Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1924)
the nome of Mr and M m Joeeph ! vie n tar ta* ew million dollar! ahie for north and tenth mad thru B Morton, cousins o f the bride. Th«. fo rt land took place -aunty. Elks Tempi« m Ree Carl D. Caae o f the Oak Park Saturday. Delegation» from various Klamath Falla extending city » » - Baptist church officiated. Veni Gelatane Leaf parta of the Pacific coaat went to -er serne« to country home*. Mr*. McNary la a daughter o f the fU > h M M E R fc f/j Three rape eoolaed ground reel, M jikcur O rn a ti Resi fatata Tramu 1 Portland for the dedication. Roseburg—Telephone office adds 3 tahieapoona granulated gelatin, S late Major Morton, U. S. A., who tar* R m w M b o ria « W«*k The memberahlp at Portland .odge ^ paient. rap eoid real itock. I rap hot mai for M year* wax aid* to General of time. 22 ta bee 29 now 5000 atron«. was praised for * » ^ ri^ ye>, Noe. , , , . ir. , , . imonumen- a» - itock tbotling). 4 rap chopped Nelson A. Miles. She is prominent ability to erect such a monument aa | „ au_».____u____ a kaildiM that *• •**“ iU* n* 47 department hu.M- u , d (fi, j ubleapoooe .a actieitiee of the Masaachuseti- Sheriff H. Le* Noe to frank Cor ^ r ik v LmoU . . . . . . e . '__ ____i bridges at eoet of 42j>13.- green pepper*. 2 taWe League o f Women Voter*. r«a-E‘ASE>4, N W 'iS E 'a Sec. 4; N (tanda es tlM finest fraternal »true Commercial trout hatchery, in- »poons pimento, 1 teaspoon onion —“ E '4, and NW ‘aS E '4 See. 9-16-40 ture in the United States, ao called tended to «uppty Soteis, restaurs.-.t.« t, teaspoon celery »ait. V s tenapocn 9-4-23. $3J)9784. by men who «are traveled from one Oregon A Weatern Colonization. end of the country to the other, and and dinmg car service planned fur paprika. 2 teaspoons of »alt, 2 tablespoons chopped sweet pickles. ^ Co. to State of Or«gon-2 acre» in a building that is a credit to the Klamath county. 1564 Pounds ( an Be Over 3,535 owner* at livestock Soak gelatin in cold veal »tuck 5 ’ r‘ i*r- ‘ * » See. 21-18-48. 10-19-23 $'200.00. city of Portland and the »tate of Hurled 23 Miles; Total received grazing permits in 22 Na- min Add boiling veal stock *nd Weight 7M.M« LAs V. 3. A. to Manuel T vlnunterN Oregon. tionai forests in Washington sr,d dissolve gelatin. Add rest at th* E ‘ASW*4 Sec. 9-13-42. 6-12-23. ingredients and pour into mould. Oregon during 1922. C. £. Beidmg et tu lo City at Washington, D. C.—Army ordnance 460.000 Set in cold place 2 noose.—Mrs F. experts have developed what they The Dalles— 10-room fintar.o-LoU 1 to 5 inciusive, Bloc* L Williams, DesMo.nes, Levs. school bunding planned. Sé, Ontano. 5-1-23. 11.00. (Q. C. believe to be the heaviest and most The 125 sawmills reporting to powerful gun of its type in th e1 Deed). Eugene— Work to »tart on new Chocolate Bread Padding B. W. Siilisanto City of Ontario- West Const Lumbermen’s Ase. for hotel very soon. bread. 4 raps Two rape stale Lot» 11 to 15, inclusive, Block So, week ending bee. 22. manufactured Hood River—Cooper's Spur road scalded milk, 3 squares chocolate The new weapon is o f the 14-inch Ontario. 7-9-23. $5.00. <Q. C. 102,086,375 f t lumber; »old 92,161,- to Cloud Cap Inn, Mt. Hood, to be V4 cup water, 1 cup brown sugar, z ■'0-caliber type, and is a post-war c84 f t ; and »hipped 89,369,421 f t built. Deed). eggs well beaten. V» teaspoon »ait, development. It is capable of hurl Henry A. Caaiday et uà to City Production for reporting mill* was Portland—438,759,073 has been S teaspoon cinnamon, 1 teas poor, i ag an armor-paeremg projectile of of Ontano, .33 aerea in See. 3-là 20 per cent above normal. spent in development o f channel vanilla. Soak bread crumbs in 1560 pounds for a distance of 23 47. 12-8-23. |132. Portland to have Co-operative La to the sea by U. S. government ami milk until soft. Cook chocoiau ®des and can be moun'xid on whe-, C. b. Shafer to Wm. Bnm, SI* bor National bank with 4250,000 Port of Portland. Call the with water fili smooth, add brea.: «d camagea asd drawn along rail- SW ‘4 N Ei4 See. 17-31-41. 8-15-19. capital. Rainer to lay additional water and milk with other ingredienti road tracka. 413». Bend—Sherlia-Hixon c o m p a n y pipe line. Bake ;n «mali molda or one larg An electrical apparata» U provid- U. S. A. to Jody f . Lawrence, plana extensive repairs. Metolius— Columbia Valley Pr. Co dish. 3et Set in in water water in in a a moderai, «d to lower thè gun tato poaiuon S‘A SE‘4 See. 12; N *NE>4 See. 13- Toledo—Pacific Spruce corporation for passage through railroad tun »ork on new beschule* oven. Serve with cream sauce. 14-38; Lota I, 2, 3, EI4SW '4, 3W-4 to soon start work on giant viaduct river hydro-electric plant.. Cream sauce: Three tablespoon- nels and elevating it to firing p o r SE 'A, Sec. 18; WVi-NE‘4 , SE1/» to extend from fourth and Hi.i | Portland— 420/8)0 to be spent on butter, 1 cup powdered sugar. 1 tea tion. The total weight of gun and P H O N E 70F2 NW ‘A , .VASE *A, NEI í S W ü Set. streets to mill. Also two large hew 3-story building at f ifth and spoon vanilla. 2 egg yolks, H cup end carriage is 700,000 pounds, 19-14-39. 1-11-23. milk, iA rap whipped cream, craem One feature of the monster wea- rooming house« o f 42 rooms capar ! Gouch. Victor V. Hickox etax to Wm. C. BenA—O’Neil market road to be butteT and s s s x x x x s x. a. a_ i x » ■ i , add sugar gradually,; ¡>on * its ability to fire eitner from T a T a T s T ity each. Estimated cost of project T T vT T f T T T T T T f T T T r Waltz, SV4N’ W ‘4 , N W ‘A SW'A Sec. built at cost of 49,000. vanilla, beaten yolks, and milk;! 4 * carnage upon the tracka o : 486,000. 11- 21 4«. 9-25-23. »1. (Q. C. deed.» Benton county taxes will be lower £ook ¡B doubte Remove from »hen rolled to a concrete emplace-' Portland— 42,000,000 paper and Harry H. Muir et as to Harder this year. fire and fold in whipped cream For this purpose wheeled pulp plant to be built by newly or Sute Bank, S ‘A N'W' 4 , SW ‘A Ser. Portland— 40 homes to be erected Serve at once.— Mr*. R. N. Sim- supports are provided which can be, ganized Portland Paper A Pulp Co. 5; NV4NW14 Sec. 8; S'ANE'A, SE in Caldwell addition. removed within 30 nnr.utes. ! monds. Grant» Pass— 2100 acres land to ■A Sec. 6; V A N E ‘A Sec. 7-19-39. "H JAR STOLE Sihrerton— Silverton Canning Co. Because o f the great weight of be d.vided into 5, 10, 16 *rui20-acre 12- 26-23. |10. being reorganized into cooperatile Grated Apple Pie. the gun, war department official., U H W I N 'l i . H A I It ( T T f U M g Benjamin i'ayne et ux to Harper tracts, planted to alfalfa or clovsr, enterprise. Line deep pan with rich pastry, believe some railroad bridges may i 'i«T 3 v i , ( < n .H BATHS State Bank, Lota 1 and 4, Block 1, building» treceted and »old to set five-hundred thousand feet timber peel and grate three tart apples, 3 not be sufficiently strong to cam - tlor* on easy terms. Weatfall 12-28-23. 410. in Coast rsnge mountains o f Lirr ounces butter or thick cream, 3 it across, and department officials L a U A MAKER. Prep Wendllng—Booth Kelly Co. com coin county involved in 4-100,000, ounces HuOhard Walters et al to Anna sugar. Mix srith apples, Have opened communication with [ Nyaa*. fl pletes 12 employe's dwellings here. deal. b. S. Frati, WV4SW‘A Sec. 3 ;E ‘ and add juice of H lemon, and railroad companies in an effort t o 1 SE‘A Sec. 4-21-46. 12- 22-23. 4.00. Monroe completing 110,000 wster Corvallis— Meeting to be held h ere! three eggs beater, separately. Bake have stronger bridges built in the 4 4-t++++ V++-M-H C. E. Brown et al to Alfred supply. Jan. 2.3 to 25 to reorganize agricu in moderately hot oven, without future, Vogue, Lota 23, 24, and 25, Block Oregon City— Contract let for program for state. upper crust. Serve with cream.— 9, Hope Add. to Vale. 1229-23. 4L $75,000 Congregational church. Florida drunk was sentenced t< P R O F L S i s l O N r t L Canby— Biulding of new cannery Mrs. Wade. CsaSÚ Sheriff H. I-ee Noe to Wilda M. be sprayed with rum ten days, prov Prineville— Powell Butte Irriga assured. Copeland, NW'ANE'A Sec. 25; ing wishes do come true. Gresham— P. R. L. & P. improved tion District file« application to ir CUUiOPRALiOKd NW ‘A SE‘4 Sec. 22-16-47. 2-323. rigate 130,000 acres at cost of street car service to Troutdale. 47,692.62. Youngstown (O .) robbers found DUS. BRADFORD A BRADF0B Springfield— Anderson Mfg. Co. $800,000. Bride Is A Daughter Of Major only $7 on a taxi driver, so all i Carver Method Marriage Licensee Issued. Corjuille— Bandon highway to be installs new machine. Mill working Morton U. S. A. Of them are not bemtiegging. 2 shifts. Clyde Kazee and Elizabeth See. gravel surfaced. Consultation and examination Boston, Maas. Grants Pass— Six school districts 12-24-23. Work to be done on Umatilla— Nyssa, Oregon Man in New York has 65 dogs, Chicago,— United States Senate Joe Arano and Bonnie Naberan- Echo »ection of Columbia river surrounding Rerby consolidate for We had no idea anybody in New I Charles L. McNary of Oregon and union high school. lacona. 12-27-23. highway. osteopaths Eugene purchases two new sites Cornelia W Morton of Boston were York could be so poor. Tillamook county produced 7,- for schools. Complaints filed In Circuit Court. quietly married here December 29 Men are so funny. Chicago man fir s t National Bank of Bonnei’s 000,0001b«. cheese having value of The Dalles— North Dalles irriga- They will spend the first few day DB B A R B IL I ,-KAJta who never kissed his wife whipped ferry v». Sam Armstrong. 12-24- $400,000 during 1923. tion district formed to develop of their honeymoon here. oatoopatbie Pa/ciciaa Grant county has $82,000 avail- 6,000 acres at cost of $425,000. 23. Recovery on note. $.341.00. The ceremony was performed at a piano tuner who tried it. John Hardwick vs. O. W. Porter. Ontario. Oregon. 12-26-23. Recovery of money. Office: t\ iUoa at .g over Hi m— Y » » » « n i ^^» ss ■ m > v — ’ »V - $300.00. H. E. Young v». M. N. Fegtly ot w . a. H o x n als. 12-28-23. Kecivery of money. $265.00. Bonded Real Estate Lmalsr Horne Recipes COUNTY STATISTICS BOND 8 REAT 6 UN PERFECTED letterh ea d s Snvelopes m ittig G i v e U s 'f o u r O rd e rs fo t OREGON INDUSTRIAL REVIEW P r in tin g TWI OIS ■ lì. i>. F o r Q u ic k Servid m :. im . N v p s a T ra n sfer N yssa B a rb r Shod SENATOR M’NYRY MARRIED Notarial Commissions. M. Crandall, Vale. 12-26-23. INS l RANGE Ottica at Rasldsaca. 3rd fcvsnu« State N ews HOOD RIVER, — With the season’s tonnage for the valley line reaching in excess at 1400 ca n , the rush of moving out the apple crop from up- valley stations is ended for the Mount Hood Railroad company. The line reported yesterday that it had moved all o f the seasn's crop from Parkdale, except two cars. All fruit was shipped from Dee, The remain ing tonnage, held in storage at Van Horn and Odell, will reach 160 cars, according to C. J. McKittrick, local agent of the rail line. PORTLAND—Temple Beth Israel Jewish Kynagogue of Portland was burned by a firebug Saturday even ing so Fire Marshall Grefell decided Monday. The synagogue, whose imposing, globe-capped towers made the struc-1 turs a land mark of the West side, was gnawed to a shell Saturday night while the apparatus of ten fire companies dumped tons of wa ter upon It. It will be replaced as soon as possible with a structure costing in excess of $300,000 directors of th«* synagogue decided today. They estimate the loss at $200,- 000. Grenfell places the cost of the structure burned at about $50,000. Little insurance was carried. The congregation will accept the attar of First Presbyterian church for a temporary shelter, the officers announced. Starting at 9:30 p. m. the fire burned steadily for three hours be fore it was brought under control. MEDFORD—Traffic across Bear Greek bridge connecting East and West Medford is still being held up today because of the fire Sunday morning which completely gutted F o r m your own opinion o f the quality o f printing we turn out by looking over the samples we will be glad to show you. There is noth ing in this line that we can’t do to your entire satis faction. High- class printing creates a good impres- sion for you and your business. C o n s u lt V k 'R e fo r m y o u Send y o u r W o r l( O ut o f T o to v n CO! Real A. D Logan, Iso Li dil. tc | E. E. mer, S pl-23, [A - H [Gregor, «7. 9- kion. I A. II liregor ■7-18-47 nffectio I Myrtl J ,. Shat ^ p io ck i Sheri: wisher CITY D B A X U N E fM iN E 1 C. hlinkenberg ll. $7 I E. H PROMPT DELIVERY Biulbi'oa IM i N E 1 Reasonable Bates ■ l- $1 PHONS 16 I Thom low et ATTORNEY Et* AT LAW «-1 7 . l u . S. E. M. BLODGETT W' , N V Lot Attorney and Counsellor at Law |U. S Practice in all courts imps c. 9-1 Orega Sheri S v YAGLEB r, Lo: Attorney st taf (lock £ -23. Rooms 1 $ 14, 16 Wilson Bldg. Ontario H e y T h e re ! How about your letterhwuk billheads, statements, « n r * lopes, cards, etc. D on 't wait until they are all gone nnd then ask us to rush them out in a hurry for you. G o o d work re q u ire s lim e and ou r mrftto b that any thing tbafs w orth id - big b worth doing welL L« i w I s m that orator N -O -W w7rfa wo hmoo tho timo to dm roar Printing » U ohaald 5« don.. J X I I’ etitio Ward