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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1924)
■ M anna --------------- ----------------------- ! '» ♦ ♦♦♦■»H » ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ■ » I H l l I"I|||.|I"H"!"I"I' - Vind Jammers We carry a full line ot Boost for Blodgett i CO NDENSED STA TEM EN T of S n B efore a n o th e r iprue of tne Journal ia d istrib u te d tht prin.ary (lection Th • Wind J im m e rn ’ corv«n-ion on wi I nave be» a he id In this c >nn«c> Sum ay « - ! a am-cesa in sp ite o f Ike ne tion we wi«b to rail the a 1 teniion e x tra m .lv h -d w eather. «’old a id of • u r reart**ra to the faot th a t no windy «a it w as all the forenoon, at 1 e»nirty offi ial haa *»ver bt*en chosen N .v ss u O r e g o n o ’clock th, s tr e e ts w re lined w i'h from ihe Nv***a d ^ tn e t. To some e x te u t ti ia haa been due to cars and Ihe sidew alks covered with a t t V c!i>;d o f b u f i a e i a M t r t - h 3 1 , 1921. peoul inenv of whom had come from our la«*k of andidat^a, nut thia tim e t nei hnori- g tui. nx for the occasion. ia differen t At thia t ire we have a The m ain al tra c tio n . S p a . ’ 100 can ffdate for d iatrict atto rn ey wm go Loans a n t discounts . . . $331,681.98 $ 25.CCC f» piece b a n ', form ed on Bower avenue i qualifications for the poaition e n tfi'e O v e r d - a f is ................ 292 8? C apital toek .............. .. a t 1:3) nd inarch d up Main s tre e t to him to th e a u p p o ri of every voter. E. R—.king H'lus-', F urn tu re 3V.1I3.0B Surplus and P ro fits_______ the b n . .;a n d - n Good avanue, where M. Kludge t haa bren a reaident of ■nd F' x t u r « ....................... 13.716 60 NONE Rills Payable . .. .............. . they lise > irsed sw eet m usic to the th is d istric t for m any yeara, is known O th er R-xl F stx ie Sm (58 NONE g re a t enjoy d e n t of th e assem bled to evervona aa a square scooter, a man Li arti- R rH ,,n d W arrant« 10.433 60 ! R« »conni» crowd Many com plim ents w ere heard who would conscientiously perfYrm caxh and lu x K.toM bank S 63,289 49 D EPO SITS ............................ "Mi,668.05 »mi ni; the sp e c ta to rs on the r f m a rk every duty o f thia im p o rta n t office- able p ro le eocy a tta in e d by th e boys W ith long experience, capable at d 8119,72*'. !2 .................................................... t i l ’J.720.1* during the Coo p a r.liv e ly short tim e effic;e n t in all m itte ra of l%w, Mr they have been under P m f. Sides’ in B lndgntt would m ake at. excellent dia n-rvi«*t« Anr*' 3, *928___8279,009.61 stru ctio n The quality of m usic uis- tric t atto rn ey D -vi-it« March 31, UW».. .3*5, *568.08 penstd was certainty very creditable 4 .* , in ,n „ n e ye%r o f ...8 84 938 42 to both p -,yers aim in stru cto r, and all D on’t fo rg et he en te rta in m e n t Tues OFF! ERS AND D IRE ’TOR p re sen t look forw ard w ith plcssurab e dav, M y 18 a t th# L iberty th e a te r I , an ticipation to t i e next othering i f Vnt. John Ray, Vice F -Mai-lent under t*>e xu«p rex o the Episcopal H. J. W ard, this fam ous m u-tcai o. a a n ila tien , .1 P I'lin *V v. C1-, ebior. Ladies Guild Chax Riley MeCal'ev which we u ndersiaod w d be a l no O. G n «uer, A"**’sf-tnt Cashier has a c u t ’ V wide rep u tatio n a very d is ta n t d ate, ' H. A. Divert Assistant Cashier. provoker of m irth and melody. Rev. E. M. B lodgett, being called to the J. I. Saraxin G. L. Phillips Freem an, who has heart him in Ihe J. F. Rœ ce, platfo rm m ade a sh o rt but forceful tala P ir^ c to fiB . E ast, p ro n o u n o s him first claxe on M alheur county, past, presen t and Th* HUI* unfoolced f,,r serv ccs, courtesies M te o tio rs o»iMde t i e b eaten fu tu re, voicing the belief th a t this path of routine, ire w h at Lave ■oun’ed *r o«t ; n makiivt I ovh I friends an i cu»* county is on the threshold of the most t<> np»« f o r thin bank. successful e ra of its history, prospects oeing f a r b rig h te r now th an a t any o ther period of hia naarly tw enty y e a rs’ residence here D uring this tim e N yssa baa grow n from a one- SPECIALIST sto rs and postotlice tow n to its present proportions, w hile m uch of th e aur- in in te rn a l m edicina fo r th« rounding fe rtile farm land was, a t h n p aat tw elve y e a n Bisci'its and__ coming, a bona dry d eaart. He drew As good as ever NYSSA, OREGON a pleasing p icture of w hat th is county DOES NOT O PER A TE will be whan Ihe Ow yhee pro ject ia com pleted and pointed out th e fa c t Will be a t The fun b gins in N y e sa a t J2 o'clock .h a t the day w aen actu al cenatraation E PISC O PA L CHURCH. ««*»-*— *« h**«**!**^*!**?*****!1 *1* *î* *î* *î* *$**«* *1* *t* *f* *î**,«,*d**'î**«' d**^**?**^**«**?* *î* *«**«* Service« in the PariBh Hall fir»t Sun- j noon, Sunday May 4. Many form a of work will s t a r t is not fa r d ista n t. The sp e a k er touched upon hie re ce n t day in e v e ry m onth in the evening e n te rta iu rn en t all afte rn o o n , beside» gon. w estb o u n d a ry line of laid Section 36 T hird Sunday in every m onth h e re a fte r D>e opportunity to h ta r S p ies’ 100- visit to P o rtlan d on behalf of the Com D ate o f firit pnblication, May 2, 924 to th e n o rth w est corner of «aid section m e rç a i Club, in connection w ith the a t 11 o’clock in the m orning. j piece band. D ate o f la s t publication May 23, 1924 26; thence e a s t along the n o rth boun railroad h earin g and pointed o u t tba d. ry line of said section 36 to the n o rth ea st corner of «aid section, which apparently inconsistent a ttitu d e s a s Notice of Filing Commis is th e place of beginning; th a t th e sum ed by the peuple and th a preaa of com m issioners h eretofore appointed to P ortland. Whfie the business men and Office H oar«: 10 ». m to 4 p. m sioners’ Report for Owy assess benefits and dam ages to tha peupie of the m etropolis of Oregon D ro p e rty and lands situ ate d within said hee Drainage District. d istrict, and to appraise the cash value w ere h e artily in fav o r of th e line be TWO DAYS ONLY Notice ia hereby given to all persons of the land necessary to ba tak en for i n g built, th e new spapers, and espec in te re ste d in the land included w ithin the rig h ts of way, holding brains and ially the O regonian, i t w as alleged, the Owyhee D rainage D iatrict, Nlal o th er works of said drainage diatrict gave such garbled and u n fa ir reporta No Charge for Consultation heur County Oregon the boundaiy w ithin and w ithout th e lim its of said ot the m eet nga tu a l i t ia strongly su s tinea «7 said d istric t being ax follows, diatrict, filed th eir re p o rt in thia office on tha 28th day of April 1924; and you tow it: pected ih a t they m ust be moved hy Beginning a t th e n o rth e a rt corner of and each of you a re hereby notified Dr M ellenthin ia a re g u la r g ra d u a te some u lte rio r m otive. in lueuicm e and surgery an a is iieensea Section 35, Township 20 xouth. R ange th a t you may exam ine said re p o rt and A. P . Gibson bad barely tim e to pay by m e s ta le o t O regon. H e deee net 46 e e s t of the W illam ette M eridian, in file exceptions to all or any p a rt th e re the band a n e a t com plim ent w hea the o p e rate to r enrom e appeneiuitie, gall the County of M alheur, S ta te of O re of on or before the 4th (lev of June, 1924. H. 8 SCK ETT, wind and d u st m ade outdoor speaking stenea, u.cers ot lio m acn . tonsils o> gon, running ihence south one half County C lerk o f M alheur C ounty m ile; thence w est one h alf m ile; thence im possible D uring the re s t of the adenoids. Oregon. He aaa to his oredit W onderful re southern half m ile;thence wi sto n e half a fte rn o o n the band played popular su lts in diseases a t ta e atem ach, liver, mile to the southw est corner of said D ate of fir<t publication Ma> 2, 1924 airs in th e council room, w here a iarg s ooweia. Blood, skin, nerves, Heart, hie Section 36; thence north along the D ate of last publication May 28 1924 biaduer, aed w e ttia g , ta ta rr h , To POINTS W E S T crowd had g a th e re d . R efresh m en t ney, To POINTS EAST stan ce ot various kinds w ere liberally w eak lungs, r a e im M lw , saiatica, las ulcera and ra c ta l allm enu. patronised, the pruceeds being m ere Daily May 15th to D aily May 22nd to Beiuw a ,a «he nam es of a few of his than sufficient to pay all expenses. m any satiafiea p a tie n ts in O regon: Septem ber 30th Septem ber 15th f i n a l s P e k k n n , liw aco. Wash , cheat D espue the u nfavorable w eather, a good gam e of baseball was played by trouble. W. 0. Todd, G rass Valley, O re., ul pick up team s re p re se n tin g Vale and c e r o t the stom ach, LiMits October 31st N yssa, the borne team w inning by a Joaepn S chuster, B eaverton, Ore., Stopovers-Diverse Routes c a ta rrn and a e a rt trouble. shore of 8 to 5. E lisabeth Taylor, B aker, O re., in C onsult Local A gents fo r fu rth e r details te s tin a l trouule. Mra. E rn e s t Lacey, Iroaaide, Ore., h e a rt end nervosa trouble. D S. S P E N C E R C. J . Mineh. E siacada, O re., kidney Versatile entertainer. R. J . Davis is g e ttin g in some good and blauder trouble. G eneral P a ssen g e r A gent Mra. H anry B aker. Banks, O ra., gall An evening of Melody and M irth. A rem edy for the blu’a par- licks in th e in te re s t of th e Owyhee S a lt L ake L ity project. W hen E. C. Van P e tte n a r stonea and appcnuicilia. excellence. You will enjoy every m om ent of th is e n te r E. C. Nichols, Lebanon, O ra ., ap rived in W ashington he waa pleasantly pendicitis. tain m en t. A t th e surpr.aed to find th a t a le tte r o f in tre R em em ber abave d a te , th a t consul duction from Mr. Davia to J Bascom tatio n wa thia trip will be tre e and Slem p, P re sid e n t Cooiidge’a p rivate «bat bis tre a tm e n t is different. M arried women m ust be accom pan s e c .e la iy , had p re e e .e d him. Mr, ied by tn elr hueeands. sle m p ’s f a th e r and Mr. D avis’s fa th e r A ddress: 2 t l Bradbury Bldg., Lea served to g e th e r ia the V irginia legis A ngeles, C alitornia. ----------------------------------- ON ----------------------------------- latu re fo r m any year« and th a pro- lesso r’« le tte r n atu rally m ad« i t eaay F o r Sale—A good buggy. In q a ire of alIMt C. W. K eberger, for Mr. Van P ett« n to «■< u re recogm tion from the h igher ups. O.d tim e acquaintance in tn e South Parcel P o tt your C leaciag and Dyeing alao enabled Mr. Davia to brin g the L orim er’e C ity Dye W orks, Boise. Ida. Owyhee to the peraonai notice of Sen a to r Sw anson of V irginia ana S enator U nder th e auspices of th e Episcopal L ad ies’ Guild. McUeynolda of T en n esiee, w ith both Notic© ©f Filing Commis of whom he ia in com m unication. sioners’ Report for War© In a le tte r ju » t received Mr. Van P e tte n pay* w arm trib u te to th e value Drainage District. ^ ' • of Mr. D avia’ efforts, s ta tin g th a t they N otice ia h e r e b y given to all per have been of g re a t value to th e dele sona in te rested in t h e land included • j« *’• «J, «I« ♦ «f « «I« *J, »*♦ *J, ,J, »J« gation now a t W ashington. w ubln the W ard D rainage D istrict, M a lh eu r c o u n t y . O reg o n , toe boundary lines of « a » drainage d istric t being aa lellow a, to w n : Com m encing a t the q u a rte t corner on the north side of S e m e n 6, Town- The E aa te rn S ta r K ensington will b amp 20 south. Range 47 e ast Wiliam ÇURBIUGE & R A Y , Prop. held in the I. O. O- F . hall on Wednea « lie M ertuian, Luence w est one half day a fte rn o o n beginning a t 2 o clock, mile; thence south one half mile, thence with Mrs G eshert and Mrs. Harlev w e lt to the « a it oank of the Owyhee ^j e^l y « wA/ l e • Diven as hostesses All m em bers are d ucb; thence along said e a s t bank of See us bfctore lim ing th a t new Ford. We alao have a few urged to be p resen t. Owyhee ditch in a southerly direction exceptional bargains in USED CARS. to a point w here said e ast bank of Guy T ucker and fam ily sp e n t a few We grind day» thia week visiting relativaa a t Owyhee ditch in te rsta te the south line ' See M cFa I and see b e tte r. of Section 1, Township 20 aeutn, our own G re en le af, Idaho. range 46 aaat of the W illam ette Me Mr. and Mr». H C arstens, Mr. and n d ia n ; thence e a s t to the south quar- lenses Mrs F tan k Browning, Miss Dorothy ner corner e f »»id Section 6; thence Phone 147 lean B row ning of P a y e tte «pent Sun- north one half mile; the ee e a s t 860 E y esig h t Specially,t |d a v a t the F R. M arshall home. te s t; thence nortb to the north line ot J O n tario - O re g o n Mra V irginia Gordon and tw o said Section 6; thence w e s ito point of a u g h te rs of P a y e tte sp e n t th e weak beginning, excepting tb erefro m the ¡ w ith h e r s is te r. M r. A. R. M cCarty. rig h t of way of the tib o rt Line Mrs. E tb a H aley retn rn ed on Mon- Railw ay; th a t tba com m issioners hure- lay to h e r home r e a r P arm a a fte r vin- totore appointed to eases benefits and i itm g sev eral days a t the P. M. W arren (j m sgea to the property and lands s it uated within said drainage d iatiie t, T ry our gasoline for I home. and to appraise the cash value of the Will P»y <»»*> 1oT P‘*n0 l ,,0 ,d ehe*P- land necessary to be tak e n for the S lat# very b est cash price in A ra lle t Nyssa, Oregon ter. A ddress Piano, c are G ate City rig h ts e f way, holding beau a and other w orks of said dra in a g e d is tric t within Journal. ™ “ and w ithout th e lim its ef acid district, Jeff Frohm an, tepubliean candidate filed ttaeii re p o rt m this office on the Work done while you wait for sheriff, w s sin Nys»a Tuesday ¡pub day ot April. 19*4, and you and Best W orkm anship—Best L< lather Mu» Lilly May Hun» left S aturday each of yon are hereby notified th at t(j a tte n d sum m er sc h o o lat Monmouth you may exam ine said re p o rt and file Try o u r mail o rd er s e rv ic e —Shoes m ailed i'A hours a fte r V.,»« T h eresa l-enaghen of B one was exceptions th e re to and to ail or any received. We pay postag e one w ay. 5 sn over Sunday g u e st w ith her Meter, p a rt th ere o f, on or before th e 4th day Cook ft Cook, Props. ot Ju n e , 1924, Mr Corbin. H S. 8ACK ETT, Mr and Mrs C H P re tty m a n mo I 8 H 0 0 0 1 1 r Î « ( M County Clerk of M alheur C ounty, Ore lored to Caldwall S aturday. Make Merry Sunday Maikieur - County Bauk HARDWA RE! and Farm Implements Dishes Cooking Utensils Chicken Wire Barb Wire, «tc. Grocery Department Everything for the Table Coming to Baker | Fancy and Staple Groceries DRJELLENTHIN Eder Hdwe. Go. HONEY Honey Foster’s Honey Geiser G ra n d Hotel Monday and Taesday May 26 and 27 Round Trip Summer Excursion Fares via Union Pacific System “Laugh and the World Laughs With You.” Good Work Chas. Riley McCalley Liberty Theater Warm Weather Is Here May 13, at 8 O’clock sharp Nyssa, Or. Adults 50c Nyssa Packing Co. Local Items Dr. J. A . McFall i Children 25c FORD CARS FIRESTONE TIRES OLDFIELD TIRES OU» WORKMANSHIP IS GUARANTEED NYSSA HARNESS AND SHOE SHOP Mileage, Speed and Power Nyssa Garage || Harness and Saddlery Work a Specially J ********** ********* ^ ' - '^ I.J.* * * * * * * * * * * * Phone 6 Have It t t t t l l ll l l l l l l l U M t t t t t t '“ You’ll Need Ice—We TUESDAY NIGHT