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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1924)
Candidates’ Cards NEW FOR DISTRICT ATTORJIEY I heraby aaneenee —y eandidaey fer tha n a i i t t l M to tk« offle« of Dia u m A ttorney for M alhaar C eaaty, eubjeat ta tha will e fth e republieae vetare at tha p ri—aries to ha bald May 1«, 19X4. E. M. BLODGETT. Faid advartiaam ant. BIG PACKAGE Ul Cigarettes 24 > 15 1 I will ha a aandidata fo r th a n e —• iaation to tha office e f D isteiet A tto r ney fe r Mal h a a r County, O regee, a t tha prim ary alaction to ba bald an May 16, 1924, se b je e l to th a will of tha alaciara a f tha Repablicao p a rty . GEO. W. H A YES. Paid a d v an iaa m an t. Heart,’' with Mrs. C. C Haat wianlar the prize. Mrs. Harry Goehert was hesteae last Friday evening for three tables af bridge. Mrs. J. J. Karazin won first honors and Mrs. H ailsn Diven second. Mrs Goshert entertained at the home ef her sister, Mrs, Artie Robert son. Someone by mistake took two silver teaspoons and a fork be longing to Mrs. C. F. Miller from the banqnst Thursday night. Kindly rstnrn ta owner. Chaa. 3 L ea v itt, dem ocratic eandi. da a for th eriff waa In tow n thia week. Mr. L e a v itt ia a nativa born aon of tha county, hia presan t home being in On tario F ar aaverai yaara he e p ara te d a r neb near C aria B eing widely and favorably kaown ovar the e n tlra coun FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY ty, Mr. L ea v itt will uddoubtadly m ake I hereby announce my candidaey, a good a k o e in g a t th a prim aries. aubjact to tha will of th a votara a t M orning earvlca in th a Pariah Hall every F rid a y at Nyssa, tha Republican prim ary to be he'd a t 11 o'clock a. m. on Sunaay next, Fahl May 16, 1934, for th e nom ination, for Oretron, by F ebruary 17. ra elee ien, to th a office of D istrict A ttorney for M alheur County. __________ a F. BROWN (Signed) ROBT. D. I.Y TLE. For Sale Two tom tarkuva, last E a ta rs d a t tha Poatoffiaa a t Nyaaa. Paid ad verttaem ent. spring hatch, wall brad, fina biids. OrepoBj aa aacoad-alaaa m all m atter f 15 John Forbea. GATE CITY JOURNAL SU B SC R IPTIO N R A T E S: FOR COUNTY JUDGE. (ta s year, in advance.................. $1.59 I hereby announce my candidacy for -tew m onths. In adva .75 the nom ination to tho office of C ouaty For Rent or Sale. Ju d g e for M alheur County, anbjvct to T w enty acrea th ree -fo u rth s mile the will of the dem ocratic votara a t from N vssa on the w est. Will sell or the prim aries to be held May 16, 19S4. ront. Sea Jo u rn a l office. f 16 H. L E E NOE. Pupils neither tardy nor ab* Paid ad vertiaem ent. sent during January: FOR S A L E -S e e d O ats, $2 00 per First G rade-G reta Allen, Cleo hundred, buyer furnish sacks. Phone Baxter, Ethel Mary Boy dell, A lt.. FOR SHERIFF. f! 6 tf Campbell, Betty Cook, Verra 8ubject to the will of tha dem ocrat 7IF2. J . D L ackey. Garrison, Tiena Tensen, Austin ic volea to be expreaaed a t tb a pri Corbin, Jacob Groot, Russell m aries on May 16, I hereby announce Stowell, Raiph Setber, Raymond my candi acy fa r the effice o f sheriff NO TICE OF M EETIN G O F LAND a t M alheur County. I f nom inated O W N ERS OF AND W IT H IN T H E Seiber, Marion Wilson. and elected I pledge a fa ir and Im O W Y H EE D R A IN A G E Second Grade—Daisy Whipple, p artial en fo rcem en t of th e law s and D IST R IC T . econ mical handling of th e office In Tom Sakamoto, John Smith, Roy an the In te re st of the taxpayer. N otice is hereby given th a t a m ee t Crockett. CHA S 8. LEA V ITT . ing of tha land ow ners o f and w ithin Third Grade—Claudena Craw tha Owyhee D iain ag e D istric t will be ford, Charlena Crawford, Grace held a t the office of E. M. B lodgett in FOR SHERIFF Wilson. Laura Whipple, Carlot- tho Town of N yssa. County of Mai ta Irwin, Katherinj Shumaker, 1 hereby rnnounct my e aa d ld a sy fa r heur. S ta te of Oregon, on W ednesday Arthur Chapman,Max Schweizer, the nom ination to th a office of Sheriff the 17th day of F a b ru a ry , 1924, a t the of M alheur county, a u b ja ct to tho will Carlton Irwin, Dickie Tenssn. hour of tw o o ’clock in tha aftern o o n of tha Republican vo ters a t th a p ri of th a t day, for the purpose o f electin g Fourth fra d e —Donna Cook, m aries to be bold May 16, 19t4. a board of th ree supervisors of the Helen Diven, Minnie Goodrich, G. W. DEAN. aaidO w yhaa D rainage D istrict. Violet Wilson, Oca Blaylock, Con Paid a d v ertisem e n t. rad Hart, Glenn Green. H. H, SA CKETT, •a u n ty Clark of M alheur County, S ta te Fifth Crade — Martha Saka FOR SHERIFF. moto, James Croekett, Jennie I hereby announce my candidaey for of O regea. Whipple, WayneHucker, Juanita the nom ination to tha office of S heriff Whipple, Agatha Walker, Betty of M alheur C ounty, su b je ct to the will N O T IC l FOR PU B LIC A TIO N Tensen, Evlyn Schweizer, Harry tha dem ocratic v o tsrs s t tb s p ri D ep artm en t of th e In terio r, ■der, Milton Crooker, Wallace of m aries to b eh eld May 16, 19X4 U . 8 . L ead Office a t Vale, O re., Goodrich, Allen Boyer. C. W GLENN. J a n u a ry 17, 1924. Sixth Grade — Opal Hooker, Paid a d v s rtis o a s n t. N atica la hereby »¡van th a t Joseph Martha Lawrence. John Kay. F rancis Reed, of M arble, W ashington, George Reberger, Glenn Vogts. Seventh Grade—Dorris Green. FOR SHERIFF OF MALHEUR who, on S ep tem b er 10, 1908, made deeert land e n try No. 0102, for NE1 Margaret Hanaftn, Grace Wal COUNTY. See 81. S l i SW J. S i SE* See. 10, tore, Dan Hanks,Alvin Crockett. H erew ith I beg to announce ray can- SW JSW J Sec 29. Township 10 South. Elghth Grade—Viola Blodgett, j didacy for th e nom ination to tho of- R snge 46 E ast, W illam ette Meridian, Marion Klinken berg, Ruth Me- flee of Sheriff of M aihear county, ru b has filed netiee of intention to m ake b e r g e r , S y l v i a Whippie, Kenneth je c t to the will of the Republican final proof, under th a th ird parr g ra p h Green, Raymond Thrasher. ; voters, a t th s prim aries to be held on a f A st of March 4, 1916, to establish High 8eheol—Von Della Bax th e 16th day of May, 1924 I have lived claim to tha land above dasariped, be ter, Annette Blodgett, Otis in thia county all my life and am aa-1 fore R e g iste r and R eceiver, U. 9. Land Crooker, Paul Crooker, Louts quainted w ith its affairs and its people 1 Office, a t Vale, O regon, on the SOth Garrison. Gilbert Klinkenberg. If nom inated and fleeted, I shell do all day of M arch. 19$4. Lester Klinkenberg, Mildred in my pow er to uphold the dignity of C laim ant nam es as w itnesses: Long, Mary Mathen.v, Thelma theoffice and to fill it w ith c red it to the T hom as M. Lowe, H. W alters, R ob Thompson, Verna Thompson, county, the people and m yself. e r t W allace, all of N yssa, O regon; J E F F FROMAN. Arthur eervees. John W ell, of C reston, Oregon. Paid ad v ertisem en t, r Per cent ef attendance in vari- Geo W. M cK night. R egister. Honor Roll eus rooms: Mra. Bensen........................... 96 Misa S cott................................ 92 Mra. Payne............................. 95 Mrs Croeker ......................... 96 Miss Lackey........................... 91 Mr. Pepperd......................... 91 High School........................... 98 Honor Roll in High School These with an average of *’B” or above for the first semester. Jaaalta Bigelow, Orville Bige low. Annette Bledgett, Marjo Cowine, Otia Crooker. Myrtle Fields, Gladys Garrison, Louis Garrison, Francis Klinkenberg, Mary tiatheny, Frank Sherwood, ~ ill Temple, Juaaita Temple. Want Misa Kennedy Again The follow ing petition wee irculated am ong th e stu d e n ts of th e N yssa high aehool recen tly and ; p re sen te d to the school board. O thers probably would have elgned, h u t aa they w e ren ’t going to ba hare a n a th rr y e ar they didn’t eare: To the H unorable School B oard of N yasa: Wo u nderstand th a t you are hiring teao h ars today, and w a a re sending you this p etitio n to lot you know th a t wo approcloto Mies K e n n ed y ’s work th is year, and hope th a t yeu w>ll hire b a r for a n o th e r te rm . G race E. W arran, R o b ert Clossea, ■Isle T h rash er. F raaeia K linkenberg, M ary M atheny, Paul C rooker, Frank W. Sherw ood. C leeten C. Koxie, O tto Bodmer, Don Gamble, Louts G arrison, John Johnson, Orvllla Blgolow, Rue. sail Tem ple, Chaa. Lauek, O tis Crook- u r Boy W. W illiam s, G aorge Davis, Gladys H arrises, J a a n ita Bigelow, J u a n ita T em ple V arna Thompson Leona Z ittlereeb, R ite Roam. Hasel Roam. Aha V aughaa, C lyde B enton, M yrtle Fields. R ugene H anafla, Eve lyn DeRerd, Je n n ie K ecpm aa, Maud i FOR ASSESSOR. BOISE PA Y E T T E LU M BER COM NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE herein, and John Ennia, ana ¡'I p e r sona. known and unknown, c o m in g PA NY, L im ited, a p riv ate corporation, UNDER FORECLOSURE. any in te re s t in said John Ennis Com P laintiff, vs. G. B. P o rte r and W illiam NOTICE 18 HE RE BY GIVEN, T h a t P o rte r, D efendants. pany, L td ., aa officers or stockholders, under and by virtue of aa execution or otherw ise, the above nam ed de To G. B PO R TE R and W ILLIA M __T” ™ - “ .. * in foreclosure, duly issued by the Clark fends, and each thereof. PO RTER, the above-nam ed defendants. of the Circuit Court of tha s t a te af In tho N am e of th a S ta te of Oregon, IN T H E NAM E O F T H E STATE you. and each of you, are required to O F OREGON: You, and each of you, Oregon for Mxlheur, County, dated ap p ea r and anaw ar tha com plaint on are hereby required to ap p ear in the the 13th day of February, 1914, file ag ain st you in the above entitled above e n titled c o u rt and cause w ithin wherein Elenor Huff as Plaintiff re auit, on or before th a ex p iratio n of six six weeks from th e 11th day of Jan- covered ju d g m e n t against Wallace E. w eeks from the d a ta of the nervici of uary, 1924 which is tha d ate of the Hubbeil, Mamie E Crosby and Iks thia sum m ons upon you and if you first publication of thia sum m ons, then Croaby, he r husband, Mary E. Hub fa il to an sw er for w ant thereof, tha and th e re to answ er or otherw ise bell, Arehie McGowan and J u a n i t a Me- plaintiff« abava named will apply to plead to the com plaint filed herein gowan, husband and wife. Bank of J o r the C ourt for tho relief p rayed for in a g ain st you and to defend herein, and dan Valley, a corporation, Malhaur Livestock & T-a-d Company, a aorpo tha eem plaint on ftlo heroin, to-w it: if you fail so to do, for w ant th e re For an order, ju d g m e n t and decree of th a plaintiff will tak a ju d g m en t ration, aa Defendants, for th a aum a f $13, hr 7.15. with in te res t the eon from th a t the said defendants, and aoch and a g ain st you, and each of you, for the ev • voaa tb aia o f, he req atrad to sat sum of One H undred F ourteen and 74- the 6th day of Februa ry 1924, a* the fo rth the n a tu re of hia, her, th air or 100 D ollars ($114.74) to g eth er w ith in r a te of 8 per cent per annum and $850.00 a tto r n e y s fees, and the f u r t h e r its claim in snd to tha following de te re s t thereon from Ja n u a ry 6, 1923, aum of 22 45 costs, which Judninva t scribed raal property, or any p a rt until paid, a t th e r a te of Bix per cent. was enrolled and r o c k eted in tha th ereo f, tow it: (6 per cent) per annum , and fo r its cle rk's office nfsa id Court in said Ceun To all e f lot one in block eight of costs and d isbursem ents herein, and ty on the IS h dav of Febru tha O riginal T ow nsita of N ysaa Ora will also tak e an order fo r the iHle of ary, 1924 Which Ju d g m e n t and da gon, aa tha aam a is shown on tha Re ihe follow ing described pro p erty cree f u r t h e r ordered the sale e f the vised G eneral Map i f N yssa, Oregon, which is attach ed herein, in th e pos following described Real Property, new on 81# in the office of the County session of Ja m es A Sm ith in the situated in Malheur County, Oregon, Clerk ef the County a f M alheur, S ta te Drexel Hotel, in Vale, M alheur Coua towit: of Oregon, situ ate d , lying and baing ty. Oregon: S E JN W J; and N JN E JS W l of Section ia said county of M alkaur, S ta te of 1 N ational cash re g is te r, size 391*2 2. (17) ; EJNK}; and K JdE i of Section Oregon. factory No. 513215; 1 N ational c .s h and th a t all adverse els m i of said re g is te r, No. 925665; 1 Mandel pheno- (18) . S E i N i t J of Section (19), all in Township (31) South, R ange (41), B. d a te n d an ts, and o a th th ereo f, may ba ‘ 349~ determ ined by an e id e r and decree of grap h ; 1 H errlu Hall M arvin sa fe; 1 W. M., to g e t h e r with all w ater, w a te r this C ourt. piano, made by W altham Piano Com rights, ditches and rig h ts of way for T h a t by a decree of thia court i t ba pany, Milwaukee, W isconsin; 1 Seth d it.h e s belonging to said land, to g e th declared, ordered and decreed th a t the Thomas eloek; 1 old R em ington ty p e er with all singular th e tenem ents, w riter, No. 10: 1 sm all electric fan; he riditam ents and ap p u rte n an c e s ■aid defen d an ts, or any th ereo f, have F urn itu re and bedding in room num no rig h t, titla a e ta ta , claim, in te re s t bered 215, D rexel H otel, consisting of there unto belonging or in any w ise a p a r equity w hatsoever in and to said 1 bed com plete, 1 d re sse r and cover, 1 pertain ing. T harefora, I will oa th e 16th day of raai p ro p erty , or any p a rt thereof, and table, 1 rocker, 1 chair; F u rn itu re and bedding in room num March, 1924, a t the hour of 11.00 th a t th a said plaintiff, the bank of bered 216 in D rexel H otel, c o n sistin g 1 Nyaaa, haa a fas sim ple title in and to of 1 bed com plete, 1 d resser and o'clock in the forenoon of said day, a t j the n inth main e n t r a a t e door of th e laid ra al pro p erty and every p a rt cover, 1 table, 1 rocker, 1 chair; th arao f, and th a t its title is good and F u rn itu re in room num bered 217 in , Court H ouse in Valo, M alhaur C onaty, r>------ i.iin n nf h «.««m D rexel 1 Hotel, consisting of i 1 lib rary Oregon, sell a t public auction to the valid T n at th s aaid defendants, and each table, 1 center table, 1 china cabinet, hig h es t bidder or bidders, for cash, all 2 rockers, 3 chairs, 1 Morris chair, 1 th ereo f, be for ev er barred « n s en lounge, 1 W illam ette sew ing m achine; r ig h t, title and interast which said do fe ad a n te had on A ugust 14, joined from claiming ar aaserti g any F u rn itu re and bedding in room num- 1924, and now have in aaid rig h t, title , claim, in te re s t, e o a t e s r bared 218 in llre x el H otel, consisting real property, with all aDpurtenancae equity in and to said real p ro p e rty , or ot 1 bed com plete, 1 d re sse r and cover, ; , t h e r e u n to belonging, to sa tis fy said any p a rt th arao f, adverse to plaintiffs, 1 chair, 1 w riting de sk; 8nd d e c r ,e f ,v o r aad fo r such o th sr and fu rth e r relief and th a t tha procesds of such sale be applied toward the paym ent of said Plaintiff and against said D efendants, aa to tha C a a rt may ite m roast and judgment. | T ogether with attorney fees and aaata ju a l and according ta equity. and disburse ments, and i n te r e s t th a t This summons is published by v irtue Thia sum m ons ia published and have or may a crua. of an order of th e Honorable D alton ; served upon yon, and each of you, un* Biggs, Judge of th e above en titled D ated a t Vale, O regon, th is 13th dai and by v irtu e of, and pursuant court, duly m ade and entered herein day of F e b ru a ry , 1924. to, an order of tho H onorable Dalton on th e 7 th day o f Jan u a ry , 1924, di H. LEH NOB, Sheriff. Biggs, Ju d g e of tho C ircuit C ourt in recting publication th e re o f for six so - D ate of Aral publication Feb. 16, 1914. ana for the said County of Malheur, eesaive weeke >n the G ate City Journal, D ate of la st publication Mch. 14, 1914. w hich emd order waa m ade and entered a weekly new spaper Dablished ami D ate of sale M erck 16, 1924. by said Ju d g e of said C ourt, on tha having general circulation in this 22nd day of Ja n u a ry , 1924, directing th a t sum m ons harem by publication for county, com m encing w ith the issue EPISCOPAL CHURCH. six successive weeks, including seven th e re o f of J a n a a ry 11, 1924, and endin ubllcations th ereo f in the G ate City w ith th e issue of F e b ru a ry 22, 1924. Services in the Parish Hall first Sun- ournai, a weakly new spaper, pub , _________________ day in e v e r y m onth in the evening DA VIS A LYTLE, _ SUMMONS I hereby announce th a t 1 will be a c andidate for th e office of a eiec se r of IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E M alheur C ounty, Oregon, a t th a p ri ST A T E O F OREGON, FOR T H E m ary election to be held May 16. 1924, COUNTY OF M A LH EU R. su b je ct to th e choice of D em ocratic Tha Bank a f Nyaaa, a C orporation, v o ters a f said county. and F ra n k C. B ram w ail, Superinten DAVE MAGILL. dent of Banka fa r tha S ta te of Oregon, Plaintiffs, V». Ada Ttom paon. Hilda ■wan, Nellie D eV ries, G ilbert K linken Beyle, C lara Boyla, Mary A gnes berg, L e ste r K linkenberg, A rth u r Ser Boyle, B ora Boyle, M artin Boyla. and vóse, M arjo Cowins, K arl Richardson. Lily Boyla, hia w ife. Lorn# Boyla, and S arah Boyle, hia w ife, all tha heir* a t la w a f Lenox B. Boyle, deceased, John Rnnie Coaapany, L td ., a Protanaod C orporatise, and F a rm ers and Mar- Tho relief gociety of (ho Mor ahants Bank, a C orporation, a ad all mon church n e t last Tw u a d u y th a a n k ae w a hairs a t law o f the said afternoon at tho hums of Mra. Ada T bam paea, Hilda Boyla, C lara J A. Schncitcr. After tho r * « Boyle. Mary Agrios Boyle, Dora Boyle, ular secciaa delicious refresh M artin Boyle and Lily Boyle his w ife, meats wore carved by the hastens L om e Bov la and S arah Boyla, hia wife, assisted by Mra Chas. McConnell. and all o tk er persona and p artiaa un Fourteen member* were present, known aloim ing any rig h t, title, es Virginia, the uaiall daaghte* ta ta , lian, cla ra s r interest in and to of Mr. and Mrs. Delno Gibcoa, the re a l p ro p sr y described in the is confined to her hem i suffering Com plaint herein, and John Ennis and oil parsons, known and unknown, frhm erysipelas. Mra. Frank Jones a ad «laugh claim ing aay in te rs s t aa office« a or K . i L N V n 7 b “ v tT .r ^ nr*ir| '. ^ e , *•«< «»* Sunday in e v e r y - . n t h h e r e .f te r ter, Mr«, trail Hart, left Tuesday ituekboldara in said John Hnnts Com iatiea i____ therein, and ord en n g a copy Valv Oreaon «6 H o slock in the m mot orning. pany, L td., or otherw ise D efendants. for Snoaheno ta spend a couple and a copy of the com plaint To Ada Thompson, Hilda Royle, hereof, ra « » herein, duly verified as required by of week* visiting Mr. Jenee, wko is working there temporarily. C lara Boyle, M ary Agnes Boyle, Dora law, be fovthw ith mailed to the said defendants and each th ere o f, a t th eir Mr. Jones is employed oa the O. Beyle, M artin B eyls a rd Lily Boyla, last known, pi««« of business hia w ife, Lorno Boylo and Sarah 8. L. and pestofflee address, or th a t in lieu Boyla, hia w ife, all th e heira a t law of th ereo f, personal service be bad upon Mrs. Sgm BlaylAck ia snflering Lenox g Beyle, 8ecaaa«d, John Khnia aaid d efen d an ts, and seen thereof, from i r a v e r « « a s « o f e r y s i p e l a s o m p r a y . Ltd . a pretended Corpora w herever they —ay ba fouud E M. BLODGETT, A moat enjoyable afternoon tion, end F a r—ery A M erchants Bank, A tternay for Plaintiffs, residing a t was spent un Wednesday when a C orporation, and all th s unknown N yssa, Oragon. members of tho S*rai«l circle hairs a t law o t tha said Ada Thomp D ate of first publication J a n 86. 1924. son, Hilda Boyle, C lare Boyle, Mary D ate e f laat publication M arsh 7, 1924. Kensington met at tkhe I. O. O. F. hall with Mra. Hthivl crawfard A gnes Boyla, Dora Boyla, M artin and hlra. Mattie MeLoHaa as B eyls and Lily Boyle, hia wife. L am a SUMMONS hastssses. A business meeting Bov la and S arah Boyle, his w ife, end * G EN ERA L IN S U R A N C E NYSSA, OREGON e th e r persons and p a rtiaa unknown wns hsld, followed by a social ell y our property w ith ft safe and sound insurance policy IN T H R C IR C U IT COURT O F T H E f t a la i-in g r a y rig h t, title , e sta te , lion, hoar, clover games were played, and be happy. ■TATE O F OREGON FO R T H E s l a t - or In te re st la and to the raal sm ang them being a nalqaa COUNTY O F M A LH EU R . p re p arty described ia th e e o -p la in t Local News. J Insurance Legal Papers Drawn J. BOYDELL called "Meadisg l Î