Lmjl_ l1 ■■l'll'JJ1 ■ Nyssa Men'Atlend 3 »> Boosters Discuss Men Prove to Be] ' Important Matters I Very Efficient Hosts | MeetiDg~at' Ontario We carry a full line of HARDWARE and Farm Implements Dishes Cooking Utensils Chicken Wire Barb Wire, «tc. Grocery Department Everything for the Table Fancy and Staple Groceries Eder Hdwe. NYSSA, OREGON Go. We have added to our equipment a NEW ENGINE LATHE- This lathe will handle all large and small machine work. Our mechenic has had four years exper ience in this line of work All work is guaranteed Batteries Repaired and Recharged Service Garage Nysia, Oregon »»»»ooeooo »♦♦<<»♦» o If you want anything usually kept in an u’ptodate meat market A ai-ating railed by the Commercial The Commercial Club rooms S Larry 0fH»m«ker, president, Club area he'd in the council chamber Thursday of laat week were the and E. M. Blodgett, secretary, Thuradey evening. Several mmttara aeene of a very successful ban of the Commercial Club, repre of much importance the community quet given by the men to the sented Nyssa at |a(imeeting held were ably diarunaed to bv visiting friend* in Ontario Tuesday by delegates ladies of the community in from neighboring town", aa well aa by b e rg e r return for one of a somewhat from the commercial clubs of local similar nature staged by the Vale, Ontario and the County W. men. H. UwaKttle of Ontario apeke at ladies for the men somatime farm bureau The purpose of conaiderable A Fata] Prognosis. length on the benefit* the meeting was to perfect an previously. This is the story of Johnny McGuire, that will accrue from the comp'etion organization for the gathering Those skeptics who doubted tne new railroad through Central Who ran through the town with his the .culinary ability of their of statistics and; ¿information of trousers on,fire. to California, by which the masculine hosts will have no to demonstrate the feasibility of Oregon He went to the dontor’e and fainted producer* of this aection will gain growing,Jfand the profits to be ore euch fears in the future. with fright acrea* to the markets of the The extremely capable manner derived from- divers farm pro cheap When the doctor told him that his end great c'ties of the Golden state. Mr. ducts in this '.locality. A repre in which the eatables were was in sight. Toolittle has made a close study of eooked «and served proved seritative of the 0. A. C. who this subject amt his figures conclusive conclusively that the men of! was present to help in the organ ly show that the California markets Mrs. George Schweizer and Mrs. C. Nyssa are well versed in t^e line ization, gave a very valuable and are invariably so much better than P . Lackey motored to Gntario Wed- interesting talk on the agricul arts of the chef. Portland or Seattle that a very mate- | desday. The ladies were all charmingly tural possibilities cf this vicinity- rial advance in prices of farm products j attired in the garb of 16 year! Chairmen were appointed to in this locality will naturally re iu lt' T O T H E V N T E R 3 O F M A L H E U R heed oommittees which will in olds, curls down their backs and when our producers are able te put j C O U N T Y : everything. The one colored vestigate and report to a later their stuff on the better markets of l Herewith I beg to advise you that I lady present proved to be the meeting upon the different the south. At present this is impas a candidate for re-election to the office star of the evening. Many phases of the subjects which sible on account of the long rail haul of Comity Assessor of this County I witty toaata added to the joy of have been assigned to them. The new seek the nomiaation on tne Repub road will provide the remedy will The hearty cooperation of every lican ticket at the Primaries te be all present, J. P. Dunaway act by cutting the distance to San Fran resident of this section is earn held on the 16th day of May. 1924, and ing as toastmaster. cisco p-actic lly in two. Mr. Doolittle if successful than, and also id the fall, The big feature was the meek estly desired by the chairmen, in also shall continue to do my best to justify to create a revolving trial of Clair J. Peuuerd far the hope sad belief that the fund proposed your approval and retain your confi for the purpose of buying pure work of tkia origination will dence. ANDREW M. GRAHAM, chichen stsaliag. la spile of the dairy calves. apis defsass of the accused's result in a happier and more bred Messrs. Bcnsen and Kelly of Welser attorney, S. D. Geshert, the preeperoue Malheur couaty. Thu spoke o t the advantage of growing ] Notice of Sheriff’s Sale prosecuting attorney, E. M. committees — formed were as sugar beets, asserting that years of Notice is hereby given that underand Blodgett, won a verdict of guilty. lew»: We hope that the success of Publicity—Geo. K. Aiken. On experience had coavinced them that, by virtue of an execution in fm «closure whan grown consistently and In mod duly issued by th* Clerk of the Circuit this banquet will lead to others t a r l o , c h a i r m a n . of tho State of Oregon, for the Staple Farm Crept— Pete erate acreage«, aagar beets ate good Court in the near future. County of Malheur, dated the with day meaay makers. Tensas. Nyssa, chairman. Fobraaro, 1924, aad directed to me, Kail road* and Development— Mr. VanPattan ef Ontario, J. P apan a docraa and erdar of sale W. fat. Doolittle, Ontario, Chair Daaaway and V. L. Gibson spoke rendered ia caid Caart oa the Mth day Patriotic Program briefly. Among those p retest were ef Fohraary, 1914, wherein Malheur man. Bank, a corporation, waa Plain Geo. K. Aiken and J. A. Lakaess of Ceaaty Animal Husbandry — I. N tiff aad Marry C. Edward* aad Merle The pupila .1 Mrs. Creoker’s and Ontario. Edwards, husband aad wlfa, Phil E. Mri Payne's roams ra.darad the fal Hope, Vale. Hdwardn aad Baralca M. Edwards, Uouaty Agent Breitkaupt was lowing patriotic program on Thursday, husband and wife, aad Federal Re elected chairman of the organi February II: serve Bank ef Baa Praatiaco, Califor Piblic Dimer Doolittle, Flag Uay Mareh________ Dona Cook zation and W. U. nia, a corporation, wars Defendant«, a Flag Salute............ ............ ........ Pupils secretary. The aext meeting of Friday evening, February 29, 1924, judgment was rendered in favor of the aboya named Plaintiff, Malheur County Address of Welcome..Norm Schaaiter which further announcement 7 o’clock p m iharp, at Community Bank, a corporation, and againat the Like Washington..Max dchweixoi and will be made, will be held in hall (public library), 50c a plate. above named Defendants, Harry C. Hubert Leuck If Ha Had Known_____Jee Edwards Mareh. We invite the people of Nyssa and Edward*, Merle Edwarda, Phil E. Ed Something Better_____ Violet Wilton Dates of Lincoln_________ Nine Qirla The People’* Man___George Reberger The F rst Flag....... ........Betty Tanten The Good Old Tim et..H arry Newby On Tuesday afternoon the and John Bigelow My First Walts________Thelma Cook heme ef Mrs J. A. Schneiter Lika George Washington________ was the ecene of a merry “sur ................................. Minnia Gaodriah prise party.” Thirty-two guests Lintsln, Ruler, Haro and M artyr.. ................... ............James Crockett assembled to congratulate Mrs. Schaeiter, the occasion being Lincoln's Books____________ Carlatta Irwin Would Tall....... ...................Fiva Bays her C7ih birthday anniversary Lincoln, Boy and Man_.Laray Teutseh The honor«* was presented with Tka New Geerge Washington___ .............................. Hubert Leuck an electric motor for her sewing maohiae by the assemblea George Washington____________ .......................Harschell Thompson guests. The feature ef the af Lika Washington_____ Oswald Ferbes ternoon was a huge birthday History Dates_______________ Maria iluatar cake, on which ware 67 lighted Which General____________ Carlaton Irwin The afternoon was A Chain of Danes_____ .Holya Divan candles. We Live in Deeds_____ fln ea Aired spent in chatting a n d entertain Red. White and Blue_____ Three Beye menta, alter which a delicious A High Resolve___ _____ Elea Green twooouroe luncheon was served My Hatchet................. Roderick Stubbs In Flanders F iu ld _____________ .......................... Martha Lawraaee Summary of Washington and Lin cola_____________Grace Gochart Song—America________________ All Last Friday evening the Misses Birthday Party „ Entertain Bridgt W E HAVE IT Phone 6 Nyssa Packing Co. BURBIDGE & R.4Y, Prop. Washington Tea The ladies ef the Social Circle gave a tea on Thursday evaning which prov ed very successful both from a financial and a gastromical standpoint. The ladiea wera all dressed up to represent Mrs. Washington and locked rani cate with tkair long curl* and powdered hair, etc About $25 was rataived. Far Sal* Two tom turkeys, last spring hatch, well brad, flna birds, fIS - John Forbes. See Me Pa l and see better. Dr. J. A. McRtll NYSSA 0 AEGON, The high cost of fuel is being given a very effective blow in Nyasa just now. according to the wood advertice tnent appearing in this issue of the Journal. The Bo se Payette Lumber company is offering a very attractive price of $2 26 a cord cash and $8 86 on time, the lowest price ever offered ea good stove wood here. Wood ie aa ideal summer fuel and undoubtedly the sempany will be doing a rushing business on this needed eommodity The local manager informs u* that many farmera pool their ordara, thus taking advantage of carload prices. FOR SALE I will at private sale all my house- hold goods, Including diningroom table, chairs. Majestic range, dlshee, draseer. sideboard, had springs, sideboard, sts., also chickeaa, canoed fruit and many other urticlee. Mrs. J. Wills. Journal $1.59 year ward« and Barniae M. Edwarda, for the aura of Twenty nine Hundred and no hundredth* Dollar! ($2.900.00) with interact thereon from the 20 day ef June, 1922, at tha rate *f eight per cent (8 per eeat) per annum and Threa Hundred and N* 140 Dollar* (2200.00) attorney’a fees, and thn furthnr sum of Twenty-feer and 42 100 Dollars (224.4$) ceita, whlaa judgement and decree further directed tha nala of the following daserihed real property, nit- anted In Malheur Couaty, Oregon, to wit: All af the Southeast Quarter ot thee Southwest Quarter (BElSWj) of Section Ten (IS), Tuwaship Sixteen (12) South, Range Forty- three (42) East, Wiliam*tin Me ridian, together with Twenty (20) lachea ef water, mlnar’a meaiare- ment, under six inch pressure, ap purtenant tharete, excepting from Mia above daourlbed lead and laic the following, towit: Beginning at a peiut thirty rods «act af th* Suuthwust corns* of the Southeast Quarter (S lf) of tha Southwest Quarter <•«*) of Section Tea (10) Tewnchlp Sixteen (Id) South. Eango Forty-throe (43) East of the Willamette Meridian, Malheur County, Oregon; thence north tea (10) rede; the •* east Sixteen (10) rods; these« «oath tea (10) rede; the nee wait Sixteen (1$) rod* to tha place of beginning, all caid ■aid land and pramiaea being In Malkaar County, Oregon. Therefore, 1 will, on Monday, tka 24th day of Marab, 19(4, at tha hoar of eleven o’clock ta tka forenoon of •hid day, at tha north main entranae door of tho Couaty Court Homo at Vain, Malheur County, Oregon, soil at public auction, subject ta rsdamptiaa, to tho highest bidder for cash la head, all the right, title aad iatarsat which th* dafaadaata abava named, or any of thorn, had ea tka 10th day of June. 1*21, tho date of tho mortgage thoroin foreclosed, or aiaco that date had In and to the above deaerihed property or any part thereof, to eatlefy raid ex- eautiea, judgment, order and decree, interest, costs and aearoing s o r ts. Dated at Vala. Oregon, thin 20th day ef February, 1924. M. L E I MOE, Sheriff. By 0. W. Gleea, Dapaty. Data of first publication Fab 22 1914. Data of last publlaatien March 21, 1924 Data af sale March (4, 1924, at 11 a. m. Nyssa Garage This bank's service organieation has bees built with this thought foremast in mind. That is why the Malheu» Ceunty Banh Has an establiihad reputation foy rendering "individual service.” We know that wa can serve you to our Mutjaol odTtntofO—Old welcome the opportunity to "make good” eur statement». Nyssa Grain & Seed Co. vie nity to attend this dinner for the benefit of the band. Nyasa now has a band of which aha can be proud, and the boys need finan cial aid and this is one of the means adopted ta keep the hand going. Show your appreciation by attending the banqaot and doing yous bit to help the Mrs Hsian Clement, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clement and sen Btillman were guests at the George Schweizer home FOR 3ALB—Seed Oat*, $2.00 per Washington’s Birthday. Mr. Clement hundred, buyer furnish sacks. Phone was a mall clerk on a steamship rna- ning from Seattle to the Orient unt' 72F$. J. D. Lackey. f!5tf recently and waa only a few miles from the eity of Yokohama at the time ef the earthquake and was among those who gave aid to the stricken inhabitants, lie is a brother of Mrs. Schweizer. Make your pullets lay by feeding A 1 Laying Mash j Club Edith Scott and Veata Dicks en tertained the members of the Bridge stub at the J. ttoydsll home. Three tables were in play, with Mrs. C. L. McCoy winning the high score prize for the evening. The rooms were prettiiy decorated in the val<>n tina motif, which was alto carried out in the dainty refreshments served at the close of the even- i*f- Eyesight Specialist J l tario - O.’i j n We have it prepared ■■ Notice to Dog Owners. Dog owners are hereby noti fied that licenses are due on all dogs within the city limits. If not paid by March 1 the dogn will be impounded and kept trvi legal time and then shot, licensee may be obtained from Recorder Cook cr. Marshal He AGENT Chevrolet PARTS Oxy-Acetylene WsMing Malheur County Bank Gaoitnt ............ J25.O06.OO Surplus.............$35.00060 All W ork Gutraateed