COUNTY STATISTICS Kcal Estate Transfers. i NEW DEPUTY ASSESSOR TAKEN SUDDENLY ILL : if— IRONSIDE in CRESTON I supply of moisture Don’t over feed the newly hatch Return to Wallowa— Mr. and Mrs. Elmer House, ac ed turkey the first day or two. companied by Kenneth House, re resh water and some fine sand to turned this week to their home in scratch is all that it School Eenlertaina With pick and Francia Kose Recetvea Appointment Creaton Wallowa after a week’s stay in Program and Refreshments— Re should have, as nature has provid for Malheur, Bonita, ironside Malheur county looking after their turns From Camp Lewis. and Baain Precincts. and visiting with ed for it; after that for the next interests here ten days g ive what it will eat relative?. Thos. P. McDonald tu Sig Oppen helm, EVb Sec. 1-27-3» 4-15-24. »10. L. Clarke McCoy to Ocea II Han sen et ux, Lots 2, S, 4, E M tSW '«, S E K N W M , and S t tN E tt Sec. 31- 26-38. 3-24-24. *1.00. T. L Crissman et ux to J. C. Steal, N V iSE V i Sec. 20-16-47. 1- Wm. W estfall and fam ily have 25-24. $3000. moved back to his homestead. H. S. Sackett, Registrar o f Titles Francis Rose has just been ap- to T. H. Moore, Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 Block 3, Ontario. 4-21-24. (C ertifi- appointed the deputy assessor for cate o f withdrawal). ! Malher> Bonita. Ironside and Basin Sh eriff H. Lee Noe to C. W. Re-1 preceincts. He has a knowledge at berger. Lots 11, 12, nd 13, Block S . i ^ s t hand of values and conditions here, and we are glad to have in Nyssa. 4-21-24. *30.00. Andrew J. White et ux to Bert this capacity a man o f such seas Clark, S ‘/4 Sec. 22; EV6 Sec. 27-15- oned judgment. 41. 4-21-24. *3500. Herman and David Laurence Chas. E. Bean et ux to Boyd W. spent Saturday night visiting at Dimm et al. Lots 12 and 13, Block Henry Capes. 20; Lots 1 to 8, inclusive, and 61 to Mrs. Henry Cape spent Monday 20, inclusive, Block 21, Teutsch’s in Vale where she visited her kins- Add. to Nyssa. 4-21-23. *10.00. ' epople, Mr. and Mrs. John P. Hous- U. S. A . to Thos. G. Murchison, E 4 N E 1 4 , and SE% Sec. 23; S W h I ton’ Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Hinton and 0. SW>4 Sec. 24; N W % N E ‘A Sec. 26- M. Hinton prominent residents of 30-37. 4-9-23. Orilla Logan to W. B. Eaton, Lot Jumieson, were visiting their Boni ta properties Easter Sunday. 3, Block 42, Brogan. 3-16-24. 01. H. J. Benson, while herding sheep for Charlie McConnell, was taken very sick and Frank Oxman from Ontario happened to be at Creston and took Mr. Benson to the station so he could take the train to On tario to the doctor. He has the best wishes o f the Creston people who hope he will soon recover so he can take his job again. George Rader was a passenger on the stage from Riverside to Creston. Geoorge was returning from Camp Lewis, where he has been under the doctor’s care. He says that he feels better in this country and if he con tinues feeling better he will remain here. read this article 1 would suggest that get they like to the April Petitions Filed in County Court. Guardianship of Carl Robinson et al 4-17-24. H¡ copy of the Pacific Poultryman. published at Seattle, as it hail some splendid articles on raising turkeys by such successful breeders as Mrs. H. D. Moore, J. D. Veach, Lucy R. Scudders and others, giving good suggestions to those raising turkeys. And remember they are making a success raising turkeys in their respective locations. Just think what you should do here favored, as I said before, with the choicest climate on earth. ■ Uf S Tho kind you ought to hovo and who* to havo K, that It when you really need It. We have contracted the habit oi satisfying our customers. Our work is oi the higheet quality and our services are alwevi always et your Instant di» posai. ml We are especially pro- ed to turn out letterheoda, C dlheads, £| noteheada, stato- lonts, folders, booklets, enve lopes, carda, circulars, and many othar Job*. Come in and sea us naat ttma yon need something in the printing line. illUSillllllllllllllllllillllllllllilfi !> © © < ! ®KOX©> the nomination of District Attorney for Malheur County, Oregon. C H AS. K. C R A N D A LL. OBTMOPATHB Owyhee School Nine Goes Down in Contest Against Kingman Kol- ony— New Boy Arrives. Office; breeders, Mr. Steve McMann, used Coaching School Team »— house o f said District, more partic the ipecac both as a preventative Dyer Bennett visited eleven ot ularly described as being located in and also as a cure when there was a the rural schools in the neighbor- the Southeast Quarter o f the North Nyssa the west Quarter of Section 2, Town case to warrant it. As a preventa- hoods of Ontario and tive he used the powdered ipecac,! latter part o f the week, coaching ship 17, South, Range 47 E. W. M., giving a tablespoonful in a moist the pupils who were listed to pai in Malheur County, Oregon, until mash twice a week to every tw en ty1 ticipate in the meet here yesterday, the hour of 2 o’clock p. m., birds. A s a cure he treated the [ showing them the prescribed fo r m 1 on ’ hr 3d day of June, 1924, and | sick birds with the extract o f ip e -! and manner for the different en- immediately thereafter publicly cac, givin g ten drops twice a da., j tries. C. M. Crail made the trip opened by the Board of Directors for three days, then giving te.i j with hime acting as official chauf- of said District fo r an issue o f re drops once a day for three days, al feur. i funding bonds of said District in ¡low in g plenty of fresh water at all I • the sum o f $8,500, said bonds to j times and feeding the affecte i j ' is’ ting I eople bear date o f July 1, 1924, to be -birds buttermilk while the treat I Mrs. A. W. Rhinehart o f Seattle numbereti in denominations and to j mont lasted. is visitinE >» Vale with her husband mature as follows: But, going back to the first prob- ’ an<^ ^er Mrs. A. M. Rhine- Nos. 1 to 7 inclusive fo r $1,000 | lems that the beginner will have present. Mr. Rhine- each on January 1, 1939. | contend with, there is the hatching! 0ver here ^ taking care of jq0 g f or |500 on January 1,1939. o f the eggs. The turkey as a rul ■ - me **'8 mi>ther’s property. ¡s}„. y f or on January 1, when having its liberty is not sub ' (-|ogjn|t i ) ay picnics— 1940; j.-,t I * lack of fertility, unually * to A number o f the Sl.hoo|s (>f the sai<i bonds * * bear int<,rest at ,h' eggs «re fe r tile and if allowed to ,.ounty took theh. closing day ex. of six per cent (6 % ) per an find It nest and set it brings forth ,.r(.ise!( in conj unctio„ with the an- ,lum’ P «y able semi-annually a good brood of poults, but that h : „ ua| tra,.k ,hi„ w— k and f>r*t days of January and July.prin- a slow way to get a large flock of p ^ i c plrties o f the s c h l l children >'Pa* a" ’ > ¡ " ‘ ^ s t payable at .he of- the early youngsters, and a great wen, numerous throughout the park. tbe County Treasurer of many o f the beginners are using the _______ Malheur County, Oregon, or at the I Fiscal Agency o f the State o f Ore incubators which, used with success, Week-end in Ontario— Robert Crummett motored to gon in New York City, at the op- will add some three weeks to a mon th on the hatching season. Now the Brogan Friday to take back with j tion o f the holders, nicest way to handle those e g g s 1 him his w ife and little daughter to j All bids must be accompanied by where you have turkey hens that will spend the week-end at their home a certified check fo r *500. The Board reserves the right to (0) set about the time these eggs in the near Ontario. reject any and all bids. ~ I incubator are due to hatch is to re- „ „ ,, , .. . , . Iron, Brogan— P. M. BOALS, Secretary. move the eggs from the incubator one , _ M rs. Geo. S Horn came down week before hatching and place them with her son George in the car FOR C O U N TY JUDGE. 1 under the turkey hens Then usually , . .. . ’ . from their home in Brogan Satur insures a better hatch, but if you 1 , . I Paid Advertueirent.) . . .. . . . . day and spent the day visiting at have to run the incubator through, .. . - ,, , . . I hereby announce my cand dacy the home o f Mrs. John Kircher as 1 have found it practical to run the .. ‘ . . . „ , f o r turkey torkev We" M lo ° k , n g * ft" >0me ,hoP f *r ,h' » « « ' " * ion for the posit,on I machine a degree higher for Ping. c f County Judge, subject to the ex eggs than hens eggs and to moisten the eggs time you also run as it is an even 1984, for the offic e UK. MALHEUR IDEAL FOR RAISING OF TURKEYS ~*a»H|l|J|lfl 16, May to Ï TEAMS MEET DEFEAT Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Norris and family of Wilder, Miss Alice Drake o f Nampa and Miss Hazel Drake of Beaumont were dinner guests in the H. Evans home Sunday. Mrs. Oce Schweizer was a N yssil visitor Tuesday. The school baseball team of Owyhee played the Kolony school boys’ team at the Kolony school diamond last Friday and though the score went against them they are still undaunted planning to lick the married men on Tuesday, when the last day festivities will be Held. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Kelso are the parents of a son born on Wed nesday, April 23, 1924. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klingback and amily visited at the DeBord home ■ unday. California, has removed over a Good Luck— Mr. and Mrs. W alter Pinkston thousand o f its road signs. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Boak motoreu and fam ily were entertained at din Other large companies in this sec to the south fork of the Cottonwoou ner in the W. W. Smith home Tues tion, which is noted for its beautiful ______ . Sunday and reported unusually day. scenery, have indicated their w ill , d n good luck fo r their day’s catch o. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hennes return- ingness to follow the lead o f the (B y Ray T. Moe.) trou t Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Champ d to their home at Kuna after a Standard Oil Company. Comment Here in this section o f Oregon neys were also in the party goini, /eek’s visit with Mr. and Mrs. H. has been almost unanimous in favor where climatic conditions are ideal up in their car. .vans and family. o f this action. for poultry and poultry culture, and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Foster Nothing is more unsightly than a where any o { the feathered tribe Been in N y s s a - rought 26 young Sunday school collection o f fifty-seven varieties o f ' once pioperly hatcheU and allowed Rhil S. Morton was in the city icmbers to Mitchell Butte Sunday signs as one enters every town o r , the freedom o f the e w Monday in the interests o f his polit fternoon for a short outing. city, or at points where the eye is ■ with ,eM amJ attention’ t(J a ical campaign for the Republic«., Mrs. E. L. M acLafferty has been attracted by a beautiful view or I ^ perfection than any where nomin“ tion ,or Ule o M u i ° o i counL> nite ill but is now some better, some other object o f 'Merest j under the sun, is there any wonder * * * * » * < > '■ Mr- Mult,,n >‘as .ordon M acLafferty came home it is altogether probable that that t(u. {ew that undertook the Ontario and Nyssa on a politic*. iom his school in Caldwell for the better advertising results could be breeding o f turkeys managed to t,lp ‘ eek-end, returning Monday. secured by spending the same grow to maturity a turkey so large, Returns to B a k e r - Potato Smith and family and the amount of money in the rural news so grandly proportioned, o f such; J. L>. Kyle, traveling mechanic lor Davis children o f Ontario, and Miss papers o f the various states. splendid plumage, that outside j the Standard Oil Company, telUiii- Fiances Smith of Middleton visited breeders began to think that th is, etj ^ his headquarters in Baker Sunday afternoon in the Evans FOR C O U N T Y T R E A SU R E R . community had imported some Saturday a fter spending three or home. . (Paid Advertisement.) blood of a larger type than our old four days in this territory inspect Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Lowe called I hereby announce my candidacy, American Bronze turkey. mg the motors and trucks of the ,t the M acLafferty home Sunday. subject to the w ill o f the voters at The turkeys having done so well ¡otaj aKency. Mrs. Lou DeGoede and little son the Republican Prim ary to be held ! when raised in scattered flocks and John were Boise vistors a day or May 16, 1924, fo r the nomination, in smal* numbers, there is no reas Eoreman to LaGrande— io last week. . ’ , ’ ... - on why they still will not do just J- Elmer Gilbert, connected with J. S. Glascock returned home fo r re-election, to e o . Us wea in greater numbers and the head of the Newport & Kern after a week's absence on a level- County Theasurer for Malheur nlore f j ocks> but w jth greater num Company, le ft Vale Sunday for 1... ng job at Nyssa. county. _ Y»era you may have other problem Grande, where the highwoy contract Ellice Huffman is preparing to to contend with, such as the dread ors are building thé road between C. C. M U Ê L L ifi. put in 20 or more acres of corn, on ed disease of black head, although Cove and Island City, the Huffman ranch up the river. native birds not afflicted with it I N O TIC E OF BOND SALE. may be contaminated from birds i M „ w x ,,usey wa!l operate,, Sealed bids will be received by afflicted shipped as breeders A ll on f#r „ „ , bscesa at Moly Uosarj the undersigned at the office of breeders should protect themselves , hospital in Ontario the first oi the ,, ... „ „. , , , . . . ... la y e tte Oregon Slope Irrigation against this death dealing disease week and is reported as getting -v * • » .... u , , . District, said office being located in by using some preventative. Last the pumping station and power season one of our successful turkey a ong nice y. _______ E x c e p tio n a l Facilities Enable U s to Guar antee O ur IVor 4 subject to the will uf the voters al the Republican Primary to be held OWYHEE COUNTY SEAT NEWS Complaints Field in Circuit Court. Bankers Discount Corporation vs. H. Lee Noe, Sheriff. 4.-21-24. Re covery o f personal property. John C. Driscoll vs. Luella A. Sibbald et al. 4-22-24. To quiet title. Wells W. Wood vs. Wm. E. Lees. 4-24-24. Recovery on account. Chas. E. Mac Lean vs. Oregon & Western Col. Co. et als. 4-24-24. Ten suits to foreclose tax liens. C. R.E mison vs. Randall Sage et al. 4-26-24. Recovery on note. *4,945.18. (Paid Advertisement) I hereby announce my cadldac j» clean in ten minutes o f any of the Has Been III— PROFESSIONAL CARDS commercial chick feeds, some sweet Little Pat Crummett, one o f the smaller sons o f Mr. and Mrs. Ben milk, and let them get to the al CHIROPRACTOR* Crummett, was quite ill the latter falfa or the green grass as soon as part of last week at the ranch home possible, and by keeping them free east of town and it was feared for DRS. B RA D FO R D A BRADFORD from lice, the wonderful climate several days that he was in for a Carver Methed severe attack of pneumonia. will do the rest. Consultation and examination Fren To any o f the beginners that may Nyssa, Oregon The Creston school gave a very nice entertainment Tuesday o f this week. The children spoke their pieces very well. Tea and a light served. Mrs. Frank Gordon Dickson motored to Bro lunch were U. S. A . to Chas. J. Wilkins, EW Shumway, Mrs. Pearl Jones from gan to take his brother-in-law, 8W>4 Sec. 29; EV4SE% Sec. 31; E tiN W V i, and NV4SW*4 Sec. 32- George Toombs, to the train, but he Ontario, Mrs. John Steward, Mrs. was ten minutes too late for a view T. R. Beers, Mrs. John Wall and 27-44. 3-31-24. Frank Kime et ux to Edwin j o f Sagebrush Annie, so he had to children, Mrs. Guy Shumway, Mrs. E. Rogers, and David Rogers 11 en. Casto, NV4SE14 E H S W tt, SV4 I Ford it down to Vale. joyed a nice afternoon. NE*4 Sec. 27-20-41. 2-29-24. $10. Fred Simpson took his brother Frank Shumway made a business Brogan Sunday— H. W. Tooley et ux to Albert R. Arthur to Ontario Sunday. trip to Riverside the first of the Hixson, N W % SW *4 Sec. 5-16-47. ------------------------ Mrs. Walter Kiel and Miss Paul- 3-27-24. *10. C L E A N IN G U P T H E S C E N E R Y . we<* - | ine Boston and her brother Tom, sok George were visiting in Brogan with rela- A . H. McGregor to Martha Page, There has been much public agi- | 1 e I jits 3 and 4, and NVfe of 5, Block tation to remove unsightly bill- Kad*|r t0 Crowley one day this lives y unday week, 251, Ontario. 11-9-23. *1. (Q. C. boards from scenic spots on beau Charlie McConnell made a busi To Pendleton- tiful highways which are being deed.) ness trip to Riverside the first o f Mr. and Mrs. D. A . Clore and two Jeremiah Stearns to Frank L. built in various states. j children Betty Jean and Wendell Without waiting fo r legislation the week. Seams, undivided l-3d interest in are making preparations to leave Lot 6 and part o f Lot 5, Block 7, on the subject, one o f the largest for Pendleton the last of the week Pioneer Add. to Jordan Valley. 4- users of signboards on the Pacific to visit with friends and relatives. coast, the Standard Oil Company of 12-24. *1,334. W. A. M llett et als to Mary W. Mallett, NW % SE>4, N W U , and NHSWV4 Sec. 20; SEV4 Sec. 17-18- 46. 4-9-24. *1. (Q. C. deed). Sh eriff H. Lee Noe to Bank of Jordan Valley, W ttS W V i Sec. 32; N E M S E K , S E U N E V i Sec. 31-32- 46. 2-25-24. *4,250. U. S. A . to Leo Essenpreis, SEV4 NEV4 Sec. 28; SW YsSW U, NW NWV4 Sec. 22; E *4 E H Sec. 21-13- 41. 10-8-23. FOR DISTRICT ATTORN I T when where she will make a few weeks’ the incubator is run above ground. visit with her mother. necesary pressed w ill of the republican pri- with luke warm water every Visit in Ironsidi turn them the last It)days, Mrs. Julia Powers, who has been maries to be held on May 16, 1921 your machine in the cellar spending the winter on the ranch In making this announcement I almost impossible to keep near Ontario, passed through Vale pledge to the voters a business ad- temperature and give the Monday on her way to Ironside; mmistrafion. J. F. W E AV E R . H A R R IE T osteopathia P brete las Ontario, W Ileon Oregon. BUg over Radere’ . W. B. H O U R l mudad Heel Estate Dealer iNMt'KA.VCB Office et it as Idea ce, Ird A ■ M en d e N'rses. Oregon. CITY DRAY L I N * C. klinkenberg PROMPT D ELIVERY Reasonable Katen PH O N E 1» ATTO RN EVER A T L A W E. M. BLODGETT Attorney and Counsellor at Law Practice in ali courte O ragua Nyssa K. W. HWAGLICB Attorney Rooms at It Wilson Law 14, 1C Bldg Ontario Job Printing We aie equipped la handle any nn ^ A f Job Printing, and when It cornea to Sendee, wo can only refer you 10 our customers or ask that you give ua a trial. A W W V W W W W W W W W V V a i i s s I U lli v • » « *»r «Pwtpapa» • é v e r t l s e m e » « or elreoler may ex press roar ideas bo! •fasti va typofrspb- leal display is am ssasary to f* t bsst rsmltt. With y sur kaowlsdds « I your busiuoss sad sur kaow lsdds o f tbs REM EM BER priotiad art wo saa Wa Ar« Always so-opsrsts to mu ai Tsar Sarrios tuai advaatafs- X ß Copy V W A 'A V A W J W V W W W V W S ....................... mr D L Cl X ;; J V V Y S a r a f t e r M 0D on the r 'T O A R STORM «H A V IN G . H A IR O V T T Ilf « n o T A N I» 001,1» R à f f i * L & H A M A K E E , Prep. N ys«« * » ♦ M - M ♦ ■ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » . » » + * » * » » ♦ For Quick Service Call the N y ss a Transfer P H O N E 7 0F2