capital, labor and, in fact, every resource of the Nation will do it3 part, share and share alike. This would mean el mination of the pro fiteer and the slacker during the period of natioal strife. The World Court plan is indorsed, but there is a renewed announcement that the United States will have no par ticipation in the League of Nations. The Republican party, through Temporary Chairman Burton, call ed attention to the fact that during the Republican Administration tax | es have been reduced; peace re Ontario Visitor. stored with Germany, the suffrage Mrs. E. M. Grail, county school millions of superintendent, was a business vis ( oiiforniM With a Woman’s Ideals amendment ratilied; dollars have been spent on the itor in Ontario Tuesday, looking ' disabled soldiers; the tariff has after matters connected with her Curtains soiled with the soot of been revised so as to produce more office. winter need not be a source of con- revenue and lessen taxes; that there Returns From Jamieson— cern this Spring even for a moment. *s a u* unemployment; fhnt John Muttart returned Saturday Through a new, saving service which Koud wages prevail, that more leg- from Jamieson where he has been islation has been enacted for the we tie now able to offer, you can quarantined for smallpox for benefit of the farmer than during have them washed gently, and number of weeks. He is staying at any session of Congress for 50 the home of his mother, Mrs. Annie daintily dressed up again without yeans (even William Jennings Bryan so much as a hook mark or pin hole has publicly admitted this fact); R. Muttart, while in the city. to mar them. that peace in Europe has been aided Land Office Visitors— Voile, Nottingham, Brussels, Irish by the Dawes Commission; that the Harry L. Page arrived in town Point, Marquisette, Marie Antoinette Budget System, a Republican mea from Rockville Wednesday and paid sure. in the fir t year of its being, a visit to the land office. Another Applique— evrey kind of lace and resulted in the reduction of $600- land office caller was Jesse Griffith washable curtain responds to this better method and comes back to 000,000 from the estimates submitt of Watson. ed; thut the Republican Party does you as soft, filmy and attractive as not stand for the cancellation of See Polo Game— when first put up. war debts owed to us hy foreign K. A. Holte, H. R. Dunlop, Allen To make you acquainted with this countries and for which our people Wilcox, and George M. Love motor ed to Boise Sunday to witness the service, we invite you to send your paid; that a packing bill to pro polo game there between the Boise curtains for a special demonstration. tect the stock raisers was passed; A remarkably improved machine that a co-operative marketing act team and the one from Camp Lewis. called the ‘ Hopkins” Curtain Dryer, was passed. The dominant note of the entire which we have installed, inspires Over From Nyssa— convention proceedings was as Mr. this invitation. W. B. Hoxie, a prominent citizen Unlike the ordinary dryer, this Burton voiced it, “ the people— and of Nyssa, was in Vale on business all of the people— have confidence equipment makes possible the han in Calvin Coolidge.— National Press Monday. dling of curtains without a single Ass’n. Ontario Merchant— hook or pin—we return your cur H. C. Boyed of Boyer Bros. A- Co. tains smooth, dainty, the edging in at Ontario, was visiting with fellow merchants in the county seat Mon tact, the corners square, ready to hang. day. Once you have had your curtains In . Town Thursday— . laundered this better way, you will, C. KLINKENBERG i " „_erui.V1v!t“ l . . V|' J0 , madL .E in,al Prefer it always. This is the kin.) proof on his homestead was Seth L. of curtain service that conforms P R O MPT DELIVERY Moore, also of Huntington, who was accompanied by John T. Shaw with a woman’s ideals of what a Reasonable Rates curtain should be. and Albert Hancock as witnesses. Curtains and drapes, made of PHONE 15 Business Visitor— other than washable materials, may Ben Russell, superintendent of be entrusted to our Dry Cleaning the Idaho Power Company, was a business visitor from Boise Sunday, Department. Bundle up your cut tains and tell coming over to visit F. G. Cleve land of the Vale Grain & Feed Com us when you’re ready. Our repre pany. senlative will call, and in a short PROFESSIONAL time you’ll have your curtains back, In Vale Monday— DIRECTORY fresh, clean, dainty, ready to put up. J. W. Graff, who has extensive You’ll find this service most eco farming interests near Homedale Idaho, was in Vale Monday on bus nomical, and a great help in house iness. Mr. Graff is an experienced cleaning. CHIROPRACTORS oil man, one who for many years ONTARIO LAUNDRY handled the crude stuff, and is con fident gushers are yet to be struc DRY CLEANING WORKS DRS. BRADFORD & BRADFORD in this country. Paid Advertisement Carver Method Makes Final Proof- THE CLEVELAND CONVENTION ConsuPation and Examination Free Joseph H. Beller of Huntington was in Vale last Friday for the Nyssa, Oregon purpose of making final proof on The outstanding feature of the his homestead. With him as wit eighteenth National Convention of nesses he brought Thomas Mane) the Republican party, which has OSTEOPATHS ami Clyde R, Brown also of Hun just concluded its labors at Cleve tington. DR. HARRIET SEARS land, was the voicing by the dele gates of their faith in Calvin Cool- Allends Funeral— Osteopathic Physician Verne W. Chambers grandson of idge. The President and his running Ontario, Oregon mate, ('has. G. Dawes, another the lute Mrs. Emily Anderson, ar rived in Vale the latter part of th striking example of sterling Amer Office: Wilson Bldg., Over Radei preceding week and was present at ican manhood, go before the voters the funeral of his grandmother Sun on a platform which should win for day. He returned to his home in the Republican ticket the votes of ATTORNEYS AT LAW many Democrats. The platform is Poortlund this week. free from political bunkum. It is From Nyssa— an honest, straightforward state E. M. BLODGETT Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Divens mo ment of the things for which the tored over to the county seut from Republican party stands. Attorney and Counsellor at Law Nyssa Tuesday afternoon and visit A brief summary of the platform Practice in all courts ed with friends here. Robert shows that the President and his Millar was also a member of the party are pledged to governmental Nyssa, Oregon party. Mr, Divens is connected economy; to tax reforms that will with the Nyssa Grain & Feed Com still further reduce the burden of pany. taxation; that the strictest scrutiny R. W. SWAGLER will be made so that the integrity Will Have School— Attorney at Law of the Budget System may be pre Word has been received that Miss served. It declares that the Republi Margaret Cleveland, daughter of Rooms 12, 14, 15, Wilson Bldg can administration slashed $200,000- Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Cleveland, ha 000 from the cost of government Ontario, Oregon been engaged to teach the Lincoln and eliminated 50,000 employees school, on the highway between Vale and Ontario, the coming year. from the payrolls; that the Admin lifted the tax burden Miss Cleveland has attended the istration BEAL ESTATE University of Oregon for the past some $1,250,000,000 per annum, a the same time reducing the public two years, leaving there this spring to take the last term’s work at the leht hy over $2,500,000,000. W. B. HOXIE The pint form refers to the fact normal school at Monmouth where that in 1020. when the Republicans Bonded Real Estate Dealer she wus a member of the gradual took office, that there were about ing clnss. INSURANCE hire million men out of work in he country and that today there is Makes Final Proof— Office at Residence, Third and Mrs. Clara K. Huginin-lluckett little if any unemployment. The of Westfall was a business visitor party is pledged to give to the FIlirgood Avenue. in the county scat Tuesday, coming farmer all necessary government Nyssa, Oregon down to make final proof on her assistance in oigaiiiting and estab homestead in the upper country. lishing a system for the eo-oper- Witnesses for the proceedings were itive marketing of agricultural tr-trfrertrCffrüiferù-ffü-ùirCtù-trtffr-ü-ü-trâ t Carl Thomas and Russell Kelsay, product». It promises to aid and also of Westfall. simplify as well as the cheapening of our marketing and distributing Boy McNulty and Jesse and Did; machinery. It promises depart Griffith brought in a herd of rattle mental help in diversified farming from the ranches at Watson the and. if necessary, direct financial CALL THE latter part of last week. Everett lid during the transition period of Fretwell and Kenneth Palmer also liversification. There Is also a accompanied them. pledge to continuous and vigorous Visits Home— efforts to strengthen and broaden the Mr and Mrs. R, M. Reach an I export markets. son Henry are visiting nt their old In the matter of railroad rates, home here this week. They will then' is a declaration for a revision £ PHONE 70E2 return to Bend where they are liv with a view to reduce the rates on $ ing at the present within a few agricultural products. Aid for good days. Earl Neely, another formei uhways is urged. The new im m i- ----------- - Valeite, made the trip from Bend »ration law is indorsed. In 'lie ♦ + ♦ + + + + + + + + + *+ + + + + + + + + + + *■ with them in their enr and is visit matter of prohibition, there is n ! ♦ ing with his family here for n few le.larstioo in favor of law enforce days. ment. There is also a declaration thai guilt personal and a pledgi .... a v n im liiver Reported Low— Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Davis of the to publish every individual found n r l i v / J ( I r r A K O f ( / / l / i Hole in the Ground country were guilty o f fraud against the Govern-i j ' here Wednesday on their return met t, SHAVING. HAIR CUTTING j I’he i e is a declaration to extend trip from Ontario. Mr. Davis, who HOT AND COLD BATHS I is a prominent stockman of that *'v ,r y a|d, financial and otherwise. ,, country, reported everything - .......... very — , , | *° the^disabled veterans of the late ;; L. B. HA MAKER. Prop. I at the Owvhee1 war T"* '* •» • Provision asking ■ dry and stated that Oregon Î ha« _____ ever been , *’ at the President be given power. \ \ Nyssa river is lower than it _____ „ known to he. I in time of war, to draft every citi- ---------- ten of the United States, so that i Return From Trip— Mr. »mi Mr». A. W. Glenn reached Vale Monday after a ten days’ visit in Portland. Miss Mary Glenn, who Marriage License Issued— has een taking a month’s vacation A marriage license was issued t o 1 f rom her work in the Vale Trading J. F. Owens and Miss Minnie Pegg, Company, made the trip with them, both of Juntura. with them also was little Edna Glenn of Portland, who will make Shopping—■ an indefinite visit here during the Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Yeoman of Brogan were shopping visitors in Vale the first of the week. Bring Cattle In— NEWS OF COUNTY SEAT ONTARIO CLEANIN6 SERVICE r 1 CITY LOTS IN Entrepot to the Owyhee and Black Canyon Irri gation Projects City Dray Line F o i Q u ic k Service Possesses more undevelop ed resources than any other town in the Snake River ÏT Fine Building Sites and up Drop around and look them over Nvssa Transfer i ? i IÜYSSA BARBER SHOP j Jo u rn al Office