Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 29, 1924)
EM L B -K JL J_____ The school board hold a business mooting loot Moadoy. So far aa wo kava bean able to learn tke following teacher» have been engaged for an other year —» Lackey. Seott. Oioki and Mm. Benson. Attorney E. M. Blodgett and H. J. W »'d aero in Vale M< nday on legal business nertaining to the Ward Drain age D strict. Gen. Phillips was in Boise Wednes day on ». i-iaaws. We carry a full line ofv HARDWARE and Farm Implements W. hi. l.o s, wall know. Ontario attorney, woo in town Monday. For Pali— Hatchirg !egge, S. C. White leghorn, Hollywood ttarin. h;gh producers. Mrs. Chao. Garrison, Route 1, Nyssa, Oregon. f238t Dishes Cooking Utensils Chicken W ire Barb W ire, Gtc. For Rent-D enson 40 acres on high way, three miles north of Nyssa. Mee N. R, Show, New Plymouth, Idsho. It Workmen et the H J Ward raach Tuesday found a pleasant snrpriss awaiting them when they came in for dinner. Mr*. Willard L^nch "had pre- week- Ton» UtVrle‘ wil1 UCCUP» ,hu pared a sumptuous ehicken dinner with Stul,b* rek“1enco dressing, mashed potatoes and every- M rs F red C ltr k o f Redding, thing. It being Mr. and Mrs. Lynch’s California is visiting her mother, flrss wedding at-niveraarjr. Mrs Will Vogts. Grocery Department For Rent—Ehrgeod place east of railroad track, for cash. See Mia. Bhrgood on pine*. fJ9tf. Everything for the Table Mrs. Edith Lepard e f Clairslielm, Alberta, mother o f Mr*. Ore Harris, Is visiting et the Harris hem*. Geerge Smith, fermerly of Kingman Kolcny, now with the 0 . S. L. eon struction department, waa in town Wednesday looking after business matters. Fancy and Staple Groceries Sheepmen report a very sutcefsfa! lambing season so far. Upwards of 100 per cent Increase Is reported ia mauy cases with very little mortality among the newcomers. E d e r Hdwe. G o . NYSSA, OREGON >0 0 0 »♦♦♦♦•♦»■ Mr. and Mrs Chas. B. Share are tha proud paraata ef a brand new (at af twine, a boy weighing 6* lb*, ahd a girl of 4 lbs, who arrived on th* 26th inst. e<t We have added to oar equipment a NEW E N G IN E LATH E The dene* at Big Bend last Friday was attended by quite a delegation of Nytseitee, who all report agood time, withexeellaat music by th* Homedaie orchestra. This lathe will handle all large and small machine work. Our mechenic has».had four years exper ience in this line of work D. McLellan has began tha construc tion ef his sow resides«* ea tha earner of Main and Bower. A ll work is guaranteed Dude Ratherfeid and family of On tario visited at tha Addin Wilson hem* Sunday, Batteries Repaired and Recharged Jerry Harley returned Meadey from northern Idaho, whore he hat been engaged sine* early spring. J. H. Sharp ef Joseph, Oregon, was a business visiter her* this week. S e r v ic e G a r a g e 5 Mr and Mrs. Westerkeia, Meridian, parents o f Mrs Hamaker, visited at the Hamaker home Sunday. Nyssa, Oregon ■w ♦ » « » « « ♦ ♦ ♦ » » » « ♦ » » ■» ♦ ♦ ♦ » » V V I H l e H 1 hJ ■ that Ed Christeneen has left Monte bello, alee that Fred Green baa moved to Fullerton. Cal. On advice* from Prtma two boys were arrested end held over right in Nyssa. Th# hearing next day (Tuea day) Drought out the fart that not the elighteat evtdenre nf any urongdoir, on their part eould be produced They were, of course, released at onee. Skinny Tanaen hss made another im provement to tne tilling -tation. An arrangement of overhead wires fo* the Piling of radiators supplants the old system of pouring from a bucket. Frank Leuck moved the city harn, which he r> cently purchased, to his property or Good svenu*. Under ex pert advice of Dick H.ilrnes t e job was neatly and perlormed be tween sunrise and sunset ol Tuesday. Frank Stubbs naa rental the Han' ■en place near tha railroad bridge and is moving Ms family thereto this •••••• Pete Taassn mad* a business trip to Ontario Taesdoy. 1 If you want anything usually kept in an uptodate meat market W E H A V E IT Joss Thompson af Payatta Tuesday with frisnds ia Nyssa. speat R. R. Rishardson arts for a faw days usable t* attsad to hi* duties as ¡operator in tho depot on aeeount of a bad celd. Mrs. Windier of Caldwell ; tilled th* position during his ah- |seuca Henry Rost, who wintered on the Tom Coward ranch, has moved t* Ap ple ValL-y, having purchased a ive- acre tract in that thriving community. Phone 6 Mrs C. C. Forbes and ter, Mrs. Homer Reiser o f I’oise art vinuors at the A It. McCarty heme. Mr. and lira Ivan Oakea ware visiting in Nyssa Wednesday. Thay reside ia Ontarie. Mr. and Mrs. Will Batter of Ontario visited at the R. R, Riahardioa home on Wednesday. Dr. and lira. Finney of Weiaer were in Nyssa Wednesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. J. Hill. Mrs. Finney and Mrs. Hill ware classmates in the Good Samaritan nursing school at Portland. Mrs- Divena of Vale is visiting ni Nyssa at the home of her sons, Jim and Harlan. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Diven ef Wilder visited in Nyssa on Mon day light They were guests at tha homes of Mrs. Diveas brotk ars, Jim and Harlan. The Nyssa Pharmacy is being aleaned and kalsominad this weak, preparatory to tke spring and summer rush of business That do improvements ia Nyssa centime to manifest themselves Miss Minnie Ray of Weiaer spent the week at ike Tom But ler heme. Miss Ray is Butler’ s neice Mr*. Dewey Ray was hostess Thursday eve of last week for an enjoyable evening of bridge Members ef the club to make three tables were present. Mr. and Mrs. C. L MoCoy won high soars prize tor the evening, with Miss Edith Scott second. Mrs J. J. Sarazin entertained the members of the bridge club at her home on Wednesday eve ning. Three tables were in play, the high saore being held by Mrs Artie Robertson, with Mrs. O L. McCoy receiving second prize. Mae. Mary Croeher was a week end visitor in Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCarty and son George ot Ontario spent P. M. Binkley, under data o f Feb Sunday at the A, R. McCarty ruary 19. writes from Carrel Wash., home. Nyssa Packing Co. BURB1DGE & RAY, Prop. | to notify as that he has left Moate- bello. Cal , and located ia tha formar .city. Ha mad* the trip by heat and was six days and nights on tha jour ney, owiag to a severa atoms which H* states Home talent presents “Come Out of the Kitchen a comedy in three acts March 12, 1924 Liberty Theater Admission 50c-25c .»CAST Curtain 8:15 OF C H AR AC TER S: Olivia Dangerfield.................................Louise V. Kennedy K liz a h d h D an gerfield ........................................ Bliss C a rter Mrs. F»»Vner ........................................ Mrs. W. W. Beam Cora fu lk n e r ■ ................................................ Trm t'e Lackey Amanda............................................................. V**sta Dick* Burton Crane.................................................... ('lair IVpperd Thomas Lefferts ............................................ — O sca r Bauer Solon Tucker........................................................ J. P. Baxter Paul Dangerfield • Josepn E vlng Charles Dangerfield ■ - - Robert Long Randolph W eed«----- Louis Garrison Music by the Band Fsr the benefit of tke High School Athletic Association and the Nyssa Band Popular Lady Dits Mrs H. T. Francis was cailed to Emmett this week by the ill ness of of Mrs. Albert Iredalc. Bucks wanted to pasture. Blue This community was deeply g. sse pasture, at Cairo. shocked to learn o f the death J M. Butler. Monday evening o f Mrs J. L. Mr end Mrs. Thomas Johnson formerly Owllm Clark, at for some were dinner guests at the Frank ’ ***• ™*H» who for time had been receiving treat Leuck home Sunday. ment for heart trouble, had goaa Mrs. Merle Johnson and chil iatothe office of her physician dren visited at the Ed Warren for further treatmeat agd while home Wednesday. there suddenly expired. Mrs. Hill was born at Arcadia, W. B. Larkin, son-in law ot J. W. Conley, has been visiting at Oregon, 28 years age, received the Conley home the past week. her education In the Nyeaa Mr. Larkin is well pleased with school, afterwards took profee this section and may eoaclude to sional training in nnrsin^ at tha locate here. His present heme Good Samaritan hospital, Part is at Minam, Wallowa couaty. , land, and practiced her profes' ■. * u , kin home from a visit to ralatives Sincc “ that time -• her none has at Minam. He is expect’ng a been in Vale. (»ft visit soon from a father and The totally unexpected news brother frem the Willamette of her demise cost a pall of gloom valley who may conclude to over the whole community. Dur locate here. ins the funeral services all tha Rev. Clarkson will preach business houses closed as a mark morning and evening in the M. of respeet to tha msmery ef her , E, church on Sunday, March 2. whose pleasant personality en Title o f evening sermon, "Solar deared her to all with whom she Lights,” ns illustrating ths Tri came In contact Mrs. Hill was ( une Trinity.” This will be his a member o f the Episcepal closing service, as he leaves for church. Tha funeral services t England on Monday morning. wars held Wodneekay afternoon , in the Parish Hall, Rav. Wood of Ontario officiating in the • Methodist Episcopal Church. presence of a large gathering of j “ Lest we forget.” Be sure to hear Rev. T. R. Clnkson sorrowing frienda and acquaint- * * deviver hie most instructive sermon on ancea. J. M. Bntler of Cairo, candi date for the nomination on the democratic ticket to the office of county commissioner, is in Nyssa the “ Cities t Refuse” Sunday morn today OB business. ing at 11 o ’dlock. Apple Valley in the evening at 8 o ’ clock. A co dial invi- tation is extended to everybody. Episcopal ssrvlca in ths Parish Hall Sunday avaning next, March 2nd, at 7:88 p. m.. Rev. Mr. Woad sfficiating. All are Hatching eggs for sale from cordially invitsd to attand. pure brad Rhode Island R eds,1 _________ oue fourth mile north of the' Idan^a packing house. Mrs 8. W. W. Weed* oi Ontario was in j D M err ell. f i f t t Nyssa Wedeesdev *■ Legal business. See Me Fa 1 and see bettor. Dr. J. A. McFall Eyesight Specialist J i tar io - O .-ii)) locaoi Make your pullets lay by i IO D O C N yssa feeding cars W e have it prepared We know that wa can sarva you to our mutual advantaga—and will welcome the epportur ity to "qiake good” ear statomonta. Nyssa Grain & Seed C o .. OREGON. aen eeems G ara£e AGENT A 1 la y in g Mash NYSSA is m s i Malheur County Bank Oauital .............$2i,0«0.00 Surplus......... $35,000 80 H ü I .... Chevrolet carts O x y - Acetylene W elding All W ork Guaranteed om