i*» FOR SHERIFF GATE CITY JOURNAL Published every Friday at Oregon, by Nyssa, H. F. BROWN Entered at the Poatoffice Oregon, as second-cluas m SUBSCRIPTION KATES: One year, in advance --- ------ $1.60 ' ' - months, in advance...... ........... 75 The sun pod must have I e^n artery at the Wind Jammers be ca se of their temerity in at tempting to pull off a big enter tainment on the day formerly devoted by his followers to the worship of the sun, and mani fested his displeasnre by sending a high wind and dust storm On no other reasonable hypothesis can we explain the fact that for some time both before ard ince that event the weather ¡as been ideal. Some have voiced the belief that it might have beer Jehovah who was angry beeau e Sunday w<»8 selected as the day for the evert, but this seems unreasonable, as He novpr con.» manded that Sunday he observed as a holy day. It is true Sunday has, by a process of evolution, come to be regarded by a large part of the Christian world a» the Sabbath—but without any Scriptural warrant. Hence to claim that God sent the storm 3unday as a punishment would be to accuse Him of unreason ableness in punishing us for do ing something ha had never con demned. 1 hereby rnnuunce my candidacy for the nomination to the office of Sheriff of Malheur county, aubjoct to tha will FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY of the Republican votera at tha pri I hereby announce my candidacy ior maries to be held May 16, 1924. G. W DEAN. the nomination to tba t ftiea of Dia Paid aovertiaement. triet Attorney for Malheur County, subject to the will ofthe republican volere at the primaries to be beld FOR SHERIFF. May 16. 1924. E. M. BLODGETT. I hereby announce my candidacy for i Paid »dvartia.nunt. the nomination to the office of Sheriff of Malheur County, subject to the will 1 will be a candidate for the nom of tbe democratic voters at tbs pri ination to the office of D ist.ict Attor maries to beheld May 16, 1924 ney for Malheur County, Oregon, at C. W. GLENN. tha primary election to be held on Paid advertisament. May 16, 1924, subject to the will of the electora of the Republican party. FOR SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT. GEO. W. HAYES. Paid advertisement. I hereby announce my candicacy for the nominal on, lo- Ire election, to the office of school superintendent lor Mailnur county, subject to the will oi FOR COUNTY CLERK the voters at t e K. pub lean primary 1 hereby announce my candidacy for to be held May 16, 1924. E. M. ( rail. the nomination to the office of County Clerk for Malheur County, subject the will of the Republican votera at the FOR SHERIFF OF MALHEUR Democratic Candidate For primaries to be beld May 16, 1924. COUNTY. M H. DOOLITTLE. Nomination For U. S. Herewith 1 beg lo announce my can didacy for the nomination lo the of Senator, May 16th FOR COUNTY JUDGE tice of Sheriff of klaiheur county, sub 1 hereby announce that 1 will be a ect to the will of tbe Republican O ver *»0 y a r s in Oregon, S3 candidate for the nomination to the Voters, at the primaries lo be held on tbe 16th day ot May, 1924. 1 have lived yeir- .v ith resident headquarters office of County Judge of Malheur in this county a I my life and am ac qjam.ed with its affairs and its people county at the Primary election to be in Mslhtur county. lt nominated and elected, 1 soali do ail If Malheur county wants one held May 16, 1924, aubjact to the ap in my power to uphold tiie dignity ot proval ol the Democratic voters. he office and to fill it with credit to the o' its own people in the U. S. J am es a . lack ey . county, the people and myself. Sena'e, and a man knowing its JEFF FKOMAN. Paid advertisement. m -s, at the same time knowing FOR COUNTY JUDGE. Candidates’ Cards JUDGE WILL R. KING ft experience in rational af- fail how to get results at the n it: nal capital, such for exam- p’e a the Owyhee and Warm S: rings pr jects, Malheur coun t : li st opportunity, and I‘OS SIBLY ITS LAST, will be pre s nted May 16. It seems an o ortune time for voter serious ly to consider this matter. Dave your combings and cut hair The Journal editor received' made into swit'-hes, puffs, curls, na- th8 shock of his young life this ti ra’ bobs, etc, Mrs, J. W. Mead, Frank Lynch residence. m22t "reek when Rev. 1» Freeman gave him a complimentary tick -1 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Chapman of Em to his lecture this (Friday) eve mett visited his brother, Jesse Chap ning. Such a thing hi man, this week. happened to us before in N v s-;. To Rent—Four room house. In- Rev. Freeman is a new uian in quire of Mrs 3. J Ehtgood. m9tf town and unfamiliar with our customs, hence his strange ac A break in the Owyhea ditch at tion. For his future guidance L> kett gul.h is causing considerable we will state that the customary damage in that vicinity. Water users procedure in a case of this kind will be without water for several days. is to get two or three dollars Sporttmen. worth of free advertising and I build boats that are safe and run then if the editor desires to at easy. Prices reasonable. ave for sale four little setting tend the event, charge him ad hen I incubators, «0 6gg sire, only used mission. This time honored about twy weeks; $3 60 each or the •ustom h->s been undeviatingly four for $12. Ed Ten Have, Adrian. 3 followed during the ten yeais or so that we have been in the newspaper business in Nyssa. Chiropractors We trust this will not happen Drs. Bradford £ Bradford. Carver again as we fear that our sys graduates. Consultation and examina tem, weakened by the previous tion free Ten years successful prac shock, would be unable to with tice in the state of Oregon. First stand a repetition. door west of Hank s « Y M h ss% ll Ï “LET’S KEEP NICK Means much to Oregon. SINNOTT is chair' n of the Public Lands Committee. Oregon’s welfare, in a large way, is in its public lands. SINNOTT is a ranking member of the Irrigation committe. Eastern Oregon needs irri gation fer development. HAS SECURED $150,000 to combat Pine Tree Beetle in Oregon, $900,000 for Baker Irrigation pjojcct. $300,000 for Crater Lake Park roads. Passage of Mineral Leasing Act, for reclamation. »ith $12.000 000 $5,000 for for Umatilla Rapids Project. $10.000 000 concessions to irrlducible school fund of Oregon. $10,(XX) 000 concesaions to Und grant counties of Oregon. Incluaicn of Weat Extension of Umatilla Project in reel: tion program. Action cn MrNary-Haugen bill in house of repre sentatives Appropriations for construction of McKay dam, Umatilla project. The public press of Eastern Oregon and Portland has repeatedly praised Nick Sinnott for his untiring, constructive work. Why change now to try a new and inexperienced representative? Read your Voter’s Pamphlet. Then go to the poll Friday, May 16, and do BoracthinK for the the man who has done something for you. “LET’S KEEP NICK” Paid advertisement by SINNOTT FOR CONGRESS CLUB, Ben R. Lltfln, secretary. The Daliee Hi t / l i « e n A ■ ■ ....... Service Oarage Nyssa, O regon * 4 • » <•><»** a * J - ' NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE UN- p ‘»,ntitr; iaerei-re Notice is hereby given, DER e x e c u t i o n i n f o r e ' that I will, on the 2nd aay of May, i 1924, at th-.- hour of 11 o'clock in tbe CLOSURE forenoon of said day, at the north BY VIRTUE OF Ah'-EXECUIION main euti.nce door of the court house IN FORECLOSURE, dmy isitieu by at Vale, Malheur County, Oregon, sell tbe clerk of the Circuit Court ior the at public aucion to the higbeat bidder County of Malheur, State of Oregon, or bidders, for ca.-h, tbe following de- dated the 26th day of March. 1924, and sc riot a real property, towit; directed to me, upon a decree and or | The SEJSfc-1 of Section 6 Township der of sale rendered in mud court on 26 Scuih.lisige 47 E. W M.. Meiheur the 24th day of March, 1924, wherein I County, Oregon, together with all wa J. B. Story, as Plaintiff, recovered ter m ill» and a.'.ch rights thereunto judgment against S M. Canlhtrs and belongi g or in anywise appertaining, Maggie Carithers as Defendants in the tog- lher wi h the tenements, heredit sum of {4000 00, with interest thereon aments ai d appurtenant-»» thereunto from the 18th day of October, 1822, at belo ging or in anywise appertaining. ih<- rate of 7 per cent per annum, mil [lie above re> I pioperty with its ap $400 00 atto.ney fees, and the further puilenaiie-ea taken and levied upon as sum of $21 50 costs, which judgment the- property of the abovenamed de was enrolled and docketed in the ! infants, S M. Carithers and Maggie clerk’s office of said court in said Carithers, by virtue of s mortgage county on tbe 26lh day of March, 1924. given thereon by I be said defendants, And whereas, it was further ordered or as.much thereof as may be neces * and decreed by the court that the fol sary 'to satisyfy the judgment in favo* lowing described real property be sold of j. B. Story, together with all tha by tbe sheriff of said county as under co-ts th it have or may accrue Dated this 26ih day of March, 1924. execution, and the proceeds of such H Lee Noe, Sheriff. sale, after paying the costs, disburs- ments, attorney's fees and expenses Date of first publication, April 4, 1924 herein slated, shat) be applied upon the Date of last publication. May 2 1924. judgment in favor of J. B Story, Date of sale, May 5. 1924, 11 a. m We have it prepared Ì Nyssa Grain à Seed Co. NYSSA »J* »J» »J* **• »*♦ .*» .*«.*«»*« »*. ORUGON. • •!♦•!* •> * »I* v v v *!* *!* ^ ♦!* v v ^ \* *1* •!' v «5* v FOR COUNTY CLERK. I hereby announce my candidacy, aubjact ta the will of tba Rapubli. an voters at tbe primary election to be held May 16, 1924, for tbe nomination lor re election, to the office of County Clerk of Malheur County, Oregon. H S. SACKETT. COUNTY COMMISSIONER I hereby announce my candidacy for tbe nomination to the office of County Commissioner for Malheur Coun.y, subject to the will of the democratic votera at the primaries to be he d May 16, 1924. W. B HOXIE The Style in Taint and TJarnish If you want to know ask us. Out to beautify tints to be A HOME pdvice is always practical and re- decided on and harmonized . I able founded on five genera Candidare for Assessor Incoming decorative sty’es to be corsiderc-l in planning the new finish for the tasteful home. The u p -to -d ate householder, seeking the most artistic - ;!ts, is ever on the alert to emplcr *9 lat est. smartest treatments o.it*inablo with Paint.Varnish and R -nel Year after year Devcv l asis- tently c -s the most origi j nd striking effects to which Pc J Varnish 1 ;oducts can b* * .J I am a candidate for the nomination for assessor of Malheur county on the Republican ticket, subject tbe will of tbe Republican voters at the primaries to be held on May 16, 1924. My slogan ia: “ All aasassible property on the tax roll—a square deal to all.” Phil S Morton. Notice to Contractors. Opening ef Wasco County timber resources for de velopment. $4,000,01X1 for Oregon Reclamation. We vulcanize your tires for 25*% 50c, 75c » « w SINNOTT i;a mer.be ■ of the House Steering Committee, an honor achieved only by men $7.600,000 for Nationall Park Roads. Patch your Tire after puncture or blow -»ut ! Y ou save tubes and tires. ( o: ts but a few tents. A 1 Laying Mash Why throw away 11 years of constructive work by a man of ability to produce reaulta for hie district Passage of the Sherman County Relief Bill. Tire Plaster Make your puilete lay by feeding Republican Candidate for Re-election to Congress S IN N O T T »■ VA-CAR 1 hereby announce my candtaacy for the nomination to the office ot Couuty FOR ASSESSOR. Judge ior Mulb.ur County, enojeel to the will of the democratic votois a. 1 hereby announce that 1 will be the primaries to be held May 16, 1924. candidate for the office ol assessor of H. LEE NOE. Malheur Lounty, Oregon, at the pn Paid advertisement. mary election to be held id ay 16, 1924, subject to the choice of Democratic voters of said county. DAVE MAG1LL. FOR SHERIFF. Subject to the will of the democrat ic votes to be expreseed at (be pri manes on May lb. 1 hereby announce FOR SHERIFF my candidacy for tbe office of sheriff I h e re b y announce to the v te r s ot ot Malheur County. If nominated and elected I pledge a fair and im Maih.ur county my c a n p id a c y to r th e partial enforcement of the laws and office ol Suerlti, subject lu tbe will ol an econ mical handling of the office in tbe v o te r s a t tb e D e m o c ra tic p r im s kies May 16. 1924. the Interest of tbe taxpayer. If nominated and elected I pledge to CHAS. S. LEAVITT. the voters my best ability to tne faith ful, efficient and economical adminis tratiun of the office. FOR STATE SENATOR SCOTT DAVIS. In announcing my candidacy, for the republican nomination as Joint Senator for the 22nd Senatoiiai District. I be FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. lieve that my pledge of economy of I hereby announce my candidacy far four years ago baa been faithfully the Democratic nomination tor county kept. If nominated and elected l shall commissioner, subject to tbe demo continue my opposition to all extrava cratic primaries on May 16. I have gances and shall work for the interest been a resident and taxpayer of Mai of the district and state conscientious heur for 23 years, and tl nominated ly, honestly, and without fear, favor and elected 1 pledge my beat efforts or partiality. Farming and stock to securing an ecouomica! business ad- raising are our basic industries and my min'slration of tbe cuunty’s affairs. past votes on all measures regaiding J. M. BUTLER. such have been cast with the idea of assisting them without adding to the burdens now beir.g carried. For Sheriff. CHARLES W. ELLIS. (Paid advertisement.) I hereby annoence my candidacy for the nomination lu tb e office ef S b e r.tt ol Malheur county, aubject to tbe win of me Kepuunean volute ut the pri FOR JOINT SENATOR Republicans of Grant, Harney and manes to be beld on May 16, 1924. IK l HEED. Malheur Counties will please remem ber that I am a candidate for State Senator from the district comprising TO THE VoTERo OF MALHEUR COUNTY: said counties, subject to your choice at Herewith 1 beg to advise you that 1 the primary election to be held May a candidate for re election to the office 16, 1924. G. E. DAVIs. of County Assessor of this Coun y' 1 J» A (Paid advertisement) will seen the nomination on tne Repub ► llcan ticket at tbe Primaries to be held on tne 16lh day ol May, 1924, and it successful then and also iu tne tali shall continue to do my best to justify 5 your approval and reiam your confi »> dence. ANDREW M, GRAHAM. N. J. SINNOTT of hip;h slandinRar.1- long service in Washington. » a a ♦♦♦♦♦< Oregon. Sealed bios will be received by the County Court of M..Incur county, Ore gon, on May 7, 1924, at 11 o’clock a. m for Ihe grading and au.facing with gravel of aoout 18tHI feet of road at what ia known as the Ham Brown cor ne about three milea south ot Nyssa, according to plana and specifications on hie in the office of H. F Tamblin, county surveyor, at Vale, Oregon The work consists ot: About 1200 yards of common eveava- tien. About 530 yards of bank rnn gravel. About 60 yards of clay fiiller. Forty leet of corrugatad culvert or concrete pipe. No bids will be received or consid ered unless aeoompanied by a certified check for five per cent of the amount of the bid. A sati. factory bond will be required for 50 per cent of the suc- ceastul bid, for the faithful perform ance of the contract. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. By order of the County Court of Mslheur county, Oregon, th e 3rd day April. 1924,. H 8. SACKETT, a!8$t County Clerk. . tions of Devoe experience in satis fying all the requirements of Paint and Varnish users. 1 v. rpon is Worth 40 Cents this coupon find preeent 1« to u t w ith in W e will give you F ree a *G-C*nt can •evee P - — and V arnish P ro d u c t yoo • red u c tio n of 40 cent* on a large can. Y,»r K m rm. m ______ ------- A 44 res, ------- T es ■ . __5-14 D e»-- I g f t 'i S tm t _ Ta ta --«ad by »Aull» « I f . Boise Payette L im W Co. Nysga, Oregon FOR A irn ro p i7 rn X .- l PAINT AND VARI SH PRODUCTS t —i--:**.— a -:— :- -:- -:—:- :— :—•* -:—:• I Life Fire Legal Papers Drawn Insurance a f Í i J. BOYDELL GENERAL INSURANCE NYSSA, OREGON Protact your property with a safe atH sound insurance policy and be huppy. -Hr-» »4-M -F4-4'»-i-W --t44--»4''» i t >4 | N -t-p-P H "» > i 4 > »♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ »« »♦ t j.