The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937, May 02, 1924, Image 3

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    Gate City Journal Supplement
In the Service
2 »
oí Uncle Sam
MAY 2. 1924
which his car was almost totally
The wheel being
jerked from his hands, the car
turned into a dep ditch near the
Payette river, turned end for end
bottom side up and stopped
against the embankment.
Though Mr Dean was pinned
beneath the wreckage nntil as­
sistance arrived he was not se-
rioasly injured.
Friday evening, May 9, Re».
Li. C. Freeemau will give a lec­
ture at the Methodist* church,
beginning at 8 p m. There will
be a musical p rog ra ^ of several
numbers <t>y mcrdywts of the
high school. Among other points
touched on will be:
“ Life Aboard a Warship.”
“ Cuba During War with
Surprise Sbower
Spain ”
Frances Klinkenberg was hos­
‘The Man Without a Coun­
tess Satnrday afternoon at a
“ With the Regulars at San shower given at Mro. A. V.
Francisco. ”
Cook’ s home in honor o f Grace
“ Underground Chinatown.”
Warren Reberger. The rooms
‘ A Midninight Battle for a
were prettily decorated in pink
and white. The bride received
“ Morning of the Quake.”
“ The Lesson of It All ”
many useful and pretty gifts.
Rev. Freeman is the son of i A receipt was written by
Hon. A A. Freeman, who was
for eight years first assistant every one present and given to
attorney general for the post- [ the honored guest. The after­
office department at Washington noon was spent in playing a few
and some years member of the musical selections and chatting.
supreme court of New Mexico, Later dainty refreshments were
Rev. Freeman has had a varied
experience in life.
Raised on served.
Those present were:
the plains of New Mexico, then
the real wild west, at 14 years of dames Chss. Thomason, W. Law-
age he ran away from home and rence, A. V. Cook. F. Leuck, O
served hi the navy during the Servoss Nina Lowe, George
war with Spain. Later on he Green, Harry Russell, Klinken­
served in the regular army and berg, Reberger, Warren, Geo.
was stationed at San Francisco Clossen, Dick Holme«. Misses
at the time of the earthquake, Kennedy Vesta Dicks, Ruby
and survived an injury which' Minton, Frances K!inkenh3rg,
laid him up for six months. Aside ! Ruth Reberger, Helen Servoss,
from his work in the ministry, i Thelma and'Dorothy Cook; Mar­
Rev. Freeman has worked with tha Lawrence, Grace Reberg r,
one o f the departments at W ash-, Thelma Leuck.
The lecture Friday nig^t will
Advance Guard arrives.
be for the benefit of Thi Young
People’ s Society encampment
"H appy,” noted soldier of fortune
and student of human nature, dropped
Admission 50c adults. 25c high off to see his friends last Monday. Up­
school students.
Musical pro­ on learning o f the big Wind Jammers'
gram under the direction of convention in town next Sunday, he
Mrs Stubbs.
immediately announced his intention
to remain ov. r for the event.
Former Nyssaite
in Auto
While returning to Payette
M. Dean
was the vie
tim of an accident Sunday in
Harry Leuck and Mr. Turner left
here Thursday for the hills. Harry is
going to return to the catle ranches
and Mr. Turner is there to look after
persohal interests.
A 4b
Boy Champion
A fishing party composed o f Perry
Lewe and family, W. G. Vogta and
family, Mrs. John
Lackey, Mrs.
Adolph Schneiter and children and A.
McIntyre and family spent last Satur
day and Sunday at lake Lowell.
The honors go to Melvin Schneiter, a
ten ear old, who distingniehed himself
by catching more fish than anyone elae
in the party, which was some feat
considering the number o f seasoned
All hands attended the dance at Sun­
ny Slope Satnrday night.
B all Game Saturday
As comnetition for places is keen no
definite line up for the ball game Set
urday between Nysea and Jordan Val­
ley can be selected. A tentative list
is given here:
Catchers—Servoss, Hanks.
Pitchers—Crooker, Green, Haley.
1st base—Vaughan Gilchrist.
2nd Base—Kambaad, Hsnsfin.
3rd base—Green, Klinkenberg.
Short etoDS —Cleston Hoxie, Benton
Fielders — Davis, Fields, Newby.
Harold Hoxie. Hubert Hoxie.
30,000 lbs. Seed Corn
Carefully Selected and Property
Mr Farmer:
Are you interested in good seed
corn? If so, I have it.
My specialty ia the "Golden Jew el,”
a splerdid yellow dent variety which I
have been growing and selecting for
the past ten years. To make certain
that everv ear comes from productive
parentage, I remove all suckers and
unproductive stalks before fertiliza­
tion takes place. This corn is medium
early The ears ripen very uniformly.
It was recommended by the Malheur
County Agricultural Economic confer­
ence as the beat for the production of
shelled corn. It is a splendid variety
for ensilage as well.
Prices f.o.b. Ontario, Oregon, but­
ted, tipped and shelled,eight cents per
References — First National Bank
County Agent L, R. Breithaupt.
Ontario, Oregon.
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