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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1924)
GATE CITY JOURNAL a waakly nawapapor pahliabad C.DdidateYCerda_ ¡ having general circulation ia FOK DISTRICT ATTORNEY run Friday •t N j i m T I beraby annoanca BT candidacy far and thU aaunty, com Bancing with tho iasoa tbaraof of Janaary 11, 19X4, and ending with tha iaaua of Fabraary XX, 19X4. DAVIS & LYTLE. Attarneya far plaintiff, Raaiding at Valr Oregon •our. 10 The signers to this petition agree that they will pay any and all expenaea incurred and any tax or taxes that may be levied against their respective lands for the purpoae of paying of organising or attempting to organise the proposed district, such ex pense to be taxes against the lands of the aign-rs in pr. portion to the number of acres owned by them end affected by tbe proposed drainage. 11 WHEREFORE, your petitioners pray that tne lands described Retain, or such of thorn as may be found by tbe Court to bo properly included in tbe proposed drainage district, either permanently er until further inveati- g tion and aurveya may peimit elimin- at on, at all Be declared organised into a drainage district under the provision of Chapter 840 of tba General Laws of Oragon for tbs year 1916 Earl Ward Frank Ward Audrey J. Ward Robert H. Brown Ckes Garrison H. J Wasd STATE OF OREGON | EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Six pskBjrt-s r a 'c h ts fer g| Services in tha Pariah Hall first Sun. c m lb fit Journal « ffiee. day in every month in tha evening Third Sunday in »vary month hereul ter Typewriter pa er 6 bircia fw at 11 o ’clock in the mornin . P* liny at th»' Journal office. the uoanination to tba office of Dis For Sale, trict Attorney for Malheur County, H r. BROWN pool tables, cues, ruck and subject to the will ofthe republican Choice for $50. W. B Hoxie voters at the primaries to be held Entered at the Foetoffice at Nyaaa NOTICE OF HEARING OF Oregon. aa aeeoad-claaa Ball matter May 16. 1924. E M. BLODGETT. PETITION TO FORM SUBSCRIPTION RATES On the Way. DRAINAGE DISTRICT Ttie time w orn» tn he com ing when One year, in advance------------ .$1.60 FOK DISTRICT ATTORNEY IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE those who Indulge lu luxury and ehoU •a Bun Ihn. in adv 1 hereby announce a y candidacy, will he regarded with quite as m o # STATE OF OREGON FOR THE aneplrtoti and contempt as was far- subject to tba will of tba votera at COUNTY OF MALHEUR. PROHIBITION AGAIN B o d y directed toward those who tiie Republican primary to be he'd Notice ia hereby given that hearing haunted the doors of chicken mote A correaporident in last week's May 16, 1924. for the nomination, for on the following petition will b. ht Id after dark — Ctlea Ohaervar. re elec ion, to tbe office of District in the County Court room at the Coun Journal severely criticizes the Attorney for Malheur County. ty Court Houae, in the City of Vale, law prohibiting the manufacture (Sicnod) KOBT. D. LYTLE. County of Maibeur State of Oregon, and sale of booze, alleging that on the 26tb day of February, 1924. at it is contrary te God s plan to do Will “ Consistency” explain the the hour of 11:0# o'clock in tbe fora so. He bases his argoment deep underlying principle by noon of aaid day, for tha purpoae of upon tbs claim that “ the Bible which we determine that prohi determining whether the prayer of gives him no authority or prece bition of ths liquor traffic is an aaid petition ehali tie granted. Ail persons owning or claiming an dent for such a law .” We art infringement c f personal liberty intereat iu land« deacribed in aaid pe thus, according to his reasoning, while prohibition o f the drug tition are hereby - olined to app:ar at limited to the laws first enacted traffic is not— ut does he believe aaid place on aaid data and show in the Bible. Such a claim, of that the latter should also be cause, if any there be, why the prayer C ounty of M alheur ( s s 1. H J. Ward,being first duly sworn, ia aaid petition abould not bo granted. coorao, ia absurd. It would pro unrestricted? depose and aay: That 1 am one of the H S SACKETT, hibit the passage o f any of tha patitienara of tbe foregoing pet'lien; Clerk of the County Court. prohibitive and restrictive laws that 1 have read aaid foregoing peti tion and that I believe the allegations that aociety has passed for it’s thereof to bo true. 1 further stale PETITION protection, sush as the law that tba signatures appended to said THE IN THE COUNTY COURT OF against the use o f drugs, the petition are tree and proper aignaturaa Mano white slave law and hun 1 The High School subject ia aa STATE OF OREGON. FOK THE of persons whose names appear signed COUNTY OK MALHEUR followa: dreds o f others. But the ad tharctv and that aarh and all of said “ Total Ahatinenea and Modern In To the Honorable County Court of signers of said petition are owners of vocates of tbs prohibities law Maibeur County State of Oregon: dustrial Urbanization*. ’ * Tha undera gned being owhers of lands within tha proposed drainage are set entirely without Scrip- Number of worda- maximum, 1000; BURBIDGE & BAY I a district as set forth in said petition. turalal authority for tho law. To iaimatr, 700 Graded three foertbn moro than flfiv per cent of tbe acreage H. J, WARD. quote: “ Look aot upon tho wine on «abject matter and ODa fonrth on of the contiguous body of a kali, wet 8abscr,bsd and awarn to bsfora raa and overflow lasd in Malheur jou n tf, when it ia rod,” etc. Here is a atyla arid gramstiaal excellence State Oregon, hereinafter described, do this 8rd uay of January. 1924. prizJ $16 and $20; ecanty prlaa, $6 arid direct renmaad to abstaio, oven E. M Blodgett, hereby petition your honorable body $2.40. Notary Public for Oregon. in » d e r a tio n , from the use of $. Seventh and Eighth Grade aab- to caute to be organised a drainage wise. There is no intimation ject ia "Abstinence from tobacco us district for the purpose of having sack My commission txpiraa December T, lands reclaimed and protected from 1924. that ateasporate uso of it would a help to school athletic*.’ ’ Number of worda maximum, 600; the effects of water, for sanitary and Date of first publication Jan. II. 1924 bu permissible. agricultural purposes and for tha con Data af last publication Fab. 8, 1924 “ Consistency’s ” claim that minimum, 400. Graded one half on aub venience and weifaraof tha public util ject mutter and one-half on originality the probihitieo law was enacted and giamatical excellence and genera! ity and benefit; and for the purpoae of by a “ set o f extremists’ ’ is not appearance. State prize, $10; County this petition we stats tha following matters, as arc required by Chapter born* out by tho facts. It is en prixe, $4 and $2. Drs. Bradfcrd A Bradford. Carver 84b of tha General laws of Oregon, for ita faco absurd, and indicates 3. Fifth and Sixth Grade subject ia the year 1916. gradaste». Consultation and examina- “ Five reasons why one gain* by total J. Iten free Ten years successful prac shout the amount o f credence 1. The name proposed for such dis tica ia the atase of Oregon. First abstinence." Number of word« max GENERAL INSURANCE NYSSA OREGON that can aafely be given to the imum, 300; minimum, 140 Graded trict is WARD DRAINAGE DIS door west ef Bank of Nyaaa Protect your property with a safe and sound insurance policy TRICT. argument ns a whole. Constita- same aa seventh and eighth. and be happy. tional amendments are sot pass All teachers In Malheur county are X. The boundary lines o f tho pro- posed Drainage District are as follows: Peo points a penny a pieca at the ed by ‘ a set o f extremists ” requested to send two best essay* from Commencing at tha quarter corner Journal office. each division into Mrs. Will J Roberta, They are enly enacted by the on the North aide of Section 6, Town Ontario, Or., before April 15, 1924. ship20 South, Range 47 East; thence will of a good big majority c f the wett one halt mile; thence South one- velars. That there is such a Forty acres of land for rant for crop half mile; thence west to tha east majority behind the Eighteenth rent one mils north of Adrian by G. (J. bank of tba Owyhee ditch; thence amoadment it clearly shown by Smith. See J. Boydell. along said east bank of tho Owvhea the admitted fact that neither ditch in southerly direction to a point political party will dare to put For Sale — Four Jersey eows, on where said east bank cf Owyhaa ditch np either a wet candidate er a Ehrgood place across railrosd track. | intersects tbe south line of Section l. TH E U N IV E R S A L CAR Tony DeVries. j42t Township 2U S . Range 46 E. thence vet platform, which would not east lo the eou'h qaarter corner to he the case were there cnly a Section 6; ttence north one quarter SUMMONS ‘ small set o f extremista’ ’ behind mile; thence east 660 feet; thence the amendment. T her e will not IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE north to the north line of Section 6; STATE OF OREGON » 0 * THE tnenca west to point of beginning. he a plank ia either platform to COUNTY OF MALHEUR 8. The total acreage included in the ■edify the prohibition law even BOISE PAYETTE LUMBER COM- laid propoaed Drainagt District is 445 ia favor wine and beer. PANY, Limited, a private corporation, acres “ Conalstency” ia evidently un- Plaintiff, vs. G. B Porter and William 4 The namaa of the orwners of tho land in aaid proposed Drainage Dis fouiiliar with the prohibition law Porter, De'sndanta lo G B PORTER and WILLIAM trict as shown by the record of Mai* or he would not have made the PORTER, tha above named defendants hear Caanty, Oregon, Mid the acreage mistake ho did about Timothy, IN THE NAME OF THE STATE owned by each ef said owners is as for the law is very liberal in re OF OREGON: You, and each of you. oiiows; gard to tho use o f wine, etc., for are hereby required to appear ia the n a m e s ACREAGE I ■edieinal purpose*. Tim othy’ s above entitled court and cauaa within Earl Ward aix weeks from tha 11th day of Jan Frank Ward l _____ . . . . . 136 seres procedure under the law would uary, 1924 which ia tha data of tba Aadray J Ward J hast been to get a doctor’ « pre- first publiestion of thin ■ummuus, than Robert H Brown ...................169 serai ■urlption. The gentleman made and there to answer er otharwias Chas. Garriaon___ __________ 88 acres the earne mistake in regard to plead to the complaint Iliad herein H J W ard.......... ___________ 60 aerea wlae for sacramental purposes, against yoa and to defend hernia, and Malheur C ou n ty......... ..............IX acres 5. Tba proposed reclamation and for which ample provision is if you fail eo to do, fur wart thsra of the plaintiff will take judgment protsctien of said lands is for sanitary mad*. against you, and each of yoa, for tha and sericultura! purposes: and such His most fatal error, however, sum of One Hundred Fourteen and 74- prspeead reclaaation and protection is his proposal to prohibit drunk 10U Dollars ($114 74) togrtksr with in- will be conducive to tbe public health Business men—with whom the runabout has always been very ards from the use of liquor In terest thereon fium January 6. 1VXX, sad welfare, and of public utility and until paid, at the rata » f six per cant. beo. fit. popular—are well pleased with the changes embodied in this modeL this prepetition ha destroy* the (6 pur sent) par aauam, and tor ita fnmadalioii for his entiro argu- austa and disbursements herein, and 6. A l'of the lands included ia said Always rugged, the car has been made decidedly trimmer and mor« proposed district are proparly included ■ oat — that it i* contrary to will ala« take an order far the aula of comfortable. therein, and will ha beneficially affect Mods’ plan to enact any the fall- wing described property ed by the eprretioas ef the propoaed This result is obtained by raising the radiator and enlarging tht law for which there is not which ia attacked hernia, in the p*s- district. cowl; making a da ..ded improvement in looks and providing more eatsioa of James A Smith in Ike 7 The benefits of such proposed rccla- a scriptural precedent Can room. Urtxul Hotel, in Vais Malheur Coun matiea sad pretaatian will exceed tha ha cite aay such law that ty Oragon: damage to ha done; and the heat inter A well de-igned top and slanting windshield do their share toward dee« not apply to all alike? If 1 National rash register, ana 894 I t nat of tha land incladed, and of tho adding a tinished clean-cut appearance. this theory ia correct the old sa fsslorj No 613216, 1 Nauenal a as owners af such land aa a whole and of regular. No 92b66.r>; 1 Manuel phono le*« license law was contrary to the public at larga, will he promoted Make it a point to see the other new models also on display in the 349 God’s plaa alse, as there '8 no greph; 1 Hrrrm H»H Marvin safe; 1 by the formation and proposed opera nearest Ford dealer's show room. made by WaitSai-i Pinna Com tion of said district. divine precedent for such a law. piano, pany, Milwaukee, Wueoneia; 1 Seth 8. Tha formation ef a drainaga dis These cart can be obtained through course, the truth is that rbomae; 1 old kemingten type trict unde' tha provhiora ef Chapter the Ford W ttk lj Purchase Plan, writer, No 10; 1 small aleatne fan, changing conditions require Furniture enu bedding in room num X40 of tba General Laws of Oragon for change in laws. Society has a bered 215 Dies I Hotel, conaiet'ug of 1916, under the provisions of which 1 tied Complete, 1 dresser and cover, 1 this petition is proposed, ia a proper right to pass any law that is table, 1 rocker, 1 chair; Farmtore and bedding in room nun and advantageous method of scena- uecassary for the protection of her«-d 216 ia Droxel Hotel, consisting pitching the raclhaation and protec Mtietg. The complex eivilua- of 1 bed complete, 1 dresser sad tion af tha land ia tha aaid proposed Drainage District. lioa o f today requires different cover, i table, 1 rocker. 1 chair: Furniture in room numbered X17 ia 9. Tba proposed plan for tha racla, laws than did the primitive peo Drexel Hotel, (omitting of 1 library ple* of Bible day*. The use of table, 1 center table, 1 china cabinet, motion and pretaction o f the land ia 2 rocker», 3 chsire, 1 Morris chair, 1 said proposed drainage district is ky liquor waa aot abused to such an loung,, 1 Willamette tawing machine. tile draiue. There will be constructed Furniture ami bedding in room num two IX inch til-drain eterei» one of extent then as it ia now bored 218 ia Drexal Hotel consisting That Ood recognises the ne ot 1 bad complete, I dresser and eovar, which will « aft «■"Ska Garrison'» land, and I e ether aw the nd owned cessity of making laws to fit con 1 choir. I writing desk; ami that tha proceeds of such aala he ditions is shown by His destroy spoiled tuwaid the peyment of aaid by Earl V aa< Frank Ward a i ' Amj- ray J~We. and raaetiag ia a aa -nan ing the people by a Hood, be- judgment. drain aa line , atwaea their lead d This summons is pskhsbvd by virtu» eauoe he repented having mad* Robert l( Brow i '• aad thane* to ttT- of an ardcr af tbe Henerable Dalton them. That was apparently an Higgs Judge of be above entitled ■•ver. 1 court, duly meda a id esterad herein Tba leedtiu the pr penad dieted# h “ afterthought'’ on His part, on the 7th day of Jaaaary, IM4, di •e S itu a ted that, witboo dftekus beinj, caused by the intolerable condi* recting publ'eatiee thereof for eia sac caeatructed. tha water is ODt A mi ,«4 ticas that prevail*«!. aeaaiva weak» in the Gat* City JearaaL e ( end the water remai», fifias and O r a r t i , by If you want anything usually kept in an uptodate meat market WE HAVE IT Phone 6 Notice of W. C. T. U. E*s»y Contest L llo lll d H t u Chiropractors Five Legal Papers Drawn BOYDELL of Of V. B. STAPLES,Ontario, Or TRUCKS • T R A C T O R S