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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1924)
T he G ate C ity J ournal VOL.XXIL NO 27. NYSSA, PREPON. FRIDAY, M VY 9. MARINE 111111 U C I D n C T WARNING FROM MALHEUR SCORES COUNT! AS MARKSMAN " IL L n i- L r U U SFATE OFFICERS I0NAL COOPERATION o f p e o p l e a n d PRESS WANTED IN KEEPING ING FREE FROM DISEASE. STRICT FIRM LIBOR RULE FORMER JUNTURA BOY SCORES AS MARKSMAN AT SAN DIEGO TARGET PRACTICE. CHIEF ENGINEER OF WASH- INGTON HIWAY ASSOCIA TION WRITES PEOPLE H ER E.. Several Hits on Bulla-eye at Ranges o f 200 to 600 Yards Win Honors for Thomas Floyd Monroe. 1924 L $1.50 PER YEAR THE LAST CALL. (From the Malheur Enterprise. ■ « r r r m n i r r i n i r t r being ^ast *ssut‘ the Malheur Enterprise ¡yU - i j 'j hall a n 111 F,e^ore .t^e ^>ninary Elections, we hereby review our in- III Merest in the candidates anti issues of state, as in our judgment they appear. In doing the same, we will not (juestion the honesty of purpose or ability of any candi 226 DELEGATES FROM AL date offering himself to replace Charles L. McNary in TOWNS OF SNAKE VALLEY AND NEAR-BY CITIES. the United States senate, or of Congressman N. J. Lin- nott in the house, but will concede every claim made by themselves and their most ardent friends. ilLLI UlllnlllU WANTS JOHN OUT HIGHWAY LARGEST FOR SOME TIME By making several hits on the J ' j -------- Drastic Requirements Contained in Embargo and (Quarantine Signed bulls-eye at ranges of from 200 to \ <- ° 1- Chas. W. Thatcher, Engineer All Day Affair Inludes Two Pa- 000 yards, while at target practice ^ harge 1 runscontinentai Roule rades, I iUncheon, Binquet, Initia* by Governor Pierce. at San Diego, Calif., Thomas Floyd . Ur“ e“ Support of Counly‘ '•«" and Business Session. With this concession in mind, we have never heard it claimed that committee assignments now nejoyed by the old, would immediately be taken over by the new men, or the influence and knowledge gained with years by the old members would or could be gathered about the new ones in any other way. Monroe, formerly of Juntura, has ---------- Due to the continued existence of qualified as a marksman in the j Unanimous support for the people Two hundred and twenty-six del- foot and mouth disease in Califor It is the most critical time Malheur county has ever to the I Irons*<le in their efforts to get egates from all the towns of the nia, with a danger of its possible Marine Corps, according action on the John Day Highway target bulletin issued at Snake river valley and neighboring seen, and it is impossible to sacrifice further and live. introduction into Oregon and the April was the stand taken by the repre Our destiny is in the hands of the present delegation in tremendous results that would fol Marine Corps headquarters sentatives from nearly all the towns oemmunities were present for the Congress. low, the state board of agriculture, Washington. in the county at the highway meet Royal Neighbors of America con in feeling justified and compelled to It is customary for each marine ing at that place last Saturday vention held at Ontario Friday, Irrespective of political affiliations, comes word from use every precaution to safe-guard afternoon. A large number of the April 28th. Good representations Judge Dalton Biggs, R. H. DeArmond, E. C. Van Petten Oregon, has issued a general warn to shoot on the rifle range at least business men of Onatrio were pres in Boise, Mer and P. J. Gallagher, now at Washington, that nothing ing from the office of the Btate vet once a year, special instruction ent and Vale was well represented from the lodges of erinarian to the livestock owners of the best methods to acquire skill by several carloads. idian, Nampa, Caldwell, Roswell, will be left undone to save us. That Senator McNary is this section containing the follow with the rifle being given to each Emmett, New Plymouth, Fruitland, one of the most powerful men in the senate, and Con On Transcontinental Road. ing drastic statements: Payette, Weiser, Council and On man individually. Marines who In connection with this meeting a gressman Sinnott the n>ost powerful representative in Sheepmen, Cattlemen, Hog Growers letter just received from Colonel tario were on hand to take part in the house in reclamation matters, and on the job day qualify are awarded badges or “ No men understand how serious the day’s program. the degree of Chas. W, Thatcher, engineer in and night. this is better than you sheepmen, medals, indicating R. O. T. C. Parades. charge o f the Washington Hiway the cattlemen, and th e . hog grow skill they have attained. Firing is The streets were gaily decorated Association, urges the people into If we defeat them in this election we defeat our only ers, If it should start in any part conducted on Marine Corps rifle immediate action on this particular with numerous American flags and of the state of Oregon, it would al hope. No congress would ever believe we wanted recla ranges whenever climatic conditions section of the highway, promising the merchants had trimmed their most ruin every livestock man with permit. that with our support he will use windows with the lodge colors of mation after defeating the chairmen of reclamation com in the state. It would shut up our every means in his power to place purple and white. A business ses mittees while they were at their post of duty fighting Thomas, who is a son o f Mrs. wool, lambs, beef, hogs, and cut sion was held during the morning our battles. Nor wouhl we he entire«! to recognition, for down values in everything else and Anna Monroe, of Juntura, joined us on the Washington Hiway, the road from New hours and at eleven o’clock the stu we would be both foolish and ungrateful. at Wenatchee. transcontinental make demands upon the state for the Marine Corps Washington, D. C., to dent R. O. T, C. staged a parade In recent York and control and eradication measures Wash., last November. headed by the Ontario high Bchool Seattle. Senator McNary and Congressman Sinnott should not that would be well nigh impossible j wet*ls he has been stationed at San A fter, the parade adjourn lose one vote in this county. I campaigned through Diego, said to be one of the finest " “ 1 your hand. to meet. ment to the Odd Fellows’ hall fol “ With a rich state like Califor and beat equipped military posts m | ',0,un.ty ®«veral^ years ago for the lowed where a lovely luncheon pre We hope the people of Eastern Oregon, and especially He won his qualifies- Washington Hiway,” writes Col. the world, nia with great available wealth and Thatcher, “ and also at that time pared by the Ontario Neighbors was this county, will sense the true issue that confronts with the Government of the United tion while shooting on a nearby conducted the first general cam served. them in the election pending, and that is the question o f States cooperating, backed with rifle range. paign for government aid. I drove Election of Officers. better than $1,000,000 federal funds, “ To be, or not to be.” two little mules attached to a Annual election of officers was and more than this amount from wagon. The Washington Hiway the chief item of business trans To meet it right, the political prejudice and religious the state, they have not been able Ins become since that time one of acted at the afternoon session and to prevent its spread. It is covered bigotry that has shackled progress in the past must be the greatest national hiway s. I have here it was decided to hold the next over a wider area there now than Mildred DeBord Elected Into Na laid aside, and we must remain true to ourselves, our fought and won many hard battles convention in Caldwell, Idaho. An tional Honor Society at Walla at any time since its existence. in the interest of good roads. One other parade followed ut five home interests and our friends. Walla High SchooL How Does It Spread? Miss Mildred DeBord, eldest of the most glorious victories of my o’clock, the high school band lead We do not know; they do not life was to secure a bridge over the ing as in the morning. Behind know, bat they believe it is likely daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. I.. De Missouri river for the Washington them came the delegates from the Senator McNary and congressman Sinnott, recogniz- carried by human beings. We can Bord of the Owyhee, was one of quarantine and control the move the ten seniors of Walla Walla high H' Way’ the bridfre now under different cities in autos decorated eonstruction by the government at, with the purple and white. Marches j " ? 1 ^ U r g e n t need of their presence in Washington at ment of livestock, agricultural and school who, by virtue of their schol Wheeler, s. d . I and drill exercises were given by this critical time, have faithfully remained at their posts other products but who can follow arship ability and activity in school Routed cars Away. I the different chapters with a beau-1 in Washington, leavng their political fortunes at the a man in his travels in and out of life, were this week elected into the “ During the past few years 1 1 tiful precision and accuracy, and primary election to the fairness of the republican VO t- California moving night and day? National Honor Society, the biggest Their reasons for doing so are plainly stated by He may be a farm hand or sheep- organization o f its kind in the have routed hundreds of thousands the Caldwell renresentatives staged ers. shearer or common tramp or stock United States. The National Honor of cars away from your town (Vale |an amusing pantomime dressed as Senator McNary, who said: “ Legislation vital to the farmerettes, demon Walla Walla on account of bad roads over the farmers and buyer or anyone else who has been Society came into nation and of deep concern to Oregon remains for con in California. He should, for your high school for the first time last John Day route which I marked out strating with rakes. This part of gressional consideration,” and “ that public service and the entertainment closed with a nine years ago. This was a sad safety and the safety of Oregon, fall. It holds the same place in disinfect himself or be disinfected. the high school as the Phi Beta duty for me, as I loved your coun pep rally in which songs and yells attention to public business should far outweigh any boosting the various towns were consideration based on a personal ambition to be suc Kappa honorary society holds in try. Qurantine Is Strict. given. Help Get on National Road. “ In the drastic proposal we are college. cessful in a political undertaking.” Big Banquet. “ I am now coming to help you to submitting to you, we want you to The Malheur Enterprise believes that the republican The convention closed with the understand the motive; it is to pro “ If this disease were brought get on the Washington Hiway run voters of Malheur county will appreciate this fidelity to tect the livestock industry of Ore into Oregon W3 cannot see how we ning from New York and Washing large banquet served at six sharp public duty and that Senator McNary and Congress at which more than 250 people were ton. D. C., to Seattle. As it is, the gon that we are mking you to co could successfully fight it. We The initiation of twenty- man -Sinnott will be renorirnated by ovrv helming ma- operate in this requirement and to fear that it would almost destroy John Day road is unknown away guests. six new candidates was a special ioriti« s. make it certain every plant shall the livestock industry. It would from your state. To get on the main line o f a transcontinental hi feture of the ending of the gather cooperate, we are making this quar break us up. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY It ing and the convention was voted a antine order. R. M. BLODGETT “ We are warning you against way means fame and fortune. (Paid Advertisement.) “ ‘ All sheep-shearers, farm labor having anyone come on your ranch will be difficult for most people to unanimous success, being the best I hereby announce my eadldacy, Attomay and Counsellor at Lew imaginations to the one ever held, and a hearty vote of ers, dairy laborers, farm and ranch or being associated with you or stretch their Practice in ell courte and stock-yard help in general com your men other than men you know point of fully realizing what it thanks was extended to the people subject to the will of the voters at ing from the State o f California other person that might have been means to be on the longest road in of Ontario who showed every cour the Republican Primary to bo bold Oregon Nyssa tesy to the visitors. into the State of Oregon, unless in California are moving around the world. In fact, it brings any May 16, 1824, for the nomination able to furnish affidavit evidence the State of Oregon to the danger town or city out of the back woods K. W . H W A G I to the office of District Attorney NOTICE OF BOND SALE. to a position of natinal prominence. that they have not been in any dis of the livestock industry. Attorney e l L aw Sealed bids will be received by for Malheur County, Oregon. Other Routes Fighting. trict infected with foot-and mouth “ We are not panicky but we are Hoomo II 14, II the undersigned at the office of CHAS. K, CRANDALL. “ The people along two other pro disease, shall be required to either in earnest. This disease spreads so Payette Oregon Slope Irrigation Wilson Bldg discard, wash in boiling water, or rapidly and with such tremendous posed routes are struggling to se District, said office being located in Oats rio ( cure the Washington Hiway. Get subject all of their clothing to a consequences and the cause of its PROFESSIONAL CARDS busy and start to boosting and you the pumping station and power four parts of 40 per cent formalin. spread ig go little known that house of said District, more partic Petitions Filed in County Court. solution bath (U . S. P.) to each j are suspicious that it is likely to be can land it, but it must be a boost CHIROPRACTORS ularly described as being located in of a red hot nature. I will reach Gusrdianship of Carl Robinson et one hundred parts of water and carried by human beings because the Southeast Quarter of the North at 4-17-24. their shoes and shearing equipment the qurantine requirements of live your city the last of May, be pre to official disinfection. Certificates stock i nd other commodities seems pared for your best.” The^papers "of |we®* Quarter of Section 2, Town- DRS. BRADFORD A BRADFORD Carver Method of disinfection shall be required of to be all that could be desired. This the nation are watching every move. ®hip ^ S o u t h , Range 47 E. W. M., all farm laborers coming from Cali-( whole warning can be condensed On my way, I am painting the 'n Malheur County, Oregon, until Consultation and eremi nation Fron signs of the Washington Hiway j the hour of 2 o clock p. m., forma.’ j into this statement: Stay with Nyssa, Oregon d*? ° f J une> 1924, and “ While we have put strict quaran your own livestock, mind your own from the east to the Pacific coast, i <m the | immediately thereafter publicly tine against California and arc business, and have others do like It’s up to you.” If such a promise as this held out °Pened by the Board of Directors supported to the fullest extent by wise. OHTKOPATHR by Colonel Thatcher should be real of 8“ 'd Watrict for an issue of re- the press, civic organizations, and “ A proper disinfectant of any from every source in our require suspected person might be accom ized the people of this district and fund'n« bonds of said District in Call the IliL H AlUtl KT H U M the sum of $8,500, said bonds to ments, we are yet very much con plished by boiling all clothing and along this section cannot afford to bear date of July 1, 1924, to be cerned with the continued existence the individual bathing or proper do otherwise than back the John < « t o o p n t h l« P h rctcta a numbered in denominations and to Day kipliwal to the limit and spread of this disease in Cal formaldehyde gas fumigation of O n ta rio, O regon . mature as follows: ifornia. Even against the most from 5 to 8 minutes, using rubber FOR COUNTY JUDGE. Nos. 1 to 7 inclusive for $1,000 O ffice: Wilson Bldg over Rodara’ splendid efforts of the State of Cal cape, drawn closely around the ( Paid Advertisement.) each on January 1, 1939. ifornia and the Nation, to control neck, using 1 ounce of formalde I hereby announce my cand dacy No. 8 for $500 on January 1,1939. and eradicate, at this writing the hyde and 2 drams w. a. boxi « (teaspoonful) fur the nomination for the position PHONE 70F2 No. 9 for $1,000 on January 1, disease is spread over a greater potassium permanganate mixed to c f County Judge, subject to the e\ 1940; flou 4*4 Heel Betnts [ » « 1 er area in California than at any pre- gether in a pan. Shoes to he pressed will o f the republican pri said bonds to bear interest at the and who you know have not been in sponged with a solution of 2 bi maries to be held on May 16, 192-1 INNI H A N O I rate of six per cent 16%,) per an California or possibly exposed. We chloride mercury tablets to a basin In making this announcement I num, payable semi-annually on the o ffic e al Ha* Ideo ce I r l è Bbrgoed would appreciate knowing from you o f water. These ingredients can be pledge to the voters a business ad first days of January and July,prin if any California tramps, farm la- purchased at any drug store at ministration. J. F WEAVER. cipal and interest payable at the o f Lorers, sheep-shearers or any slight cost.” fice of the County Treasurer of vious time. It is not because Cali-1 \ complete report o f the carry- FOR COUNTY TREASURER Malheur County, Oregon, or at the fornia is not using effort She ¡ng Gf the disease, its scope, effects, I hereby announce my candidacy, Fiscal Agency of the State o f Ore CITY DRAY LINK O iaA H HTOHR has money, men, and the undivided' symptoms, e t c . from the office of subject to the will of the voters at gon in New York City, at the op C Kfìnkeaberg support of the federal government W. H. Lytle, state veterinarian, fs the Republican Primary to be held MHtviNo. h a i r itrrrua II tion of the holders. which is there with better than 10(1, given in full on another page and it May 16, 1824, for the nomination, PROMPT DELIVERY n o r a wit o o u > R A f U All bids must tie accompanied by trained men, backed by an appro would be well worth while for for re-election, to the office of a certified check for $500. Rraeeeeblr Retes priation o f 11,000,000 emergency every owner of livestock o f any County L H HAMAKKK, Pro». Theasurer for Malheur The Board reserves the right to fund to control it, and despite their kind to read not to mention the county. PHONE It reject any and all bids. united efforts— it is not abating. general public. C. C. MUELLER A T T O R N I Y IM A T L A W P. M. BOALS, Secretary. BW7HEE BIRL IS HONORED For Quick Service Nyssa Transfer : Nyssa Barber Shop::