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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1924)
T he G ate C ity J ournal VOL. XXII. NO 40. MALHEUR GO. MARINE ON PACIFIC BATTLESHIP NYSSA, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 8t 1924 OREGON SLOPE : HARNEY COUNTY MAN ASSICNEO POSITION TO ': MEETS SUDDEN DEATH NEW FIELD DIVISION $1.50 PER YEAR OWYHEE RROGAN WILL HAVE LARGE FRUIT CROP Mr. and Mrs. Bartshe entertained Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Schweizer and at dinner Sunday. Covers were la.'il daughter Anna Louise and Mrs. Ber for Mr. and Mrs. John Haverfield tha Green and Roscoe Lloyd left THOMAS FLOYD MONROE A8- and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank JOHN EVANS IS Wisdom and family, Mrs. Char. DROWNED | LEONARD T. UNDERWOOD WILL | 2 5 “ " ^ ' J SIGNED TO DUTY ON U. S. TREES ARE LADEN IN SPITE OF WHILE SWIMMING NEAR Warren and Darlene, Mr. Coleman, INSPECT LAND ENTRIES S. OKLAHOMA Schweizer and family. They expect EARLY FROST— MANY CRANE LAST SUNDAY the Misses eLla, Nettie and Mary IN DISTRICT to be gone about ten days. VARIETIES Bartshe and the host and hostess. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Glascock are Formerly Juntura Boy—Oklahoma Constance Johnson is spending Prominent Stockman— Native Ol ! Formerly Of Portland— Passed Over raring for Wm. Schweizer stock dur- Patrula Pacific Waters in West the week with Mrs. Robert White. Number Of Vale People Hear Col nig his absence. Wales—Survived By Wife, Lake County Territory With Coast Neighborhood Mr. and Mrs. Milton Potter visit onel Thatcher— Reports Good Con Mother And Brother Wes Caviness Recently Ray Contrail’s were Nyssa visit ed over the week end with relatives ditions All Over Community ors Saturday evening. in Weiser. An item of special interest to Mrs. Oce Schweizer returned home Louise Davis is on the sick list From the Harney county papers, (From the Malheur Enterprise.) Malheur couty readers comes from this week. Wednesday evening from a few The people o f Brogan report that i the Burns Times-Herald and the Leonard T. Underwood of Port days visit to her mother, Mrs. A. B they are not complaiumg ol climate, the Marine Division Headquarters at Frank Joseph has been suffering l Crane American, comes the sad news land arrived in Vale this week to San Diego stating that after com with a badiy infected foot this past Bradney in the Bend. water, or any thing else this year, o f the drowning of John Evan>, take charge of his duties as in pleting a period of special training week, Rev. Bruce Farrinton and wife for in spite of early fronts there a stockman of Harney county who spector of the field division for at the Sea School there, Thomas of Roswell, visited at Evans Sunday. will be a fine fruit crop near that Elizabeth Davis returned to her is also well knwn in Malheur county. this district, having been assigned Floyd Monroe, son of Mrs. Anna home in Boise Monday after spend town this year. Brogan’s well-earn Mr. Evans was with a party of this position in the place o f J. D. C. Mr. and Mrs. J, W. Kiggar and Mnroe, o f Juntura, Malheur County, ing two weeks visiting her cousins ed reputation for producing the best bathers who scattered about the family and Mr. and Mrs. Lou De- Oregon, has been assigned to duty Miriam and Louise Davis. Thomas who formerly held it, ano fruit in auy part of the northwest Warmsprings swimming pool near who will have charge of the field Goede and son motored to Ontario will be sustained this season con on the U. S. S. Oklahoma, one of Mrs. Agnes Lias was a guest Crane last Sunday forenoon when division in Cheyenne, Wyoming, foi Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Kiggai trary to the expectations of every the battleships o f the Pacific Fleet, he suddenly disappeared near the Sunday in the G. G. Holt home. the summer .He is working in the had some dental work done, where he is a members of the U. S. one after the trouble incurred by Miss Lela Bartshe went to Bak spring that throws out extremely Mr. and Mrs. James Butler and the severe freeze during the late Marine guard. local land office this week prepar er Sunday evening for a visit in hot water. It is concluded that the atory to field inspection of the var family, of Cairo, visited Sunday af spring. The Willis fruit ranch has Floyd lived in Juntura before he the homes o f her sisters Mrs. War heat weakened him to such an ex temoon at the Kerr home. ious land entries in this district. joined the Marine Corps at Wen position of champion among many tent that he was immediately over ren and Mrs. Mackenro. atchee, Washington, last November. Mrs. Geo. Schweizer and children fine ranches in that territory, and Mr. Underwood recently returned The Program Committee of the come and was a victim of heart Later he was assigned to duty at front Lake county where he was are camping at the Hot Springs un will ship 200 carloads of fruit of Park Improvement Club held two failure. His body was taken out a- San Diego, where he learned the called by court proceedings over til school starts. Mrs. Schweizer is all kinds. At present vast crops ol bout half an hour after he went enjoyable meetings the past week in duties, deportment and daily routine down by using a drag as the water designation of the thousands of taking the hot baths for rheuma apricots, peaches, pears, and apples the homes of Mrs. O. F. Wilkin and tism. required of mariens on battleships. are in evidence. was too hot to permit his coapan- i “ re* J " _ JW ” B e r ^ countr> Mrs. W. L. Davis, His transfer to the dreadnaught as swamp lands. He recently passed A number of Vale people motor Harry Evans intends digging his ions diving for it. Miss Christine Frazier visited her followed. over the territory with Wes Cav Bliss Triumph potatoes this week. ed to Brogan Sunday to hear Col Mr Evans was born in Wales in The Oklahoma patrols Pacific friend Miss Nettie Bartshe Sunday iness, surveyor-general, who made He expects to receive 96 cents a onel Chas. W. Thatcher end inspect 1884 and came directly from that waters in the neighborhood of the afternoon. the trip from his headquarters in • hundred fo r them and is anticipating the country. Among those attend country to Harney county in 1908. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van Horne West Coast, occasionally dropping Portland.. Mr. Caviness is a former about two carloads. ing were C. B. Woodward, Donald He had lieen in the sheep business anchor in some harbor. The vessel and family were Sunday dinner Grahum, A.T. Munson, George Steele ever since his arrival and owned Valeite, well known in this country j Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Lowe and guests at the P. M. Boats home. was recently reported at Port An who, in spite o f his advanced age, Mrs. B. F. Kerr motored to Ontar- W. S. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. F. Ruby and Velda Johnson spent some valuable ranches and range geles, Washington, but will probably is still active in land office affairs. t ¡0 Saturday afternoon. The Ladies G. Cleveland. They report every land in addition to his flocks. He several days last week at the John leave soon for some other port. visited with Mrs. Wm. Roberts and thing as prosperous in and near is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mary Blue home. More than 85 per cent o f the Mrs. Bruce Kester while Mr. Lowe the community, and state that the DAIRY CO-OPERATION WINS Crystal Benson, who has been vis Evans of Crane, and his mother United States corn crop is fed to .... , , ____„ . trees are heavy with fruit. , . . . , .. went on to Payette, on business, State Market Agent C. E. Spence iting in the Milton Potter home for and a brother, both in Wales. livestock and somewhat less than 10 who recently visited the Minnesota the past several weeks, returned to AN APPROPRIATE PLACE T The funeral was held on Tuesday per cent is used for human food, j 4oe Brumback and sister, Irene. Creamery Association, gives the fol her home in Weiser Saturday. afternoon at Crane, the service be The hog is the largest consumer o f ***¡1 1^ ' 1' Phillips, of Baker City, An editor and a merchant were lowing facts regarding this large Mr. Coleman and Mrs. Chas. War ing conducted by Rev. C. A. Water- com, 43 per cent being fed to swine oa*led at the Pullen home Sunday discussing ,he virtue o f bil'hoard Co-operation: There are 630 cream ren and daughter Darlene motored house of the Baptist church of on farms. HorBes and cattle arc afternoon. advertising The merchant contend eries in the association. The inde from Baker Saturday evening and Burn«. Mrs. Robert Wallace and children ed that more people read the bill next in order. pendent or corporation creameries spent Sunday at the John Bartshe were supper guests in the Lowe board than the newspaper. After do only a small part of the creamery home. home Monday. a lengthy conversation in which business of the state. Of the 650 Mrs. Wallace o f Nyssa is visit Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Pullen and neither man would give in, the co-operative creameries about 600 ing in the home of her daughter men parted. The next week the mer Malheur Land Co. to I. K. Oakes- Mailed In New York—Travels A- children were entertained at din market their products thru the cen Mrs. Wesley Crow. chant came tearing down the street ner in the W. W. Smith home Sun Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Holten of Jamicson Acreage Iract No. 131. cross Continent Mostly By Airplane day. tral association: ’ about a one hundred to the newspaper office wanting to « 7-21-24. $280.00 — Arrives In Three Day« million pounds o f butter were hand Caldwell spent the week end with The Misses Nellie and Rada Elliot, know why the obituary of hie wife s Sheriff H. Lee Noe to Arthur W. led for the co-operative creameries their sister Mrs. Dan Lindsay. Miss Myrtle Points, and Clarence mother was not in the paper, es Glenn-NW % Sec. 36-18-43 7-26-24. (From the Malheur Enterprise.) Irwin Fuller a former resident by the association last year. The pecially after he had seen that a 661 9i. D. B. McKnight, brother of Geo. Rippey visited Sunday with Mr. and manager estimates that an increase of the Jefferson district stopped Mrs. Lynn Kiggar. The Misses Lau copy was taken to the newspaper Raymond Wm. Jones et ux to W. McKnight o f this city, recently o f 1V4 cents per pound was netto, over between trains to visit at the office. “ Well,” said the editor, “ I Gilbert L. King-Lots 16, 17, J 4 and received a letter from his daughter ra Huffman and' Georgia Rust are the creameries thru the association. Paul Joseph home and call on some knew you wanted the obituary read also visiting there. 36, Block 1, Terrace Heights Add. in New York at his home near A l This was accomplished by carload of his old neighbors. Mr, Fuller is by the people so I took it out and The Evans family motored to bany in Linn county three days a f shipments and consequent lower now County Farm Agent at Henry, to Ontario. 7-26-24. $100.00 Adolph Gramse et ux to Francis ter it had been mailed, the lettei Bowmont Sunday evening for a nailed it up on your billboard.” freight charges over small ship Illinois. brief visit in the Boyd home. When asked by a fellow passen Ben Bohannan has returned to M. Christinansen-Lots 27 and 28 having traveled most of the way ments; by bringing up the grade of McKnight Charles Collins of Los Angeles ger why, after spending millions of butter thru a system of inspection, his duties again as night man at Block 4, Terrace Heights Add. to j by airplane route. Mr. Ontario. 2-12-23. $100.00. writes of the great contrast between is visiting at the Smith and Pink dollars ina dvertising, he did not and by marketing thru one central the pump house. Frances M, Christiansen it vir i the short time it took to send this ston homes. Accompanied by Oscar stop and add the money thus saved The Park Base Ball boys won in agency. to Clarence J. Struthers-Lots 27 and letter entirely across the continent Pinkston he attended the evangelis to his profit, Mr. Wrigley, of chew The association has an adequate a very close game with the Ameri 28, Block 4, Terrace Heighte Add. and the six months which passed tic healing services of Mrs. Mattie ing gum fame, said, “ We are trav can Legion team, the score being cold storage and refrigerator sys to Ontario. 7-21-24. $125.00. when his father and mother trav Crawford in Caldwell Sunday. eling west at 60 miles an hour. tem at St. Paul and the creameries 10 to O.Perry and Girard of the Lydia R. Corder et vir to E. D. eled from Iowa to Oregon. In those Where would we be tomorrow at Miss Lee Marks of Glenns Ferry Payette 1st team played with the are being equipped in the like man Corder-SE >4 N W ^4, SW (4NW (4, N- days it was years before any regu was a week end guest in the Evans this time if we took the engine o ff ner. No second grade is used by Legion boys so Park feels their E ü S W K , SEt4SW ‘,4, and SEV« lar mail reached the settlers in home, returning home Monday the train?” the association, all such being playing wasn’t so bad. this country, every three months night. Anita Johnson spent Sunday and Sec. 24-16-39. 7-29-24. $1.00. shipped to other companies and the A drove o f ‘‘floating islands" was Sheriff H. Lee Noe to Juntura being the usual time, some of the Mrs. Walter Pinkston and child recently encountered by a steamer producer gets the net receipts from Monday with Maxine and Mildred Investment Co.-Lot 7, Block 17; mail being sent clear around Cape Miller. ren Violet, Ruth and Bruce are o ff the coast of Borneo. The larg same. Standardization has been the Louise, Miriam and George Davis Lots 6 and 7, Block 26; Lot. 22 Block Horn. Miss Edna McKnight, the visiting Mrs. Pinkstons parents, Mr. big thing gained by the central or est was about seven acres in area, entertained the young people o f the ¡29; Lots 19 and 20, Block 21; and sender o f the letted, is secretary of and Mrs. G. L. Johnson, o f Caldwell ganization. The Tillamook system of and contained palm trees more than the Nethlands-America Fountain, of Slope at their home Wednesday e v e -jLots 20> ltlock 18, Juntura' and attending Mrs. Crawford’s inspection, organization and man a hundred feet righ. which Edward W. Bok, winner of ning. Games and pulling candy were 7-26-24. $97.19. meetings there. agement was followed closely. the peace prize, is president. enjoyed by all until a late hour. Henr>’ 1 Vinson ct ux to James Mr. C. F. Smith and daughters, Miss Jessie Lias and brotheF \ Brown-Lots 3 and 4, Sec. 30-31- BONITA the Misses Mary and Dorothy visit CRESTON Charlie spent Sunday afternoon at 1 a-b-23. $10.00, ed at Evans Monday evening. G. J. Magenheimer et ux to Mal the R. D. Rogers home in North Oliver Sandy and wife returned Relatives from Apple Valley vis heur Land Co.-SEWSW'ASE(4 Sec. Mrs. George Cox o f Riverside Payette. August 1st after an eighteen days’ Bums Round-Up To Be Held Sep- ited in the Bigelow home Sunday. 22-16-43. 4-19-24. $1.00. (Q. C. Weed Mrs. Robert Van Horne received visited at the T. R. Beers home last trip to Portland to see relatives. -tember 25, 26, 27— Railroad the sad news Monday of the death )- HIGH MOUNTAINS OF Sunday. They motored through, going by Celebration Day Before. Sheriff H. Lee Ioe to H. S. Saek- of her father at the family home in EASTERN OREGON Blue Mountain Hot Springs and E. Kelsey and David Rogers made ett-SEVl Sec. 26-17-44. 7-26-24. $99.- Ohio. Mr. Lear was 86 years old From the Bums Times-Herald a business trip to Juntura the first i Malheur National Forest and the returned by the way of Pendleton but has been in fairly good health. 90. comes the news that the fourth an o f this week. W. B. Hoxie et al to Geo. R. Minam division of the Whitman Na and Baker. A most enjoyable time The people of the Slope extend their nual Roundup is to be held In that Mrs. Edwards called on Mrs. E. sincere sympathy to Mrs. Van Home Swan-Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, tional Forest contains the two high was had. city September 25, 26, 27 this year. Jim Wilson and family, also Fred Rogers Friday o f last week. Block 21, Teuschs Add. to Nyssa. est peaks in Eastern Oregon, ac who is so far from relatives at this It is reported as quite likely the cording to data in the district for Preston and family left to work at 6-23-24. $250.00. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Parks of sad time railroad celebration will be held on estry office at Baker. The highest Austin. Portland Trust Co. of Oregon to Riverside were visiting at the Beers Miss Maude Culp was entertained the day preceding the Roundup. The T. H. Moore-Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, t, mountain in the Minam division Wallace Derrick and family are home Sunday. Miss Georgia Cox at the Lias home Tuesday. new grounds are being put in firs* was also a visitor at the Beers Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Holloway and and 7, Block 3, Tntario. 7-25-24. $1- class shape with modem conven ia Eagle Cap mountain, which reach now living at Ironside. es to an elevation of 9676 feet. The home, Billie Boyd sold his homestead Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Holloway spent 0 00 iences in evidence. A novel method U. S. A. to John F. Brooks-SMi- highest mountain is Strawberry to Dick Reed. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shumway and Sunday with relatives at Whitney of advertising is to be used, ss dod Peak, which reaches in the clouds NV4, N fcS E tt, and SW»ASE% Sec. son John visited at the Rogers home Bottom. Harry Reed is working at Brogan. gers will be scattered from an air Sunday. , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Raby and 28; N W ‘ASW(4 Sec. 27-26-46. 3- plane all over the eastern psrt of to an elevation o f 9600 feet. Lee Hammock made a trip to T. R. Beers drove over to Juntun family spent Sunday afternoon at 18-22. The highest peak in the Whitman the state and also in Idaho. There Brogan on Friday. U. S. A. to John F. Brooks-NW*4, forest proper is Rock Creek Butte. the first of the week. the Walter Davis home. will be $5,000 in prizes and purses Mr. and Mrs. Abe Lewellen re Elwood Edwards called at the Miss Milly Mordhorst is visiting and NE*4SW(4 Sec. 27; N ttN E tt, for the different events to be put It reaches an elevation o f 9007 feet. and N E *N W *4 Sec. 28126-45. 3-18- There are a large number of moun turned on Thursday from a visit Rogers home last Sunday. her sister, Mrs. Lackey, this week. on during the Roundup which will tains in Eastern Oregon, in Grant in Vale. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Spicer and 22. Charlie Peterson was called to include speed contests, bucking con U. S. A. to John Robertson-Lots Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hammack and Baker and Wallowa counties 8000 his father’s funeral in California. family, Clarence Purcell and Perry tests, bull riding, bare back stunts, 1 and 2, WV4NE14, S E ttN E tt, and and more feet above sea level. Thex? son le e motored to Pendleton and Miss Neva Stout took him down to Rudd spent Sunday evening at the airplane exhibitions, etc. Cow boy Et4SE>4 Sec. 30; SW (4NW *4 Sec. mountains with the virgin forest of the Wallowa country on Monday Walter Rudd home. California in her car. parades, Indian war dances, carn 29-26-37. 11-8-22. pine, dotted with lakes and ribboned to see relatives. Mr. Hammack will Mr. and Mrs. Stevens and daugh Rev. Baird is to preach at the ivals, band music, dancing and othei Sheriff O. le e Noe to T. Chas with beautiful mountain streams ami see his mother who is 88 years Creston school house at 11 o ’clock ter Betty spent Sunday and Monday diversions will be furnished for the Pritchard-Lot 6, Block 40, Brogan. waterfalls makes up an area of old. at New Meadows. on August 9th. big day. 7-26-24. $26.88. Rill Hammack has leased C. W. grandeur and mountain scenery thnt A remarkable flight o f the paint Sheriff II. Lee Noe to T. Chas. The brain of an ant is about the A fire in the Arapahoe National cannot be excelled in the world. The Landman’s place. ed butterfly in California has been Pritchard Lot 3, Block 42, Brogan. | p orest ¡„ Colorado started from a statement ia only mildly using the size of the head of a darning George le e s nas returned from needle. These insects live from followed by a serious outbreak of 7-26-24. $78.41. camp fire left smouldering by care- adjectives that can be properly ap Portland. The two Fields boys of which are attacking Marriage Licenses Issued. eight to ten years as a general rule, caterpillars, less motorists and burned 2500 plied to this mountain country. Ontario are visiting the lees now. although specimens in captivity garden plants of all kinds. Joseph Messee and Hilda Wsgr,“ r. 0f excellent pine timber in a Mrs. Rettie Williams is 111 at have been known to reach the age 7-29-24. little more than three hours. This FROM STRAWBERRY MOUNTAIN Shuddering is caused when the this writing. Complaints filed la Circuit Court. destruction took place despite Frank McKnight returned Mommy o f fifteen. brain receives a sudden shock, and J. A. Smith vs. Wm. B. Eaton et the fact that officers of the Forest from Strawberry Mountain where he Eight and one-hslf per rent of the ceases Its More than 4,300,000 illiterates the heart momentarily ux. 7-29-24. Foreclosure of Mort-| Service> ^ th , f o r , . e of 250 men. has been at the sheep camp He re landowners in 16 corn and wheat will be entitled to vote in November function of pumping blood. gage $11,500.00 began fighting the fire almost as ports the aaountain ranges as very producing states in the upper Mir- for president of the United States. Ontario National Bank vs. Geo toon u „ , tarted dry but the stock in fine condition, slssippi valley lost their farms in Mail bags are now picked up by . ------------------------------ end states that the summer will be 1923. The average price of plow Six o f the 14 provinces of Argen airplanes in full flight by means of E. Schweizer et ax. 7-29-24. Fore j __ : ley. 8-1-24 Recovery on note. $230 - turreteful provided there are fall land fell from $70 an acre in 1917 tina have already adopted the eight- a hook which seizes a rope to closure of contract. $789.51. Vale Trading Co. vs. Ftlix Bark-joo j rains.— Malheur Enterprise. to $22 in 1923. which the bags are attached. hour day legislation. COUNTY STATISTICS LETTER TRAVELS RAPIDLY BIG TIME IN jMRNEY COUNTY . .