We carry a full line ot J HARDWARE and Farm Implements] Dishes Cooking Utensils Chicken Wire Barb Wire, utc. Grocery Department Everything for the Table Fancy and Staple Groceries Eder Hdwe. NYSSA, .OREGON Go. « »♦♦♦»»»»♦♦ooooooooooaoooooeooo».*»»*» h Notice! All Work Guaranteed Authorized Ford Service Service Garage Nysaa, Oregon ►♦<>♦♦<»«>00000000000 City Fountain Fixed. I 'Ifw ., EPISCOPAL (BURCH. Services in the Parish Hall tin t Sun day in e v e ry m onth in the evening Third Sunday in «vary month hereafter at 11 o’clock In th e morning. Parcel Post your d e a l i n g and Dyeing Lorfcmer’a City Dye Worka, Boise. Ida Chop Barley, $1.26 par cwt. Fred Klingbaek. m!66t Warm Weather Is Here Phone 6 . Have It Nyssa, Or. Nyssa Packing Co. BURBIDGE & RAY. Prop. O flV a M ^ w m s ^ s i ws ^ s s a a f l / ^ s - w s M , «.Dr. J. A. McFall Eyesight Specialist Ontario - Oregon t our ow.'t lentes Phone 147 J Nyssa, Oregon Work done while you wait Best Workmanship -B est L ett her Try aur mail order service—Shoes mailed U hours sifter received. We pay postage on« way. Harness and Saddlery Work a Specialty 0 ‘broad gauge” banking service7 First of all, the g neral knowledge, gained from years ot varied business experieuee, which enables uu to understand your neuds Second, the disposition to co operate with you, meet you half way. Third the facilities influence and connec­ tions to take proper care of you. In inviting your business, we feel that we can otfer you such a service. Malheur County Bank Nysaa. Oregon Oanitsl *25,000.09 Surp.us ............ *¿5,000.00 •»■».->+4 4 » o 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 4 0 0 0 v 4 S » + r Don’t Overlook th« fact that yon can buy seeds cheaper {in bulk Nyssa Grain & Seed Co. Nyssa Realty Co. Attention! Farm Properly and City Lots Dwellings and Mercantile Buildings Mr. and Mra. George Behwelaer vis­ ited ralativas in O ntarie last Saturday. Frad Marakall b ar completed th e kalsomining of Abo Friia’ saw bouse in tbe sautb p a rt af town. H arry Sharp of Nampa was ia town Tuesday looking a fte r praparty in ter­ ests. L. C. Pounds of Homedalo was a visitor in Nyssa Wsdnaaday. Jam aa Diven and family le ft thia morning for New Maadowi and vicinity for a few day» vacation. gon. Now bcuupied by offioes. W 11 be pleased to furnish rates or furnish any information. Office on Main Street. Mortgage I ar $20M aow held by Oregen State Aid Com. Caa be aaaumed by Oregon ex-service an an. Com­ Oregon Notary Public Nysaa municate with me if latorested. I i M AOOOAf'A OOOOOOM H « ♦ » » < » ♦ ♦ « »»♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 »0 0 0 0 4 4 4 > :--.~î-44+4' C. C. WILSON. 1U M. Metbaaie I t., Camber- 4 11 ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ H I *44004 land, M* \ n il soil for $*»00. J. BOYDELL Don’t Read This!!!? Motorists Attention Wm. P cu ti of Owyhoa we» ia town Wednesday an business. W a gr5«d meeting Friday night enjoyed a splen NYSSA HARNESS AND SHOE SHOP ; IS MEANT— and vioinity last Taesday. Mr. and M n . H. R. Sherwood wore Mr. sad Mra. W. L. Gibson a re a t Boise visitors Friday and raturnod Pendleton attending a family reunion. with a brand naw Oldsmobile ear, H. J. Kennard, deputy »lata w ater which thov hava aiaac boon proadly m aster of Vale, was in this vininity displaying, to th e envy of th eir Iota Saturday m easuring th s w ater ia tha fortahato neighbors. Owyhee diteh and Owyhee rivsr. Mr. sad Mrs. 0. F. Miller E. M. Blodgatt was iu Baisa Thais- daaghtar, Ethel Maria, spont Sanday with friends la F iuitland, Idaho. day. Mrs. S. F. P ra tt of Ironside was in Tha Social Circle of tha B astern lawn Wednesday looking a fta r boai S tar Kensington will bo hold Jaly A a t ness interests hare and on tha Owyhee. tha horns of M n. Dick Tensen, with Lawrence Blodgett of Betoe, Ore­ Mr*. C. C. B an t aad Mrs. Tense gon, arrived in town Monday to visit hostesses. All m em ben ar* invited to friends and rslativea for a few days be present. Ha will retu rn to Bates a fte r tht William T est sab, a form er Nysaa Fourth. hoy, hat inter editar and m anager of C. L. McCoy le ft overland for Pen­ the Lake Oaunty Examiner, has b dleton Sunday to spend the Fourth engaged by tha MarshAald chamber *f with hia wife and ton, who era visiting oomaaore* as aacratary and will taka NYSSA OREGON. her parents a t th a t place. «barge af tha work la tko n aar fatura. Archie Fields and family le ft far Agnes Swan is viaitiag friaada and the Jordan Vailay eosntry last week. ralativas ia K aot and Tacoma, Wash. •4 4 0 4 14 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 i 'l t 1 4 4 4 4 - Joe Loopar and family left for Cali­ Mra. HaaaAa and shitd-an le ft Tuna- fornia Saturday, wkaro they will make day for a two w eeks’ visit in Lot An­ their home. gelas. Mr. and Mre. Frank Lyaek and fi Mrs. H attia G a r n tt aad bar «let«». ily left tbia waak by car for U tah on a Mrs. A lbert Coalaa Of Payatta visitad camping trip. J. BOYDELL Jamaa Duaaan want te Vala on b a it thair m other, Mrs. F. A. Roberts, Sunday. ieenaed and Bonded Brokers. GENERAL INSURANCE neaa Monday. M n. P. J . DoSmat and children of Mr and Mra. Lam Wilson and Mr. Fire, Automobile, Llveatoek, Hail and Mra. Grogan are tempeearily re Dayton, Wash , who have boon visit Rain, Hay and grain and special aiding in Ontario, whasa they am am' lag a t tha homo af Mra. D adm at’a sister, M n . Saa Calvert, retarnod ployed for a time. Insurance against foot and maiith Friday. Mr. and M m . George Goodrich ware Disease. in Payatta on business Friday. Clauds Wilson. Mrs. D. Meatman Tha Miaaaa Nallia and Rada Elliott and M n. S. i . Bigelow wore v ialto n returned thia weak from a visit with ia Botsa Thursday. We have listed some excellent bargains in th eir anela a t tha MsConaall »hasp camp aboat a hundred ml lee bask in the hill*. Charley Caldwall le ft Tueeday far Valuable Main street property bis home in E ast, Wash., a fta r v isit­ ing a few daya with hia brother, T, J. far talk. Loeitod next to Mal- For Rant or Sale. haar County Bank, Nyaaa Ore­ Caldwell. The N yssa Rebckahs a t their ledge See Me Fa i and see betta WH \T Bonds Issued as Required q/vss .q/Mnma.q/M'ei. You’ll Need Ice,—We Mr »-.d M * Alb. rt H a-.ii F ‘*d ..it o ' CMcapo. a enuain ot G i l - / S hi ’?JI and family (pent tha Mra. C. F. Edor. la Vuiiin^ at tha Eot i h iii V.'aLer. Edar homo thia waek. Mr. and Mr». Johnaton. eouatne of Joo Mayara ha» porchaaad tha Jna Mra. C. K. Eder, who bar» boon ▼ioit- l«K>por houae aaat of the tnilrood ing at lha Eder home, ratornod thia traok. wee» tu tiicir hcai; In Seattle. i Dick Hoimea ia moving a number of Frank R a u tig n :• lo-ix f m P .r l tai T' b :'! ” rj;a for Joe Meyara thia land to r. , !i*iv**» »nd friends In tha ia employed in a lumber camp in that | Puget Sound ccui.tr. . vicinity Lelan Rrown and wife of this city Mr. end Mra Charlee McConnell announce th. birth of a ban- hov He left Wcdnvaday for Elgin, Oragoa, arrived Tile d, y. July 1, and weighs visit ral- lives They expect to nine pounds As yrl he baa no name. gone several week» Rut th e ir is qu.ta a debate between Barney Wilson and family left thia morning on a trip to Bend and other the g->ndfa»ers. es h »it» preeentinu points in th e interior, where the »Tyumen's ss to whv tha ynuna'er should be nnm d ssrer him. w eather is cool and tha Ashing good. Mrs Lillian Smith sf Boise, who Mr. and Mra. A ibort Iradnle of Em­ m ett visited a t tha homo of Mr. Ire has bran visit inn friend* hers, returim daio’s m ether, Mrs. B arry Fransis, Soma Monday of this wee«. Sunday. F. W. Rogers, mechanic a t the Sar Bob Elliott was in from the Owyhee vice garaga. accompanied John Sny tha first af th e weak to vncciaato dar, Frank and H arry J arias of Parm a soma of his calves on Bridge island far on a trip to Payette Lake, whora they black log. will stay till Monday marntng. A rthut Cook and family and Roy Mr. and Mra. Ed Powall w ars visit- Cook and fam ily waao in Baker tha o n in Boiao Tuesday aftaraeon. first of tha weak to attend a family Con Ryan of Ontario was a visitor reunion hold a t th a t piaea. In Iowa Thursday an basins»«. Oaa Blaylock ratnraed Sunday from Tha Nysaa band ia taking p a rt in a weak'» visit w ith friends m Ontario. Blackie” Bradford has retarnod to tha big aclabratioa a t W aiter today. town from two months o f stre ss - Mias Lucilla W iadatta of California ous activity in adjacent hay Saida. airivad bora Tuesday far a visit C. P. L askty sad family returned with her uacle, B. B. Sberwaed. from a m onth's visit to Now Meadows family. Our Prices Are Right We have installed a late model gasoline pump. Try us for quiek service. Our mechanics are first class. The city fountain ia again in work ing ordar, a new top having bean put on thia week by Marahal Reberger. This flies it up aa good as it was or­ iginally and is all ready for somebody alas to run into it. Wa tru st th a t •varyone will carefully »tear th eir autos and horses away from it till the h at season ia over, so th at the fountain will net be disturbed in ith useful function of assuaging the th irst • f sw eltering citisens during the sum ­ m er season. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF did report from Mre. Jack H unter of her trip to grand lodge a t Hoad River. A fte r lodge duties those present par­ took of ice asoam and eakr. Emerson Guffey loft for his home In Elgin. Oregon, Saturday, a fter a visit with hia •letor, Mra. Peal Hows. Dean Smith and family have maved to Nyssa from Ontario and ar# oe- eupying tha Brown bungalow ia Nnrth Third street. George Phillips made e business trip te Midvela, Idaho, the Aral ad th# week. Mr. Phillips reports the farm ers of th a t district to bo % ori bit by tbe unprecedented drought. The grain crop is a total failure. When harvest­ ed a t all tbe wheat was eut for what hay it would casks. Those who will have enough to w inter their sow« and horses will ho in luck. The UNIVERSITY of OREGON contains The College oi Literature. Science and the A rts with T2 departments The professional schools oi Archi­ tecture and Allied Art«— Business Administration— Education—Grad­ uate Study—Journalism—L aw - Medicine— M usk—Physical Edu­ cation—Sociology—Extension For a catalog u* or anp information WWr The Registrar UntVrrntf of Orsgan. Eugene. Oregon The « * Yaw Ogms Scgwiabc. 1$. I«4 Don’t rave at the * is if it don’t work right. Bring it in and let us give it some much need attention. A little care now will mean $$$.00 on your vacation-and hours-and miles-and good dispositions. Yours very truly, Nyssa Garage Cook a Cook. Props. Radiator Experts Oiyscotylene Walding