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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1924)
e ,«îü&. XXII. G ate C ìty NO 11. NYSSA, ORKDON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1924 FARM H i S E E « O F F IC E O F D IS T R IC T r a e i li. u. LYTLE OF VALE BECOMES CANDIDADTE. > em ¿ IflRST LOCAL HATS HIT RING # P. M. i > 1er F2 Shod I T l UW hattm P r.» Blodgett of Nyssa Also to Seek Republican Nom ination The first of the local hats to be hrown into the political ring were sed in this week for the office of District Attorney when R. D. Lytle, r Vale, and E. M. Blodgett of JJyssa, both signified their intcn lions of becoming candidates for the epublican nomination in the com pg May election. R. D. Lytle is the incumbent and seeking reelection with a plat- orm based upon his record during past three years of service in office^ E. M. Blodgett is practicing in |ie Gate City o f the county, being only attorney in Nyssa, where has been located for several CA] COUNTY STATISTICS Ra Ileal L>oalsr SE Jtr Estate Transfers Recorded Week of Deeeber 29th to January 5th. A. D. Morey et ux to Ethel N. Logan, SWV4NWV4 Sec. 27-20-4«; jilso Lots 4 and 5, Block 37, Park Vdd. to Nyssa. 11-19-23. $100. E. E. Fretell et ux to Frank Pal mer, SWV4SE14 Sec 5-24-41. 12- 51-23, $1.00. A. H. McGregor to John J. Mc Gregor, NViNE'/.SEVi Sec 17-18 47. 9-4-23. $1.00, love and affec tion. A. II. McGregor to Harry E. Mc- bregor et ux, SV6NE',tSE',4 Sec. 17-18-47. 9-4-23. $1.00, love and affection. Myrtle Donovan et vir to Martha L- Shares, Lots «, 7, and N% of 8, Gock 8«, Ontario. 12-28-23. $500. Sheriff H. Lee Noe to E. H. fewisher, undivided M> interest in l%NEV4NE>/* Sec. 30-15 47. 1-20- |l. $780.71. (Certificate of Sale). E. H. Swisher et ux to Thomas Lalbreath, undivided Vt interest in jMiNEVvNEU Sec. 30-15-47. 2-21- J l. $1.00. (Q.C. Deed). Thomas Galbreath to Hazel Wins low et vir, SEV4NEV4NEV4 Sec. 3*/ 15-17. 12-28-23. $1.00. K u . S. A. to John J. Ackerman, j W%NWV4, SBV4SWV4 Sec. 33-15 40; Lot 3, Sec. 4-16-40 12-19-21. I I I . S. A. to heirs of Samuel H. jfhnmpson, WV4NEV4, E 'A N W ’i , Sec. 9-21-46. 12-14-23. ■ Sheriff H. Lee Noe to C. F. Mil ler. Lots 11 to 20, inclusive, in ^ ■ o c k 36, Park Add to Nyssa. 12- 15-23. $50. J LAW re! Marriage Licenses Issued. ■ Omer Presley and Zenola Lam B rson . 12-31-23. H jo h n Peichel and Catherine Rup- pe rt. 1-5-24. Complaints Filed in Circuit Court. |Chas. B. Henggler vs. Joseph aeger. 1-2-24. Recovery of uney. $613.74. S’. B. Story vs. S. M. Cari.hers et s. 1-2-24. Foreclosure o f movt- Aig.e. $4,000. i Idaho Canning Co. vs. E. G. bulsbery. 1-3-24. Dam ig, s. $645. I ’ etitions Filed in County Court. Ward Drainage District. 1-4-21. •POP I STUNT BETC m DO ROAD CONDITIONS PROJECTS IN OREGON IN EASTERN OREGON TO GET 0. S. FUNDS 4 $ FIFTY DEATHS AHE CAÜ 'ED BY COLO DURING PAST WEEK SHEEP RAISERS TO MEET BISHOP MOVES FROM BAKER Ltf T *"*?**?“ • Jo*eph ONTARIO NEWS N TAX CERTIFICATES PURCHASED I MAT BE GETTING OUD, SO N . BUT T h e r e ' s n o t h in g x w o n ' t TftT ONCE n ? L. f. Yr © \Vt «f0n. V .vsf amo R ig h t - g e t down on tour knf . e e L ike T h ', c > , P u T t o u R w a n DS BE h in D T our bacic , hoi -D to u r h ea d up &¡ ARCH YOUR BtACk. - T h EN — ------------« T 3 $1.50 PER YEAR BUREAU DISTRIBUTING TIPS FOR TAXPAYERS ™ SPECIAL COYOTE POlSf No. 2 The Malheur County Farm Bu reau is now distributing a sperial coyote strychnine marie by the U or more or whose gross income was i S. Biological Survey by a special j $5,000 or more, and every married CHAINS REQUIRED IN BLUE I CHANGES TO BE MADE I N ! couple (living together) whose net COLD WAVE NOW CBN f L . i l . G process which ‘covers up” the bit- MOUNTAIN SECTION. ter taste. Full directions for its j j income was $2,000 or more or whose MANY LAND OFFICES IN EAST AND SOUTH use have been worked out by the \ ______ i gross income was $5,000 or more, Biological Survey and printed in must file an income-tax return. illustrated circular form. These i W eekly K,'Port " f State Highways *910,000 Appropriated for Umatilla Broadly speaking, gross income Eighteen Die in Chicago Du- hi of the La Grande Division of directions are obtainable from the is ail income received by the tax TV ork— Baker’s Balance the Cold Wave, Zero Weath county agent’s office where orders payer during the year from salary Highway Department. Available. er Now in South. for the poison will be received as or wages, business, trade, profession well. j or vocation, dealing in property, in- The condition of Eastern Oregon The farm bureau has been dis . . , , I Washington, D. v C__ .— Substantia]' terest> rent or dividends, or from j n^i nuAi i nai ci y 50 Approximately persons died neeorrlincr to to the I aid . tributing this poison at one dollar state hiflrhwiivs. highways according for Oregon projects was carried th<\ transaction of any business car- duri the hours „ a „ per ounce. Most o f it is ,bel" f )“ sed v , l ' y o 7 C °state H ' W f t ! 1" ^ :" U'rior deP^tmont ned ° n for ^ Net income is of the intense co,d wave in the interior parts of Malheur | ' 1Mun o f the State Highway De- ; appropriation bill, reported to ♦ , l . . | & * uos income, less certain specified m i..i . : ___ »>.. gross tne . . . . ln----- - ' , — — ------- 1 tne middle west, and now is cen tjr county where, it is said, the coyotes partment, was as follows: for business expenses, irw. • „ nno. . .. house today from committee, and deductions . , , . . . ’ ing in the east and south, debts, taxes, etc. w - .. . . are rather plentiful this year. Sev-j Old Oregon Trail East of The which will be taken up for passage bad m _ .. _ Many o f the victims were froze The exemptions are $1,000 for t(J death> others 8Uccumbed to eral orders have been received from j Dalles, tomorrow. single persons, $2,600 for m arred po8ure( stin others were b. llarnoy county also. Coyote hunt-1 0ntari()( Huntington, Baker, *BW d t Items carried in the bill include: couples (living together) whose net death while 8eeki e8tape ers report that the weather is « - ¡ Union> La Grande> Pendleton, Uma- Maintenance and operation of the pecially favorable fo rthis work and j tilIa( Arlington. The Dalles: Mai Alaska railroad, $1,000,000. " 7 et / l 1 9 3 was *5’.™° or l(f ' cold and Others met death and $2,000 for married couples dent8 due to j condition. that he snow is about right to e « ,-L lldemized entire diatance and in For reclamation projects in the whose net income was in excess of r. ... . .. able them to find the po.soned am-1 d condition Blue Mountains be. 1- West the bill carries a total of $9,- mais $5,000. An additional credit of deatb‘s * “ Pendleton ...... and La Grande 940.000 or $2,304,000 less than was . , ! tween ............................... $4«) is allowed for each person St. Louis reported five c lt 'PS. B\3: df A . fUmlAhingLC0.y0t* . P0,SAn' ' kept free of snow by snow plows, allotted for expenditure during the (other than husband or wife) de- r,.-,, , . , „ the Malheur county bureau has dis . . . . . . . Pittsburg reported four, To make trip without difficulty on current fiscal year. pendent upon the taxpayer for chiet tnbuted a large amount of poison. morning following h «news' ma- Philadelphia, Macon and New j r For the Baker project in Oregon support if such person is under 18 for rabbits, ground squirrels, o r -, thines should not not ,eave leave Pendleton| the unexpended balance of the ap- years o f age or incapable of self- leans reported each one. chard mice, crows, magpies and . , , . ,, Cities reporting one fatalP^- in gophers. There is a special poison j "ai,a'a Gxa.nde unt 11 . ab_out n.°.on; De' I propriation for the current fiscal support because phys.cally or men- cluded s t Paul Denve Hp, can be secured from Highway year ig reappropriated. ally defective. ’ ’ or formula for each pest and the __ Division _____ _________ _ „ . . . . . . . Okla., Peoria and L uiun, ’ llin, m.. In., i Office ___.... at La Grande. ____ Chains poison usually costs the farmer less; r„ quired Bll,p Mountain section. J " i .1 fL * r t«ev ille, Point 1 Pleas.,, -. "°™ , , , n . n . n . “ _ . . u c iir e , Tenn., icun., ruint leas.*!1, .. the appropriation for the coming the first $4,000 of net income in ex- j j sheffieId and Qpelika, A,a. than half of the cost of less effect cess o l the exemptions and credits j Old Oregon Trail West o f fiscal year as follows: ive sorts obtainable through other Atlanta Ga— Heavy pr~>.rty channels The funds received go The Dalles j Umatilla, Oregon, $940,000; Klam- and 8 per cent on the remaining I , _ . . . * back into the bureau’s own revolv Columbia River Highway Section ath, Oregon-Califomia, $695,000; net income. 1 damage and intense su ing fund to bo reinvested for addi The Dalles, Hood River, Portland, Okanogan, Washington, $70,000; j caused throughout the 6- h- ? tional poisons, thus costing the tax Rainier, Clatskanie, Astoria, Sea- Yakima, Washington, $720 000. over the week end by low t> <- payer nothing and being far more side: Paved the entire distance. tures. The weather nu i «d Abolishment of 21 land offices economical than the bounty system LaGrande-Waliowa Lake Highway and consolidation of the offices of slightly Monday, after roaching in vogue in neighboring counties. zero Sunday, the coldest in a quar register and receiver in fourteen La Grande, Island City: Paved. Matter of Grazing LandB Will Be ter of a century. others are proposed in the bill. Island City, Elgin, Minam, Wal of Paramount Interest At The bill, first of the annual sup Annual Convention | Wallowa Lake Macadamized and in ply measures to reach the house, I ,u ) carries $261,727,965, approximately —~ - ‘ ] good condition. $35,800,000 less than the total ap Hcarquarters of the Diocese of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smith e- Baker-Cornucopia Highway Salt Lake City, Utah,— More than propriated for the current fiscal tumed from Baker and wil. vj in Eastern Oregon, To Be At Baker, Halfway: 10 miles macada year and $10,3000,000 less than the 1000 sheep raisers from all parts of the Jaquish home. Pendleton mized; 21 miles roadbed. Balance amount requested in budget esti the United States are expected to Mrs. Paul Van Petten e 'n attend the annual convention of the fair county road. mates. i Land offices which would go out Nation Wool Growers’ association ed the M. and M. Club Fr. . Headquarters o f the Diocese of Oregon-Washington Highway of existence July 1 under the bill in to be held here January 22-24, ac temoon. Eastern Oregon, Episcopal church, Pendleton, Washington State Line: Mrs. John Moore entertained w th clude those at Lamar and Sterling, cording to an announcement by F. will be moved from Baker to Pen-1 Paved, a “ 500” party at the Moore Hotel n n a r,• i . o i in Colo.; Lewiston, Idaho; Great Falls R. Marshall, secretary. Pendleton, Pilot Rock, Vinson, , . __. ,... X T dleton according to an announce , The question of grazing lands in Thursday evening. ’ , ’ ,, and Kalispell, Mont.; Elko, Nev.: [eppner, Heppner Junction: Mnea- r . ....... \r .................... . ment made yesterday by the Right | Heppne Clayton, N. M_; Vancouver and national forests, as at the Spokane The Oxman Sheep Co. rold a Rev. William P. Remington, bisnop! damized except between Vinson and Yakima, Wash. The committee de convention last year, ig expected to large bunch o f wethers to Swift A- of the diocese. It is expected that! Jones Hill where going is very clared that the amount of business be among the important things dis Co. at' oPrtland Friday. the move will be made about Febru- rough. Traffic between Jones Hill done at these offices did not justify cussed. Will Gidley of Boise was !n On ary first, and Vinson may be handicapped by j ^ Colonel W. B. Greeley, chief of tario Tuesday. A geographical review o f the hnow or mud at this time o f the The office o f reg|ster and receiv- the forest service, has signified that C. H. Oxman left Monday evr-ii ig Eastern Oregon Episcopal district, • vf a'' and local inquiry should be , (>(i wou](J bg consolidated at the f j ] . he will be present and will tell of | for Portland and will return S .t- where there are ten clergymen in made before attempting trips. ¡lowing points: Tureka and Sacra- the position o f the forest service in urday. the field, shows that only two of | mento, Cal.; Denver, Colo.; Healey the matter. Mr. Bailey has returned f -* these would be nearer Baker than and Blackfoot, Idaho; Bozeman, Boise and is staying at the Moo !. ARCADIA Pendleton if ^ adquarters were con ______ ;___________________________Mont.; Las Cruces, Roswell and Pete Needham was down i i m tinued there. A t present there are | , 77 ,, , ; Fort Sumner, N M., and Burns, La Vale Tuesday. Jim Benall has gone to Portland ,, , . nine points where the church is con Grande and Vale, Oregon.— Port- W. W. Wood attended court a‘ ducting work in what could be call for a couple of weeks to look for a land, Telegram. The representatives of the Anglo- Vale Tuesday. location and to consult a physician. ed tile Baker field, and all o f these London Paris Bank of San Fran J. P. Dunaway was in tow i i Mr. and Mrs. Earl Quinley are sta y -1 now have competent supervision. cisco have made large purchases of Nyssa, enroute to Vale Tuesday. OFFICERS STATE CHAMBER delinquent tax certificates on lands The Bishop’s residence in Pendle- S with M w - Bena11 8nd little 80,1 : R. W. Swagler spent Tuesday in OF COMMERCE RE-ELECTED ton, which he has determined to Mr* B(*nairs ‘^ sence. within the Warmsprings Irrigation Vale. Portland.— 1_ E. Vining of Ash make temporary headijuarters for Glen Davis and fam ily attended District, during the last week_ All Mrs Hulery who has bee. quit' ( land was re-elected president of the o f the certificates taken up seem to at least a year will be at 155 East church at the Owyhee Sunday. ill is recovering slowly. Mr. and Mrs. Ida Dail were visit-j State Chamber of Commerce at a be upon _____________________ ^ the large the land held by Washington street, until a perman E. H. Test left for P j-t ’" id. the latter’s brother, Jess meeting o f the board o f directors of holding corporations and not upon ent residence can be decided upon ing Monday evening to be gone .al Thompson, and family, of Payette,, the organization here today. ^_______ ‘" ' the lands actually being farmed by days. and a Bishop’s house bought ->r whose daughter is very low w ith , °ther officers of the association settlers, built. Mrs. Ivan Oakes entertain ' ,ie j were re-elected and one new office | pneumonia fever, Friday, Tuesday Bridge. Chester Lackey moved the re- I ° f vice-president was created. Pete Mr. and Mrs. Joe Staples ei ler- * WEATHER REPORT FOR Do You Approve Plan for * mainder o f his farm machinery, Laggie of North Bend was elected ! * tained Friday evening, with a • )0" * to fill the new position. * WEEK OF JANUARY 12 party. Mrs. Wilmer Boy, r Peace? • and stock from the ranch last week. That the state chamber intends to Glenn Davis of Nyssa will run the Henry Griffin held high it undertake a publicity and educa * ! ♦ Readers of The Malheur En- * Lackey ranch this year. Temp Date 1924 Rain Dainty refreshments were : ♦ E. B, Butler, Sr., and J. Mackey I 1 terprise can read on page 4 the * Max. Min Inches m Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Fn.ser en * plan selected by the American * are putting up a supply of ice at ' Jan. 3 26 0 4- tertained the Carnation Club Tues 4 * * Peace Award as being the most * tlie Butler ranch. Jan. 4 17 9V4b 0 day evening * Howard Temple took a bout 25 establishment o f a practical one to bring an end * Jan. 5 0 ♦ 19 8b Miss Clarice Canfield returnee to to all war. The group associ- * head of cattlo to Weiser Friday and Jan 6 17 9b 0 * Denver Sunday after spending th< • ready to undertake a bu: ’ * 0 wjll sell them at a sale there the ated with Edward Bok in evolv- * Jan. 7 14 10Hb 0 holidays with her parents, Mr. .inr industrial survey of the state re • ing a way to bring about world * first of the week. 0* Mrs. Ward Canfield. Miss Canf c' Jan. 8 27 8% • * Walt Rose, foreman for John peace is anxious to get a re- * Jan. 8 35 6 0 0 is employed by the government. • flection of public opinion upon * Date Temp 1923 lain 0 Mr. Welch o f Seattle sinnt • ■ from the stock member manager, this plan, and asks everybody to * winter quarters 0 % Jan. 3 42 25 couple of days in Ontario t‘ > m «i fields of several farms in the v a l-. wel,k 0 ballot upon it. Jan. 4 45 29 D. C. Booth will soon m — H j • * 10 0 his new home on the East i On another page o f this issue * ley. 34 Jan. 5 42 On account o f poor health O. J. ager for the K. S. & D. ranch 0 0 will be found a referendum bal- * Jan. 6 55 32 L. L. LaRose has return Lorn • lot for this vote—fill it in and * Thorne will rent his farm and the past four years, moved 53 31 7 Jan. o. 0 H * 0 j * 0 26 mail it so an early tabulation * start traveling for the Shores Ex his fmily to Wilder last week. Jan. 8 53 1 * tract Company. He will start to 0 • ‘ There was a meeting of 27 o f results may be made. 40 Jan. 9 Mr. Amons is building a 1 Washington county in about one stock barn cilmen Monday evening. W H A T ’S T H E U S E c a n ' t journal •T h a t Ç» -EAE.T U û e a Pii "T r - P. LL FORWARD AN R ock B acia U iñí RT h WITHOUT LETTING to u r THE: c h in T o uch T iO O R AMO - NO TA lf? - ^ HERE YOU LET YOUC CHIN TOUCH A Jk * f