m+mm — 5 +*+ •>» ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * n i H I I U H l » ♦ ♦ ♦ « M » ♦ ♦ ♦ » » ! I »4 LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF S hipping C ase I K Z BOS ii made from specially prepared inseeticide oils that are pat •nted a d contain no refuge oila. E Z BOS will not discolor Ike animal's hair. E Z BOS will not taint milk B Z BOS will not blister if directions are followed. B Z BOS bas no offensive odor. E Z BOB ia a heavy bodied oil and will not evaporato quickly. E Z BOS contains no sodimont. E Z BOS repels flies longgr than other fly sprays. E Z BOS kills flies. It 9 i 'em. E Z B08 kills lice on cattle and in poaltry ho.se», ■ Z 80® *• anexcalled aa a disinfectant for disinfecting stables, hog pens, chicken hous e, oat bouses, etc. E Z BOS cane are beautifully lithographed, yellow and black, with convenient spout far pouring oil from can into sprayer. Plenty advertising included in each caie. B z BOS ia packed in gallon* and ft gallon cane, and in SO and 5# gal­ lon steel dru m , Drume free. :: Grocery Department Everything for the Table : Fancy and Staple Groceries Eder H d w e . Go. N YSSA, OREGON For Sals To the Public Five young Jersey I am to ready to do all kinds of W ar E. Bchweiaer. blackamithing and wagon work and would be pleased to have you make me a call. Opposite Methodist church. Frank Lauck. cowa, fresh. jlSSt A tte n tio n ! Parcel Poat your Cleaci g and Dyeing Lorim er’ a City Dye Works, Boise Ida. ITYfOREGON S s The U N IV E R SITY ef OREGON contains: The College of Literature. Science and the Arts with 22 departments. The professional schools of Archi­ tecture and Allied Arts—Business Administration—Education—Grad­ uate Study—Journalism—L a w - Medicine— Music— Physical Edu­ cation—Sociology—Extension Per a cataloiue or tnff informlektoa mmu Th* Hofttrar U n rt^ lO g * f Ovegew. Eugene. Oregon ~ Tht 43tfc Year Opeas September 25, 1424 Will sell for $3500, Mortgage for $2000 now held by Oregon State Aid Com. Can be assumed by Oregon ex-service man. Com­ municate with me if interested. C. C. WILSON 155 N. Mechanic St., Cumber­ land, Md Call for Bids. The Suu^cil of the Town of Nyse«, in regalar session Jury 7, bas hereby .a ib eriied the construction of three concrete crosswalk* on Main street oOjweee Methodist church and sdhovl house. Specifications: 6-inch gravel base. 6 inch concrete crown. Width over all. 4 feet. Width o f face, 3 feat. Any further informatian may be ob tained from street commissioner. Bids to be in tha hands of Recorder not later than August 4 I he Council restrves the right to reject any and all hide. Albert L Cook Recorder. ■s^aaaims^aaa iie ^ e i When in need of Fresh, Cured or Lunch MEATS Phone 6 - Nyssa, Or. Our Stock Is Always Fresh Nyssa Packing* Co. BURBIDGE ft R A Y , Prop. i^ » a iW $ , l ’ i ^ " W ■ w V l ’ wa /I t * See McFa.l and see bsttei Dr. J. A. McFall Eyesight Specialist Ontario - Oregon We grind Z «°.wn Phone 147 NYSSA HARNESS AND SHOE SHOP Nyssa, Oregon Work done while you wait Best W o rk m a n s h ip -B en t Leather t Try our mail order service— Shoes mailed 24 heurs after received. We pay postage one way. Harness and Saddlery Work a Specially Fenner Nyssaite Killed W rd waa received in town W^d O L Auhol o f Mountain Hmne was neaday of the death in Canyon Ci»y, I ’olorado, o f M rrre e Put’« dgc. »o r i f in t >wn Wednesday on buainee* Jonn V ogt, of th* Capital Newe is Mr. and Mr- l-a M Rutl-dee, fo-ro-r Death result­ drumming, up business for bis paper re-ident* o f Nyssa. ed from a train wreck o f which in town teday we have rot received the par Frank Lt-uck opened his new black ticj|lsrs The decease wee formerly emuh shop for business Thiweday. an erap'eye o f the Idaho state high­ The sound of the ham mer and anvil way dep ertment. rang merrily all day lorg. Surviving him are his perente. He Geo. H Bodfi.h wee in town Mon­ widow end three brothers—Carl of day on bis way frpro Salt Lake to Gleon’ e Ferrv, Hugh and Walter of Malheur City. Mr. Boafish has Urge Boise mining intereats rear Malheur which require his attention. Bl as Carter is back at work in the drugstore after spending her vacation with her parents in Boise. STATEM ENT e f th * Malheur County Bank Nyss I, Oregca at the close [of business June 30, 1924,' IRESOURCES L IA B IL IT IE S 3 Loans and discounts.......... SS37.20S.62 Overdrafts..................... 698.08 C*P,UI t0*k .................. * 2I.C5S.M Banking House. Furniture T I I Surplus and Profite............. 40,441.74 •nd Fixtures____________ _ 15,301 07 HOMI Other Real Estate_____ . . . . S68.09 Bills Payable....................... Bonds, Warrants and Secu­ Reiiseonnta........................ NONI 4.9RS.77 rities................................. D E P O S IT S ....:................. 35*134.4» 6S.817.S2 CASH AND DUE PROM BANKS ............3417, Stt. 14 ¡1117 St* 14 * * Will Open Bakery O FFICE R S AN D D IR E C T O R S ! John Kay, Vide ProaMeat C Kasee has rented the middle H. J. Ward, President. J. P Dunaway, Cashier. E. M. Blodget spent Wednesday and room o f tho Sharp building and is O. G. Bauer, Assistant Cashier Thuraday in Boise looking a fU r legal preparing to open up i bake shop as H. A. Biven. Assistant Cashier. soon aa his machinerv snives. Mr. matter* for his client*. J. •>. Saraain G. L. Phillips Kazee comes highly recommended a» J, F. Reece, Mr. and Mr*. E. H. McDonald, who Directors. an expert compounder o f the staff of have been viaiting in thia vicinity for ife and will doubtless find a large sale Th* little, unlooked for services, courtesies and attentions, outside th* boataa the past three weeks, le ft Friday for for his product, as much Boise made path of routine, are what have counted most In making loyal friaads aad ana- their home in Albany, Oregon. broad ia sold totally. tomera for this bank. Mr. and Mrs. Georg* P Ward mo­ tored to Boise Wednesday. Dance Mra. Albert Gibson * f Portland ia viaiting at the home o f her parent*, Th* dan** on Thuraday night in Mr. and Mrs. A lex McDonald. Ooramunity. Hall proved a vary enjoy BiU McDonald, student at th* O A. able event. A largo erowd was pres­ C.. arrived home thia weak. ent, many from surrounding towns, G. L. Stewart o f Boiso waa in town and we are pleated to report that Friday on business matter*. Mr, everything waa carried out M orderly Stewart ia a land owner in th* Uwybaa fashion. The rough stuff which hat Drainage district and attendant the marred the pleasure o f former dances meeting of the property holders F ri­ was conspicuous by its absence on this octasion. Musie for the event was day. E. M. Blodgett was in Vale Monday furnished by Pref. Spies' famous Ore gon Trail orchestra on legal business. Mr. end Mrs C M. Prettyman le ft by sute Thuraday for Pertlanu, where they will remain for a time while de­ ciding on a future location. Mre. S. J. Uhrgoed is spending th* Valuable Main street property weak with ralatuves ia Boise. for sale. Located next t e Mal­ lira. Bartley and daughter and Mr*. heur County Bank, Nyssa Ore­ Garrick of Midvale viaited Sunday at gon. Now occupied by offices. ID* D. R. Linder home. w ^ W w m ^ e a s s iy B i» < George Phillips i» in the New M ed owe coun rv this week Irokirg a 'te i hi’ live »tocb investment.. CONDENSED Lloyd Linder of Weiser spent Sun­ day at the home o f cis paren s, Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Linder. Garage Sold Stock taking la in progress at th* Service garage today, the businosa having been purchased by Georg* P. Ward. The permanent place o f buaineat bas not been definitely decided upon, but th* new firm will be ready for buainess about September I. By that time Mr. Ward will have ready a modernly equipped garage, in charge o f the most eupab'e mechanics of tbe country to serve tha automobile needs o f tho community. Brady Fowler opened the threshing season this weak and is operating both a threshing machine and a hullar in t*e fields aujauent to Nyssa. Both the clover seed and the grain are mak To the Publie in* saualaeiory returns, although the dry hot weather slighuy reduced the I am now ready t* do all kinds of wheat yield. blackamithing and wagon work and Bernice Martin o f Kingman it viait­ would be pleased to hr va you make me a call. Opposite Methodist oburcb. ing at toe £ id B .odge.i home. Frank Lauck Frank Lynch and family arrived home trom Eureaa, Utah, Thursday evening, where they have been tor the past month. Frank reparta things A new floor will be laid on th* Soak* very dull in m at section. rivar wagon bridge in tho near future. W. B. VanDyke and w ife o f Onta­ ounty Commissioner G W Doan, rio are visitors n. town town today who had charge o f the matter, re­ Mra. E M Blodgett and daughters ports that th* contrast for supplying Annet'e and Viola, acoompamed by the material has baan duly let to the by Mildred Long and Leona Zittarcob, lowest bidder for the sum o f 32900. o.0tureu to Ontaiio Saturday. This repair is greatly needed, th* old floor being in a dilapidated and dan­ Ivan E Oakes of Ontario, chief en­ gerous condition gineer of tbe Owyhee Drainage die trict, attended tha meeting of tho land owners oi tho district in town To the Pablie. Friday. I am now ready ta do all kind* of Frank Ryder o f the printing firm of blackemithing and wegon work and Ryder Bros , Baker, was in town would bo pleased to have you make Tuesday. This firm puts out tha beat me a call. Opposite Methodist church, guide book on the Oregon Trail road a lt f Frank Lanek. on tbo market. Don't Overlook the feet that you can buy seeds cheaper in hulk Our Prices Are Right Nyssa Grain & Seed Co. N Y SSA !- I I OBEfiOM, >♦ » > » >♦ • » » » 444444 t » 4 444 New Bridge Floor Tbe land owners o f tho Owyhee Drainage distriet m et Friday In the office o f their attorney, E. M. Blodgett. FOR SALE Hampshire Bans Send for your free copy of this book today! The book tells you howyou can hunt on posted prop­ erty— how farmer and sportsman can get together to their mutual advantage. Three-quarters o f the hunting grounds is already posted. Where will you hunt this fall? Read the book, "Hunting Posted Property” — it’s free. E. L DU P O N T DF, NEMOURS A CO., Inc. Sporting Powder Division WILMINGTON. DEL. Two 6 years old. Two coming Dwight Smith has moved into the years old and four coming yearlings. Pinkaton hoase on north First street, Will tell reasonable or trade for good vacated this week by Mrs. Vaughan. ewes. St. Paul’s Guild will m a t with Mis. Saraain Thursday, August 7. Rav. Ira B. Aldrich, distriet super intendent, will held tha fourth qoar terly conference at the M. E. church Sunday morning. Augaet 8. Preach ing services to precede the conference. A good attendance is expected. Mr. and Mra. Claude Willsoa are tbe ptoad parents o f a 7 pound baby girl, born July I I . Tho now arrival ha* bsan named Willma Rhodens. Ghiro; r a d o n F Bradford. Carver graduate#. Consultation and examina­ tion free Ten years aueeaeaful prac­ tice in tbe state o f Oregon. First door west o f Bank. FOB RE N T Four acre tract, a’oa* In. Five- room bouse, good chicken house, sov Miss Margaret Hunt returned this eral outbuildings, well, cellar, ate. week from Portland, where she had Man with team tan pay rant by wark. been viaiting relatives for a eoupl* of Call at Jeuraal oflea. months, and also spent some time at the sea shore. • Tom Adams, who for th* past ten years has been employed in tbe copper smeltor at Miatna, Ariaosia, ia spend­ ing hi* aanaal vacation viaiting hia daughter. M e *. Hurd e f Whitley B ot­ tom, and friend« in this vicinity. G R. Swan o f Horseshoe Bond, owner o f tho apartment house, has completed purchase o f tho half black adjoining his property on tbo north. Mr. Swan is having the apartment completely vacated for the purpoee of making exteneiv* improvements H* it alio bringing in a carload o f now furniture for tbe apartm ent* In fa ture the rooms will be ranted com pletoly furnished. Can’t those Japs aour-grap themselves into the belief that their own coantry is, after all, the beat. It ia reperted that Wall street ia antirely satisfied with Davis er Coolidge The have not endoreed LaFellette yet, which is a compliment to Bob. Mr. Coolidge, being from Boa ton. <*111 see to it that hia campaign managers do not spill the beans. Nyssa Garage W ears offering, for e shert time only, or # Oldsmobile 8, Seven Pass. Touring for $350 Terms to salt buyer. A ! shape. Thia is exceptional value for a large family er commercial Three Ford Touring at right prices Come aad see «• Cook & Cook Radiator Experts Oxy acetyleae W eldfag