T he G ate city J ournal $1.50 PER YK4B NYSSA, ORECJ0N, FRIDAY, AUGUST 1. 1924 XXII. NO. 39. » mm i. Fifcjniiijijfj JJ os. [ « 0 MEAD RECLAMATION MENTISI [STALE PROJECT $504 Losa Sustained by C. H. Oxman — Due to Spontaneous Combus tion— Disaster Is Witnessed. LARGE YIELD REPORTED IRRIGATION PROSPECTS ARE GOOD,SAYS SINNOTT L. Backus of Adrian Reports 97.5 M Bushels Federation Wheat to Acre— Onas Looks Good. On Wednesday of last week In connection with the discussion -But for the filibuster, which con- I in last week’s paper comparing tipue<J unU1 the ,ag( „,i,iutc when County Commissioner C. H. Oxman HEAD OF RECLAMATION DU GEO. R. KREUTZER OUTLINES of Jamieson lost a $500 haystack by Onas and Federation wheat, a re- oong les adjourned, the reclamation FABTMENT LOOKS OVER GOVERNMENT RECLAMA e l d a t ONTARIO LAST port was sent to County Agent L relief bill would have passed, mak fire. Mr. Oxman was traveling WARMSFRINGS. TION FLANS. SATURDAY. R. Breithaupt by L. Eachus, who re ing an appropriation for starting the along the road when he saw fifty sides near Adrian in Malheur coun Owyhee project, with assurances of feet of smoke rise into the air from ty, saying: “ Some of our Federa assistance for the Warm Springs the hay and immediately afterward tion wheat went 97.5 bushels to the project at the next congress. The the entire stack burst into flames. acre. Haven’t threshed the Onas bill is not dead however, b it is It is a rare spectacle for anyone to yet but it looks terribly good.” witness the explosion o f a haystack just the same as though congress spontaneous combustion, Toastmaster Biggs Outlines Position Ex-Governor Davis of Idaho, Direct y Council to Assemble Here in through Mr. Eachus is one of the first had adjourned over Sunday instead or of Finance in Reclamation farmers to try out the Federation of adjourning for many months,” of District— Prof. Powers and and seldom is it the owner’s mis tober— Committee Chairmen Department Also Speaks Judge Cake Speak. fortune to witness the instantan wheat in Malheur county. He has said N. T. Sinnott, representative of Are Appointed. eous destruction of his own proper obtained good yields each year but the second congressional district, ty as it was Mr. Oxman’». He stat never approached the yield secured who was in Portland recently, ac (From the Malheur Enterprise.) (From the Malheur Enterprise.) be regular meeting of the ex- ed that he knew of no reason for the this year, which was obtained on cording to the Oregonian. The Port Dr. Elwood B. Meade, head of the land which had formerly been crop The Vale Commercial Club acted re board of the county P. T. A. disaster except that the hay was land paper quotes Mr. Sinnott fur department of the ped to lettuce. The Onas variety is as hosts last Friday evening at a reclamation in the county library at On- stacked too green. ther us follows; the principal being tested out on a number of banquet in the community ball for United States, was Saturday afternoon, July 12, Filibuster Stops Bill. figure at an informal and im the prominent men who were visit the county president, firs. M. farms in Malheur county in com “ Both houses had agreed on the POULTRYMEN CONVENE. ing Vale in the interests of the promptu meeting of the townspeo parison to Federation. About three reclamation relief measure," con fGreeling presiding. The chief The second annual convention of reclamation project. The gathering ple and interested land owners fourths of the wheat this year in Bess of the meeting was the tinued Mr. Sinnott, ’’but the house tricting of the county and the Oregon ¿.oultrymen was held this was well attended by local support under the Warmsprings project in the county is of the Federation var confrees object to the Spanish week, July 23 to 25, at the Agri Riverside Park Tuesday afternoon. ers of the project and a great deal Ointment of district vice-presi- iety which not only seems to be a Spring project in Nevada, and be cultural College in Corvallis. The of enthusiasm was displayed. Judge Dalton Biggs presided at the heavy yielder but produces high cause this project was left out the get-acquainted meeting and as the Enlightening Talks Given. the Vale district, including three-day program consisted of lect quality grain. filibuster was started to prevent the first speaker on the program, call-u ures end demonstrations by leading Judge Dalton Biggs acted as White Star, Grove, Bully passage of the measure and the fili the North toastmaster, and speeches were on Chief Engineer Weymoth for a SIBERIA RICH IN POTENTIAL buster accomplished its purpose. The lie, Sand Hollow, Westfall, Har poultry authorities of ITIES. per, Beulah, Creston, Juntura, Bush, west on all phases of the industry given by Geo. C. Kreutzer, director few words of explanation regarding committee originally had both the to^iuii Creek and Riverside, Mrs. E. from “ The Cost of a Pullet’s First of farm economics in the reclama the work that brings the irrigation America, disgusted and repelled Owyhee and Warm Springs in the officials to Malheur county. E gg’’ to the intricacies of “ Pedigree tion service. Representative N. J. M JCrail was appointed as district by the stupid and puerile propagan bill, but they finally decided that it “ There is not much that can be da of the Soviets, is perhaps too would not look well for Oregon to ^^L-president. The Nyssa district Methods.’’ The feature of the con Sinnott, W. L. Powers, professor of Agricultural said at this time,” said Mr. Wey prone to overlook the potentialities have two projects when other Btates as vice-president, Mrs. Maurice vention was a ball game between soils at the Oregon , and includes Nyssa, Arcadia, the “ Rocks and Reds” and the “ Leg College. W. W. McLaughlin, investi moth, ‘except that we are here to of an empire that covers one-sev had but one and a couple of pet pro gator of agricultural and economic find out if possible whether the cost enth of the world’s surface. on Trail, Owyhee, Kingman horns and Anconas.” jects were cut out. Some interesting facts printed in conditions, Judge 11. H. Cake of of settling on the project lands will ny, Wade, Big Bend, Watson, “ It was decided to cut the appro Siberia is especially misunder the program for the convention in Portland, James M. Kyle of Stan be light enough to enable the farm stood because Keenan’s classic book priations 75 per cent. The Owyhee don, Loy McNulty; Lincoln let vice-president, Mrs. L. J. clude the statement that the poul field, president of the Oregon Irri ers to pay out their water charges. about the far northern convict set calls for $1,200,000 and Warm ey, Lincoln, Cairo, White Set- try industry of the United iitates in gation Congress, C. H. Oxman and Everything will be done as thor tlements distorted our ideas of the Springs for $250,000. As 26 per cent ent and Valley View; Brogan 1923 was valued at $1,047,000,000; J. D. Fairman. All the visitors oughly as it can be done during this climate and country in general. As of $250,000 would not do much good ict, district vice-president, Mrs. that it was greater than the value were included among the speakers limited time, with the exception of a matter o f fact, much of Siberia for Warm Springs but 26 per cent of actual soil surveys, etc., so that Dr. i Grabner, Brogan, Jamieson, of all cattle during that year; six except A. T. Michelson. is as far south as Virginia and $1,200,000 would make a substan Outlines District Position. Meade will be in a position to make Kentucky. The principal interior cit tial start for the Owyhee, it was de Cabin, Malheur City, Goose times the value of all horses and mules; seven times that of all Judge Biggs in his opening »ad the recommendation this fall.” k, Cow Valley, Ironside, Dis- ¡eg and seaports have the same cided to put the Owyhee project in Ex-Governor Davis Speaks. 16 and district 17; Jordan sheep; $300,000,000 greater in value dress made it clear to the guests the relief bill and take care of climate as our Great I.akes cities. Ex-Governor Davis of Idaho, now ley district, vice-president to he than the wheat crop; seven times that this district was not asking Continental United States without Warm Springs at the next congress. ^■pointed later; Jordan Valley, the value o f the sugar crop; twice the government for a charitable do director of finance in reclamation Alaska covers 2,811,620 square miles Then the filibuster came and the Rdckville, Cow Creek, Danner, Rome, the value of potatoes and sweet po nation but desired consideration of work, was the next speaker called and we think it is a pretty big congress adjourned without getting IjBLiney, McDermott, District 81 and tatoes combined; almost equal to the project solely upon its merits.j u()on an{j centered his address on country. However, Siberia with its action.” p in n e r school; Ontario district, the value of swine production; and Ilis words outlined the positions of gjvinf, pointers and warnings to the 5,498,629 square miles is almost a third as great as the dairy pro the district in an unusually plain people under any irrigation project twice as large and it does not have |5ee-president to be apopinted, On- OWYHEE manner. '•■■yarding the best way of coming ¡o, Jefferson, Moore’s Hollow duction. nuKd» useless mountain and des ™Do hot take any more land than Government Plans Explained. ,SR? Siberia is a self-contained country Thursday to Saturday with the De- AppdmT C oK iji/a , you can handle in one season,” was . LiPP oi‘ rvrTVSilHT'fAfi, tor "years in accordance win u ,,- “n. as far as natural resources are con Bord girls. one of the principal warnings given ity council the president an- Lots 6 and 6, Block 90, Ontario. Australia and California, gave a fertile soil and Vicent Mendicola visited the Kol by the director of finance, who him sented. With its nced the following committee 1-25-24. $25.00. clear and lucid explanation of gov temperate climate, Siberia will take ony Sunday in search of hay help. self had a costly experience with lirmen: Legislation, Mrs. T. M. Ada N. Hartenbower et vir to ernment reclamation plans. He care of future agricultural needs of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McGinnis program, Mrs. Wm. Laxon; Allie S. Wyriek-SWT4NE14, W % - stated that_the project is such that tackling a 320 acre ranch on the humanity. It has the largest forests and family visited Sunday in the lower Snake river, as he said, when iss, Catherine V. Conway; litera- SEt4, and SE % SW % Sec. 33-23 40; a new settler has a chance to suc on earth, the American and Cana J. P. McGinnis home. v Mrs. J. B. Smith; membership, Lots 1, 2, 7, and 8, Sec. 5-24-46. ceed in making a home for his fam he tried to do the whole thing in The Misses Nellie and Rada Elliot one year, “ That is the chief diffi dian forests being tiny in compari Ifrs. R. L. Haworth; racial health, 7-22-24. $3,100.00 ily and enjoying the comforts of son. visited Ella Pullen Sunday. Mrs. T. C. Me Elroy; kindergarten, U. S. A. to Jess O. Simpson- living while he is paying out on the culty that we folks of the west have ' There are immense hard coal de Second haying is on, full force, to fight, the over abundance of en M n . R. R. Overstreet; resolutions, SEI4NWVÎ, SttNE'A Sec. 19; N '* undertaking. He complimented Un posits in Siberia and soft coal mea again. The crop generaly, seems W ll J. Roberts; juvenile protection, and N^SET4 Sec. 20; S Mt SE (4 and people of the district very highly thusiasm which makes us attempt > too much at one time. Do not take sures are distributed all over the pretty good. Mrs Arden Reed. NE >4 SE (4 Sec. 17-16-38. 6-18-24. on the perserverance they have Mr. and Mrs. Harry Evans and any more than can be handled with whole country. The petroleum de Better Spelling. Nels Larson to Elmer C. Peterson shown in their efforts to secure profit and thus be able to meet posits are enormous, but the country family left Tuesday for a trip to e board requested that the NE(4NW %, and NW»4NEVi Sec government aid. your obligations when they come has not been thoroughly explored Burley, Twin Falls, and perhaps, ’JPBbunty Council sponsor a campaign 29-19-44. 3-10-1920. $1.00. Sinnott Complimented. for it. Siberia has long been the Yellowstone Park, expecting to he due.” foil better spelling and writing. As Oscar E. Peterson to Elmor C. Besides Mr. Kreutzer, the prin world's source of platinum, annd gone about a week. Gov. Davis’ statements were made shown by the results o f the eighth Peterson-NE V4 N W T4 Sec. 29-19-44 cipal speakers were Professor W. while producing gold, the possibilités Frances Hill, o f St. Anthony, Ida in connection with the financial end e examinations Malheur county 3-10-1920. $1.00. L. Powers, Judge Cake and Repre ho, is visiting in the Huffman home of meeting the payments of water have only been scratched. need of such a campaign. Es- U. S. A. to Herbert R. Simmonson sentative Sinnott. In introducing No country on earth has such a and working in nearby hay fielda. ially is this true of writing. A SW HNW'A and SWVi Sec. 13; SE- Mr. Sinnott, .Judge Biggs paid trib charges in case the United States system o f giant rivers with nav Glenn and Ellis Points, recently gets back of the Warmsprings and 11 in the Jordan Valley school >4NE% and EHSET4 Sec. 14; KVr ute to the man himself and to what igable reaches longer than anything returned from Long Valley. They Owyhee projects. d the highest mark in the EV4 Sec. 23; WHNWL4 and NWtè- he had done for the district. He Mattie “ Can You Afford to Pay Costs?" we know in America. While the attended Evangelist Mrs. ty in writing, her average be- SW (4 Sec. 24; NE»/. NE »4 Sec. 20 stated that, although himself a dem Dr. Elwood B. Meade, who gave nine - thousand - mile trans - Siberian Crawford’s meeting in Caldwell en 92 per cent. 16-40. 2-20-1922. ocrat, he meant to give all the sup railway makes the American and route. Sheriff H. Lee Noe to Chas. E. port possible to Mr. Sinnott in his the principal talk o f the informal Canadian coast-to-coast routes seem e secretary reported that o f the Mrs. Ed Hennes, o f Kunn, visited gathering, explained the work that pledged to the county presi- MacLean-W (4 SE »4 Sec. 21-18-45. coming campaign. was bringing himself and the mem quite short, the rivers provide a her parents Mr. and Mra. Evana MBr’s expense fund $17.50 had al- 7-26-24. $1,445.92. All the speakers gave worthwhile bers of his party into this territory, more striking comparison. Inciden last week, Kuna country, under the r*4dy been turned in. Sheriff H. Lee Noe to Chas. E. talks, and the meeting was found the reasons under which Uncle Sam tally it will be easily possible to Arrow Rock, is getting no water Flans for the semi-annual meet MacLean-S Vt NE % Sec. 21-18-46. of great benefit both as a means of would step in and help the Warm- connect the headwaters of some of for irrigation now and even the ing of the County Council which 7-26-24. $1,643.74. increasing enthusiasm and of for springs project, and discussed the the rivers so vessels can proceed lawn grass is drying up, so they say. be held in Vale October 11 Sheriff H. Lee Noe to Chas. E. mulating plans o f action. Noble Pullen gave an addresa fol proposed plan of payments by the from the Mediterranean to the heart discussed. I f it is at all pos- MacLean-Lot 3, Sec. 1-19-44. 7-26-24. lowing Sunday School. farmers under the new schedule— of Siberia. a speaker will be efigaged. Be- $908.79. The Ob River system has a nav Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Judd, of that of paying in accordance with ie of the lack o f funds it has el Sheriff H. Lee Noe to Chas. E. igable length o f 16,869 miles and the Kolony, with their guesta, Mr. ______ the benefits received. 's been difficult to secure a MacLean-S%NW»A Sec. 1-19-44. 7- “ What we want to know," stated the Yenisei has a navigable length and Mrs. Harvey, of Parma, called Donner Und Blitzen Getting Fished iker for the county meetings, 26-24. $1,847.25. the commissioner o f reclamation,” is of 11308 miles, including Lake Bai at the DeBord home Sunday after Out By Hosts Of Campers— provide for this deficiency the Sheriff H. Lee Noe Jo Chas. E. not the cost o f the construction of kal which is as big as any of our noon, and viaited the "Swimmln* Big Trout Caught. lident suggested that each circle MacLean-NE44SE»4 Sec. 1-19-44. the project, nor the area covered, Great Lakes. Theae two rivers have hole.” a program during the year, 7-26-24. $1,033.75. Misses Viva and Aulsey Caywood nor any similar item, as we have been joined, giving an east and (From the Malheur Enterprise.) e county librarian, Miss Nina Sheriff H. Lee Noe to Chas. E. long had all that information. We west waterway from near the fron of Nampa, are helping in the Evans C. C. Mueller and H. Tamblyn re n, was present at the meeting MacLean-NE’ANWVi Sec. 13-18-45 tier of European Russia to the Chi home. turned Sunday evening from a sev- want to find out by actual figures nese border, a distance o f 3,650 asked the co-operation o f the 7-26-24. $528.18. Miss Evelyn DeBord “ horaeback- whether the coBt of clearing, level lous circles in carrying out the Sheriff H. Lee Noe to Chas. E. eral days' fishing and camping trip ing, or putting the water on the miles. The Lena River is navigable ed” to Nyssa Saturday for a visit parade during the county fair, MacLean-N%NE»A Sec. 13-18-45. 7- in the southern part o f the county. for 6,864 miles. The Amur River, with Miss Mary Toomb, returning Mr. Mueller met Mr. Tamblyn, Rob land, or building homes for the set flowing from Central Siberia east year the parade was an un 26-24. $756.41. home Tuesday. tlers, will be low enough to still en ified sucess and Miss Moran Sheriff H. Lee Noe to Chas. E. ert Duncan, Bums attorney, and son Gordon MacLafferty helped with able him to pay for his water and to the Pacific, is navigable for is to even improve upon it this MacLean-NW»4SW'4 Sec. 7-19-45. 7 Junior, who were also members of yet came out with something to live 8,541 miles and has 20,000 miles the grain stacking on the DeBord the party, in Juntura, from where Each child may represent in 26-24. $689..50. ranch the first of the week. on. The purpose o f federal recla of navigable tributaries. me his favorite character in a Sheriff H. Lee Noe to Chas. F. the fishermen went to the Donnei Given « consistent government Mrs. Oce Schweizer, who has been mation aid is to create homes, and if i or, if they so desire the chil- Macl^an-Lot 2, Sec. 1-19-44. 7-26-21. und Blitzen River near the P ranch cannot be realized and effective leadership, the devel ill for some time, has gone to stay at the foot of the Steens mountains. (hat purpose o f a school may choose a book $768.24. there is no use of a community g o opment of Siberia will be more re with her mother, Mrs. A. B. Brad- tgether work out its presenta-1 Sheriff H. Lee Noe to Chas. E. .Here Mr. Mueller caught the largest ing into an indebtedness that will sultful than any other land that ney, for a while. MacLean-E%SW»4 Sec. 21-18-45. 7- fish secured by any o f the party, as Mr. and Mrs. Silas Points and consume everything for years to remains to be pioneered.— Dearborn well as one of the best catches Other Circles Busy. 26-24. $960.84. family called at Evan’s Friday eve come, as that would defeat the Independent. Triday, July 11, the Wade P. T. Sheriff H. Lee Noe to Chas. E. o f the season, a trout weighing two home.” The popping o f a grain o f pop ning. [held its regular monthly meet- MacI,ean-WV4SE»4SE>4, and W HE- pounds when dressed. However the Mrs. George Kaylor has been very After a heated discussion con t4SE»4SE(4 Sec. 21-18-45. 7-26-24. fishing here was not very good on Brick-making, the most ancient corn is an explosion due to the ex ill for some time. pansion under pressure of moisture account of the large numbers ot jing the proposed kindergarten $652.20. of all the industries.is today one of the circle went on record as op- Sheriff H. Lee Noe to Chas. F. campers wHo had been engaged in the basic industries of the nation, contained in the starch grains. The (From the Malheur Enterprise.) ng the passage o f the bill. MacLean-SE»4NE(4 Sec. 25-18-44. 7 j like manner on its hanks, and a and bricks are composed of eractly explosion ruptures the outer coat, Mrs. A. E. McGillivray writes trip was made farther up the moun the same material and manufactur turns the grain inside out and ex that she will be glad to get back « Kingman Kolony P. T. A. met | 26-24. $887.88. the home o f Mrs. Maurice Judd, tain to Fish Creek. Here everyone ed according to the same principles poses the white part of the grain to Vale and out of the dreadful sday, July 8th. At this meet- Complaints Filed in Circuit Court. in the party succeeded in catching as the # ancient products. heat In the city of Portland, aa the Siberian natives, thinking to cheat M. G. Lope and S. Humphrey vs. the limit, and returned well satis the Owyhee Circle was repre- temperature has been simply swelt ted by Mesdames Lowe, Kling-j IIoTne Packing Co. et al. 7-.!? -!. fied with their trip. Blackfoot Indians in Canada are the purchasing agent of an ivory ering there. Althouhg it has been Elliott and Kerr; and the On- Foreclosure o f mortgage. $5,355.00. to have the first Bible written in importing company, substituted the hot in Vale it has been cooler than Union Central Life ns. Co. vs. ’ Although the Filipino builder of their language. tusks of a prehistoric mastodon for neighboring towns in the Snake Circle by Mesdames Rester, the walrus ivory. However, the mas ft» , Laxon, Skew” and Moore! Jan"*» F- et al 7-24-24. today usually erects his home fir- river valley where the thermometer Hens need more fresh air in pri- todon ivory was well preserved and has stood at 110 Fahrenheit for the formal program was furnished Foreclosure of mortgage. $2,227.36. j mly on the ground, many o f the ------------------------------------------------- Alice Elizabeth Barkley vs. W il-.natives still persist in making portion to their weight than any was of more value than that of the lest two weeks according to the re (Continued on Page Four.) Ham H. Barkley. 7-26-24. Divorce, j their homes high in trees. walrus. other animal. port of garagemen in those towns. lar m e e t in g ok board SINNOTT IS COMPLIMENTED INFORMAL MEETING IN PARK DISTRICTOFFICERS NAMED P0IINTY STATISm TROUT SCADGE IN RIVER