/ / RT G ate VOL. XXII. NO 17. CONFERENCE MEETS 6-7 city J ournal NYSSA, OKKfíON. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1924 HI« BEND L. A. Lewison Very III— Spring Work W ell In d e r Way— Many I ...n.I.es Moving to b n r h H . WITHDRAWS AS CANDIDATE {VALE QUINTETS TAKE FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY HONORS FROM NYSSA $1.50 PER YEAR ARCADIA Rod Breaks— Catehe. A fir e Carrier Saves Mail. ' JUDGE GEU. E. DAVIS Our mail man Stanley Milliken, "ceil Case moved to the Bernard ROBT. Ü. L Y T L E W IL L NOT BE T E A M S D IS P L A Y B R IL L IA N T had a very bad streak o f luck Sal • \ place last week. Mr. Oakander will j C A N D ID A T E WORK IN S W IF T GAME.. urday morning, just north ol Chns;. I DISCUSS A G R IC U L T U R A L C O N take possession o f the place recently Bullard’s when the radius rod of • occupied by the Cases. D ITIO N S N E X T WEEK. F’ast Playing Marks Basketball FORMER JUDGE N IN T H JUDI his car broke. The car turned over 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jack DeMoe were in W ill Work to Support Geo. Laurels Won by Locals on Home C IA L D ISTR IC T Y IE L D S TO and caught fire and was completely the Bend Sunday visiting friends F'loor F'riday Evening. Davis, Who Is Entering State URG ING OF FRIENDS. and relatives. burned up. He saved the mail anil Senatorial Race. one tire. He was unhurt except for L. A. Lewison is very ill. His (From Malheur Enterprise.) a good shaking up. daughter from Meridian was called The Vale basketball fans who Saturday. Mr. Lewison has been With the withdrawal o f Robt. D have been disappointed this season Blayl<* k ran bia car ‘ nto Farmers and Business Men Meet sick fo r some time but has been .L u of games, were Kmla0" wasteway one mght last Lytle as a candidate fo r nomination because because o o f f the the lack getting worse the past week. With Specialists to Work Out for re-election to the office o f Dis- j well pelasedla st Friday night at , • , • ’ , ,U. uf was awa en y Mr. and Mrs. Elmer W alker made Plan fo ri mprovement. trict Attorney for Malheur County the Nyssa-Vale exhibition. Both „ „ g l a n c e ** P 8n wcnt to w Has Good Record Behind Him— a trip to Parma Saturday. the race for that office is (low be- j (fames were marked by exceptional j j,urt | - ' the Law Since 1889— In car received very l it - 1 Practicing Lois Wilson quit school Tuesday tween four candidates, all s e e k i n g team work and effective guording t |e . This District Since 1898. A t the general meeting o f the evening and went to work at Ash nomination on the republican ticket, on the part o f the locals. i k „ ... - , cra ft’s. Mrs. Ashcraft has been committee chairmen in Ontario Fri Mr. L ytle’s reasons fo r withdraw-- In the girls’ game from the toss ... ‘ ,U * r . T ' , aa ®'°ne 0 husband, I day, Feruary 22nd, the divisio ’ sick for some time. ing are given in the following up it was evident that the V . l i t e . j ^ W‘ th her The biggest surprise in the politi- Bill Conley, who is on the Purdy chairman and committee m em ber; ranch, is having excellent luck T tteH » k ,- v . , „ , f i L Z 1 rintVn<> ° ‘° 8e ^ The » « “ « • Annette Blodgett a n d / “ ' nng made by any candidate up were named for the furthering < ' To the Republican Voters o f Mai- » n t game on he new floor, and j V e, , Thom were vigiti MitlJ to date was theo ne caused yeater- plans for the county agricultural lambing so far. --- * 1 * * - - - - - heur r----- County: i ( that - * * - they -, * „ i expected » i m w u to w retrieve ir m c v e th me e ir h -. . , . _ , I day when Judge Geo. E. Davis o f Scotts were dinner guests at conference which will be held in You will have noticed in another' laurels they lost at Nyssa a month M r* and” * ! ! ! « UJin|y 'll Mr. and Mrs. Jim Miller of Vale I Vale announced his intention o f be- that city on March 6th and 7th. Purdy’s Sunday. ^ tb* 15a'' u" der were visiting Roy Miller and fam ily I coming a candidate for the Repub- The upper room pupils went to column o f this paper that I have The names of the division chairmen withdrawn as a candidate for nom- Perfect control,a nd the forw ard s, Sund 7 lican nomination for the senatorial Friday. John Lewison selected follow under their respec Rimrock oa the me pupils ,,u „„s on , 7 “ ° " f ° r re; * lection the office * fo r a basket at nearly j Mrg A Hunt> who haa ^ 0„ toga from this district for the state took on a a nayracK. hayrack tive committee chairmen: Many o f the farmers have begun V D; St" Ct Att0n,ey f ° r Z S , T v , the 91ck liat’ baa recovere.l legislature. Perishable Farm Products— Pete County- The exceptional work o f the Vale |aKajn Judge Davis was bom in Bowling Weed burning Tensen, Chairman— Apple division, their spring work. It is only after mature delibera- (fuards and the nearly uncanny ac- chegter U c k wus out t hjs Green, Clay County, Indiana, and A. A . Reed; prune, E. M. Greig, is now very popular in the Big Bend tion that I take this course, and in c“ racy w ' th whlch Helpn Carcv ranch on business Saturday. I received his education in the Lun potato, J. L. Brown, and vegetable, country. doing so I am actuated by motives | “ «o t the baskets in the first two [ Mrs Ear, Quinley and Mrs Ed 1 caster Academy and the Missouri Otis Ashcraft is now visiting his L. R. Kinney. both selfish and altruistic. When quarters made a one sided game W olfe o f Nyssa were visiting M rs .tState Normal. When 22 years old Staple Farm Products, E. B. parents in the Bend. my present term expires, January 1, during the first fifteen minutes of Jim Benall Friday. ( was elected county superinten- Mrs. Lela Fleetwood was able to Conklin, chairman— Supply, C. H. 1925, I will have devoted four years P 'aY» with a score o f 21-3. But ia Mrs. Emma Clark and the little ' dpnt of schools o f Schuyler County. Oxman, cash grain and feed crops, attend church last Sunday evening. of my life to the service of the peo-1 il16 second half the Vale team fail- Bernice and Virginia Miller ^ Misses Practicing Law Since 1889. Two slides were given Saturday J. A. Lackey; seed crops, Jake Rus pie of this County. During this | e<I to keep up the pace they started A fte r studying law fo r some were calling at C. W. Barrett’s night by the Progressive Club at sell. period o f time I have given un-1 in the first half, while the visitors time, he was admitted to the Mis Animal Husbandry, I. W. Hope, the school house. They were on the I stintedly o f all o f the energies and steamed up at both ends o f the home Sunday. A short program was given in souri State Bar in 1889 and the chairman—-Dairy division, O. E. Yosemite Valley and mountains of powers within me in an endeavor I ^'oor 80 that the third and fourth honor of Washington’s birthday at next year came to Oregon where he Oregon. The latter showed many . . , , Carman; poultry, A. B. Cain; live- quarters were not marked by the was associated in Portland with H. f miliar mountains. i * enfo" * 'aws o f the sovereign the school house Friday morning. stocl-, C. E. Emison. former spsctacular play. B. Nicholas, one o f the old time Lois Wilson returned home SllnJ Oregon honestly, fairly and Suggestion State Conference. But at no time was there any lawyers o f the state. Eight years conduct,nK my '"vesttga- The Malheur Economic Agricul day to spend the day with her par -I tions without Nyssa overcoming the passion or prejudice danger o f later H p moved to Canyon City and tural Conference is one o f many be lead which heropp onents held, and after practicing law there six years Barnard, intend to leave for their a" d. when auch investigation ripen- ing held in the various counties of ed into a charge, if it did so ripen, the game terminated with a score was elected as judge o f this judicial the state at the suggestion o f the new home in Arena valley some prosecuting vigorously without re- o f 23-14. district in 1904. Judge Davis served stati conference held recently in time this week. The team was Helen Carey and in that capacity for six years and Roy*'Hailey' and fam ily moved t o ’ f “ rd to the PoaitiJon « - standing of Con allis. The plan o f the confer Katherine Boswell forwards, Leah at the end of that time he and his 1 the f ” 0" acCUaed- 1 have mveat'- Lumpee and Agnes Thebo centers, F U N E R A L SERVICES HELD ence is to analyze the rast, present the Gibson place last week. AT fam ily came to Vale where they F.,,1 Anderson and family m oved1 * ated a" d Proaecuted ^iend as well "d 'uture of the conditions sur- Myrle Done, Margaret Humphrey N Y S S A W E D N E SD A Y . have lived up to the present time. to the old Cartwright place and 88 atr* n&eu r w!th the aame thou* ht ng the development or hin- and Rose Propst guards. Prominent in Community A ffairs. mind’ that la’ to brlnS to Juatlce iran e of agricultural enterprises Robert Barrett and fam ily moved In the boys’ garnet he same type - Since the time o f his election ns the place recently occupied bv the, '*'■«’ "*<1°/, “ > P ^ te c t property bro ghout the county, as well as o f brilliant play was in evidence at Many Friends From Vale Motored judge o f this judicial district in A ndersons I and ilfe > and to maintain law and o ' an for the future progress i ’ all time, and those who were hope to Nyssa to Attend t'ic 1904 Judge Davis has been one of required labor in Etirl Marshal is spending the order' ' ame. ) conjunction with the sheriff and his ful of finding marks o f the new Funeral. the leading characters in the history week end with Otis Ashcraft. Specialists to Speak. I deputy at all hours o f the day and coach on the team were not disap o f this part of the state. As senior Or the program of the meeting While the Vale team did I night. The service has been given pointed. member o f the law firm o f Davis & ' I led in Ontario next week will The sad news of the sudden death eKster for the seven years ending ■ gladly because it was contemplated not play as consistently as would ■ 1 terl four men, each a psocialist have been expected from a squad o f Mrs. J. L. H ill on Monday even- last July, and also in the firm o f | when I took my oath of office. i s own line, who will address Much o f this work has been oc- which had had the usual number of ing was a shock to everyone. A Davis & Lytle since that date, he the gathering on their re pecthe j casioned by Prohibition enforce games at the end o f a season, still severe caseof diphtheria, when she has been one o f the prominent fig- subj -ts o f the livestock industry, ment and as I recall the conditions there were flashes o f team work was a child, had left her with a ures o f the Malheur County Bar. uilture, crops and marketing, | that prevailed January 1, 1921, and and basket shooting that would do weak heart and death was caused Judge Davis has also been interest- conference will be opened by n L E G A L B A T T L E BEGINS W IT H by acute dilation o f the heart, fol-1 ed in local affairs, having held | compare them with the conditions credit to veterans in the cage. d assembly after whir h the The two teams from Nyssa put up lowing a treatment taken Monday both the positions of mayor o f the OBJECTIONS OF DEM U R RE R j of today, I am convinced that the different committees will retire to IN $50,000 SU IT. ( efforts of your offfcers have their usual strong competition, and evening, February 25th. city o f Vale and president o f the rooms provided fo r them whe.e brought some good results, although proved themselves the good sports Mrs. H ill’s maiden name was Vale Commercial Club at different they will spend a day or a day and that they are reputed to be in Vale. j there is much remaining to be done. Della Lucille Clark. She was born times. a half getting reports on their di- Claims F’acts Not Sufficient for It had been my intention to volun ’ * Interested in Irrigation. at Nyssa, Oregon, October 23, big enough and broadminded ■isiens. The meeting closes at ti e Cause of Action Against Mr. Davis is keonly interested in married to Jay L. teer for another four years of s e r-' enough to represent the entire dis- 1896, and was nd i f the next day by the comm Defendants. legislation and kindred vice solely for the purpose o f carry- trict; who would stand for, and de- H ill at Ontario on September 23, irrigation e f the whole hearing the results the improve Before her marriage Mrs. subjects relating to ing on in person this Enforcement mand, and receive the recognition 1922. rr ac' ed in the separate eonferenc ! March 3rd is the date set for the nurse. She ment and betterment o f the condi Program and had so declared my- to which the District is entitled; a Hill was a graduate and the adoption o f resolutions f p- henring of the arguments o f the de in Malheur, Harney, and self to you. I feel quite assured man who is sympathetic to the aims and her husbandhav e made their tions fecti rig the future work. murrer in the case o f the $50,000 that a fa ir m ajority of the sane, Counties. The only other home in Vale for about a year, Mr. Grant Dr. H. MacPherson of the Or' r >n damage suit against the county o f sober> fair minded voters of the o f the farmers and stockmen, and H ill being employed at the Vale candidate in the field up to date ''3 Agricultural College was in Vale Malheur and county officials report-1 Party would have endorsed my ad. who can materially aid them in the present state senator, Charles Grain and Feed Store here. their e ffo rt toward organized oper Monday in the interests o f the car ed in last week’s issue P °'nt ministration by nominating me in ation; a man who is thoroughly ac W. Ellis, o f Bums, also seeking the Besides her hueband she is sur pilation o f data for the differc o f the demurrer is that complaints the M ay Primaries. quainted with and competent to vived by her father and mother, Republican nomination. committees. He was accompanied do not state facts sufficient for Two conditions have caused a re handle irrigation problems; and, Mr. and Mrs. William Clark, of by L. R. Breithaupt, county agent, cause o f action against defendants. versal o f that course. The first, is la s tly ,'a man who will stand abso Nyssa,th ree sisters and a brother. from Ontario. J. W. Galloway of Weiser is the at selfish. The salary is not commen- lutely firm against the assault A married sister who lives in Cali torney representing the plaintiff, surate with the amount o f service | which will, in all probability, be fornia has come to Nyssa to be with Robt. D. Lytle, district attor required. A man can not be honest made upon our present Prohibition with her parents. ney, fo r the defendants. C H AR G ED IL L E G A L POSSES- with himself and fail to perform to | and Narcotic I .aws. Funeral services were held at This case will be remebered as the fullest the requirements o f the SIO N OF LIQUOR And so, that is why I have with Nyssa Wednesday afternoon. Inter the amount o f money asked as dam- office. To give to the public work drawn from the District Attorney ment was in Nyssa cemetery. Many John F. Weaver of Ontario a' for ag ’s for the lives of the two Wei- the time demanded it has become i race and Judge Davis is entering Vale friends attended the services. Republican Nomination or Charles Shewmaker F’orfeits Cash 1 - ; , eGrald Evans and Harold necessary to devote nearly every, the State Senatorial race. It was County Office. Bail $350 When He F'aila to I <•<■, V, ho were drowned November night to work in relation to private | not easy fo r us to convince “ Judge’’ iU22’ wh,le a tlim pting to cross practice, the income from which that I should withdraw in order Report for Trial. John F. Weaver entered 1 “ r o' , of the contestants for Ihe ,ffi < <>:’ the_ bridge over the Snake river at your District Attorney must have in that he might be brought into a ■ > oisor. The bridge had been burn order to earn a respectable liveli-1 contest, but he IS convinced and he county judge last we k ' en 1 When the case o f the State of 1:1 a short timp previous to their hood. Our private practice Has be- is a candidate, and I trust you will Gus F\ Wildhaber Asks Court to made formal announceme t of h Oregon vs. Charles Shewmaker was < m g and when the truck which come such that I can return a b e t-1 give to him the hearty support to Name Defense Attorney. candidacy for the ropubl n rvr called at 10 o’clock Tuesday morn ¡nation fo r that posi ion Mr. the boys were driving approached ter income by devoting my entire which he is justly entitled burned area it crashed into the attention to the affairs o f our in-1 In conolugion )et me gay thoge ing at Ontario, it was found that Weaver needsn o infro net ion ' > Gus F. Wildhaber, one-time presi- ,h»‘ defedant failed to answer roll the” people o f Malheur Cf n’ y, lin ' i 'W " f 7 tn dividual clients. good citizens throughout the coun c i l . way under the force of th e, The other condition influencing try who havg gtood back of me dent of the U. S. National bank of ca'I « ,d tha* the <’a“ 8<' o f said fail- ing been county cnmmisu oru tu it : act and the car. with the boys. me |. that in the past thirty days I my administration and in my fight Vale, now is penniless, he told Fed- ure wa8 due to his having having ing the term o f Geo. W. at g • - as county judge, and proee-l'rg " r u h,a ' h t tu“ rt!Ier' 7 UCh pressure haa **“* " brouSht to for a better and cleaner condition eral Judge Bean Monday, and asked departed ratherhu rriedly from the The deaths o f the boys was given bear upon Judge Davis, with whom and to thogp ,oya, friendg who have the court to name an attorney for 8tate. County Commsisioner Des H< quite a tut o f pub IC1 y at the tune J am associated, to become a candi- ,riven mc go many kind|y aggur. him that he might figh t the charges On motion of the district nttor- one o f the older reside ') county and has lived f r a g md ai d it 1 possible that the case will date for nomination at the Party anceg o f gupport in my anticipated o f the government in relation to his ncy> Robert D. Lytle, his cash bail attract as much attention ' i f de Primaries for State Senator for | campaign that even though I will management o f the afairs of the was declared forfeited and the of- many years on his ranch non O, murrer is not sustained next week. this district. It is obvious that retire from office next January my bank. fici*l records for such sums show tario. both members o f the firm should interest in law enforcement, and John F. Logan was named by the an increase now of $350,000. Shew- EX-GOV. T. T. GEFiR It then became r particularly his request that rn,,k“ r ,waB .th arged with illegal p i l i IT U ¥?V n r A T*TI not be candidates. . , MI v i c u i a i I j m Prohibition IU H I17IUUII c enforce i i i u r L c * c court, u u r i , a and n i l in n ic <|U cnl m a i i the n e i trial, n a i, t A l.I in D E ATH a question o f which would be m a ment> w i„ not reage Too much o f get for March 4 b postponed until P“ 88''88" » ' •>*» quor, three pint bot vo T C’ . o v «• . 4 - _ ___ e ______ 4 I _______ 4 * * 4 I __ I t J l _ L l. ties having been found in his Theodore T. Geer, former g o v e r- 1 position to perform the greater myse lf bag gone into these years of April 2. that he might prepare the rooms. nor of Oregon, died Thursday even- service. The wdrk of the District work to permit me to stand idly by case, was granted. School Children Who H ive C I s mi: at bis bom,> ,n Portland after ^ " very important unit and aee the „ gultg o f tta t g ffo r tl Thg KOVHrnmfn, charg e. the ex- the eating o f an Him 3 o f many days, following m the functioning o f our form of throWT1 away. It ig to ^ hop<,d banker with mi8apPlication o f funds stricken following Are cRquesled to Stay at H e. a strok, of paralysis Had he lived government. On the other hand it that we will be careful and elect a of the institution. John S. Coke poisoned sausage mounted to five. until March 12 he would have been is anticipated that there will be man to the office of District Attor- United States attorney, and Allen Camillio Dotterà and John Notario, 73 years of age. He was bom in ( some matters highly important to ney who will enforce A L L law be- A, Bynon, assistant, will represent (From Malheur Enterprise are in the hospital and doctors have A few cases of measles have i . -n the Waldo hills of Marion county, Malheur County, the Senatorial cause it is his wish as well as his the government.—-Oregonian. abandoned all hopes for their re reported in Vale this week. Marion this state. District, and the State o f Oregon duty. Harris, who is employed at the Vale covery. Physicians have diagnosed M r Geer had the distinction of j brought before the next session o f j Regardless o f who is elected Pro- F IV E D IF IN COLORADO Trading company, w is quarantined h rirg the fiis t native son to be the Legislature. I consulted with hfbition will continue to be vigor- the fatal malady as botulism poison fo r a few days with a lighi cs-o ot elected governor of Oregon, and some o f our “ P arty” men and wo- 0usly enforeed in Malheur County _. FROM BO TU LISM PO ISO NING ing. measles. A number o f the hool Me added distinction o f having re- men whom I know to have the best ,inder the control and guidance of Sterling, Colo.— With the death A ll o f the stricken arc members children who had severe colds have ceived the Republican nomination interests of the District at heart the District Attorney, ! hope; with- o f Domini Cnmctto, 31, and Joe prosperous Italian farming been sent to their homes at the re for the office by acrlamation.ar. si- and we decided that we would en- out his eo-operatfon. If necessary Notario, 5, at the Ster’ ing hospital of a quest o f Dr. P. M. Drake so as to most unheard o f procedure under, deavor to send to the next Legis- Sincerely shortly before 3 o'clock Tuesday a f community in the Aiwood-Merino the assembly system. prevent an epidemic. lature from this District a man who ternoon. the death toll o f persons district near here. ROBT. D. L Y T L E . PROGRAM ALMOST COMPLETE ANNOUNCEMENT MAKES STIR 1 DEATH COMES SUDDENLY TO M O S. J A Y L H IL L i bas HOST HEARING IN SUIT AGAINST COUNTY MONDAY FORFEITS RAIL. FLEES STATE WEAVER FOR COUNTY J '^ E j FEW CASES OF MEASLES EX-BANKER IS PENNILESS