/ / qsaintod with Ita affaira aad Ita people i t aemiaated and elected, 1 akall do all a my power ta uphold tha digulty of t i e offiaa aad to SM il with credit to tha FOR DISTRICT ATTORMBY eoaatp, tka people and myaalf. I k m b f u m i d m ■ ; eeadidaej t to r JEFF FROMAN. the aemiuation to tb* office of Dia Paid adrertiaament. trial Attarnar far Malheur County, •abject to th* will aftka republican FOR ASSESSOR. vatara at tha primaries to ba bald May 1«. 1924. I hereby announce that I will ba a E. M. BLODGETT. candidate for the office of aeaeeeor of Paid advartlaamant. Malheur County, Oregon, at the pri mary «lection to ba held May 16, 1924, ■ukject to tha choice of Democratic I will ba a candidate for the aem- votera af aaid county laation to tha offiee of Diattiat Attor DAVE MAG1LL. ney far Malhaar County, Oregon, at tha primary alaetion to ba bald an FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. May 1«, 1924, aubjact to tha will of I hereby announce my candidacy far tha electora of tba Republican party. the Democratic nemmatioa (or eoanty GEO. W. HAYES. commiaeloaer, »object to the demo Paid advertisement. eratic primaries on May Id. I have bean a resident and taxpayer o f Mai hour far 29 year«, and if nominated FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY and elreted 1 pledge my beat efforts to securing aa economical bailees* ad I hereby announce my candidacy, min'ttratien o f tha county’ s affairs, aubject to tha will of the votera at J. M. BUTLER. ▼ary Friday at Nraaa, tba Republican primary to be bald May 16, 1924, for tha nomination, for Oregon, by FOE COUNTY CLERK. re-election, ta tha office of Diatriet I haraby announce my candidaey, ■ Attorney for Malheur County. B. F. BROWN subject to the will < t the Reoubli an (Signed) ROBT. D. LYTLE. voters at tbs or mary election to be at tha Poatoffica at Myaaa, Paid adrertiaament. held May 16, 1924, for the nomination ail matter (or re election, to the office o f County « Cleric of Malheur County, Oreeon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: H 8 HACKETT. FOR COUNTY JUDGE. yaw , in af a m a ------------ 4 I hereby announce my candidaey for month a, la ad vanee.---------- SUMMONS the nomination to tha offica of County Judge (or Malheur County, anbieet to IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION the will of the democratic votera at STATE OF OREGON. FOR THE the primaries to ba held May 16, 1924. COUNTY OF MALHEUR. Department ef tka Interior, H. LEE NOE. Tba Bank of Nyaaa, a Corporation, U. 8 . Land Offica at Tala, Ore., Paid advertieement. and Frank C. Bramwell, Superinten January 17, 1924. dent of Banka for tha State of Oregon, Natiea ia hereby given that Joaaph Plaintiffs, vs. Ada Ttompaon. Hilda Francia Raad, of Marble, Washington, | FOR SHERIFF. Beyle, Clara Boyle, Mary Agnes who, on September 10, 1908, made 8 ubject to the will o f the democrat- Boyle, Dora Boyle, Martin Boyla, and daaart land entry No. 0102, for NKi Bee II. SRI SW|. •* SE* See. 90, i ie vote* to be expressed at tha pri Eily Boyle, hie wife, LorneiBoyle, and mariea on May 16, I hereby annoance BWfSWJ See. 29, Townihip 20 South, my candidacy for the office o f sheriff Sarah Boyle, his wife, all tha heirs at Range 40 Real, WIHamatte Meridian, of Melkeur County. K nominated law o f Laaox B. Boyle, deceased, John baa Iliad natiea of tntantion to mate and elected I pledge a fair and Im Ennia Company, Ltd., a Pretenaed flaal proof, undar tha third paragraph partial enforcement o f the laws and Corporation, and Farmers and Mer an econ mical handling of the office In chants Bank, a Corporation, and ail e f Art of March 4. 1919. to eetabliah the Interest of the taxpayer. tke unknown keira at law of the said elaim ta tha land abova deaaribad, be CHAS 8. LEAVITT. Ada Thompeon, Hilda Bayla, Clara fore Ragiatar and Receivar, U. S. Land Boyla, Mary Agnoa Baylo, Dora Bayla, Offiaa, at Vale, Oregon, on tba 20th FOR SHERIFF Martin Boyla aod Lily Boyla hie wife, day o f Mareh, 1124. 1 hereby rnnounce my candidacy for Lorno Boylo and Sarah Boyla, hiawlfo, Claimant namea aa witneaaea: Thomaa M. Lowe, H. Walter«. Rob- the nomination to the offica o f Sheriff and all ether persona and parties un- art Wallace, all af Nyaaa, Oregon; of Malheur county, subject to tha will knewa claiming any right, title, < af tha Republican votera at tha pri »ate, lien, ela.ra er interest in and to Jaba Wall, o f Crestón, Oregon. marias te be hold May 16, 1924. tha real property described in the Sao. W. MsEnight, Register. G. W. DEA N. Complaint herein, and John Ennia and Psid advertissment. all persona, known and anknown, claiming any interest aa afilceia or atoekboldera in said John Bnnis Com | FOR SHERIFF. pany, Ltd., or otharwiaa Defendarts. QDra- Bradford A Bradford. Carver I hereby announce my candidacy for To Ada Thompson, Hilda Boyla, graduates. ConsuNatfon a od examina- tioa free Tap years auroasafol prae- the nomination to the office of Sheriff Clara Boyla, Mary Agnes Boyle. Dora tl** la (he gusta of Oregon. First o f Malheur County, subject to the will Boyle, Martia Bayla and Lily Boyle, deor watt of Bank of Nysaa. o f the democratic voters at the pri- hia wife, Lome Boyle and Sarah 1 mariea to ba held May 16, 1924 Boyle, hie wife, all the heirs at law of C. W GLENN. Lenox B Boyle, deceased, Junn Ehnis Paid advertisement. Company, Ltd , a pretended Corpora For Kent or Sale. tion, and Faraary A Merchants Bank, Twenty acres three-fourth* mile frem Nyssa ea tha west. Will sell or FOR SHERIFF OF MALHEUR a Corporation, and all the unknown heirs at law of the said Ada Thomp- raal. See Jouraal offica. fl6 COUNTY. ■an, Hilda Boyla, Clara Boyle, Mary Herewith I beg to annoanee my eaa- Agaea Boyla, Dora Bayla, Martin didacy for tha nomination to the of Boyla aad Lilp Boylo, his wife. Lome FOR SALE Bavle aad Sarah Boyle, hia wife, and II turkey hens that weigh from II to fice of Sheriff of Malheur county, sub all ether per.eas and parties anknown 81 poanda; I toms that weigh from I* ject to tha will af the Rapubliean ta H paurda; tor breediag. J. W. votera, at tha primaries ta be held en claiming nay right, title, estate, lien, the 16th day of May, 1924 I have lived slaim er interest ia and to tha raal Rsblassa. Pipa Lias. In this county all my life and am ae- property described in the complaint Candidates’ Cards NEW BIO KACKAGE GATE CITY JOURNAL Chiropractors Save 30 per cent to 40 per cent on Your Fuel Bill! WOOD BUY Price the Cord ‘ OFF THE k AR‘ $ 3.35 NOW Here is an opportunity for farmers, as well as our town customers, to buy an entire aeason’s supply of good stove wood at a saving of 30 per cunt to 40 per cent, consider ing the present price of co*l. Wood makes a splendid spring and summer fuel for the range and is epuall good for the heater or furnace. The longer it ¡sco re d the better fuel it make», so you can anticipate your needs for rr-onts ahead. You Can Gel Advantage ot Car Lot Prices. Price, the Cold Delivered Within the City Limits $ 4.85 Each carload contains sixteen cords. The average home will use from eight to ten cords a year. Pool your order with that of one or more of your neighbors and get advantage of an entire carload price without buying more wood than your own needs demand. Get your order In early, as we will be scamped with orders at the prices quoted. Orders filled in the rota tion received. Boise Payette Lumber Co. Nysaa, Oregen, Yard. H T. Francis, Sales Manager. BOISE PAYETTE LUMBER COM NOTICE OF SH ER IFF’S SALE herein, and John Ennis, and all per sona, known and unknown, claiming PANY, Limited, a private corporation, UNDER FORECLOSURE. any interest in said John Ennia Com Plaintiff, vs. G. B. Porter and William NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, That pany, Ltd., as officers or stockholders, Porter, Defendants. under and by virtue of aa exaeut an or otherwise, the above named de To G. B PORTER and WILLIAM in fouurloaure, duly issued by tb* Clerk fends, and eneh thereof. PORTER, the above-named defendants of the Circuit Court o f the state ef In the Name of the State of Oregon, IN THE NAME OF THE STATE you. and each of you, are required to OF OREGON: You, and each nf you, Oregon for Milheur, County, dated appear and answer the complaint on are hereby required to appear in the the 12th day of February, 1924 file against you in the above entitled above entitled court and cause within wherein Elenor Huff as Plaintiff re suit, on or before the expiration of six six weeks from tha 11th day of Jan covered judgment against Wallace E. weeks from the date of th* sarvle, of uary, 1924 which is the date of the Hubbell, Mamie E Crosby and Iks thie summon* upon you and if yoa first publication of this summons, then Crosby, her husband, Mary E. Hub fail to answer for want thereof, the and there to answer or otherwise bell, Archie McGowan and Juanita Me- plaintiffs above named will apply to plead to tke complaint filed herein gowan, husband and wife. Bank of Jor the Court for the relief prayed for in against you and to defend herein, and dan Valley, a corporation, Malheur Livestock & Lard Company, a eorpo tbe complaint on fils herein, to-wit: if you fail so to do, for want there For an order, judgment and decree of the plaintiff will take judgment ration, as Defendants, for the sum o f that th* aaid defendants, and each and against you, and each of you, for the $13,982.15, with interest the eon frons evttyone theiaof, be required to set sum ot One Hundred Feurt**n*ind 74- the 6th day o f February, 1924, at tke forth the natnre ef his, hsr, their or lUO Dollars ($114.74) together with in rate of 8 per cent per annum aad ite claim in and to the following de terest tbereen from January 6, 1928, $860.00 attorneys fees, and the further scribed raal property, or any part until paid, at the rate o f aix per cent. rasa of 22 45 costs, which Judgment was enrolled and rocketed in the thereof, towit; (6 per cant) per annum, and for its To all of let one in block eight of coats and disbursements herein, and clerk’s office of said Court in said Coun the Original Townsite of Nysaa. Ore will also take an order for the sale of ty on the 13th day o f Febru ary, 1921 Which Judgment and de gon, aa tha same is shown on tha Re the following described property vised General Map t i Nysaa, Oregon, which is attached herein, in the pos cree further ordered the sale ef the now on file ia tke offiee of tk* County session o f James A Smith in the following described Real Property, Clerk o f th* County ef Malheur, State Drexsi Hotel, in Vale. Malheur Coun situated in Malheur County, Oregon, towit: •f Oregon, sitaated, lying and being ty. Oregon: ia aaid coaaty of Malhear, Stats of SEJNWJ; and NjNEJSWJ of Section 1 National cash register, size 39» 2 2, Ora goo. ; EJNEj; and F»9Ej of Section factory No. 613215; 1 National e ■ sh (17) and that all adverse elaims of aaid register, No. 925665; 1 Mandel phono- (18) , SEjN Ej of Section (19), all in deiendants, fad seek thereof, may be Township (31) South, Range (41), E. 349 determined by an order and decree of graph; 1 Herrin Hall Marvin safe; 1 W. M., together with all water, water this Goart. piano, made by Waltham Piano Com- rights, ditches and rights of way for That by a dacraa o f this court It bs any, Milwaukee, Wisconsin; 1 Seth ditches belonging to said land, togeth dsclarad, ordered and decreed that the homas dock; 1 old Remington type er with all singular the tenements. writer, No. 10: 1 email electric fan; 7" .j'.'"....... . said defendants, or any thereof, have - - „.„v, heriditaments and appurtenaneaa Furniture anu bedding in , room num no right, title estate, claim. Interest bared 216, Drexel Hotel, consisting of thereunto belonging or in any wise ap or equity whatsoever in and to said 1 bed complete, 1 dresser and eover, 1 pertaining. real proparty, or any part thereof, and table, 1 rosktr, 1 chair; Therefore, I will on the 16th day of that the said plaintiff, tha Bank of FurnUure and bedding in room num-; March, 1924, at tb* hour of 1109 bered 216 in Drexel Hotel, consisting , ,, Nyssa, has a fee simplo titlo in and to of 1 bed complete, 1 dresser and - o cloek in tbe forenoon of said day, at said real property and every part cover, 1 table, 1 rocker, 1 chair; the north main entrance door o f the thereof, and that its tit!« i* good and Furniture in room numbered 217 in Court House in Vale, Malhear County, valid Drexel Hotel, consisting of 1 library Oregon, sell at public auction to the That the said defendants, and aach table, 1 center table, 1 china cabinet, highest bidder or bidders, for cash, all thereof, ba for ever barred ana tn 2 rockers, 3 chairs, 1 Morris chair, 1 right, title and interest which said dq lounge, 1 Willamette eewing machine; joined from claiming or aasortieg any fendants had oa August 14, Furnitnrc and bedding in room num 1924, and now have in said right, tills, claim, interest, o«tate or bered 218 in Drexel Hotel, consisting real property, with all appurtenances equity in and to laid real property, or ot 1 bed complete, I dresser and cover, thereunto belonging, to satisfy saitj any part thereof, adverts to plaintiffs, 1 chair. 1 writing desk; aad for such other aad further rolief and that the proceeds of such sale be *nd decree in favor of said as to the Caart may seem mast and applied toward tha payment of said Plaintiff and against said Defendants, judgment. , Together with attorney fees and costs just and according ta equity. disbursements, and interest that This summons is published and This summons is published by virtue ' and . terest that . , have or may a- crue, ; served upon you, and each of you, un of , an order of the Honorable Dalton, „ . der and by virtus of, and pursuant Biggs, Judge of the above entitled Dated at Vale, Oregon, this 13tb <• court, duly made and entered here'n day of February, 1924. ta, aa order ef tha flenerabla Daitea on the 7th day of January, 1924, di Biggs, Judga o f the Gircait Court iu H. LEE NOB, Sheriff. and tor the aaid County of Malheur, recting publication thereof for six »>, •* - Date of first pNblication Feb. 1», 1934. sessive weeks >n the Gate City Journal, which said order wss made and entered Date of last publication Mch. 14, 1924. a weekly newspaper published and Dale of sale March 15, 1924. by said Judge ot said Coart, on tba having general circulation in this! 22nd day o f January. 1924, directing that summons herein by publication for county, commencing with the issue «.» six successive weeks, including seven thereof of January 11, 1924. and endin j EPISCOPAL CHURCH. publications thereof in the Gate City with the issue o f February 22, 1924. | Service, in the Parish Hall first Sun ( Journal, a weakly newspaper, pub , DAVIS A LYTLE. day in every month in the evening iished at Nysaa, Malhear County, State of Oregon, and having a general ciscu- Attorneys fer plaintiff. Residing at Third Sunday in every month hereafter latioa therein, aad ordenng a copy Vale Oregon. at It o'clock in the morning. hereof, and a copy e f the complaint j herein, dnly verified ss required b y ' ...........................r * ................................¿ ♦^ ♦<» , , » , » $ ¿ ^ 7 , law, be forthwith mailed U the said defendants, and each thereof, at thair j last knewn residsacs, pises of business snd pestoffiee address, or that in lieu thereof, personal service be had upon : said defendants, and seen thereof, wherever they may be fouud E M. BLODGETT. Attorney fer Plaintiffs, residing at Nyssa, Oregon. i Data ef flrit publication Jaa. 29, 1924. Data af last publication Mareh T, 1924. ^ T H E U N IV E R S A L C A R Your Ford N ow "\ T 7TTH spring almost here thousands o f families, in tid - W pating the demand that is certain to exist for Ford Cars and Trucks are placing their orders for immediate delivery. Sales now are far ahead of sales at this time last year. A dvance orders calling for delivery under the Ford W eekly Purchase Plan have already reached a total of 255,758 Cars and Trucks. T h e prospect of securing prompt delivery is daily becom ing more uncertain. W e cannot urge too strongly, there fore, the necessity for placing your order immediately, if you are planning to drive a Ford Car this spring. See the nea rest Authorized Ford D ealer C v 3 Detroit, Michigan h le no« neceeaaiy n» per lov w ur car tn lui) ia ordw lo aacura delivery. You can **t on ihe prvlerrsd Hat •o» early delivery by i.aakinq s amali paymaM dowm. Or. fi you wish, you caa arraof* »or dsbvary under •he torma o ! tha Nord Weekly Purché** Pian. ^ Insurance pfi I Legal Papers Drawn SUMMONS IN T H B CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF M ALH IUR. J- B O Y D E L L g e n e r a l in s u r a n c e NYSSA, OREGON Protest your property with ' - a safe ■•«« and ana sound insurance policy and be happy. ►♦♦4