The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937, May 30, 1924, Image 3

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    > ♦ > ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ■ » ♦ ♦ * >♦ > > f h - f + 'F » ! i n 1 1 1 f I"F- f H '+-;-- f - f +'»'F*
We carry a full line ot
land Farm
Cooking Utensils
Chicken Wire
Barb Wire, «te.
Grocery Department
Everything for the Table
Fancy and Staple Groceries
E der Hdtve. € 0 -
We re g re t to learn th a t the head
c e crop h a aa u stain e d considerable
Services in the Parish Hall first Sun
day in e v e ry month in the evening dam age from th e unseasonably ho>
T hird Sunday in every month h e rea fte r w e ath e r which has prevailed recently
a t 11 o'clock in the mornin .
Slime is a p p ea rin g in m any field*.
Round Trip
Summer Excursion
Fares via
Union Pacific System
Daily May 22nd to
September 15th
Daily May 15th to
September 30th
Limits October 31st
Stopovers Diverse Routes
C onsult Local A gents for fu rth e r details
D S. S P E N C E R
G eneral P a ssen g e r A gent
S alt L ake v ity
Warm Weather Is Here
You’ll Need Ice—We
Phone 6
Have It
Nyssa, Or.
Nyssa Packing* Co.
■ * W lr
See McFa i and see better.
Dr. J. A. McFall
Eyesight Specialist
We g r i n d
our own
Mrs R obert C lark of G lenn’» F erry
attended the Ja c k M illar fu a era l her*
W ednesday.
Nyesa, Oregon
Work done while you wait
Best Workmanship -B e s t L< ;al her
Try our mail order service—Shoes mailed ’ 14 h o u r s after
received. We pay postage one w ay.
Harness and Saddlery Work a Specially
Don Davis of S e a ttle, Mr. and Mr».
A. B. C<>ekrum of O n tario , a te Sunday
dinner with th e ir p a ren ts, R. J . and
Mrs. Davis.
F sind—N ear Appl® Valley, on the
P s a a Road, lea th e r coat.
O w ner
may have sam e by proving pro p erty
and paying fo r th is n o t'c* .—Irw in
B artholom ew .
E. M. Dean o f P a y e tte , field m an
fo r Denfiy & Co , w as in town Tuesday
on budness.
M rs. P, A. R oberts has moved to
th e Em ison house on F irst s tre e t.
W illiam Boawell and fam ily and Mr.
and Mrs. P urcell visited a t th e Ja m es
Divens home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clossen and Mr.
and Mr«. F red M arshall m otored to
Vale Sunday and took in the sig h ts of
the county se a t.
^ T o m B utler is i m p ro v i n g his re si.
deuce on no rth T hird s tre e t by the ad»
ditto > of a porch.
M rs. J . R. H u n te r has re tu rn e d
from Hood River, w here she atten d ed
a session of the Kebekah grand lodge
as a d sle g ate from the local R ebekah
lodge. Mrs. H u n ter, in com pany w ith
Mr. H unter, who joined her a t Hood
Kiver, also viaited P ortland and o th er
points of in te re s t in the land o f th e
web feet.
Mr. and Mrs. J e s s e Thompson and
children of P a y e tte w ere visitin g rela-
tiv ss and fn sn d a in Nys9a T hursday.
A m arriage license w as issued a t
Boise W ednesday to W alter Davie of
N am pa and Dorothy Irene S hum aker
of Nyssa.
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. L ackey, Selma
Lackey and Mr. and Mrs. Dewey and
son Stanley sp e n t Sundayin F ru itlan d ,
guests a t the H enry P eterson home.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McCoy and a or
and Mr. and Mrs. A H. Boydell and
children m otored to Boise ’ F riday to
tak e ih the Polo gam e.
The Friday n ig h t B ridge club was
held a t Mrs. A rtia R obertson's. H igh
score was held by Mrs Sarazin, sec­
ond by Mrs. A rth u r Boydell. D ainty
refresh m en ts w ere served, and the
club closed for the sum m er m onths.
Nysu i, Oregon
at Ute e le u ui busiueas March 31. 1924.
L S A Q IU m S »
Loans a n i d is c o u n ts .._____$531,681.96
j O v e rd ra fts ______________ .
R anking House. F u rn itu re
! and F ix tu re s...... ............... _ 13.716 60
O ther R eabrí t s t e ..................
S'>5 69
L iberty Bondaand W arrants 10,43.1 EO
63.788 49
The Owyhee Project
C a p ite l tóele .......................... $ 2 ü ,» M .Î)
Surplus and P ro fits______ * 3V.J52.09
Tills P a y a b l e __ ___________ _
R* l a m e n t s __ . . . . . ________
D E PO SIT S............................... 35'j,H8.#3
H 19,72b. 12...................................................$41-,7=6.1«
DeoositaVADrll S.;i92S ...t270.M 9.61
D eposits March 31.
A gvin in one y e ir of . . . » 84 97S 42
H. J. Ward, P r^ sr'en t
John Ray, Vice P ro ’.ident
J. t*. Dttn iwitv. C.;<*h>pr.
<). G. Honor, Assistant Cashier
II. A. Diveii. Assistant Cashier.
J, F. Reece,
J. I. Ssruxin
(J. L. Phillips
The little , unlooked for servic
lies a ” d a tte n tio n s, outside th a beaten
path of routine, are wlmt have couu > d m ost l m aking loyal trienus and ciu-
to-ners for th is bank.
Weary oi Life
The tra g ic d eath on Monday of Jack
Miller caused deep g rie f througout
this com m unity, w here he had for so
many y e ars been a fam iliar figure.
Born in Liverpool, E n glard, seventy
years ago, Mr. M iller em ig rated So
th i; country when a very young mati
For som e y e ars he was employed by
the W inchester A rm s Co. L ater be
came W est, se ttlin g in M alheur coun­
ty, which a t th a t tim e was virtually
a w ilderness
H ere he resided for
some 40 years, emnloyed for the moat
p a rt in ttie livestock in u stry
the p a st few y ears he has lived on his
sm all f ru it ranch a t Apple Valley.
For some tim e he had been m ore or
less despondent, due p ert ps to th e
poor re tu rn s of th e last few y e a rs in
th e f r u it business and th e recent fro s t
w hich destroyed all poss I ili v o f a
crop this y e ar proved the fi ashing
blow to his hope* for th is y ear
spair se ttle d upon him ; he decided to
end it all
An em pty phial which had
contained a trychoine told the tale.
Ja c k M i'ler w as a man g re atly above
the av erag e intelligence, well educated,
and possessed of a pleasant, s tra ig h t
fo rw ard m anner which won hiss th e
fiie i dship i f all w ith whom he cam e
in c o n ta ct
His m ournful end b ro u g h t
sorrow to a host of friends.
The fu n eral w as held W edhesday
from i he P arish hall, N yssa, Rev. 1.
Q. Wood of O ntario officiating,
Give Yourself and Kiddies
F rank Miller of Big Bend w as in ' '
N yssa W ednesday.
A baby g irl was born to Mr and
Mrs. Ted M artin of Boise on Monday,
May 26, 1924, w eig h t 7 pounds. Both
m other and child a re doing fine. Mrs.
M artin w as form erly Mies H elen Hoxie.
Mias Louis* V. Kennedy le ft Wed­
nesday fo rP o rtlan d .C o rv allis and other
co ast points to v isit frien d s before
proceeding to h e r home in Long Beach
Cal. N ext fall Mias Kennedy will go
to New York to a tte n d Celurabia Uni
v ersity , w ith a view to g e ttin g her
m a s te r’s degree.
D eputy Sheriff Glenn accom panied
by D irtric t A tto rn ey L y tle and Mar
shal F a rm e r of O ntario, passed
through N yssa T hursday w ith a bunch
of bootleggers whom th ey had Cap­
tu red a t Jo ru a n Valley and w ere ta k ­
ing to the jail a t th e county se a t.
Honey Foster’s Honey
A series of
are being conducted in the tent on
Main street, every evening at 8 p.
m., Saturday excepted, by Evangel-
lists Hartland and Mathews.
R. M. B lodgett, L arry H am aker and
C. F. E dei m otered to O ntario Wed­
nesday eyernng to a tte n d a m eeting
held th e re to h e ar Mr Van P e tte n ’a
re p o rt on th e trip to W ashington of
him self, P. 1 . G allagher and Ju d g e
B iggs, mad* in th e in te re s t o f the
Owyhee project. The re p o rt is m ost
encouraging. G re at progress has been
m ade by our re p re se n ta tiv e s in b rin g ­
ing the p ro jec t to the a tte n tio n of the
proper officials, thoroughly convincing
them th a t the proposition is Buch a
highly m erito rio as one th a t it should
be built a t tba e a rlia a t possible mo­
m ent.
As the fa c t finding comm ission has
recom m ended an a p p ro p iiatio n of
$1,500,000 for th e p ro jec t and it ste m s
likely th a t congress will follow th eir * *• * V •!»*!*•{•♦!• •«•*£• »*•«{»*$—
advie.-, every confidence is expressed
th a t the beginning of the construction
of th e Uwyhe* p ro jec t will not be long
Both S en ato r M cNary and R epre­
se n ta tiv e B innott deserve muck c red it
for the hard fighting they have done
and are still doing to have this pro ject
adopted by the reclam ation servioe.
Ail Welcome!
• j. »*••*•
Mr. Motorist-
Bring your batteries in and we
will till them with distilled water
Bobbed Hair
The bobbed h air craze has stru ck
M eat
M arket - this
week the lid ie s of N yssa w ith full force and
m e n Nys>a
i» -- —
— --------
purchased a fin* bunch of atrietly corn our tonsorial a rtis ts hava been buey
f itte n e d beef c attle for th e nie of the during the weak m aking the ladies’
=•—~ | „ , s | shop. T his type o f beef is usu- tre s se s eonform to the la te st style.
shi pped out fo r th e fancy eity Some who b u t a few abort days ago
• i t ,* fe b u t here, we a re glad to an- w ere severely condem ning th e ir e r­
# nounce is a case w here the fa c t is rec rin g siste rs for bobbing th e ir h a ir
„gniaed th a t th e be»t ia none too good have them selvea fallen victim » to the
fo rth * home trad e. T he b e st of m eat* lure. The poet m ust have t a d bob­
at reasonable price« ia th e m oito of bed hair In mind when be penned these
this e n te rp risin g firm.
Ge« E. Schw eiaer and Paul Howe, Vice la a m onster o f so frig h tfu l a
accom panied by th eir w ire s, attended
A i to be hated needs but to be seen;
the dance a t Big Bend la st Friday.
Con K llnkenbe-g Is busily engaged B ut seen teo e ft, fam iliar w ith her
in a g rlcu ltu ral pursuit« en th e Ebngnod
W e Brat endure, then pity th en e n
which he has re n te d for the
farm ,
pilone 147
M a i eur County Bank
l i i l > ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ■ > ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ + ■ » + + + + + + + + + + + -M
George Goodrich s » i tra n sa c tin g
business in Apple Valley the first of
the w eek.
Mrs. L. J. E rn e s t and son John w ere
O ntario v isitors T hursday.
G ertrude T ensen has retu rn e d home
from Boise, w here she has been a t­
tending business college.
Mr. and Mrs. B. O. F ow ler gave a
d inner p arty a t th e ir home en Loeust
avenue Sundav in honor of Al Gamble
and sons, who were leaving on T ues­
day fo r th e ir i ■ w tom® a t Blaine.
O ut c f tow n g u e s ,. w ere M r. W r!ghts
and four children from M eridian and
Mr. and Mrs. A ndrew Brown of On­
Mrs. Geo. C ornelius and tw o chil­
dren of P a y e tte visited a t th e Barron
aud Ja c k Lynch hom es th is w eek.
F o r S ale—H ay derrick, $65. Hay
and g rain eonaidered. See Mrs Frank
Al Gam ble and son* Don and Fred
le ft Tuesday for th e ir home a t Blaine,
Tillamook county
W hile here Mr.
Gam ble packed his household goods
and shipped them to his new home.
Tom Baird is in N yssa vlaiting his
m other.
Miss Louise V. Kennedy le ft Wed
nesday fo r her home a t Long Beach,
Word has been received by N ysss
riends th a t R osioe C lark and wlf»
are a t Hollywood, Cal., w here Mr.
Clark is running a blacksm ith shop.
Frank L euck and fam ily m otored
over to Roswell last Sunday.
Mrs. Payne and Mrs. Crooker ano
son M ikon w ere in Parm a Monday.
Paul C 'o o k e r visited frien d s in Ba­
ker lust F riday and S atu rd ay .
For S a le - H ay D errick, $65. Hay
and grain considered. See Mrs. Frank
The first m eeting of th e Boys and
Girls Poultry Club recently organised
by County Club L eader Anderson, held
th eir first m eeting S atu rd ay a t the
G eorge Goodrich home Owing to a
m isunderstanding rega ding the d ate,
atten d an ce was sm all. The m em bers
of the alub are Douglas B enton, Wal­
te r H atfield, Oswald forbes, Osa Blay­
lock, Mjndie Goodrich and H elen G ar
re tt.
J . S. E w in ;, who will be principal
of the N yssa school th e com ing year,
le ft S aturday fo r Chicago, w here he
will a tte n d th e sum m er school for
Chaa. Leuck v isited Loyd E vans in
B ak er Monday and T uetday.
Mr. Spies and a few o f th e N yssa
boys w ent p e arl h u n tin g in the Snake
river W ednesday, finding ab o u t 20 de­
fective pearl*.
The h u n t was for
pleasure and not fa r pecuniary gains.
T hursday e ig h t of the lib rary w ork­
ers, u n d e r th e supervision of Miss
Moran, g a th e re d a t th e library and
spent the afternoon m ending books.
The N yssa R ealty Co. re p o rts the
sale th is week o f a 40 a c re farm in
the K ingm an Kulony, fo rm erly owned
by E rn e s t W ilson, to E. S. Biddle of
Bend, O regon. Mr. Biddle took im­
m ediate possession of th e property,
which is all in grow ing crops.
H unt & Clossen have purchased five
lots adjoining th e ir packing house.
The deal was m ads th ro u g h tne N yssa
R ealty Co.
Mrs. G race E rn e st bought th ree lots
in the south p a rt of tow n last week.
The deal w as m ade th ro u g h the Nyesa
R ealty Co.
H arold H alaas re tu rn e e d to W allowa
lake T hursday a fte r a few d a y s’ visit
with frien d s and re la tiv e s in this vi­
O scai B auer and R alph Servoss,
who recently trad e d honses, indulged
in a double m oving th is w eek, each to
the house form erly occupied by the
L. M. P ersell, who has been visiting
relatives in C alifornia for some
m onths, re tu rn e d home la st week.
We ic g r e t to learn th a t Mr P e rie li’a
health is not as good as usual.
E arn e st W ilson, J P. B a x te r and
Marlin Wilson sp en t Tuesday evening
ch sing the I i i»e salm on i the Mal-
, heur ri er. l h . ir efforts w ere re
warded w ith a couple of fine fine fish.
le n s M
Or e>Tfon
of tk<<
and your tires with air—Free
And your radiator with water— Free
And your motor with oil
And your gas tank with ga*
BETTER oil and BETTER gas
—and charge you for it.
Nyssa Garage
Cook & Look, Prop«.
4 H