, F or Sals Two tom tu rk ey s, la st Notice of Sheriff’s Sale SUMMONS J s d g e for M alheer County, a eb iae t to apring hatch, wall bred, fin* bit da. IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E the will of tb a dem ocratic votere a t Matica is hereby given th a t u adar and flS John Forbes. STA TE O F OREGON. FOR T H E by v irtu e of an execution in fureaiosure tha p rim a ries te be held May 16. 1224. duly issued by the Clerk e f th e C ircuit H. L EB NOE COUNTY O F M A LH EU R. FOR DISTRICT a t t o r n e y FO R S A L E -S e e d O ats, 12 CO par Paid ad vertisem ent. Tha Bank o f Nyasa, a C orporation, C ourt of th e S ta te of Oregon, for the County of M alheur, dated the 10th day my eandidaey far I hereby annonnee and F rank C. Brsm w ell, S uperinten F ab ru are, 1924, and directed to a « , hundred, buyer fu rn ish sacks. Phene the Domination to tba office of Dia flS tf dent of Banka for th* S ta te of Oregon, upon a decree and oruer of sale 72F2. J . D L ackey. COUNTY COM M ISSION EH. trie t A tto rn ey for N alheur County, Piaintiffs, va. A da T tom pson. Hilda rendered in said C ourt on (he 20th usy a ab jee t to tba will o ftk e rapublicaa I hereby announce m y eandidacy for Boy Is, C lara Boyia, Mary Agnaa of F eb ru ary , 1924, w herein Malheur N O TICE FO R PU B LIC A TIO N , voters at tb a p ru n a n ea to be bald th e nom ination to the office of County Buy I*. D ora Boyle. M artin Boyls. and Ceunty Bank, a corporation, was Plain • a p a rtm e n t of tha In terio r, tiff and H arry C Edw ards and Merle H ay 1«, 1924. C om m issioner fo r M alheur County, Lily Boyia, hi* w ife, Lom e Boyle, and E dw ards, husband and w ife, Phil E. u. s. Land Office - a t Vale, O “ regua, E. M. BLO D G ETT. su b je c t to th e will of th e dem ocratic Sarah Boyia, his w ife, all th a beira a t Edw ards and Hemic* M. Edw ards, F eb ru ary 2 ’. 1924. Paid advertisem ent. N otice is hereby given th a t G ertruda vetero a t th a p rim a ries to be he'd law of Lanox B. Boyle, deceased. John husband and w ifs, and F ederal Re serve Bank of San Franaiaco, C alifor Bigelow of NyBsa, O regon, who, on May 16. 1924. W. B H O X IE Ennis Com pany, L td ., a P retended nia, a • orporation, w are D efendants, a S ep tem b er 8, 1911, m ade d e se rt land 1 will ba a candidate fo r tb s s e m Corporation, and F a rm ers and M er ju d g m en t waa reudaisd in favor of tbe e n try No. 01972, for SW JSW * See. t . 10. Township 22 ination to the office of D U teiet A tto r chants Bank, a C orporation, and all above name.i Plaintiff, taalaeur County NW J NW J Sec. FOR SHERIFF. ney fo r M alheur C ounty, O regon, at the unknow n hairs a t law o f tho amid Bank, a corporattoa. sa d a g a in st the South, R ange 46 E aat, W illam ette above nam ed D efendants, H “ arry_C . i M eridian, has filed notice of in ten tio n S ub ject to th e will of the dem ocrat th a prim ary election te he held oa ~ Ed- ~ ‘ to m ake final proof, under 3rd p a ra ic v o te s to be expressed a t th s pri Ada T hom pson, Hilda Boylo, Cloro E dw ards, Merl* E dw ards. Phil E. May 16, 1924, a u b ja st to tha will of m ariea on May 16, I hereby announce Boylo. Mory Agnos Boyle, Dora Boyls, w aida and Bernice M. E dw arus, for g ra p h of M arsh 4, 1915, to establish the electors of tho Republican party . my candi acy fa r tba office of sheriff M artin Boyle end Lily Boyle hia w ife, the sura of T w enty nine H undred and elann to the land above described, ba of M alheur C ounty. I f nom inated L om e Boylo and S arah Boylo, bis wife, no hundredths D ollars lî'2.900.00) with for* R e g iste r and Receiver U. S. GEO. W. H A Y ES. in te re s t thereon from tb s 60 day of L and Office, a t Vale. Oregon, ou the and elected I pledge a fa ir and Im Paid a d v ertisem e n t. p a rtia l e n fo rcem en t of the lew s and and all o th er persona and parti** un Jen a, 1922, a t th* ra ta of eight per 6th day of April, 1924. C laim an t nam es as w itnes-es: an aeon m lcal handling of th s office in known claim ing any rig h t, title , ee cent (8 per cent) par annum and Th»ea S. D. Bigelow, Alvon McGinnis, the in te re s t e f the tax p a y er te te , lien, cla.m e r in te re st in and to H undred and N e 100 Dollar* ($200 00) a tto rn e y ’s fees, and the fu rth e r sum Claude Sm ith, J . B Bigelow, all of FOR COUNTY JUDGE. CHA S 8. LEA VITT. the real property described in the of T w enty-four and 45 100 Dollar* N yssa, Oregon. 1 hereby announce my candidacy for Com plaint herein, and John Ennis and ($24.46) easts, whies judgem ent and Geo. W. M sK night, R egister. the nom ination to th a office of Ceunty all persona, known and unknown, decree fu rth e r dirseted tha aala uf tha FOR SHERIFF following described real p roperty, s i t F rid a y a t N yssa, claim ing any in te re s t ae officess or dent of Schaylsr bounty, Mo., st 1 hereby rnaounce my candidacy for stockholders in aaid John Ennis Com uated ia M alheur C ounty, O regon, t o O regon, by w it: th s nom ination to th a office of Sheriff Ihe agsor -I. Was admitted to All of th e S outheast Q u a rte r of o f M alheur county, su b je ct to tb* will pany, L td., or otherw ise Defendant*. the Missouri bar in 1889. Came D rs. Bradford & B radford. C arver H. F . BROWN To Ada Thompson, Hilda Royle, thee S outhw est Q u a rter (d E jS W j) to Portland in 1880 and was e f the Republican vo ters a t tha p ri C lara Boyia, M ary Agoes Boyia, Dora of Section Ten (Id), Township g rad u ates. C onsultation and exam ina E n tered a t the Poe to ffie s a t Nyaan. admitted to the Oregon bar in m aries to be held May 16, 1924. S ixteen (16) South, R ange F oity tion fre e T o t y ears successful prac Boyle, M artin Beyl* ar.d Lily Beyle, G. W. DEAN. th ree (43: E ast, W illam ette Me 189-. Was associated in Port Or a ro u , aa m amd elnaa m ail mob tice in the State of Oregon. F irs t hia w ife, L om e Boyle and S arah ridian, to g e th e r w ith T w enty (20) Paid ad v ertisem en t. land with H. B Nicholas, ene of door w est of B ank of N yssa SU B SC R IP T IO N R A T E S: Boyle, his w ife, all tbe heir* a t law of inches of w a ter, m in e r’s m ea su re Oregon’s old time leading m ent, nnder six inch pressure, ap Lanox B Boyle, deceased, J s h n Ehnis 0 a e your, la advance------------- $1.66 lawyers. Practiced law ia Pert p u rte n a n t th ereto , excepting from Compony, L td , a pretended Corpora- The O ntario R F. D. mail car, whieh FOR SHERIFF. Oftf m onths, ia advaneei--------- .76 th e above described land and Ies9 land until 1898, when he moved com es to w ithin a m ile or so of N yssa, tien, and F arm ery A M erchants Bank, I hereby annoence my candidacy for th* following, tow it: B eginning at to Canyon City where he prac NOT A CHRISTIAN NATION tieed his grofeasion until 1904. th e nom ination to th a office of Sheriff a C orporation, and all the unknown a point th irty rods east of tha w as com pletely destroyed by fir* S a t S outhw est corner of tbe S outheast urday. Stanley Milliken, m all c a rrie r, a t law ot the said Ada Thomp when he was eleeted judge of e f M alheur C ounty, su b je ct to the will heira Q u a rte r (à E i) of the S outhw est w ith the aasistanca of Bee Snow, who son, Hilda Boyia, C lara Boyle, M ary o f th e dem ocratic voters a t tb* p ri Q u a rte r (S W i) of Section Ten (10) We recently listened to s dis the district and served six years. happened to be nearby, succeeded in Agnes Boyia, D ora Boyia, M artin T ow nship Sixteen (16) South. m aries to b* held May 16, 1924 eomrse in which the speaker Moved to Vais in 1910, whore hs re scu rin g all the m ail, and one tire of Boyls and Lily Boyle, his w ife. L om e Range F o rty -th ree (43) E a s t of the C W GLENN. has sines practised his profes W illam ette M eridian, Malheur | the c a r. The accid en t occurred w est Bovl* and S arah Boyia, his w ife, and took the position that this is a sion. Paid ad v ertisem en t. Hs is now assooiatsd with County, O regon; thence north ten e f A rcadia, aa Mr. M ill'keuw as r e tu rn all o th er persons and p a rties unknown Christian country. This point District Attorney Robert D. (10) rods; th* ee e ast S ixteen (16) ing to O ntario. S om ething w ent claim ing any rig h t, title, e sta te , lien, rods; tbenea south ten (10) rods; has been brought forward very Lytle. Has been mayor of Vale FO R SCHOOL SU PE R IN T E N D E N T . w rong while th e c ar was on a r a th a r or in te re s t in and to the re a thence w est Sixteen (16) rods to frequently of late, so we suppose and president of the commercial 1 hereby annoente m y caadicaey Haim ths place of beginning, all said high g rad s, tb a m achine waa over p roperty deeeribed ia the com plaint some very important result is club. Is a Mason and Kaight of for th * nom ination, fo- Ira elaetioa, to herein, ana John Ennia, and all p e r said land and prem ises being in tu rn ed into the d itch and alm ost in s ta n tly b u rst into flam es. expected if we oaa only convince Pythias. Is married and has th a office o f achoel su p e rin te n d en t for sona, known and unknown, clftiming M alheur County, Oregon. two children. T herefore, I will, on Monday, the M aihcnr county, a u b ja ct to th* will of any in te re s t in aaid John Em is Com ourselves that we are a Chris 24th day e f M arch, 1924, a t tbe hour th a vatara a t th* Republican prim ary pany, L td., as officers or stocknoldara. of eleven o ’clock in the forenoon of tian aatioa. The evidence, how to be held May 16. 1624. or otherw ise, the above nsm ed de- chid day, a t the north m ain entrance NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE ever, seems te point the other door of th e County C ourt House a t I . M. ( rail. fends, and each thereof. UNDER FORECLOSURE. way. The very first amendment In th* Nam e of th a S ta te of Oregon, Vais, M alheur County, O regon, sell a t , , . public auction, aubje t to redem ption, N O TICE IS H E R E B Y G IV EN , T h e t to the constitution says that con h ig h est bidder for easb in hand FOR SHERIFF OF MALHEUR you. and each of you, are required to tQ un d er and by v irtu e of aa execution appear and 1 ---------- answ er *w“ tha com --------- — — plaint l*i~* " oa " all the rig h t, title and in te re s t which gress shall» ake no law respect Ac the re su lt of c m ee tin g held In COUNTY. th e d efen d a n ts above named, or any in foaeclosure, duly issued by tb* Clerk file a g ain st you in tha above en titled the office of Oounty A g en t L. E. ing an establishment of religion, H erew ith I beg to announce my can ; suit, on or before th* e x p ira tio n of six of them , had on the 30th day of June, of th e C ircuit C ourt of th* s ta te of 1921, the d a te of the m ortgage therein Christian or otherwise, a pro B reith au p t T uesday m orning attan d ad didacy for th e nom ination to the of- : weeks from the data of th* aervlc* of foreclosed, or since th a t d a te had in Oregon for M slheur, C ouaty, dated by L. B. H am akar and E. M. B lodgett th e 13th day of F eb ru ary , 1984, vision which effectually bars of tha Com m ercial Club, P eray Purvta Sca of Sheriff of M alheur county, sub- ! this sum m ons upon you and if yon and to th a above described property or this nation front becoming Chris* of Vala Com m ercial Club, W. H Doo e c t to th* will of the Republican | fail to answ er for w ant th ereo f, th# any p a rt th ereo f, to sa tisfy said ax w herein E lenor Huff as P laintiff r e judgm ent, order end decree, covered ju d g m en t a g ain st W allace E. sian, Jewish, Buddhist, or any little of O ntario Com m ercial Club, E. voters, a t th s prim aries to be held en I plaintiffs abov* named will apply to acution, in te re s t, costs and accruing easts Hubbell, Mamie E. Crosby snd Ika th e 16th day of May, 1924 1 have lived tha C ourt for the relief p rayed for in thing else, officially speaking. B. Conklin o f Cairo, re p re e e n t n g the D ated a t Vale. Oregon, thio 26th day C rosby, her husband, M ary E. H ah th is county ad my life and am ae* the com plaint on Ale herein, to-w it: of F e b r u a r y ,1924 Our government has never hesi Farm B ureau, F. L. B allard and Mr, In bell, A rchie McGowan and J a a n ita Me- H. L E E NOE, Sheriff, For an o rder, ju d g m en t and decree B reith au p t, re p re se n tin g tb a exten- quaintad w ith its affairs and its peop le gow an, husband and w ife. Bank of J o r tated to make laws directly in aion By C. W. Glean, D eputy. If nom inated and sleeted, 1 shall do all th a t th* aaid defendants, and each and service, it wa* decided to. hold a ate of first publication Fab. 22 1924 dan Valley, a corporation, M alhour violation of Christian teaching, M alheur county economic conference jn my pow er to uphold the dignity o f everyone th ereo f, be req u ired to set D Data of la st publication M arch 21, 1924 & L a rd Com pany, a corps whenever such laws seemed nec in O ntario T hursday and Friday, thaoffia* and to All it w ith cred it to the fo rth th* n a tu re of hia, her, th eir or D ata of sale March 24, 1924, a t 11 a, m. Livestock ration, as D efendants, fo r th s sum e f county, tha people and myself. its claim in and to the follow ing de- essary for the good of the re March 6 and 7 $13,682.15, w ith in te re s t thereon from J E F F FROMAN. scribed real property, o r any p a rt public. An instance of this This conference ia ana of a aarica the 6th day of F e b ru a ry , 1924, a t the Paid ad v ertisem en t. thereof, to w it: held in varioua counties a t th a a ta ta N O TIC E FO R PU B LIC A TIO N r a te of 8 per cent per annum aad still fresh in the memory of all conference To all *f lot one in block sig h t e f hold raaantly a t Corvallie, $850.U0 a tto rn e y s fees, and th a fa rth e r D e p a rtm e n t of the In te rio r, is the conscription law during w here m any conatructive plana for th* O riginal T ow naite of Nyasa. O re s o u of 22,45 costs, which Ju d g m e n t U. B. Land Office a t Vale, O re., FOR ASSESSOR. gon, as the sam e is shown on tha Re the late war, by which Christian the b e tte rm e n t of eonditiona in Oregon w as enrolled and cocketed in tha Ja n u a ry 17, 1924, vised G eneral Map e f N yasa, Oregon, I hereby announa* th a t 1 will b* a and non-Christian alike were w ere a ta rte d c le rk ’s office of sai 1 C ourt in said C oun N otice ia hereby given t h a t Joseph forced to go to war, to take life, The conference waa divided into four candidate fo r the oik** uf aaaesaer of now on fils in tbe office of the County F rancis Reed, of M arble, W ashington, ty on the 18th day o f F e b ru M alheur County, Oregon, a t the pri Clerk of the County of M alheur, S ta te and to resiet evil by carnal asajor com m ittees w hara those i n te r m ary election to be held May 16, 1924, of Oregon, aituated, lying and being who, on S ep tem b er 10, 1908, made ary, 1924. W hich Ju d g m e n t and d e ested in sp v c ile problem s and eenaider means, all of which things are d a ta upon apaoifle crops and la te r ra su b je c t to tb a choice of D em ocratic in said county of M alhaur, S ta te of d e se rt land e n try No. 0102, for N E j cree fu rth e r ordered the sale e f th* See 81, SE1 S W j, S i SE* Sec. 80, follow ing described R eal P ro p e rty , expressly forbidden to the Chris po rt th e ir findings to a g e n era l con v o ters o f aaid county.DAVE MAGILL. Oregon. situ ate d in M alheur C ounty, O regon, and th a t all adverse alaima of aaid S W jS W i Sac. 29, Township 20 South, tian. Yet wa find men who ference to follow. Tba com m ittee* tow it: R ange 46 E ast, W illam ette Meridian, defendant*, and each th ere o f, may b* preauma to speak with authority will b* divided a« follows: FO R C O U N T T COM M ISSIONER. has filed notice of intention to m ake determ ined by an order and decree of S E JN W J; and N jjN E jS W j e f Section aa ordained ministera of God’s fu n d a m e n ta l developm ent — tran a final proof, under the th ird p a r-g ra p h (17) 1 h ereby announce my candidacy far th is C ourt. ; E JN E i; and E JS E J of Section porfation, reclam ation and Inad s e ttle th* D ém ocratie nom inatioa for to u n ty of A ct of M arch 4, 1915, to establish word who will publisly proslsim m ent problem s will be considered by (18) , S E jN E i of S ection (19), all in T h a t by a decree of thia co u rt i t be aom m isaiouer, subject to the dem o that the government which en this division, of which W. H. Doo c ra tic prim aria* oa May 16. I have declared, ordered and decreed th a t th* claim to th e land above described, be Tow nship ( 31 ) South, R ange (41), E. b a sa a resident aad ta x p a y e r of Mai aaid defendant», or any th ere o f, have fore R e g iste r and Receiver, U. S. Land W. M., to g e th e r w ith ail w ater, w a te r forced that law is a Christian little of O ntario will be chairm an. e u r fa r 22 y ears, aad if nom inated no rig h t, title, e s ta te , claim, in te re s t Office, a t V ale, O regon, on tbe 20th rig h ts , ditches and rig h ts o f way for govsrnanent. Patriotic it was, Animnl husbandry section will eon- h and sle eted I pledge my bast sffe rts day of M arch, 1924. ditches b elongirg to said land, to g e th and necessary from a human aider dairy, poultry and livestock prob to securing an aeeBomieal buainaaa ad or equity w hatsoever in and to said C laim ant nam es as w itnesses: er w ith all sin g u lar the tenem ents, raal property, or any p a rt th ereo f, and m in istra tio n o f th e bounty’s affairs. lems and conditions. I W. H ope of T hom as M. Lowe, H. W alters, Rob h e rid itam en ts atandpoiot, but at the same time and a p p u rte n an c e s J. M. BU TLER. th a t th e aaid plaintiff, th* bank of Vale will be ehairm an. e r t W allace, all of N yssa, Oregon; th ereu n to belonging or in any wise a p it was uterly unChristiaa. N yssa, baa a fee sim ple title in'and to Perishable fa rm pro d u cts diviaion John W all, o f C reston, O regon, pertain in g . The truth is that ours is not a will diacusa the problem s connected said ra a l pro p erty and every p a rt FO R COUNTY CLERK. Geo. W. M cK night, R egister. T herefore, 1 will oa th e 15tb day of religious government of any with applaa, p ren es, po tato es and veg I h ereby announce my candidacy, th ereo f, and th a t its title is good and M arch, 1924, a t the hour o f 11.06 kind, nor was it intended to be etables. P. T enses of Nyaea w ill ba aub jact to th* will r t th* R tpubli an valid. v o tars a t tb e p rm a ry election td be o’cloek in the forenoon of said day , a t T n at th e aaid d e fendants, and each ■uch. Religion (■ a personal ehairm an of th is division. held May 16, 1924, for tbe nom ination FOR SALE the north m ain e n tra n ce door of the Staple fa rm cropa diviaion will con fo r re sle rtio n , to the office of Tounty th ere o f, be fo r ev er barred an a en matter, and when the people of sider, supply crops, cash feed and I will s t p riv a te sale all any house C ourt House in Vale, M alheur C oanty, joined from claim ing or a asarti.,a any C lark of M alheur County, O reron. this country become followers of grain cropa and feed crops, E. B. rig h t, title , claim, in te re s t, e s ta te ar hold goods, iutluding diningroom table, O regon, sell a t public auction to th* H S. UACKETT. i — in. Christ te such ae extent that Canklin will b* chairm an o f th is sac equity in and to aaid raal p ro p e rty , or chairs, M ajestic rang», dishes, dresser, h ig h est bidder or bidders, fo r cash, all any p a rt th ere o f, adverse to plaintiffs, sideboard, bed springs, sideboard, etc., rig h t, title and in te re s t which said de they may be justly entitled to Mon, TO T H E V O TE R - j O F M A LH EU R had on A ugust 14, aad for such o th e r and fu rth e r relief also chickens, canned f r u it and many fe n d an ts the name of Christian, it will not A ganeral m eeting o f th e com m ittee COUNTY: 2924, . and now have in aaid M rs. J . Wills. cheirm ee w as held F e b ra a ry 22 to H erew ith I beg to advise you t h a t I aa to tha C o a rt m ay team m ast and other a rticle s. be necessary for anyone to com plete a rra n g e m e n ts fo r th a con a candidate for re election to the office ju s t and according te eq aity . real property, w ith all a p p u rte n an c e s th e re u n to belonging, to sa tis fy said • f County Aaseaaor e f th is C o u a ty I mount tha pulpit and proclaim feree** This sum m ons is published and N O TICE O F M E E TIN G O F LAND ju d g m en t and decree in favor of aaid i will aaok th* nom ination an th* Rapub it as an important discovery, for ; liean tic k e t a t th a Prtaearias t* be served upon yoa, and each of yau, u n O W N E R S OF A N D W IT H IN Plaintiff and a g a in st said D efendants. held on the 16th day of May, 1924, and do! and by v irta a of, and p u rsu an t “ by thsir works ye shall know T H E W ARD D R A IN A G E T og eth er w ith a tto rn e y fees and coats ' if a u teew fu l then, and alsa id tha fall to, an ord er of th e H onorable Dalton them.” The Christian lives of DISTRICT. and disbursem ents, and in te re s t th a t shall a e a tia u a te do my host to ju stify Biggs. Ju d g e e f th* O ircait C ourt in N otice is hereby given th a t a m eet have or m ay a. crue, y e a r approval and re ta in yoar c o n i- end for tbe aaid County of M albaur, tha paople will ba the ineontro The Rebekahs gave a supper donee. A N D REW M. GRAHAM whisb said order waa m ade and entered ing of th e ow ners of land situated variable evidenoe of the fact Friday evaning after lodgs in D ated a t Vale, O-egon, thia 13th * by said Ju d g e of aaid C ourt, on th s w ithin th* W ard D rainage D istrict hoaor of Mr and Mr*. B. O. will be held a t th e office of E M. day o f F e b ru a ry , 1924. 22ad oay o f Ja n u a ry . 1924, d irecting that we are a Christian people. Card of Thanks. th a t sum m ons haraia by publication for B lodgett, in the town o f N yssa, Coi n- H. L E E NOH, Sheriff. Dose anyone think that such ia Fowler. Tha tabla was tastily W e w ith to th a n k the m any friends six successive weeks, including seven ty of M alheur, S ta te of Oregon, on D ate e f first publication Feb. 1$, 1924. decorated with cherry trees, W ednesday, th e 12th day of March, the case at presant? publication! th e re o f in the G ate City hatchets, eta. A beautiful tilrsr for th o ir balp aad aym pathy d a rin g Journal, a weakly new spaper, pub 1924, a t th a hour of tw o o ’cloek in D ata ef last publication Mch. 14, 1924. set was preseated Mrs, Fowler. th a lllaosa aad d e a th of our laved iished a t N ysaa, M alheer County, S ta te ihe a fte rn o o n of th a t day, for the D a te of sale M arch 15, 1924. A bounteeus supper waa served one, aad fo r tha b a aa tifu l floral offer of Oregon, and having a general circ u purpose of electing a board of three JUDGE DAVIS lation therein, and o rd a n n g a copy su p erv iso rs o f and for the said W ard snd afterward« games were ings. hereof, and a copy of tha com plaint D rainage D istrict. Among tho Important political played. Bach Rebekah gave J . L. Hill EPISCOPAL CHURCH. D ated a t Vale, O regon, th is 26th day herein, duly verified aa required by developments of tha past week Mrs. Fewler her most tried Mr. aad Mrs. V ogts aad fam ily. Services in tha P arish Hall first Sun te tha aaid I day ot F e b ru a ry , 1924. law, b* fo rth w ith mailed Is tha announcement of the can recipe, including Dallas Duacau’s Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Hill and fam ily, d e fendants and each th ere o f, a t th eir H. S. 8A CK ETT, day in e v e ry m onth in th* evening C lerk of M alheur C ounty, S tate T hird Sunday in every month h e re a fte r didacy of Judge Davis of Vale kraut and wainies Mr. Mr. aad Mrs. H arald Hill and family, last known resida< aa, piece of business C ounty of Oregon and postoffica address, or th a t in lieu for tha nomination for state sen and Mr«. Olera of Payatte war« Mr. sod Mrs. F rad Olava'and. a t 11 o'clock in th e m orning. th ereo f, p ersoeel aeeyice be had upon j D ate o fp u b lie a tlo n Çeb, 29, 1924. ator from this district. Tha de visiting guests. aaid d efen d an ts, aad aasb thereof, ♦OOOO OOOOOOOOP» 0 0 9 0 9 0 9 9 9 S 9 0 6 O O O term inates af Judge Davis to Yioldiag to tka pressing so I m - w haravar they m ay b* found. ■aka tha race for this import E M. BLODGETT, Ration of his friends, W. B. aat office will be pleasing to i for Plaintiffs, residing] a t < Hoxio this week casts his hat A ttorney groat majority of the voters of Nyssa, Oregon. the eouaty, regardless of politi Last Friday svenlng Fntak into tha riag. M r Hoxia la an D a te e f first publication J e a . 26. 1924. old timer in this section and a D ata e f la t t publication M arch 7, 1924 : 111 NEW Candidates’ Carda U G PACKAGE Cigarettes 24>15i GATE CITY JOURNAL Chiropractors Economic Conference For County Called Rebekahs C elebrate L«st V aluable Cow «•I affiliations, as his peculiar Leuck had tke misfertaae to fltasss for the office is univer lose a valuable cow ia a ratkar sally recognized. He is a landing peculiar manner. Tha little hoy member of ths Malheur county was taking the sow to water bar mad anjays a reputation for whea ska broke loos« aad while ability and Integrity second to runaing stepped on hor strap. naas. Iks lit oa her head with sack Jadgo Davis was bora in a for«« that the horn« stack ia Bawling Groan. Clay county, In f rouad, breaking hag nock. diana. Was oduoatad ia Laacas- tar academy sad Missouri state Mrs. P earl Hill a f Vaio normal. Was school sapertaten- fricad a ia N yasa W ednesday. man af affairs aad ia thoraaghly conversant with tho needs of tha eoanty. No bottor man f o r the position coaid bo selected. Mr« Harry Armstrong from Dos Moiaos, lows, visited at the hams of Mrs. J. B. Smith this waek. Mrs. Armstrong was an rent« homo from a visit to Loo Angelos. Life Fire Legal Papers Drawn Insurance For Rant or Salo. ra e -to a rth rtb a mil* rc a ty a aerea e re i th re tram N ysaa on the w est. Will sell or re n t. Be* Jo u rn a l e lle * . f 16 J- BOYDELL FOR SALI 11 tu rk ey bans th a t w eigh from 16 to I I pounds; I tom a th a t w eigh from 16 to 92 p a u -d s; fo r breeding J . W. Pip« List. G E N E R A L INSURANCE NYSSA. OREGON P ro te ct your p ro p e rty w ith a sa fe and sound insurance policy and be h ippy. i.