GATE C i n JOURNAL Published every F rida y Oregon, by at N yisv H. F. BROWN E nte red at the Poatoffice a t N yssa Oregon, as second-class B ail m atter SU B SC R IP TIO N RATES: One year, in a d v a n c e -------------11.60 '■'•r months, in advance_______ .75 Tried a r d true democrats, as well as some republicans, are contemplating with considerable equanimity the pending buttle between the Coolidge forces on the one side and Lodge forces on the other. Lodge is to he dis­ ciplined for not voting the w ay President Coolidge desired him to. Washington advices indicate that the issue is drawn and the hattle lines are being formed. The battle of Armageddon will be fought out at the Cleveland convention, when it is proposed to depriv«* Lodge of certain posi­ tions of power and honor which he has held at every republican convention since the mind o f man runneth not to the contrary. There is every indication that it will be a scrap well worth watch­ ing We kind of hope it will prove to be another Kilkenny cat affair. The Methodist conference now in session has adopted by a five to one vote a resolution lifting to a large extent the ban on card playing, dancing and theater going. That is, what has been aonsidered wrong from the foundation of the church to the present time is now officially recognized as being all right. Are we to understand from this that the church has compromised with evil in order to gain mem­ bers, or is it an admission that the church has in the past taken the wrong attitude toward the question of amusements? There would seem to be no other al­ ternative What was wrong £0 or a 10) years ago is wrong to­ day. Gaston B. Means gave some testimony before the Daugherty investigating committee Thurs­ day tending to implicate Secre­ tary Mellon in the fraudulent issuance of liquor permits. We suppose this will be the cue for the Portland Oregonian to make A ga tha Walker Seventh Grade—Doria Green, Grace We are pleased to re p o rt progress Walters. High School - O t i s Crooker, L este r in the e xte rm ina tion c f the predatory d -gs which have doneao much damage Klinkenberg, Mary M atheny. to the poultry yarda «round town. So Pupils in High School on Bonor Roil far as reported there have been aix for s e m e s te r (with an av.-rage grade canines s nt to th e happy hunting grounds of dog heaven. A couple of of “ B” for the s e m e s te r ) : J u i n i t a Bigelow, Orville Bigelow. them made the m ista ke Tuesday of A nnette Rtadgeft, Marjo Cowir.a, Eve raiding Marshal R e n e r g e r ’s chicken lyn DeBord, Myrtle Fields. Gladys pen, killing a num ber of fine birds Garrison, Louis Garrison, Frances The members of the family were all Klinkenberg. Mary Maiheny, Thelma away from home and the anim als were seen at their work of destruction by Thompson, Mary Toomba. Mrs. F. D. Hall, who drove them away and telephoned Mr Reberg-r, Pupils neither abse nt nor tardy dur­ who e aug t them in the act of chasing P g I o T o u r n a m e n t ing May: a chicken belonging to Con Klinken F irst Grade- Cleo B a x te r, Kttel The third annual Boise Polo 'lourna berg, with the result t h a t one dog is Mary Boydell, E dith Baird, Alta m t am! Horae Show begina Decora Campbell, H etta Conk, Eleanor Fonter, t on D y a t th. capital city and will lead and the owner of the o th e r paid Vera Garrison, Dorothy Goodiich, continue until Ju n e 10. Three Ninth for the dam age done. The heaviest loser from these nuis l iena Tensan, Pauline Wolfe, Curtis Corps Area Arm y team s will e nter Foster, Jacob Groot, Neal Goodrich, the tou rn am en t and will compete for ances, so for as we have heard, is W l l . a . i M a tie n y , De’bevt McCarty. the Ninth Corps championship. These Holden Clement, who figures th a t 150 Den Merrill, Vere Mitchell, E rnest t tree team s and the Boise team will of his young turkeys, b sidss a num­ P tirs o n , E dward Peterson, Calvin c im p e te for the annual Norihwest ber of old birds, have fallen victims to the blood lust of these wandering Wilson, Marion Wilson. Polo Championship The Bois Polo dogs. Second G ra d e —Darlene Dunawa", club b- lieves th t t this will be one of The lournal e d ito r is also a sufferer Em m a Lou Honks, Cora Hstfiitlrf, the bes*. t o u r n a m e n ts e ver staged in from the depredations of the e ani Aridane Louper, Roy Crockett, Earl B -ise. mala. It took the dogs j u s t a week to Mitchell. The tn ree a rrry team s e ntered in put us out of ti e poultry buoiness Third Grade G lidvs Campbell, th ■ l o u m s m e n t are: Seventh Infan­ The last raid was made Saturday, Cha lena Crawford, Dorothy Goshert, try fr- m Vancouver Barracks, Wash when our litile bunch of 82 was re­ L au ra Winpple, l i e l t n Mitchell, Olive ington; T e n th Field Artillery from duced to nine, with several of them H unter, C a rlotta Irwin, Katherine C i m u Lewis, W ashington, and Thir cripples. We arrived a t the scene of Shum aker, Ruth Wolfe, Ar>hurChnp teenth I n fa n try from Fort D. A. Rus slaughter in time to see two red bird man, Francis Ila atin, Je ss e Schwuu- sail, Wyctnjng. The Camp Lew s dogs making a hasty g e t away. A bauer. Max Schweizer, Carlot a Irwin, ' team, winner of the 1924 Pscifi • N o r th ­ sh o rt time before the rsid t h ie e red Dickie Tenaen. west Championship, and ihe other bird d o t s and two airdales were seen Fourth G r a d e - L id d e Baird, Helen j army team s e nte red, will be strung running to g e th e r in the vicinity. D u e n . Oca Blaylock, How ard Foster, ( conipt titors in the coming tournam ent. Roderick Stubbs. Oswald Forbes, l.e j All of them have gained more than a r . y Teutseh, Violet Wi'son, Donna local reputation in polo circles. In May of this year the Boise team Cook, W anda Shelton, Douglas Ben­ ton, Glenn Green, W a lte r Hatfield, entered the to u r n a m e n t held a t Van­ E te rnal change is the law of the couver, Wa»h., and won the G r a 'd universe and nowhere is this law more John E rnest, Loran Allred F ifth Grade Crete Marie Foster, Championship. The schedule of ga m rs a ppare nt than in the realm of ferain Norma Schneiter, Beulah Sooter, has been a r r a n id so t h a t Boise will >ne a ttiie . We w. re forcibly rem ind­ Evlyn Schweizer, B e ttv Tensen, play on the open ng day, Decorr.tion, ed of this fact the o t h e r day when we A g a th a Walker, Je nnie Whipple, on Sunday, J u n e 1, and Sunday. J u r e observed a handsome young lady J u a n i ta Whipple, Milton Crock- r, 8. so th at the g r e a t e s t num ber of peo­ dreeseu in what we ta k e to be the H arry E.ler, Joe E dw aids, Herechci ple possible can see the Idaho team in very l a te s t style, whose skirt had action. The Boise te r m has also been grown downward from tbw form er Thompson. achedult d to to play some gam es dur­ fashionable knee length till it Happen Sixth Grade—Ada Blaylock, Marya ing the week joyously around her g raceful ankles r e t, Marie H unte r, M a rtha Law T here is said to be a c ertain relief in rence, K atherine Teuck, E arl Schweiz- change, even when it is from the bet er, Delbert Sooter, Glenn Vogts. Sportsmen. t o r to the worse. This mu t be so, Glenn Zink, Loia Vogts, Z Inia 1 build boa 8 t h a t are safe a r d run else why should the ladies d e ­ T hrasher, Max Dunaway, Norville ea\v. Prices reas nable. to go back to the long Leuck, John Kay. I ave for sale four little l e ttin g sire years? Seventh Grade — Helen G a rrett. hen incubators, tiO 6gg size, only used clumsy skirts of form er Doris Green, M a rg a re t Hanafin, G.aee about Iwy weeks; $3 CO each or the The only compensa ting fe a tu r e we can four for $12. Kd Ten Have, Adrian. 3 see about il is th a t the nervous strain W allers, Lowell B a x te r, Danny D m n, on some of our museunline friends Alvin Crockett, may, to some e x te n t a t least, be abated High School— and tbeir imaginations allowed an op­ Von Della B sxter, Hazel Beam. Drs. Bradford A Bradford. Carver portunity to rest. R ita Beam, Ju a n ita Bigelow, Otis graduates. Consultation and examina Crooker, Evelyn DeBord N t l i e De tion free Ten years successful prac­ Vries, Bruce Gilchrist, Francis Klink First enberg, Max G lehrist, Gilbert Klink tice in the s t a te of Oregon. di or west of Bank. enberg, L e s te r Klinkenlierg, Mary The home of Ellis W s l tc r s of Owy­ Malheriy, Mary Swan, Thelma Thomp­ hee was the scene Monday. May 26, of son, Verna Thompson, Grace Warren, For Sale. a deligl tful surpriae p a rty given by Roy Williams. F irst class dry pickt d duck feathers, Mrs. W alters in honor of Mr. Walters 75c per pound. Geo. Goodrich. m23 and Mrs, Will Beam, whose birthday Pupils n e ithe r tardy r.or absent dur- anniversaries tell upon t h a t date,. in the year: Chop barley, $1.26 per ewt. Fred Sixty friends and neighbors gathered F irst G ra d e —Jacob Groot. Klingback. n.!65t to help celebrate the event, everyone Tuird Grade — C a rlo tta Irwin, Ar e n te r in g with vim into the spirit of t h u r Chapman. The Journal is only 11.60 per year. the occasion. Games of varions kinds, Fifth Grade — Evlyn Schweizer, You can’t atfurd to be without it. some of them most sntertaining, were played and greatly enjoyed by young nod old «eke ce cream and c a t e o in., fi . s . w e i o oery. d m a uuuance; in short, tn par y was a grand sue cess. The guests of honor were de­ lighted with the kind thoughtfulness of their friends, yet »he pleasure was not all th irs, tor everyon • present c arried away memories t>. a m ost an joyaoie evening. Predatory Dog* tome scathing remarks about dragging the prisons to secure evidence in the investigation. The Portland paper has been working over lime trying to discredit the investigations a n d minimize the effect of the damning ev dence p r o d " C * d , but we sometimes wonder if it isn’t slipping a little, at that. Notice! We have installed a late model gasoline pump. Try us for q- ick service. Cur mechanic* are first class. AH Work Guaranteed Authorized Ford Service Honor Koil Service 6ara§e Nyssa, Oregon Link’s Business College At Boise Idaho Offers an i a t 'a a v y s p j c i t ’izad training in their SUMMER SCHOOL Fcr Teachers, High School Graduates, and others ambi­ tious to succeed in the Business World. New Classes Organized Monday, June 2d Monday, June 9th Fashion Note Send for Catalog giving full information. B C. Beetham, Manager • ♦, *^*;*%*vvv*i**l*v*»*vI* + , *I**I**i*v Make your pullets lay by feeding A 1 L ay k g M a sh We have it prepared Chiropractor* Doable Birthday Party Unparalleled Value— The Ford furnishes convenient and reliable transportation at a price you can comfortably afford to pay. U n e q u a lle d facilities for quality manufacture on a large scale make possible values that are unapproached in the automotive industry. ffo tc r ^ V ) Runabout $265 C oupe $^2 5 om /icvnu^ D e tro it. M ic h ig a n /•..!«.r ti n 5 5 9 0 ForJor Sedan $685 A l l p r u g j / . u. b. D e t r o i t • E E T HE NEAREST AU TH ORIZED FORD DEALER N y s s a G ra in & S e e d Co. NYSSA ¿-.-.i., OREGON. . . i t Decoration Day This being Decoration Day ul pl .ee» of business are closed Many ere availing them selves of the oppor­ tunity to visit the c em ete ry to place dowers upon the g r a v e s of the d e ­ parted. While the dailv paners have ceased making mention of the foot and mouth d a ase situation in California, w. learn from o th e r sources t h a t the di-- casP is still ram pant. Remember the Small Things. I t Hi enay to talk glibly of serving b n n tsn lty so d te fo rg et tn pass the wilt to tlie m en who s its n ex t ns a t tab le, re fTitek of p tn etn e onr lives at e w n rfifs dlspoaeJ a n d neglect the sm all a tree Mens wblch mean so much to onr ow e heme -Henry S loane CoS Fine building sites $25 and U p Drop around and look them over N yssa Towr site Co. Journal Office. Parcel Post your Clear i g and Dyeing Lorimer'a City Dye Works, Bus?. I t s The Touring Car *295 P. O# B. Detroit D a m o u n t * H r Rims and Startet *35 eatra For Saie Crib and h gh chair white enameled. Cheat). Mrs. W. W Fos­ ter. 72? 11. m!62t Chop Barley, $1 26 per cw t Fred Klingback m!66t Notice to Water Users. H nrs for using h gh pressure w ater for irrigation re from 5.00 p m to 9:00 D. m Kindly govern yourselves accordingly. C. W Reberger, Marshal Insurance $£ Legal Papers Drawn J. B O Y D E I L Vow c a n b u y a n y m o d e l b y m a k in g a a m a ll d o w n -p a y m e n t a n d a r r a n g in g e a ty fa rm s fo r th e ba la n c e, ( tr y o u c a n b u y o n th e fo r ,! W e e k ly P u rc h a se Piatt. T h e F ord d e a le r in y v u r n eig h b o r h o o d w ill g la d ly « « p la in bt* h p la n s in d e ta il. Will pay rash for piano if sold cheap. S la te very heat rash price in first le - 1er Address Piano, r a r e Gate City Journal. m62t GEN E RA L IN S U R A N C E NYSSA, OREGON Protect your property with a safe and sound insurance policy and be h ppy i |