busiaeaa Visitor— James Weaver of Bonita motoreu Brings Family— down the latter part of last week to Mrs. Leonard T. Underwood and attend to some business details and two children, wife and family of visit with old acquaintances. Leonard T. Underwood, field in spector for this division, aceomp Returns From Vacation— anied him to Vale and are making Leo Schmidt is back at work in their home in an apartment at the the Vale Trading Company after a Drexel hotel for the summer ten days’ auto trip to Portland and other Willamette valley cities. Culled To LaGrande— M. W. Scott o f Beulah was cal Here Tuesday— led to LaGrande this week on s Dr. E. S. Fortner of the Ontario count of illness of his brother, Joh firm of Weese and Fortner was in M. Scott, who has been working i town on business Tuesday o f this a lumber camp there. week. Slightly Improved— Pew Days' Visit— The many friends of Mrs. Wrr. Miss Chloa Sullivan arrived in Rose will be glad to learn that sh Vale Tuesday from Emmett where has at last been able to sit up to her parents are now making theii a few short periods a day of fifteei home. She will spend a few days and twenty minutes’ each. Mrs. Roj here visiting Miss Verda Doolittle. has been very ill for the past si.\ weeks. Returns Sunday— WILL M L ItI HIGHER COURT Bluford H. Small of Jamieson Will Appeal Case— Charged Wilu Sel­ ling Intoxicating Liquor (From the Malheur Enterprise.) Bluford H. Small of Jamieson was found guilty on Wednesday of this week of selling intoxicating liquor and was fined $300 and 60 days in jail in the justice court of J. D. Rogers in the county seat. It was claimed that Small sold the liquor to local hoys a couple of weeks ago following a Saturday night dunce. He was given a jury i ial and immediately after the de­ cision, R. W. Swagler of Ontario and Geo. W. Hayes of Vale, attorn eys for the defense, gave notice ol appeal. Davis and Lytle represented the state. at the Journal Mrs. C. C. Mueller returned Sun­ Business Visitor— day evening from Fresno, Califor­ Steve Domby of Malheur City nia, where she has been during the was a business visitor in town last illness and death of her mother. week. Butterw rappers print shop. Here This Week— Will Go to Boise— Mrs. Albert Cook motored over Roy Daley, deputy clerk, left from Nyssa to spend a few days Thursday for a two weeks' vacation, this week at the home o f her par­ a few days of which he will spend ents, Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Hope. visiting in Boise. I City Dray Line To Bee Dentist— Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Grantham and daughter came in from their ranch in the Watson Community Monday and did some shopping in town as well as taking their little girl to see the dentist. They returned Tues day morning by auto. PROMPT Visits With Friend»— Mrs. C. B. Woodward and small son and daughter left the latter part o f last week for Watson to visit for a while with Mr. and Mrs. George Brown. They made the trio with Ed Palmer in his car, Mr. Pal­ mer having been in here to purchase supplies. Government Trapper— Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Knottingham and three daughters were in town last week. Mr. Knottingham has the position of government trap]ie and was hunting a location fet traps in this vicinity. DRS. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY CHI ROI’ R ACTORS BRADFORD & BRADFORD Carver Method Possesses more undevete ed resources than anyotli town i i the Snake Rivf Valley 1 with the u m structure sd by Its h .-I i > Succo Th« county ®1®I®I@ Pin e Building Sites Nyssa, Oregon R. W SWAGLER Attorney at Law Rooms 12, 14, 15, Wilson Bldg., Ontario, Oregon and up in s l r a n c e . W. B. HOXIE INSURANCE Office at Residence, Third ind Ehrgood Avenue. Nyssa, Oregon F it Quick Service CALL THE |f --- Nyssa Transfer l Gathering Beev P H O N E . ........... 70 F2 Bill Lofton and the Lawrence boys, well known stockmen in thi- ! 2 ^ * * * * * * ^ * * * * A * f r '» f .^ 4 4 6 A i^ Go For Baggage— county, are gathering beeves in Ferd Zutz and G. M. Love motor­ ♦ ♦ I H lli j » 4 Logan Valley. ed to the Little Malheur in Mr. Zutt’s car Monday to assist the H. From Jordan Valley— W. Champneys and R. D. Lytle fam Jap Duncan and J. R Danes - ilies, who have been enjoying a two- were Jordan Valley visitors in tl- : weeks' ramping and fishing trip ___ county seat Wednesday of thi there, in carrying bark their bag WM.k> „ , h, r(Hlrt h((U, „ Drop around and look them over ER SHOP I I A N D n a AU STO Uh; look after some business matters. Visit From Watson Here From Watson— Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Winter» and Jin, Holmes of Watson spent l»»i small daughter Leora accompanied week-end in the county seat looking Mrs. Winter»’ brother, Guy P»ge, to after business matters. \ old with nil h 1 g r e a t e r -• i l l Will DELIVERY I Land Ollire Business— Ben G. Faust. Ralph W. Faust, nd Herbert F. Corey, all of Unity, were in town Monday looking after land matters. w PHONE 15 where he has obtained employment, Boise and Yale— Elmo Dickerson, another grandson Mrs. E. T. Waleh and daughter of o f Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Johnson, is Juntura, who have been on a trip to also working at Harper. Boise, spent Monday and Tuesday in Vale, returning Tuesday to their To Boise T, T. Nelsen and O. E. Carman home in the western part of tl e made a trip to Boise last Friday foi county. the purpose o f looking for dairy Fiw Vacation— stock. Miss Agnes Love of Portland, Quite 111— who has a music studio in ’ he H. H. Wade has been quite ill Rose City, will Rrrive in Vnle for the past week and it was feared Saturday morning where she will that he would have to undergo an pend her vacation visiting with hei operation. However, he is better father, G. M. Love, and friends in now and expects to postpone sur and near this city. gery until later. Makes Final Proof— Left Sunday— Mrs. Iva F. Madden of Cascade, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Ledgerwood Idaho, was in town Tuesday for the of the Standard Oil agency, left purpose o f making final proof on Sunday on a two weeks’ vacation her deceased husband's homestead wich will be »pent in the northern near Ontario. Accompanying her as part of the state and in eastern witnesses were Charles C. Carter Washington. nd E. C, McDowell, both o f Ontar- $ meeting Reasonable Rates Vacation Trip— Mr. and Mrs. C. C Coates will Constipation and Examination Free Nyssa, Oregon leave Sunday for a two weeks’ mo toring trip, going to North Yakima. Wash., then on to Portland and Sea­ OSTEOPATHS side. Mrs. C. G. Griffin, who ha- DR. HARRIET SEARS been visiting in Vale, will accom pany them as far as Pendleton. Hoes Night Work— Osteopathic Physician Tom Sullens o f this city has been Ontario, Oregon Motor To Portland— looking after the night work at the The Misses Ida and Roma Me Office: Wilson Bldg., Over Raders Oregon Slope pumping plant during Kinght started Wednesday on a mo the illness o f Ben Bohannan, the toring trip to Portland where they usual Slope night man. ATTORNEYS AT LAW will spend a month or so as well as several weeks at the shore. They Leaves For Harper— rf M. BLODGETT Wallace LeMoine, who has been were accompanied by.Mrs. Wes Cav- spending the summer visiting his iness, who has been visiting friends Attorney and Counsellor at Law grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John E in and near Vale for the past few weeks. _ Practice in all courts Johnson, left Wednesday for Harpi 'ì Entrepot to the Owy and Black Canyon lr\ gationProjects C. K LINK KN BERG Valeite Married In Boise— Miss Hazel Lowe, who has been The Stateman records the issuing spending the past two months in o f a marriage license in Boise to San Francisco and neighboring Miss Maude Campbell of Boise and cities, is expected back next week William S. Perkins of Vale. when she will resume her work ns stenographer in the office of the Visit With Friends— Mr. and Mrs. Roscio Echave mot­ county clerk. ored up from the lower part of the county last week and visited with friends in this city. Before her marriage Mrs. Echave was Miss Dorothea Cox, a well known Mai heur county girl. CITY LOTS 1 s h a v in g , hai r < u t t iw HOT ANI) t o i D BATHS I- Nyssa B HAM AKER. p r„p. Oregon ................................. ... ............................. .... Journal Office