Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1924)
*■ j j *■»«»♦< . » e O « » » * * * * * # # • » * *0 « *• + ****• • •• • ♦ ****< Wc carry a full line of ARD WA REI nd Farm Implements Dishes Cooking Utensils Chicken Wire Barb Wire, «te. - - ■ - '■ ¡ -« a BUCKEYE MALE TRIO, LIKE MINSTRELS Of OLD, WILL “DOUBLE IN BRASS' I LOCAL NEW S IN BRIEF » —»•♦e-x-* * * * * «*•»**-« j > f P « -e G-V*- i Warren of ^wyhee was tnns I ast Saturday night the girls’ and boys’ basket ball teams p I 't d with 1 acting bu»i e*B In Nyssa Thu*rday. Ontario trains at Ontario Bulb local Tha many friend* of Jack McDonald, taams wara defeated after a hard bat* whs» haa bean very ill in Corvallis, will tla ba pleased to laarn that he h»a so far Georgia Th'm p'oo is reported to be recovered as to now be able to move improvn g after a v*-rv seiinue illness about the hospital utuier hit» own power. following an operation for appendicitis. Bert Davis has returned to Nys>a Mrs. C. L McCoy was hostess for, after an absence of sevc-ra! weeks i an enjoyable bridge party at har horn* Owen Davis returned Saturday from laat Friday. Three tui lee were in a trip to the Black Canyon dam play Mra. J J. Ssrazin won high The high school and eighth grnda honors and Mra. Uawey it ay tha eon basket ball teams played a gain»-- Toes 1 eolation prise „ I day evening, the former winning by a Tuesday night tha country home of score of 41 to 14. The eighth grade s Mr. and Mrs J T. Long was the made a good showing at the beginning gathering place for a numb, r of young of the game, out couldn’ t stand the people A Very enjoyable evening waa pace. spent in playing games and other ea Attorney E. M. Blodgett and C I.. tartainment. About twelve couples McCoy wtro business visitors in Cald motored oat from town Delicious ica well Tuesday. cream and cake wore served by Mr*. : K. D Ilali spent VVodi e .diy in Valt Long befate the evening was uvea Oil business. U A. Bar.aad is on the sick bat this Robert, young sou of Mr and Mrs week Oscar Bauer, sevtiely burned both liv in g to kba farced a»e*gM • f Ui* tun is on i he heating su.v« last week. Rev. Mr Woe* share will net be any T*ey are grauualiy impf« s e r f,.* danog this n oath i* tba Par til a*tu Mrs. Oh*» Dor nan 01 Carina lab Mall wars ¿»aiMay vu.ior* al 10 « Baxtei -d. Grocery Department I! Everything for the Table Mr suit Mrs. Mmee Dun -a# awl dune ch-'dz« era vt.liiiig at the J A Un- cae home. Mr, aid Mr*. Duncan o - h convnlescing from anvere II' nesses, having o . ■ -iceb»ly betn Its U I Fancy and Staple Groceries Eder Bane. / NYSSA, OREGON go . b v j 4 if. J „ .. iiCspit.U tlC D u l :JC . .» The Buckeye Trio Is not only a fine singing organization, but Is also t group of capable Instrumentalists featuring brass work In their program. Tbi members are George Chenot, artist on the trombone, saxophone; William H Beek, who ploys slide cornet and banjo, and Glended Cragga, m i'-,"r of th« baritone horn. In the vocal work, first, second tenor, and barite.... arrange menta are given and very fine harmony effects are obtained. Tin -e ire rev- tral costume changes during the program and some Interesting novelty few tore* which M m fall to please. iv O il - MUh i'll n o r I m f U j U . i i l . g P V w M : . mu U . looey lilioaia returned Wednesday k .tit Grade—Cleu Baxter, Elbe! . veuing frees Everett, Wash, waves Maly RuyUal, 4u> OiixpOell, Vatu o* had •acempauiad the body of F. O. Gaiuaen, Halaa oervoos, lie u . len carman fay interment. ses. Mra. Helen Martin is visitihg at tha Saavnd Grad*—Daisy Whipple, John hum* af kar parents, Mr. and Mrs. Smith. W B. ■ o ils . Mr Martin is expected Third Grea*—Claudena Crawford, the w ee. end. Lilnau Gibson, Dorothy Goubar t, The Nyssa Commisaioa houie ha* Ice hvrvesing ia under way. The Grace Wilson, Laura W hipple, Car-1 completed the building e f u new poul tiding of the ice houses 01 the Nyssa lottu Irwin Arthur Cnupman, Kenneth On January 25th the people of this try house o f two etorfee. Mr. Good Packing Co. and the Fields-Coiicelmo Young, Mux bchwoiscr, Dickie le u community will have an opportnity te rich reports that th* peultry industry pool hail is about completed. It is a ••a. hear a musical entertainment of a i* rapidly expanding In this district, Fourth Gratia— Donna Cook, Helen c ’asa which has seldom, if ever, been good quality of Clear ice 7k inches much more poultry baiag lent out of Diven, Miame Goodrich, Oca Blaylock, he rd in Nyssa The Buckeye Trio, a thick. Nyaaa thia year than aver befor*. Th* Polar DeBoer, Howard Foster, GUnn William Russ, who owns the building high class musical organization, will upper etory ef the new building will Grcea, Heuhert Leuek, Harry Newby, occupied by the Fields-Uhueeime peel present a pingram which includes all be used as a draasiag sad peaking nan, wiii make axtanstye improve- Raoarick Stubbs. the latest developments in music ss room, while th*" basement ia designed Tilth Grad*—Eviyn Sehweizsr, Betty played in all the large centers of th* manta thereto. to take care ef the Ineubatora, from Tanaan, Agatby Walker, Janni* Whip East. Each member is a gifted artist which thoueende of ehlexs are expect Jeha K Halsaa, who baa been liv ple, Lone Yeung, l*i,ton Croeker, Joe in his particular line. During their ed to emerge in the early spring. ing in the DeBoer house ia tha north Rewards, Wayne Huuker, Wayne preeent tour they have demonstrated part of town, moved with his family to Lowe, UeraeSei Thompson. their ability to please the most critical Apple Valley Tuesday. H* will con Six h Grade—Ada Blaylock, Amalia autiences It will be seen from this Waiting far the Lightning. iine#, however, t* held dawn his job U.Bucr, Martha Lawrvnce, Katueiine now fortunate Nyssa ia in securing This is leap year, and w* notice that on tns section. Leaah, Naryille Leuck. George Re this high class attraction. some o f the eld bachelors around town L. C. Pounds of Caldwall, a fesa sr bergvr, Karl Schweizer, Melvin art making themselves as attractive aa wall kaown Nyisaits, ia visiting at tha Schneiter, Delbert hooter, G.enn Zink. possib’a Merchants report an in home of hie daughter, Mrs. John hi Be tenth Grade -Dorothy Cook, ketu creased aale in swell ties, spruce hate Malaas. Cuuninghaas, Doris Green, Margaret Out of 10 birds entered at the third and mint lozenges. — Payatta Lake Star. Tha young child ef Mr. and Mra, Ed Usnatin, Grace Walters, Danny Divan, annual meeting of the Gem State Dan Hanks, Alvin Crcckatt. Warren ia quite ill. Euhth Grade—Harold Hoxie,. Her Poultry association at Caldwell last Card of Thanks M. D. Nawtoa has bean confined to bert Huxie, Larue Haiey, Marion week by D. Gibson of this city, We wish t* thank th* friends and his room several day* this weak on ac of them won prizes This nine Kliokenberg, Zelma Lackey, Frank neighbors for thair kindness during count of sickness. Chas. Crawford K ilo b a u d , Orville Stowell, Donalo is a record thst few poul.ry raiBers are tha death of our husband and father. able to equal. On cocks he won 1ft, is in charge of the po.l hall daring Sherwood, Kenneth Green, Uaymoid hid unforced absence 2. d. :■ rd 5ih ;.nd 6th On Cockerels, Aiso for th* beautiful flowers. Thrasher. Mr* Phaba Carmen, Migh School Hazel Beam, Otis 1st, 2nd, and 5th. The birds entered Earl Sehwaixar lost several days af Mr. and Mrs. T. Broers were the white leghorn bre. d, and Mr. achoal thia weak an aesaunt af sick Creokor, Paul Croaker, Myrtle Fiekla, sad Children. Gibson has a flock of th s vaiiety of aass. Louis Garrison, Gubart Klinktnbtrg, which he is justly proud The turkeys i.ester Clinkenberg, Mary Mulheny, Albert Iradala was dawn fram Em. exhibited at this co .test are said to) Frank Sherwood, Thelma Thompson, melt ever the week end visiting at have been about the pest ever ehown t Verna Thompson, Laor.a Zltiercobb home af Mr, and Mrs, M. T. Frsnsis. in this section, some of them weighing The percentage of attendance in the For Irrigatad alfalfa and farming us high as 40 pounds. Harald Halass returned the first of varieua rooms was was: land, Must hav* aquipmant and euf- the week from Portland where he has Mrs. Benson, 97 per cent. ficient retoureea tu te finance tham- been workiag during the fall and win Miss Scott, 97 per cent. aelvas. Malheur Land Ce., Jamiaaen, ter. Mrs. Payne. 97 par cent. Dragon. jl8-St Mrs. Croaker, 99 per cent. The freshmen of the • Nyssa high Frank Mallias left Tuesday for Miss Laekay, 97 per cant. school enjoyed a coasting party Thurs Hama, where he will be employed this Joe, the little son uf Mr. and Mra, Mi Pappera, 98 per eent. day night on the hill buck of R. J. wiater. High School, 97 per cent Davis home. Mr. Ewing won the hon Artie Robertson, If vary ah k, but it la The Malheur Cuunty Bank is moving Honor Roll in High School (Students I ors for going the fastest and farthest. believed tha criaie la past, aa the fever this weak lato its new ham* on th* with no grades boiow “ B” ) —Juanita Miss Kennedy won the honors for has bean allayed. Although left vary corner of First and Main streets The Bigelow, Gladys Garrison, Louis Garri sticking to the toboggan the longest. weak, it is believed the little fellow old Saak of Nyssa building ka* hear sen, Mary Mathany, Fiank Snerwood, The majority of the others won the will get along all right. remodeled and enlarged, sad although Orville Bigelow, Juanita Temple. honors for falling off the most. After the finishing tauahaa remain t* b# daa* the coasting they partook of a weal* the work ha* pragraatad to a poiat R. J. Davie went te Ontario Monday a.-,d marshmallow roast. They then where tkje room raa ha accepted adjourned to the R A. Thompson to attend a masting o f th* stockhold Whan sample ted the building Will be a home and played games and ate ice ers of the Ihoeetriug ditch. handsome alructarc. Th* Rabakah lodge installed officers cream. Frisah MsKnight, prominent aheap for the ousaing year last Friday eva Mr. ahd Mrs. Gee. Schweizer maa af Vais, waa a Nyssa basiaass aing. After tha installation a boun- visited relatives lu Ontario Thursday. Ink 5c bottle at the Journal office. Sava* covered disk supper was enjoyed. vlalFei Wednesday. 301 90U 0I Nyssa, January 2 5,1 9 2 4 Nyssa Favored by | High Class Attactfon We Handle Whiz Anti-Freeze for your Radiator*. Keep* 'era from freezing. Arvin Heaters for Fords Batteries Repaired and Recharged Service Garage Nyssa, Oregon Nyssa Commission House Poultry bought or handled on com mission. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 4-7, Nyssa, Oregon GEO. L. GOODRICH, Prop. See McFal and *ee better. Dr. J. A. McFall J Eyesight Specialist - J .'u i ta r io We grtad our own Z Ft>one 147 >i J <r ‘ Make your pullets lay by I feeding M E A T SC R A P We have it prepared A Good Record Renteri Wanted Freshman Parly Installation CONDENSED STATEMENT of th« Malheur County Bank Nyssa, Oregon OREGON, AGENT l ia b il it y » k jm o u bcbs Loahe and di secants.............*314.134.22 Capital »teak ........................ $ 23.000.001 O v erd ra ft*........................... 241.46 fiurplas and Profit*........... 42.010 95 Banking Mouse, Furniture | Bill* Payable ...................... NONE and F ix tu re * .................... 9,800.00 j R# lieeanats............................ NONE Other Real E aU t*................ 3 '6 68 D EPO ilTB............................. »*«,444.541 Liberty Bendsand Warrant# 9,857 07 j cars Chevrolet 69,717.07 «403,455 49...................................................»403.465.49j N T «* Nyssa Garage at the elofie ef biuinefi* December 31, 1923. CASH AND Dll* F*OM BANKS Nyssa Grain & Seed Co. New Poultry Home O x y - Acetylene Welding OFFICERS AND BIRECTORfi H. J. W*r4, President. John Ray. Vie* PrefiUentj J. P Banfiway, Gashier. •. O. Bauer, AuiaUat Cashier H. A. Die#» Aaaifitant Cashier. , J, F Be#*#. J- J - L- Directors The tin* ire dehire of thia bank la te paemat* praaperlty. To help yeu gat year »ha»* af It and a»» that share with wisdom. All Work Guaranteed