L F. ONTARIO OWYHEE COUNTY STATISTICS C. Oxman returned Friday Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Smith and Earl Thomas Simmons Hagan et from the east. family and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Davis ux to Bank of San Fernando-SWQ J. S. Howry ia registered at the were guests at the Evans home NWV4 Sec. 1-33-40. 2-26-24. $10.00. Moore. Murry R. Morton to Clara Mabel Monday. Harry T. Lackey is visiting Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Kelso and Norton- W 'A NW14 Sec. 34-16-47. and Mrs. Andy Lackey. This is his family moved Saturday to the Stum 6-14-24. $1.00. first visit back to Ontario in nine ranch in Warren District which they Sheriff H. Lee Noe to J. R. Black- years. aby-SWttSWti, E^NWVi, NEVi- Mrs. L. E, Jones better known as are The renting. SW14, and Lot 3, Sec. 34-21-46. O. K. K. met Thursday after "Grannie” will leave this week for noon at the DeBord home after ad 6-7-24. $781.80. an extended visit in Kentucky ventures of various kinds in cross U. S. A. to Geo. Leas-SHNEH, While there she will attend the ing the river. Seven ladies were and SE 14 Sec. 5; SVàNE‘4 Sec. 8- "Kentucky reunion” and will visit present. finished tying the 16-40. 3-3-24. in Henderson, Louisville, and St. quilt after They which refreshments wer U. S. A. to Geo. Lees-EViSW'.i Louis, Missouri. served by the hostess. next ®ec‘ NW14, NW'ANEH, and Mr. and Mrs. John Weaver will meeting will be held at The the home NWI4SWVI Sec. 8-16-40. 11-18-1920. leave about July 1st for Bend, Ore of Mrs. Lou DeGoede on Thursday, Dan Dragisich to Gold Hill Min gon where they will visit their son July ing Co.-undivided 14 interest in 17. Frank. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cantrall and Belcher Quartz Mining Claim. 4-11- A number of young people from Edward Long Valley are 24. $1.00. Ontario attended the dance at Fruit- guests in Atkin, U. S. A. to John G. Hunson-SW- the Roy land Friday night. Music was fur for a few days. Cantrall home %NW!4 28; N M> N E H, and nished by “The Nite Time Frollic- A farewell party was given in SE14NE14 Sec. Sec. 29-39-41 3-31-24. ors” of Twin Falls. old Miars house Saturday even John G. Hanson to Geo. A. Har- Mrs. Sue Roethler was in Ontario the ing in honor of Jesse Cantrall and per-SW14NW*4 Sec. 28; N14NE'4, Monday en route to Haines, where sons, Archie and Perry, and Donald and SE‘4NE14 Sec. 29-39-44. 6-18- she will attend the “Frontier Wild and Vernon who left Mon 24. $10.00. West Show” the 26th 27th and 28th. day via, auto, McGinnis, Marriage Licenses Issued Altusas, California Pete Needham of Juntura is in where they will for work in a logging B. W. Shaver and Dora L. Hon. Ontario on business. 6-17-24. Amos Roethler of Drewsey is in camp. Miss Ruby Morehead, of Boise, Austin Gee and Mary McBride Ontario. grandmother, Mrs. Ehrgood 6-19-24. Lela Oxman is planning to study and her guests in the DeGoede home Complaints Filed In Ciucult Court. dancing during the summer under were Bankers Discount Corporation vs Wednesday and Thursday. Don Roach of the Roach Academy. Miss Thelma Dunn, of Fruitland, J. C. Medlin et ux. 6-16-24. Later in the summer she plans to visited her father at the Evans Foreclosure of Mortgage. $28,- study in Chicago and open up a 651.91. last week. dancing academy in Ontario this ranch Satisfaction Of Real Estate Mort Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klingback and fall. gage. family and Edward Atkin, visited F. C. Oxman went to Juntura Sunday Annie O’Neill to W. M. Rose et at the DeBord home. Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Fenn and Mrs. Isham of Jamieson was in family of Nyssa are visiting in the l~M“M -+++-c+++-»~!-*-S~i^++-H-+-i-++ Ontario Friday. home this week. Mrs, Earl Neely brought her son Fenn Claude Smith is ill with a severe Edward to Ontario Friday for med attack of flu. ical attention. He had run a rusty Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith and son nail into his foot to the bone. Leonard and Mrs, J. S. Pinkston The Ku Klux Klan held a meet attended C. KLINKENBERG at the Orgon ing in Ontario Monday evening at Trail school survices Sunday. PROMPT DELIVERY the Foot Ball Grounds. This meeting Geo. Kaylor, house discovering evidence was to explain the cause of the of black leg among Reasonable Rates his stock, had K. K. K. vacinated by Doc Evans Mon PHONE 15 Mrs. Chelsy Boyer returned from them Mr. Larson also lost one ani Cove, Oregon, where she attended day. with black leg. the Sunday school convention. Oth mal Miss McGinnis is helping ers attending were Rev. Wood and in the Gladys Peutz home during haying. Chrissie Graham. and Mrs. Points and daught Conley Davis of Jordan Valley er Mr. Myrtle called Monday at 'he PROFESSIONAL ia in Ontario on a visit. home. Little Marilyn and Thomas Ox Evans DI R E C T O R Y Mr. and Mrs. Lou DeGoede and man entertained twelve little friends Mrs. Lynn Kygar were business with a party Thursday afternoon visitors in Payette and Ontario Mon Games and a fish pond were the CHIROPRACTORS entertainment of the afternoon af day.The water shortage is becoming ter which dainty refreshments were serious. Rotation has started on the & BRADFORD served. Ditch and the water sup DRS. BRADFORD Mrs.W. E. Hulery spent Tuesday Owyhee Carver Method continues to be less. Old timers in Weiser, having some dental work ply say they have never seen the river ConsuPation and Examination Free done, low fit this time of year. Nyssa, Oregon Lois Weaver is spending a few so Mr. and Mrs. M. Judd and Mr. days with Jean Dillard. Robt. Oxerstreet and OSTEOPATHS The M. & M. Club met with Overstreet, Thayer called at the DeBord Florence Johnson Friday. Mrs. Arth Geo. DR. HARRIET SEARS home Sunday afternoon. ur Cockrum won the prize. W. W. Randolph and Buzz Why Osteopathic Physician man spent Thursday in Vale. CRESTON Ontario, Oregon Ike Robinette and C. K. Crandall The click of the mowers is heard Office: Wilson Bldg., Over Raders’ were in Ontario Friday and also more in Creston. However, attended the dance at Fruitland. once haying will not last long as Mrs. W. E. Hulery spent Sunday the ATTORNEYS AT LAW there is a shortage of hay in this in Vale. community. Everett Staples has returned Jack McConnell was an all night E. M. BLODGETT from Hot lake, Oregon, and is visitor at the Rogers home Sunday Attorney and Counsellor at Law much improved in health. Mrs. Archie Sturgill has left for evening. Walter Shumway is helping David Practice in all courts Wyoming. with his haying. Miss Bessie Louise Newman Rogers Nyssa, Oregon A. Stout has gone to Payette niece of This. Jones of Ontario was to C. bring up a well drilled. He ex married to Andrew Jackson Aikens pects to drill for water on his R. W. SWAGLER of Sacramento, California, last Sun day at three o’clock at the home of ranch. Attorney at Law two Misses Elliott from Mr. and Mrs. Barlow Ferguson, at The were all night visitors at the Rooms 12, 14, 15, Wilson Bldg., a graduate of the University of Nyssa San Mateo, California. Mrs. Aikens Rogers home the first of the week. Ontario, Oregon is a graduate of the University of Idaho and a member of Gamma OREGON SLOPE Alma Chapman bridesmaid. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Carico were REAL ESTATE from Idaho were Mrs. S. P. New callers in Ontario Sunday. man, who gave the bride away. Miss Laurence Raby has been suffer W. B. HOXIE Almia Chapman bridesmaid, Mr. and ing with a had case of quinsy this Mrs. Norman Ruick of Boise, and week. INSURANCE Fred Test of Ontario. Mrs. Aikens Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Breithaupt of Office at Residence, Third and has many friends in Ontario. They Ontario were callers in the P. M. will live in Sacramento. Ehrgood Avenue. Boals home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Bartshe and Nyssa, Oregon WESTFALL laughter Mary were Sunday dinner Miss Mona Becker is now visiting guests at the E. F. Lattig home of û t t â 'A - t r t r i t à - i r t r C r t r ù - t r lt - ù ’t r t f h t r f r - f r f r f r f f ù her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. North Payette. Val Becker, whose home is nt the Mr. and Mrs. Otto Meili and Chns. Becker ranch. Florence spent Sunday Jack Welch’s sister and aunt, who daughter afternoon in the PointeT home near are from Portland, are now visiting Vale. him on his ranch on Dry creek. Mr. and Mrs. Cox and family of CALL THE Chas. Roe, salesman for the Fruitland were callers in the C. C. Davidson Grocery Company of Ileslup home Sunday. Boise, ami Harry Brown, salesman Mr. and Mrs. Frank Suplee nnd foor the Shupe Williams Candy daughter Claretta of Payette and Company, came through Westfall Master George Greenfield of Star Monday. were calters at the P. M, Boals Mrs. Lela Jessy Corbett and chil home PHONE _______ 70F2 » Sunday afternoon. dren, former residents of Westfall, Ernest « Jones of Glenns Ferry are visiting here from California came for an extended visit in the with many friends. home of his sister, Mrs. W. L. j ■»♦■4-»»++4-+4-4-H-4-4-f+4-4-H " «- M * Frank Shuler and family are sell Stevens. ing out to go to Canada where Mrs. Mrs. Bartshe and daughter Mary | Shuler’s sister is now living. They spent Tuesday afternoon with are intending to go right awny. Meili. George Wilson and Miss Vesta Otto Mrs. Wm. Sumner is quite ill this : AND CIGAR STORE Bush passed through town today on week. their way to Vale to get married Jess Newton and family and SHAVING, HAIR CUTTING They were accompanied by Mrs. Geo. Mrs. lotting attended the family HOT AND COLD BATHS Em Bush, mother of Miss Bush. reunion and dinner L. B. HAMAKER, Prop. Billy Woodworth’s sister and lotting home Sunday. at the Elmer niece are visiting him on his ranch * Nyssa Oregon ns sheepherder for I. P. Hart with W 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 W 4 I I I O O P I on Dry creek. J. C. Medlin and G. L. Lnmher- the intention of going to Baker, son made a business trip to Ontario Lloyd Edmunson and wife are Mrs. Inn Wakerlig and daughter- visiting on the Steve Woodward Mabel nnd Esther Pfeiffer motored this week. to Harper Tuesday. Mr. Swartz has resigned his job ranch. i City Dray Line r CITY LOTS IN NYSSA ÍS ) <§X® ’> Entrepot to the Owyhee and Black Canyon Irri gation Projects Possesses more undevelop ed resources than any other town in the Snake River Valley Fine Building Sites $25 and up Foi Quick Service Nyssa Transfer | Drop around and look them over id ;: NYSSA BARBER SHOP Jo urn al Office j