Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1924)
|. , „ 18-40. 3-10-24. $6,455.!}«. Lauran c the lines, and the team P E R F U M E G I V E S C L U E „ . . FOR DISTRICT ATTO RNRT J. W. McCulloch, Trustee, to G seized the opportunity to run aw a ) . Ü L tL l t . l T H IE V E S P ' rf' ct W ° od lt Nen eded (Raid Advertisem en t) aid K. Stanfield, S'/feNvVki Sec. ' Mrs. [.mini me w.,s thrown out ot tor Airplane Propellers 1 hereby announce my cad id a cy, 18-40. 3-10-24. 9 *.. th** rig. • i t a oat clly escaped How Postal Inspector Solves Imi The propeller, of airplane. iuu . i P<>* , ubject to th, ^ of T oU r, u deed). 1 without *leriuus injury,, although Ttwit ot Regis.ered Mail. aes* extraordinary strength, for theli L) S. A. to John II. Wolf, NKV, 1 sustaining a few bruises on ugly speed tends to disrupt them. In a rest j tbe Republican Prim ary to be held -B y C. K. Bpencu Sec. 29-20-40. 3-13-24. 1 her face. Five of tlie men whose duty It Is to run. with the propellers made of wood May 10, 1924, fo r the nomination Mr. and Mrs. Perkins and Mr. prese. ve the United States mull's repu which had been dried to the lowest \ ^ The ta r iff was originated as a U. S. A. to Alleniont Sutto , N% olfica of District Attorns, mother and grand tation for security and maintain the possible moisture content, or “hone sort o f insurance against the com NW*4 Sec. 14; K t i N K 'i Sec. 15-17-1 Fisk, father, lor Malheur Count,, Oregon. dry,” the ends of the blades actually good name of its thousands of em father respectively, o f Mrs. Freu petition o f aliens— to raise their 46. 10-9-22. CHAS. K. O R A N DALL. week to ployees sat around an oval conference exuded sap, forced out by the centrifu products to the price of our higher B. C. Hertleson et ux to Thomas Lauranee, returned this gal action. standard country, or to keep then, Wakefield, S W ’ . N E U , SE ViN W W , their home at ( unyon City, after ai. table. Some air machine engines run at “ This registry rase stamps me,” ex- out entirely. In a way it was a E V iSW '4 Sec. 3; S H N E (4 Sec. 4- extended visit. C ARD S clulmed Inspector Mailers. “ Da via 1,700 revolutions a minute. An on i i z O i i - S S l O N A L Thos. Goodwin moved to his home soort of a “ bonus" to the farmers 10-40; EV4SEV4 Sec. 33; W '„.SW tried it. Johnson took It, and I ’ve been glne of that power should use a nine and manufacturers o f this country. Sec. 34-15-40; Lot 4, S W 1, N W ', . ! (,n Creek this week. CHIROPRACTORS on it for three months, but tlie fellow foot six Inch propeller, and the speed Mr. and Mrs. Ray Duncan arc who is doing the lifting is too slick of the blade ends would he in the But the schedules do not act auto WV4SW Sec. 3-16-40. 3 12 absent oti a business visit to Burma neighborhood of six hundred tulles an matically, they do not rise or fall $ 1 , 000 . for us.” DK8. B RAD FO RD A B RAD FO RD hour. Trunk Jones returned from Vat with changing conditions. They “Any more clue«?” Henry J. Anger et ux to A. G. Carver Method A good many thousands of pounds* Saturday. He, says the new Mis, “ Only tills. Calvert, the theft of In rise by organization strength and Badger, .S E 'rS C ‘4 Sc,. 21-33-39. Jones isn't a boy, but he is not at closures has been narrowed down to of pressure per square Inch are gen Consultation aiul examination F rea. political pull, and they seldom fall. 0-7-23. | U k crated by such speed, and propeller? all displeased because she is the one of six places.” And as the years go by they be Nyssa, Oregon have been known to split at the «.•en N. Bar N. Land & Livestock Co. very image o f her dad. “ And the letters are resealed?” , come one-sided, from the fact that | “ Yes; resealed. I ’Ve been over and ter and fly apart. Even the smallest to John Kiernan, 3041.09 acres in Ralph Stark, assisted by several organized interests keep raising the j lack of balance between the two Townships 27 and 28, Barges 43 buckaroos, arrived Sunday at the over— ” UB 1EO FATH S fence against their products, while “ Let me take this case,” Interrupted blades Is a very serious matter, sine«' and 44. 3-18-24. $10.00. 1 South Fork ranch with their band agriculture, with little organization Anderson. He brought his titled chair the pull of one must counterbalance to I o f cattle. They were brought up down with u thud. "Let me do Just that of the other. In addition, there and few representatives in congress, | Ontario Land & T o w site ( DU. l i A it it i E T s k i n s has but a three-rail barrier between J. T. McNulty, Lots 11, 12 and 12, from the winter feed grounds in the what I want to do—no questions asked Is the gyroscope force that tends to as, OntM o l" I ueieoyathte I'kjreielaa keep the blades rotating In the same llend to their summer range on the —und I’ll dean lt up.” it and the products o f many coun- j Block K. O. 1.. properties up here. Ontario, Oragon. tries where wages, standards and $400.00. ~ "T a k e It and welcome,” declared plane, a force that Is not easily over come when the airplane Is moving at Marvin l*een moved up from Mai Calvert. U. S. A. to Ted Andrew t’ money keep going down. unico; Wilson Bldg over high speed. The cross-train that It “ I ’ll say s o !” And the result is that for th e j ley, Lots l and 3, Sec .1!» 28 14; hear to his Lost Creek piaee late Two months later the five Inspectors Introduces when there Is a change of this week. year ending June 3U, 1 923, there I E t t E t i Sec. 24-28-15. 11-14-23. direction, either up or down or side gathered about the table again. W. li. HO. were brought into this country ag I Wm. Jones et ux to Mrs. M. J. wise, Is enormous. Yet In conditions “ Say, Anderson, here’s another rifled i boudad Beai Bautta Unaiar ricultural products aggregating the Schutter, South ¡in feet o f Lot 8, OREGON SLOPE envelope,” guyed Calvert. " I thought of modern warfare, where the aviator stupendous sum o f $3,315,000,l)')U, Block 21, Outlook, 10-31-22. $2000. you were going to finish up that case j must "loop the loop," or plunge, or IN 8 1 R ANCH while we only sold abroad (at price ((J. C. deed). ascend sharply In maneuver, the ina the next day.” chine must meet and withstand these Ultlca at Kasldanca. 3rd A Bhrguod less than production cost) $1,927, E. W. Blakesley to Beatrice M. Anderson grinned, but he took the severe tests. 000 , 000 . ¿urease Shaw.K %NE>4 Sec. 17; WViSE'/i envelope. Moistening the mucilage on i Wood for airplane manufacture must M While huve Sec. 8; and part o f N '-jS W ', I'.ec Second Son of Mr and Mrs. E. other industries the flap, he held the envelope close to be 10o per cent. The safety of the protected themselves and boost-, 8-16-47. his nose. 1-10-24. $1.00. Johnson Fails to Recover From aviator depends upon there not being ed and maintained their prices "On the scent, Anderson.” roared Appendicitis Operation. a single flaw. C IT Y D R A Y L IN K in keeping with conditions, agricul- * omplalnts file d in Circuit tour Davis. Clarence A. Lane vs. First "Gentlemen.” Anderson said soberly, j Eugene V. Johnson, second son of j ture today pays , 66 per cent more C. kliukanburg Molly Pitcher 3 24-24. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Johnson, died "that envelope was rlttc d at Bowler for what it is forced to buy than it tional Hank o f Vale. I’ UOMl’ f D E L IV E R Y City.” Molly Pitcher, a fatuous heroine of at the Holy Rosary hospital, On did before the war. This condition junction. $2,591.68. "The man who opened it will be ap- 1 the Revolutionary war. an I so nick John C. Neeley vs. W. L. Gib tario, Tuesday, March 25th, 1924 j forces an unequal exchange value Reasonable Ratea losure ai following an operation for appendi ; prehended within a week.” lie contin- . named because sl><* eurrh d water In 3-25-24. F for the farm er’s dollar. His is a et als. a pitcher to soldiers in battle, was FUCINE IS mortgage. $14,531.43. ( itis on the previous Thursday. tied calmly. m ighty dear dollar to get and a "How do you do It? What’s the born on October 13. 1744. In Carlisle, Eugene, who was born in Ilolman, very cheap one to buy with. Pa., her maiden name being Mary catch?” ATTO R N E Y ES A T L A W Vet in the face of conditions that Complaints Filed in County ( ourt. Oregon, May 27, 1904, had lived cn j "You’d better change vour name to Ludwig. Her first husband was John B. W. Tillotson vs. Rete H offer, the Slope for the past eight yea» are daily forcing men from the Hayes, an »itlllerlst In the American Pinkerton or Sherlock Holmes.” account where he had made a warm place. Recovery on e.. Al. BLODGETT farms, we import $36,000,000 of 3-27-24. "This Is how It Is done." he ex army. While besieged in Fort Clin for himself in the hearts o f a h o ft1 plained. "I put six different perfumes ton, alone with her husband, In Octo dairy products. In the face o f the *76.72. Attorney and Counsellor at Law o f friends, and the sad news of his, desperate condition o f the cattle- ^ _____ -lilac, violet, lilies of the valley, mig ber, 1777, she Is said to have dis Fructice in ali courta charged the last gun against the Brit death cast a gloom over the entii* nonette, rose and heliotrope— Into mu men we import $5,663,000 of meats j I I IRONSIDE The many beautiful cilage consigned to six places under ish when tl'.e enemy began to scale Nyssa In the face o f the hazardous sil la m------ - * community. Ore ton suspicion. Of course mucilage had to the walls ami her husband had fled floral offerings were mute test, tion o f the grain growers of Molly’s fame rests upon her brave it. M. » U AoU vJt he used to reseal the rifled envelope. inony to the love and esteem fed nation, we import $24,000,000 Smell the violet In the glue on that •onduct in the battle of Monmouth, in fo r him by his many friends. B« Attorney a t Law grains and prain preparations in As she was carrying envelope flap. To me violets stand June, 1778. sides his parents, ho is survived by one year. water to her husband from a neigh Mrs. Dave Lauranre Slightly In Kooma I I 14, IS for Bowler City and not for spring.” — three brothers, four sisters am; j The average annual income of the jured When Thrown Out Bulletin of United States Postal Serv boring well a bullet killed him In Wile on Bid«. other relatives. Funeral service j stantly. She at once took his place at farm, acocrding to statistics, is now of Buggy. ice. Ontario C were held Thursday at 2 o’clock at i the gun and save«! It from falling into less than $500 per year, and the j the hands of the enemy. After the Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Welch have the Baptist church in Ontario, in $500 is below par in the markets of F u r r ’s C'-r sp'racy battle General Greene presented her the nation. It is not ‘ calamity moved to Ontario, where they will torment at Ontario cemetery. A « i l i ! : t r 1 e iti I il wi ts pillile by- Aurini t«> Washington, who made her ser C AR D O F T H A N K S . howling” to state these conditions, work on a ranch. 'n of his p ■» geant for her bravery and placed her Another striking instance o f our Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Johnson and lïiirr In 1.-05. eft ■ t!:e but rather to forestall future furth liticai fortunes, lc r ik .Mexico ..... . on the list of half-pay officers for fam ily wish to extend their thanki need o f a direct phone to Vale was er calamity that is certain to result Ife. She died at her home in Car Spain, unite it to s ■ • of the wester: to other industries o f our country given when, in order to get word to to their friends and neighbors for or south western s: 'es, and establish 'Isle on January 22, 1828. A moan i f this unjust two-standard system Frank Jones o f the sudden illness their kind help and many beautiful' >i n empire with I ment on the Monmouth battlefield elf as dictât«' & offerings during the ¡llm* of his wife, a car was sent from | floral continues. Any hard-headed busi ><> al to gain su' > ind one at Carlisle, commemorates her By this mean* be and death o f their beloved son ann I «•lent power to «>■ ♦ We are equipped to ness head will admit this will be Vale, the - ow the Un»I I heroic deeds. handle any kind of Job In this soli ni. States government the result. ! Ironside to Dickson’s, they sent Mr. brother, Eugene. Printing, and when It P.utV was aided l> Herman Bienne:- ------------------------ I E. F. Pratt, crippled, to the school The Sa J Part come* to Service, we Lettuce growers of Dead Ox Flat hasset t, who ad vai' ed large sums of house for help, then a hoy on a fast "Dick proposed to me I ¡» hi night," can only refer you to our customer* or ask horse found Mr. Jones, who met the held a meeting Monday night at th e , nionev. anil was in unseqitenoe ruin d Marjorie announced, excitedly. financially and socially. Burr was • that you give us a trial. “ O h’ Did he?" exclaimed Virginia. car waiting at Dickson’s. Don’t home of Geo. Lattig. Refund cc Filed at Court House During the you think, folks, it’s about time to tificates were distributed to all wh > rested in Kenhic':- . but the grand ii "Yes. and I just adore Dlek ! He’s November 25, 1800, failed to And a fr so handsome!" Preceding Week. yawn a little and have another tel- have grown lettuce the past two bill against him. On the twenty-s “ And did you accept him?” Virginia W. J. Hudson et ux to Thorwald ephone meeting? years. The meeting adopted tb • outh of the same month President .1 inerted. “ Are you engaged?" C. Nielson et ux, S % S E l/4NE*4 Sec. I. J. Powers returned Tu 1 i new plan of marketing and hand- fersou issued a proclamation again "Oh Virginia, we’re Tint!” Marjorie 24-18-40; N E % N E % Sec. 23-23-40. j from a business trip to Vale .m l r ing the crop through the local : t tin supposed conspiracy, and warn« eplted. “ That’s the sad pnrt of lt. Ontario. George Lattig was elect* : all citizens against engaging In 1-30-24. $1.00. | other points. Dick Is just the most wonderful per- J. R. Betzer et ux to J. W. Dave Logan bra Tided over 1 to to represent this district to assn t Burr was arrested a second time, .Tu' on on earth, hut I had to fell him I!*. iso? He was taken to RIchitmu ►Swank, S K 'iS W 'i, B H N W ^ I l \ head o f the Ontario local in organization. Mint I just couldn’t he engaged tn him on horseback. Indiati d In tin* dlst.v l-.dit away. Why, It will lake me at Sec. 15-17-46. 3-20-24. $250: herd, last week. Charles Grace returned home la of Virginia for treason and brou/’ nst a week to break off the engage J. R. Blackaby et ux to City of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dickson had week after spending the winter i to trial : but this resulted in bis a ment I have with Tom !” Long View, Washington, Ontario, Lot 15, Block 78; Lots 17 as Sunday dinner geu t . Mr ;■» quittai for lack of evidence showln Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Brown ar. i tlqir be bad actually raised an arm to E0, lot,i Block 84; Lots ii to 15, Mi inc., Block 87, City o f Ontario. Eli Rose, Frank Jones and John children o f Ontario were dinm r In tb«* stat«* where the tritìi was heb! guests Sunday o f Mr. and Mrs. < . 1- 25-24. $1.00. (Q. C. deed). Westfall. Mrs. W. C. Johnson to City of |. j p owers and Louis Pratt took C. McVicker. His Best Job Ontario, Lots 1 to 5 inc., and Lots flown to Brogan the» N bar c:,tU< Park Improvement Club \v! > Two barbers were comparing notes 11 to 15, inc., Block 273, Ontario and horses belonging to ('. R. Em meet Thursday, April 13th, at 11 1 as tn their adventures In their profes home o f Mrs, W alter Davis. Ti 2- 2-24. 21.00, (Q. C. deed). ison, returning Saturday. sion. “ What was the best job you ever Sheriff II. Lee Noe to J. W. Me- As Dave Laurance was driving program will be in charge of M r First aftl In an emergency which di»l?” asked the first man. Culloch, Trustee, S ^ N W 'A Sec. 21- through gate, he handed Mr?. Lias. ssures the Injured competent atteu- “ I once shaved a customer,” replied ’on until th«* doctor arrives is making the second, slowly. *>arkefl headway through the work of “ Well, what then?” he Chapters of the American Red "Then I persuaded him to have a ross. In populous centers 314 chap haircut, shampoo, facial massage, for that newspaper ers conduct first aid classes and last singe, sea-foam, electric buzz, tar e d v e r t i s e m e a t or e i r o u l e r m ay ex- . «*ar awarded 9.500 certificates to stn sprav and tonic rub.” press your ideas but "What then?” tents. Eight big telephone companies “ By I he time I had finished be need have enlist"d their workers in first aid ed another shave.” classes, police and fire departments L o e u a r , to |ot b e lt re .u lt,. W ith you r large cities are making the cours- knowledge ol your compulsory In their training school- Cost Him $500 an Hour b u i i o a , , and our Sarah Todd, wife of the original and through colleges and high school k n o w lo d f o o f tbo large groups of students receive in John Jacob Astor, was a Brevoort and REM EM BER printing art w a eaa struction. The Red Cross also g iv e tb«* founder of the Astor family fre Wa Are Alwaya eo-operata to D u :hia "nurse through Boy Scouts, GIL al Yaar Service tual advantage. J0 qu«*ntly said she was such a fine busi Scouts. Y \1 . C. A. and similar organ! ness woman be was compelled to con zations. and Its standard method? sult her «»n Important projects. She have been adopted by railroads, elec 44 -H -H-444 4 4 4 4 t 4 4 « 4 44 4 K 4 » 4 was. indeed, so good that she charged trie and gas companies, mines and In him $.">00 an hour for consultation *he metal industries The aim of th! r*h he paid, and she invested lt for Red Cross service is to cut down n di tb«* benefit «if her children. rally the average of fiO.OOO accident.0, John Brevoort was the first gold deaths per year in the United States. smith of N«*w Amsterdam. His crea CIGAR STORM tions s;till nr«- considered works of "Our c«»:ntry couM secure no high«*! art. Some of the Brevoorts were Iron- commendation, no greater place In hi" SHAVING. H AIR CUTTING non ers Charlotte Brevoort was a lory, than to have It correctly said HOT AND COLD BATHS no - i 1 leader and married Mayor that the Red Cross is truly American Whitehead Hicks. President Coolldge. L. R HAM AKER, Prop. |[»nry Brevoort was a friend of Sir Nyauo, ' .■!1 4 *r Sc«»tt and Washington Irving. Knew a Good Thing Tun■« s Carson, historian, was of the Willla liuve the hex^iur a quarter family They were gen«*r«>us patrons of i:u*rature an«! art and founded the ■mil started to pass on. Instead, he group which still clusters stopped for a moment. "Don’t you yet tired of heyylny for Washington square.— Detroit a llvlny?’’ he asked. “ Well, yes I do,” the beggar eon fessed. "But how else Is a felluu Invisi tie. going to live?” Drawing Master (t«> pupil who has "W hy don’t you quit begging and handed him a blank sheet ot paper): go to work?" Willis Inquired. "What's this?” “ I tried that once," the beggar con "It's a picture «>f an airplane.” t csed. "but, you know, work Is to un “ But I don’t Nee anything. Where Is certain.’’ tlie airplane?” 70 2 "Oh, it’s out of sight, elrl* jj i State Market Agent News ÉUGENEV.JOHNSÛfJGiES In “ STRONG NEED FOR PHONE Job Printing P* COUNTY NEWS OF RECORD ?ed Cross ^irst Aid Standards Adopted In Great Industries Modern David Haram iS Your lop y sissrri: L \ ; a B arb er Shop For Quick Service : Call the Nyssa Transfer r PHONE F "t§