T he G ate C ity J ournal VOL.XX1I. NO 30. SECOND PERMIT FILED TO PROSPECT FOR COAL NYSSA. OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 30. I OWYHEE ■ -------------------------------------------- FOUND DEAO IN BED SAT. 1924 ACCEPTS ROAD POSITION $1.50 PER YEAR * - WESTFALL BAND E ÜP Miss Marian Lowe is expected Ruptured Blood Vessel Brings Barney Bull of Ontario Accepts Ap- j Dry Spell Hard on Farmem -Shear- home the first of the week for a Death to A. E. Comstock visit with her home folks. pointment Recently Offered , t Wakerlig Plant— Bung With While Sleeping. Rev. Snow and family of Payette Fred Gramse on Highways. Bees— Visit in Harper. \\ KISER AND BAKKR MEN SIGN visited the Owyhee and Kolony Sun DOCUMENT REQUESTING day, arranging a group gathering (From the Malheur Enterprise.) Fred Gammon and wife of Jamie I’HOSPECTING RIGHTS Mr. and Mrs. Barney Bull and of rural Sunday schools, said gath A. E. Comstock of Nyssa, who children o f Ontario arrived in Vale son were Westfall visitors Monda;. ering to be an all day affair of Shearing is in full blast at the MEETING LAST NIGHT DECIDE Sunday school work and speaking came to the Vale Sanitarium last Monday evening to make their home PERSONNEL FOR POPU Second of Its Kind Within 30 Days to be held in Arcadia grove on Sun week, was found dead in his bed here indefinitely, Mr. Bull having Wakerlig plant. LAR FEATURE. — Outcropping of Coal Veina day, July 13. Bear the date in last Saturday morning when an at accepted the position of mainten James Graham is busy with his Average Two Inches. mind and help to make it a success. tendant went to awaken him. Death ance supervisor for the highways Lees. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Willson and was found to be due to a ruptured leading out of Vale. This appoint The crops in this section are suf son Donald of Nyssa were dinner blood vessel at the post mortem ment was recently offered Fred fering from the dry spell. 'Ike second application within a guests in the Pullen home Sunday, held that day and the hour of death Gramse of Ontario due to his long James Becker is home after month was filed at the local land as was also Mrs. A. C. Bradley. was set about the middle part of service with the highway depart spending several days at the horse Ralph Miller, an employe on the office a few days ago for a permit the night, having come while the ment but was declined by him and camp. Evans ranch, is the owner of a new to prospect for coal in the southern man was sleeping. then offered to Mr. Bull. A younger Mrs. Stewart Hanna and Miss Baseball Nines Reserving Places in Ford, which he recently purchased Liât»*— Big Beef for Barbecue part of the county, when A. L. in Middleton. Although he had no relatives brother of the first, Glenn Gramse, May Hart were in town Wednes Longstreth of Baker, B. M. and H. Being Picked Out. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Griffith and anywhere in this country and hav is making his home with Mr. and day. G. Joseph of Weiser signed their family of Caldwell visited Sunday ing only been at the sanitarium a Mrs. Bull and is also working on Miss Luella Shuler made a trio couple of days, a goodly number the highway. Vale extends the new to town Tuesday. names to the legal documents re in the Walter Pinkston home. Little Miss Vivian Smith is a from questing the permit. the sanitarium and some comers, who are now at home in (From the Mulheur Enterprise.) Wayne Hyde went through town The first application was entered guest of her aunt, Mrs. Charlotte friends who had known him in the Harry Young place, a cordial with three big loads of wood. In order to insure a good beef McGinnis, at the Road Lands ranch Nyssa and Vale were in attendance with the land office Monday, April this week. welcome Val Becker was in town Tuesday. for the big barbecue in the park at the funeral services held in the 28, by John Joseph and Peter Nona Becker visited with Mrs. July 4th C. C. Mueller, head o f the Mr. and Mra. Wm. Peutz and Nelsen chapel. Reverend C. A. Sias Keeney, both of Weiser. The ter family were business visitors in On Wayne Hyde Tuesday and Wednes feed committee, announces that they of the First Christian church had ritory covered in the first request tario Wednesday. day. are now picking one out and when Marion Dunn, who is irrigating charge of the services both at the included approximately 2500 acres Oliver Sandy made s trip to the the day of the big celebration ar chapel and at the Vale cemetery potatoes on the Evans ranch, went and the men were enthusiastic over Burtis ranch last week. rives all those who line up for the where burial was made. Several the i .dications of heavy veins of to Fruitland Sunday. Charley Pierce and wife visited chief event of the program will be Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Bigelow and large floral offerings were given coal contained on the laud. in Harper Sunday. treated to a host of free good eats -By C . E. S penes- family and Mr. and Mrs. D. P. and a number of cars were in the The land in the second territory Pink Becker passed through town and roast beef that will make one’s Complaints of shippers come to Pullen and family attended the high procession that went to the ceme showed occasional outcroppings of school mouth water. The chefs are also graduating exercises at tery. i the market agent that shipments of Friday on his way to Juntura. veins of coal, measuring in various Nyssa Wednesday Joe Edwards and wife were in announcing that serving will begin evening, Miss eggs graded at country points do Mr. Comstock had lived in this places an average width of two Juanita Bigelow being one of the town this week. promptly at 12 m., and the forecast county for the past seven or eight not take the same grads when inches. A fine black dust was also graduates. Frank Jones and wife passed is that everyone will try to be in graded by the dealers in Portland years but nothing is known o f any Mr. and Mrs. H. Evans, Mr. and greatly in evidence which was sim through Westfall Sunday, the front ranks about ten minutes that are graded down on size. The ilar to coal dust, and other indica Mrs. Ray Cantrall and the Misses kinsfolk. Miss Lena Shuler visited here prior to that hour. market agent is asked if there is Monday. tions lead the propspectors to hope Gladys McGinnis and Nellie and not some means of verifying these Pioneers’ Picnic. Rada Elliott were guests at a joint Al Mullen and family o f Idahi for an important discovery. ONTARIO grades. The market agent law makes The pioneers are planning a pic birthday party given in the Ellis are visiting with her sister, Mrs, Walters home in honor of Mrs. nic in the park on their day, July it the duty of market agent to“ inves- Oscar Presley. William Beam and Mr. Walters tigate complaints and, upon request 3rd, although it is not yet known Miss Myrtle Estes visited witl Entertainment for American Le act as meditator or arbitrator in Monday evening. just what form this will take. It is Miss Lola Presley this week. A number o f farmers are having gion Auxiliary Success— Attend more than probable that they nay controversy or issue that may their alfalfa sprayed for weevil by Ball Game at Baker. will serve their eats in the Receives Two Broken Legs in Hur the county arise among producers, distributors MEMORIAL DAY. sprayer, operated by basket ried Departure From High School Henry Teutsch, amonk them being No public holiday so stirs the nature o f a picnic or Mrs. Tom Arnold is visiting here and consumers of such products, and Assembly Room Window. in case the parties to the dispute emotional life o f the people as does dinner but complete arrangements D. P. Pullen, Chas. Bradley, Wards, from Crane. will not be forthcoming until next McConnells, Elliotts, Fred Kling- A number of people motored to fail to reach an adjustment, he may Memorial Day. Originally conceiv month. back, Ray Cantrall and others. (From the Malheur Enterprise.) Baker Sunday to attend the ba ll, make his «»dings public.” The mat ed as a day on which the graves of Haying started a little early on Buckaroo Band. It isn’t every day that a bird dog Miss Emison, ter of ja d in g e8K3 according to soldiers and sailors of the Civil account of weevil. Lou de Goede is game. Ed Fraser. Clever invitations were mailed imagines he can fly just because of Mr. and Mrs. Wyman, Mr. and Mrs. 8ize and wei« ht is aimPle and ther,! war were decorated it is now a day putting his up. this week by L. P. Lumpee to those his name, but that seemed to be the Mr. and vTrs. J. W. Kygar were Tranthrow, Mrs. Sturgill, Everett should not be any market difference when we honor, with floral tributes, resting places of the in town who have once played in a case with Bob, the bird dog be Gate Cit' Staples, Mr. and Mrs. Hotchkiss, F. between the grading of the shippers the final itors Monday. Nation’s wars, bund here or in some other city or longing to Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Hick County "lub Leader Anderson C. Oxman, Lela Oxman and Mrs. and the buyers, if the graders ob heroes of a lp - «nr want to play in a band here or man when he took a flyer from a visited ti Klingback and DeBord Wilmcr. serve the standards. In cases of dis and also the civilian dead. In the cities and towns the schools somewheres else or who merely just window in the high school assembly homes T) -day. Joe Howry was in Ontario from pute of grades, however, the market Mr. and Mrs. Harry Russell, who Juntura Monday. with the pa want to play, requesting their pres room while attending school there agent will have the cases re-graded generally cooperate triotic societies in the observance of ence at a meeting last night at Monday morning. Whether the have been employed on the Kygar by competent officials. Frank Davis and wife are visit ranch, moved the last of the week which the personnel o f the Buck confusion caused by strange sur ‘‘The only thing wrong with co the day. School children contribute to the old Newt Thomason house, ing in Ontario from Jordan Valley. pageants, and various aroo band was to be selected. This roundings and so many strange which they have rented. The Auxiliary held a rooked food operation is that it doesn’t work." readings, is going to be one of the most pop faces was the cause of the unusual How often is this cynical remark other dramatic exercises to the The Judd. Overstreet, Lowe and sale Saturday at Boyer’s store. ular features o f this year's enter community programs. High school exit, Bob was unable to say upon Wall families visited the Hot A number of Ontario people at made by people who do not know being interviewed. The results, Springs Sunday. tended the recital given by Mrs. what they are saying, and who do bands frequently lead the parades tainment, for a Fourth without a band is as bad as Christmas with Little Louise Klingback was quite Sleep at Payette Teusday. however, were evident, as he broke no t take th e trouble to find out of veterans and patriotic organiza both front legs and is now making ill the last of the week. Tom Jones and George Ross went facts. The occasional co-operative tions on their marches to the ceme no Santa Claus, and every effort is Mrs. Ed Hennes, who has visited going to be made to supply plenty his waya round the shady comers to Burnt river Friday. failure is always“ played up,” while teries, and school children decorate the graves o f the fallen warriors. of music for the parade, at the park of his home yard in a slow and un her parents the past week, returned Several cars o f young people at the collapses of private business home Monday, Mr. Hennes coming certain manner due to the heavy tended the opening of the park at every day are taken as a matter Participation by the youth in these and athletic events. up from Kuna Sunday. Itarin’ to Go. splints put in place by Mr. Hick of course. During the ten years, exercises awakens the highest ideals Mr. Bigelow and daughter Juan Weiser Saturday evening. From the alacrity with which man immediately after the accident. ita were in Nyssa Monday. The home talent show given for from 1913 to 1923, according to the of patriotism. It not only teaches It is a wonder that the dog wasn’t Mr. and Mrs. Henry Slippey en the Auxiliary to the American Le U. S. Department of Agriculture, them to honor the heroic dead, but baseball teams o f the county have inspires them to devote their ben responded to the call it is more killed in the jump for from the tertained the J. P. McGinnis family gion under the direction of Lela the money losses because of farmers efforts to their country’s welfare. than evident that a number of assen t)ly room it is a sheer three- and the Ray Cantrall family at Oxman was a succcess in every co-operative organization going out In the thoughts of Lincoln’s Gettys nines are anxious to get a whack story drop to the hard packed dinner Sunday in honor of Donald’s way. The house was crowded and o f business were less than three- ground below. Mr. Hickman is of birthday. the show was splendid. In an adver tenths of one per cent of the total burg address the lesson o f the day at each other as well as make a try Gerald DeBord visited his cousin is consecration of the living to the for the healthy purse that will be the opinion that he may have to tising stunt, over 35 business houses business of co-operatives active Kenneth McDonald Sunday. unfinished work of the dead. The offered. Jamieson and Brogan put provice wings if Bob is going to Quite a bad washout occurred on were represented. A feature pict during those ten years. Private individual who, as a child, gets this in their applications on the same- ever make a second departure from the Overstreets’ Owyhee ranch ure and clever vaudeville was the business cannot show such a record. meaning of Memorial Day can not date and Ironside has also accepted. any building in this manner. for the evening. Sunday when the irrigation water entertainment Since Tillamook sounty farmers hurst its bounds and began wash Wilmer Boyer was clever in a lined up all the merchants of that but prove a worthy citizen qf the Huntington and Nyssa will probably want to play too, but anyway there ing into the river. Dutch monologue. Mr. Siddoway county in an agreement not to handle Republic. BROGAN Thousands o f children living in will be the big double header on assisted by ten pretty girls put on or sell the butter substitutes, the July celebration to be held in Vale. a musical revue. Lela Oxman was movement is spreading into other the isolated rural districts do not the 3rd even should they be unable Mrs. Floyd Christianson spent a have the opportunity to share in to send teams, and the winners of Curtain Purchased by Athletic Club few days the first of the week visit a scream in a black face mono counties, yet leaders in the move the exercises of Decoration Day. these two tilts will cross bats on logue, song and dance skit. Displayed at Dance— Open Air ment report that in some counties Schools are usually closed so that the Fourth. ing in Ontario. Mrs. H. E. Young gave a solo and Services Held— Ladies’ Aid. the farmers themselves do not there is no opportunity to observe Mrs. L. A. Cornell o f Lowden Several requests to bring in was charming as usual. She was The Brogan Athletic Club gave a Wash., is visiting friends in Oregon. apparently, take interest in the mat the day as aprt of the school pro horses for the different events have accompanied by Mrs. Cox on violin dance on Saturday evening, May IV. ter of helping to line up the mer gram. There is seldom an organiz The Ladies’ Aid met this week on also been received by the commit and Miss Dollie Rollins at the The attedance was not so large but Wedensday at the home of Mrs. chants. If the fanners would unite ation responsible for the planning tee and the enthusiasm for the cele piano. a fine time was enjoyed by all. The Wayne Allen. There was a special in this fight against milk and butter o f a community program. The bration in Vale this year seems to A graceful dance by Modest club -erved ice cream and lemonade invitation given to all the little substitutes there would hardly be decoration of the groves in rural be spreading over the entire county Moore, Mildred Conklin and Helen in a booth on the dance floor aoi boys and grls to come to Betty and a merchant in the state, outside of cemeteries is generally a matter of and also outside points. Every ef Hardman won much applause. Miss supper in the basement at midnight. Bobbie’s birthday party the same Portland, who would handle the family concern. In most o f the fort will be made to take care of Eleanor Wood made a hit with her counterfeits. Union county is now rural The proceeds went to the benefit of day. It was a beautiful day and cemeteries of the United the huge crowd that is planning on song, “ It Aint Nobody’s Business the baseball boys. One of the feat every lady and all the children putting on the drive. States there are graves of soldiers attending and the whole affair But My Own.” ures o f the evening was the new spent a delightful afternoon at the Frosts have materially injured o f one or more o f our Nation’s promises to be one long remem The Dinty Moore orchestra in curtain. on the stage which was dis Allen home. wars. There is hardly a rural com bered. their white uniforms gave two jazz the ear'y iruit* in ma» y courlties played during the evening. The Brogan Sunday school held a numbers. The closing number was °* state. Strawberries, cherries, munity in which there does not re Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Yeoman and picnic dinner on Sunday over in the Uncle Dick Rutherford. song and dance, "Susette,” by apricots, pears and like fruits have side veterans of the Civil war, the daughter have returned to Brogan willows on Logan’s farm. A ftn war, or the Uncle Dick Rutherford one of the Lela Oxman assisted by Eleanor been seriously injured and in some Spanish-American after spending a year in the Will dinner, Sunday school was held. old-time residents of the county counties early vegetables have been World war. Wood and Irene Rowe. Rev. Sias was present and held amette valley. May 30— Memorial Day—is a and o f Ontario where he has been a Harvey Test went to the River killed. Hood River, La Grande and The new drop curtain for the open air church service after the side dam Monday to assist in plac Walla Walla report killing frosts public holiday in all States and prominent figure for the past ten stage in the community hall was Sunday school. possessions except Alabama, Flor years, arrived at the Vale Sanitar and much damage. ing trout in the stream. Mr. Holte of Vale was a Brogan hung up on Saturday morning. It Growers in the Willamette val'.y ida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, ium a couple of days ago. He wish Mrs, I. E. Oakes entertained the is a beautiful curtain and a credit visitor on Tuesday o f this week. Tuesday bridge club. Mrs. Frank have asked the state market agent and North and South Carolina. Con es all o f his friends to know that J. O. Thomson and daughter, to our hall. The curtain was pur to help them find markets for hairy federate Memorial Days that are he is getting along fine, nd every Rader held high score. chased by the Athletic Club and Gladys Thayer, and Mrs. L. A. Cor Mrs. L. E. Jones went to Twin vetch seed. If any farmers are in public holidays are April 26 in one is glad to know that he has al nell went on a camping trip up in given to the hall. Florida, Georgia, and ready shown an improvement. Falls to attend the graduation ex the market for this seed, the market Alabama, The P. T. A. Ladies served ice the mountains. Mr. Thomson is in ercises of her granddaughter, Mary agent will put them in touch with Mississippi; May 10 in North and cream and cake in the hall election terested in mines up there and will South Carolina, and June 3 in Ten Newman, who graduates this year. the growers. The ladies day. The ladies netted a nice sum do some prospecting. Exam Reaults. * The embargo against the foot and nessee. June 3 is a legal holiday in * Mrs. Joe Staples left again for of money which will be used to will spend part of their time fish Boise Monday, where she will un mouth epidemic in California is yet Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas and Vir • ___ « buy play apparatus on the school ing. * The office of the county * dergo another operation to see if held tight against that state, and^ ginia. On Wednesday evening the mar grounds. * school superintendent has been • they can remove the steel from her Miss Mae Murphy left the first of ried men played the single men at Hugh. | one o f the results will doubtless tie * more than busy the last week * eye. She has had two operations, Mrs. John Houston and Mrs. R. | good demand for nearly all Oregon the week for her home at Juntura baseball on the ball grounds. There * grading and classifying and * both being unsucessful. D. Lytle of Vale were in Ontario fruits and vegetables this season * averaging to spend the summer vacation was keen competition between the and mailing the * Mrs. Castleman and daughter The federal government now has en Tuesday visiting. There was a ball game on Sunday players and a good crowd turned * grades to the 000 eighth grad- * Barbara left this week for the east Mrs. Wilmer Boyer will go to tire charge of the situation in Calif * ers who took afternoon at the ball park between out to witness the game. ft. creat- their pre-high * for an extended visit. Portland in June as a delegate for and every precaution is being taken * school examinations a couple o f * Ironside and Brogan. The score ed a lot of fun as well as was good Miss Carrie Bailey became the to prevent its spread and stamp it the auxiliary of the Legion of this was 6 to 1 in favor of the visiting practice for the ball players, * weeks ago. Complete results * bride of Virgil Reece Wednesday. unit. The I egion is sending two out. team. There is great interest in Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Capps motor- * regarding the highest averages • They will motor to Wyoming or. Oregon is far behind its usual delegates, Dr. A. R. Roberts and ball playing among the men this ed down to Ontario on Sunday to * and the highest scholarship * their honeymoon trip. Wm. Blackaby, i rainfall, in fact nearly all of mois * rating o f the different schools * spring. While Brogan has yet to spend the day with friends there, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lackey are ture. Eastern Oregon is thus early Marie Alta Boyer entertained a win the first game the players are, W. D. Baker and family stopped * will not be known until next * the proud parents of a new boy anil number of her little friends with a short of needed rain and forest * week, but Mrs. E. M. Crail says • out for the sport there is m play- a couple of days in Brogan to visit have named the robust youngster . . . . . . fires are breaking early records. party. Games and re ing and always feel just as en- their daughters, Mrs. Axtel Reed _______________________________ ____ birthday * that the grades all over the * thusiastic after a game as before. | and Mrs. W. L. Capps enroute from Ontario on Tuesday of this week at-1 freshments furnished fun for the In the Blue Mountains there is county are better than they have * very little snow, so stockmen report Clint Woodward of Vale spent southern California to their home tending to business interests. [ afternoon. * ever been before, F. C. Oxman drove to Beulah and the irrigated sections are un part o f Tuesday in Brogan visiting in Drewsey, Oregon, The Thursday afternoon club met easy about their water supplies. Thursday on business. friends and advertising the 4th of J. E. Hamstreet was in Vale and with Mrs. Axtel Reed this week. EAGER TO TAKE A WHACK State Market Agent News TAKES A THREE-STORY FLYER