Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1924)
T he G ate C ity J ournal VOL. XXII. NO 16. ......... ............ 12327313 NYSSA, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1924 OWYHEE FAITH IN BILL PEO PLE OF OREGON AS W H O L E SHOULD BAC K IT. STEAMER COLUMBIA ENTHUSIASM REIGNS I WRECKED AT COOS OAT AT M’CALL IDAHO The Owyhee school will hold1 graduating exercises for its 8th i grade graduates, sojne time in the' near future, probably this week. ~ The graduating pupils are the ¡S T E A M E R C O LUM BIA TW O HKD TOBOGGAN S LID E 40 FEET Misses Elba Pullen, Nellie Elliott 65 T A K E N O F F W R E C KE D SH IP HIGH IS CO M PLETED. and Nova Larsen A v. . Z? Vn M T . . . IN BREECHES BUOY. Mr. and Mrs. f . M. Lowe attend- ed the Atherton sale near Ontario — Winter Carnival Promises to Be Monday Mrs. Lowe had some den- Craf, Kro|n San KranrUfo G, u o f f Most Successful A ffa ir at tal work done in Ontario. Course at Entrance to Payette Lakes. Mrs. Ben Mathiesen, who has Harbor. been visiting her mother, Mrs. A . C. LIVESTOCK MEN TO BENEFIT il.50 PER YEAR E. B. Butler, who is ill in a hos pital at The Dalles, Or., with asth ma and pneumonia, is improving. Mrs. Howard Temple, who hn been in ill health all winter, is staying a few weeks with friends near Midvale fo r a change and rest. Frank Stubbs and fam ily of Nyssa were visiting at Ray Miller’s Sunday. Charlie Bullard and fam ily were j visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Carr i Sunday. W ith the dog teams scurrying up J. W. Matheny has moved his and down its main street, ski jump fam ily to Nyssa and will work for ers making thrilling leaps into the j S. D. Goshert this year. air and skaters cutting fancy f ig Chester Graves of Nyssa has ures on the ice o f the lake, McCall ; moved with his fam ily to Sam is already a town transformed and Henry’s where he will work this indications are that its winter car year. nival Feb. 29 and March 1 w ill far Ray Wallace and fam ily have excel anything o f the kind ever moved to the J. A. Hunt ranch to staged in Idaho. work this summer. The ice on the lake is about a George Ward of Ontario was In foot and a half thick and the snow this vicinity on business Saturday. is several feet deep. McCall is Mr. and Mrs. Earl Quinley moved making elaborate arrangements for Friday to their new home on the the carnival. Owyhee. Robert Long was a Boise visitor The toboggan slide is already completed. It is built on a trestle Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. John Zittereob and baby and is 40 feet high at the upper end and extends from the hotel out were visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ida Dail, Sunday. over the lake. tiliram Vandike is running the Those who intend to compete in the dog race classic are almost O. J. Thorner ranch this year and daily putting their teams o f canines Mr. Thorner has gone to Idaho to on the lake track and it will not be sell McConnon extracts and reme dies. at all surprising if records are Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Long are hung up which will stand fo r some cooking fo r the J. A. Hunt sheep time. camp during lambing time. Many persons who have summer Glen Davis was a Boise visitor cottages are planning to re-open last week. them during the carnival, which, itj Mr. and Mrs. Frank Edwards and is believed, will firm ly establish fam ily were visiting in Vale Sun the Payette Lakes as a winter re day. sort. Conley Butler spent Saturday and Sunday with Philip Barrett. Mrs. E. B. Butler, Sr., was visit ing her mother, Mrs. W ills, of Nyssa Saturday evening. A large crowd attended the sale Has Had 13 Years Experience as of Jim Benall’s Tuesday. E very Teacher and County School thing sold fo r a good price. Superintendent. J I Bradley, returned home to Emmett McNary-Haugen Measure Is Most the last of the week. With the rescue of the 27 mem Mr. and Mrs. Harry Evans visit Scientific Ever Presented bers o f the crew o f the wrecked ed Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Davis Mon to Congress. steamer Columbia from the rough day. Mr. and Mrs. O e Schweizer and ^ utejrs at the. mou‘ h o f C,°°3 fam ily motored to Caldwell Sunday Mo" d“ >r mu™ m g the ship lies de (Portland Journal.) serted upon the submerged rocks o f The McNary-Haugen bill is the afternoon. the north je tty and passengers and Mesdames T. M. Lowe, M. M most highly scientific measure that W. E. Edwards, R. R. crew have left fo r the north and has ever been presented to con Creeling, gress,” said United States Senator Overstreet and M Judd attended south’ or are P "»P »rting to go. Tho Cleone, which rescued 38 on R. B. Stanfield on his arrival in th ■ the meeting o f the executive board wrecked ship Sunday, city yesterday from Washington, P. o f the County Council o f P.-T. A. hoard the completed its work Monday mom- C. His mission here was to attend at Vale Saturday. Fred Klingback and son Kenneth ¡»it by 11:30. The survivors were to important legal matters and he where their returned to the national capital lab were business visitors in Ontai i o 1 brought to Marshfield, Saturday. While there, they visited wants were cared for while plans last night. Carl Warren (at the Holy Rosary were being made for the recovery “ The measure,” continued the hospital), who recently had his arm o f the baggage o f the 30 passengers senator, ‘'gives through an inverse ta r iff proper protection to the dis very severely injured when it caught aboard. Those who remained on board the organized producers, and the people in a cog wheel in the mill where he working, causing several Columbia during the night said that o f Oregon as a whole should back was it. .t will put into effect a practi break« in bones from hand to elbow, they suffered no inconvenience, as attended the McCarty the fires were kept burning under cal tariff on all grain. While it They also the boilers and light was generated. carri?s also a provision for the ex P:i le. II. Waiters visited Homedale the Although no one felt like sleeping, portation o f livestock, it is ques tions ble whether it w ill he o f any first o f the week, on the trail o f a there was no danger to those aboard, as the steamer lay on an spec al benefit so far as exporta sheep deal. J. S. Glascock went to Ontario even keel and the sea was moderate. tion is concerned for the reason Captain Peterson of the Columbia that the United States is now not Thursday for a few days* visit with' was the last man be carried man to suffering from any overproduction. his family. Vincenti Mendiola returned Sun- across the stretch o f w a te r betw een Senator M cNary and Congressman cleone and his g rounded ship. Hau(.en, joint authors o f the bill, day from a motor trip to Caldwell th and Boise. While in Caldwell he On shore he was loath to talk of were conscious of this, but there was such tremendous pressure for a purchased a fine saddle horse and | the accident before questioned by provision o f this kind that it was riding outfit which was delivered to j KOVernment officials, ___________________ his ranch Sunday. | incorporated in the measure. Mesrs. J. P. Dunniway and 0. Livestock Men to Benefit. J. Bower, of the Malheur County “ However, the livestock men w 'i! Bank were business visitors in the recei;e benefits under the bill in Kolony and on the Owyhee Mon another way that has not been con day. Farmers and Business Men to sider d. E very person - e h - has Chas. Points and son Frank pur Unite to Study Needs o f Region. followed the markets knows that FARM BUR EAU*AG AiN chased a Brisco car from D. P. Pul theTe is an affin ity between live POOLS P O T A T O SEED len giving cows in payment. stock and corn. Only 22 per cent The executive committee o f the F. L. JTeBoard sold a dressed As a result of a meeting held in Mrs. E. M. Crail has announced o f the corn is used for human con bureau at a special hog to D. Mendeola Thursday. the office of County Agent L. R. her candidacy for re-election, to the county farm sumption. The remaining 78 per Fred Pullen has hired to start Breithaupt Tuesday morning at office o f County School Superin-1 meeting held at Cairo on Tuesday cent is converted into tn«'at by work in the McLeod sheep camp tended by L. B. Hamaker and E. M. tendent fo r Malheur County. M rs.! approved the program o f work as feeding, and from 10 to 00 per Wednesday, extension service Blodgett o f the Nyssa Commercial Crail came to Malheur County in outlined by the cent o f all our meat supply result- Ruth Evans visited Ella Puilen club, Percy Purvis o f the Vale Com 1917 and has resided in Vale since for 1924, with amendments and ad from corn. Therefore if a higher Sunday. mercial Club, W. H. Doolittle of that time. She was elected Super ditions decided upon at a series of value is stabilized for corn the re just brought to Mr. and Mrs. Leu DeGolde and the Ontario Commercial club, E. B. intendent in 1929 upon the repub district meetings sult will be a higher value for live Am ong the things it Conklin o f Cairo, representing the lican ticket and will seek that nom conclusion. stock and its products. So every Mr.a nd Mrs. D. F. K err went to Farm Bureau and Mr. Breithaupt, ination. She the Atherton sale Monday. has had 13 years’ was decided to do is the pooling of livestock man should be jrst as In representing the extension service, teaching experience and four years orders fo r potato seed. This is the Little Wilma Pullen has been terested in the measure as the grain fifth year that the bureau has pro it was decided to hold a Malheur experience in her present office. ill but is now better. producers. County Economic Conference in On Mrs, Crail is the mother o f Charles! vided this service to potato growers. Gerald DeBord was the envy “ Tnere need be no fear of any To have charge o f pooling the tario Thursday and Friday, March Crail, o f Vale, who served a year' overproduction as a result o f the of his school mates Monday when 6 and 7. orders and the selection o f a person and a half in the navy during the bill. The bill is founded on the he exhibited a coyote which he to take care of the buying and dis This conference is one o f a World War. had shot with his little .22 rifle same principle which the Intern tribution o f the seed, a committee series held in various counties at tional Harvester c. mpany, the on his way to school Monday. o f six was named. W. L. Schafer the suggestion o f the state confer D E A T H OF T W O BOYS Singer Sewing Machine company, OREGON IN D U S T R IA L R E V IE W w ill represent the Adrian district. ence held recently at Gorfallis C AU SES BIG S U IT the steel company, and other b e P. Tensen, Nyssa, E. B. Conklin. Baker— Rich copper bearing ore where many constructive plans fo i enterprises use in exporting the r Russell, Vale, J. E. Malheur county was made de Cario, J. H. struck in Poorman mine. betterment o f conditions in Oregon products. W e all know that the” fendant in a damage case which ’ Hill, Brogan, and F. Gribben, Ore were started. , Work to start on Odell tunnel for sell their surplus at a low > pri< asks for the largest sum claimed gon Slope. Natron extenslon-S. P. Co. The conference w ill divide into in foreign countries than they do in against an eastern Oregon county Emergency board to provide four major committees where those EDUCATORS TO MEET AT the United States.” in years, when J. W. Galloway, a fnuds fo r rebuilding state prison in interested in specific problems will L A G R A N D E M AR CH F IR S T Weiser attorney, filed two articles dustries which were destroyed by gather and consider data upon spe- The annual m eeting o f the super Mr. and Mrs. Frank Edv irds rr ‘ asking the total sum o f $50,368.50 fire last July. clfic crops and later report their fam ily o f Arcadia, were visitir for the deaths o f Gerald Evans and intendents and principals of East First unit o f Eugene-Springfield • findings to a general conference to friends in Vale Sunday. Howard Lee, two Weiser boys, who ern Oregon schools will be held in irrigation project to be built under follow. The committees w ill be di were drowned in Snake river, N o La Grande on March 1, according direction of Copper & Simpson, vided as follows; vember 23, 1922. The boys, who to announcements today. Salem irrigation engineers. Entire A. Fundamental development: were driving a truck across the Subjects o f vital interest to the project includes 18.000 acres. Transportation, reclamation and bridge, which some time previous educators will be discussed at this Oregon- utilities to spend $12,- land settlement problems will be had been burned, crashed through time and among other things, selec T. C. MeElroy, of Vale, th w 000,000 on 1924 construction work, considered by this division o f which the railing into the waters o f the tion of a site for the spring Eastern formally became a candid To Oregon track and field meet will State income tax law being at- W. H. Doolittle of Ontario will be stream and were drowned. sheriff o f Malheur Coun'y, occur. . tacked in courts and by referendum. chairman. rhe Democratic nominatl in I Astoria— 1727 sea going ships of B. Animal husbandry section viston. A . C. Hampton, superintendent that office. D. Staple farm crops division o f the La Grande schools, will 14,233,330 tonnage entered Columbia will consired dairy, poultry and Mr. MeElroy has lived ir V supply crops, cash lead a discusión on “ State In I river during 1923. livestock problems and conditions. will consider, tor the last 14 years, con ng IT I Portland building permits ex- I. W. Hope o f Vale w ill be chair feed and grain crops and seed crops, spection o f High Schools,” . W. W. New York. He is a Spi nisli ' E. B. Conklin w ill be chairman of Green, Superintedent o f Umatilla I ceeded $25,000,000 for 1923, in- man. e(*eran and has acted de ■ I crease of 10 per cent over 1922. C. Perishable farm products di- j this section. County will speak on the “ County in the sh e riffs office .'or ab I Bandon — Dairy industry p ays, vision will discuss the problems I A general meeting o f the commit Unit Plan o f Schools’” and Roy three years. ' jver million dollars annually to connected with apples, prunes, pota- tee chairmen will be held February Conklin, superintendent of the territory surrounding j toes and vegetables. P. Tensen of ! 22 to complete arrangements for Union Loafing is hard work. \ y • - 'ai mers in Schools, will also discuss people have made a succe s with it. >ort. Nyssa will be chairman o f this di- i the conference. that topic. HOLD MARCH CONFERENCE ENTERPRISE SOLD ARCADIA 81 C. ______ L VV. S. BROWN, FORMER P A R T NER, TAKES CHARGE. SELLER AFTER STATE OFFICE Charles K. Crandall Seeks Repub lican Nomination for District Attorney. The Malheur Enterprise w ill come under new management beginning with the coming issue, as Charles K. Crandall has sold his interest in the paper tb W. S. Brown, his fo r mer partner. Mr. Crandall has found it necessary to devote his time to his law practice. Mr. Brown has been with the Enterprise for the past three years, and is a printer and publisher o f 30 years’ experi ence. Crandall in Politics. . Charles Crandall is a candidate for the Republicann nomination for District Attorney for Malheur Coun ty. He is a graduate o f the Vale High School and has been practicing law in Malheur county since his graduation from the University of Oregon law school, being associated with his father, C. M. Crandall. He served in the field artillery during the World War. The Greatness of Washington. Every nation has some great f i g ure o f its own by which it fixes the standard o f greatness in man, but .j America was given a figure whose greatness is more than nn- th nal. The greatness o f George Washington, observes a writer in the Kansas City Star, is universal, like that o f Shakespeare; his name i nd fam e abide ir. all lands. MRS. GRAIL SEEKS REELETION The explanation is not difficult to find. Washington s greatness was in the man, and was not made by events. As a soldier he met de teat more often than victory, yet as a soldier he takes rank with the greatest in all lands and all ages. Washington lost many battles, but he never lost an army, and in that he outranks Napoleon. He had both the courage to figh t and the courage to decline fighting, fo r his judgment always held complete sway over the man. He could a f ford not to win; he could not afford to lose. “ The old fox,’ the British generals called him, and called him well. He had the supreme faculty, without which there can be no great generalship, o f making himself in visible, o f turning up at unexpected places, of striking and disappearing. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETS County Parent-Teacher Association Met Saturday and Planned Work for Year. The executive council o f the county Parent-Teacher association met Saturday in Vale and planned the work o f the P.-T. A . fo r the coming year. Out o f town members were Mrs. M. M. Creeling, county president; Mrs. R. R. Overstreet, Mrs. Marie Judd and Mrs. W. E. Edwards, of Kingman Kolony; Mrs. T. M. Lowe, o f Owyhee, and Mrs. Bruce R. Kester, Mrs. Wm. Laxon and W. J. Roberts, o f Ontario. M’ELROY OUT FOR SHEr FF By L. F. Va¡. /'.elm C M J J. A . Churchill, state superinten dent o f public instruction, is ex pected to be in l a Grande and is to make an address during the aftcr- noon.