Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1924)
,*v>z 176961 w«ir^T.~Ty<M i LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF Watch this Space next week This store will make an important announcement i Eder Hdwe. Go. N T S !A , ORIGAN We Handle Whiz Anti-Freeze for jou r Radiator«. Keep« '« ■ front freezing. Arvin Heaters for Fords Mr. and Mrs. AI Thompeon visited Payatta Menday. Chaa Thempaon waa called to Pay- atta San Jay by the aeriova lllaaaa ei kla, Oaorgla Thompson, daaghUr o f Mr. eat Mra. Jeaa« Tbempeea. Mra Artknr Boydall aatartatasd the ■amhars ai tka Bridge clnh last Fri day are. Gnasta far three tablaa war« present. A vary enjoyable avaaiag waa spaat, tka high acara being w a. ky Mra. Oatar Baser. A deable header kaaket ball gam# waa »layad kata laat Saturday by tha Nyaaa high aakool teams. Tba Pay atta kaya l i e n and tha Parna girla >•■■ war# tha aeataatanta far tka local ¡ »layara. Tka la«nli lost both gal bat ahewad gaad progress since thalr laat gaaa. Mr. and Mra. B O. Fowler, whose narriaga occurred os Wednesday, Jan aary 2, are at home to their frianda on N Third atraet. Mra. Fewlar be fore marriage waa Miaa Myrtle Smith. L. B. Hamaker ia suffering frem tha effeata o f a fall taken Monday. Ha slipped oa the porah steps a ad lit kla aide an a aornar of eaa ef the •taps, breaking two riba aad taarlag another eae loeae from Ita fastenings Ht also breka off a eeraar e f the parch. Ha la atill able to wtalff the razor with hi* accsstomsd skill, bot his utoally placid tamper I • a little to tha bad. Batteries Repaired and Recharged Service Garage Nfsaa, Oregon The wives of tho Commercial Club members treated the latter to a ban D. VT. Gibson has a aplendid exhibit quet at tha club room Thursday eve ning. Aboat 2$ couples attended sad o f fancy pooltry at tha third annual show of tha Gera State Poultry a*so ; enjoyed a fine feed. A feature of the evening wae the dishwashing stunt by ciatloo, which opened in Caldwell the men. J. P, Dunsway waa elected Tuesday Mr. Gibbon baa acme fins birda on exhibit that wi'l undoubtedly captain of tha dishwashing brigade and uphold the reputation that bis flocks , Mayor P. M. Merran first lieutenant. Some discontent was msnife ted by have gained at past shows l.erry li imaker, Sid Burbidge and J. K. Hunter returned Tuerday from ethers beiau t they couldn’ t be officer* a trio to the Mountain Home, Idaho, too. but somebody had to do the ac- territory in the interests o f the Me . tual work, and you couldn’ t expect the Connon company. offioers to do it. The jinx still pursues the Nya«a A L tr the d shea had been cleaned Packing ( o . They hail a $27 glars in up a column tee conaiting c f P, M. a abow ease ruined this week by heat W .rren, C. L. McCoy and Bid from a small electric heater that v aa Burbidge was appointed to make ar setting on the show ease. All told tie rangements for a return baiqoat to be boys figure they are out about $200 held on February 14, when the ladies since the first of the year on account will ba the guesta of honor. Watch of tha jinx’ s activities, tha men cover themselves with glory. Mr. and Mra. D W. Gibson and Mr. and Mr.. C. F Millar attandad the poultry «how In Caldwall thia weak. Last Wednesday tka So.ial Circle Kenaingten enjoyed an all day eoeelen si the I. O 0 P hall. Th. groatar part o f the day was spsnt in sewing. At n»on a "covered luncheon" waa ▼ary much anjoved. A business meet ing was held late in the afternoon, nt which time Mra Harriett Roy dell, in behalf of the lodge, in a few well chesen words, presen.ed Mrs Hilda Tansen, th. past worthy matron of tha ■aslarn Star with a lovely silver pea- tiL in recognition of har faithful and effleient work for tha lodge. Mr. and Mra. Mac Celeman ara now Basing their home an Dr. Sarmzin’s ranch. T F. Coward, Vas flasher! and Chaa. Thompeon went to Vala Monday to do grand jury doty, but diaeevered whan they got thara that thara waa na daty to do. For tha firat time in many years thara waa net a single ccimlaal ease to ba considered Wives Banquet Com. Club Men Which added te tha g .¡ety o f the o o caaiou. After tine skating a wainer roast, reinforced with sandwichee aixi pickles, was enjoyed. Hanged for Not fcrfnklng. sm $ “ • " i of luawtrp who wae w w y n for leaving Mb elo," It orleaa bw a the story that eo the way to tko gt> bwt where Haw try malefactor« eupl- ated their crimes It Wes the custom fra halt the proraaslaa at aoe spot, amd ( I t s the criminal a farewell drink of been. A saddler, marked for <Math| contemptuously refused the proffered draught snd wee promptly bunged. By Juet ns many minutes latnr e i bn had declined te daily a hreuthldaa horseman arrived with a r-i.rlevuf 42 ea « « a * « —«hi Keep It Dark! At a recent bar examination a can#- data defined law as follows : "Law I« the menni by which wa acquire legal possession of property belonging ta ano Lb er."—Boston Transcript. J A Felton’s car, which was stolen On tha Way. by tha rnbbera who dynam'ted th. Tha time seams to ba coming when Nvssn Parking Co.'a s fe, was found thoee whe Indulge to lururi and A r t at Nam pH in a somewhat demoralized A skating party wav held by the will be regarded with quite as ntkb eoaditian. It is supposed 'ha robbers eighth graders Tuesday evening aad a eneptefon and contempt aa was fee* reds in it to Narnia and then tnuk the hilarious time enjoyed. Owing to tha marly directed toward thaee wbd train east, aboadaaiug tha car. warmer weather the ice was a little ba Tinted the doore ef dhlrkeo ceops Mr*. K. L. Harland and children rotten and several broke throuhg. after derk.— Utles Oheerver. vlaltad la Waiaar Monday nad Mra. Harlan aUo attandad to buataeia mat- Charter No 168 Reserve Disttiet No. 12 ton . REPORT OF TEE CONDITION OF THE MALHEUR Jama« I. Divan want ta Bala« Tuaa- COUNTY BANK dag an baalaass connected with Chaa Waadward astate. o f which ho ia ad At Myaaa, in the State af Oreffon at th« Clore of Eut Decomber 31.19X8. mlalstrator. Eighth Grade Party Tka regalar masting af tha ally «email was hald Meaday avaaiag, with all members prasaat. Routine buai- nast was translated aad tha bid of Mra. Frank Lanck af $18.10 far tha •ity bare near the pimping plant was •aetptod. It Is proposed to use the money received from the sale o f the barn to fa ee and otherwise improve the aity proparty at tka pumping plant. RESOURCES 1. 4. . The honor roll for the sthaal was 11 Crowded out this weak but will appear n u t weak. William Graokar, brother af Mra. IS. Rokl. Bliiatt, arrived In Nyaaa Men day from Colorado and ia visiting at tka Blliett hams oo tka Owyhee. Ha will work with tka McConnell sheep this spring and summer. Mias Georgia Thamoson ia reported te ba gradually recovering from tba affests of a recent operation for ap pandiaitia. Har eoaditian for a time was considered eerioes. Lean* and discounts, Including radlaconats shawn In itomi 29 and 8«, if any.................... . ....................................................... $814,184.22 Overdrafts sacursd and (scared....................................... ............... 241.45 U. S. government securities owned, Including than shown in •teas $0 and 35, If any.................................................................. 2.997.60 Other bonds, warrant! snd securities, Including faralga govern ment. state, municipal, corporalità, eta., Inalnding those shown in Items 80 and 85. if a o y ___________ ____ _____ ___ 5 . 959.67 Banking house, $6,500 00; furniture and ixturaa, $4.090 0 0 ...._ 9 , 600.00 Rasi aitato owned other than banking house______ . . . . . ______ 806.68 (ah) Cash on baud in vault and dua from banka, kaukora and trust companies designated and appravad rasarvi agiate af this bank............................................................ ........................... 69,118.1» Checks on banka outside city or town o f reporting bank and other cash ite m s.................................... ........................ ............. 270.80 Total cask aad dua from baaks, items B, B, 10 and 11, __ __ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __ _. . . ____ .$89 111.$9 Other assets, if any. itomi ta transit___________________ i _____ .1408,455.49 T ota l. LIABILITIES Capital stoek paid in ....................................... . Surplus fund____ ___ _______ _________ . . . . . . . . . . . _______ . . . (a) Undivided profits ..... ............ .......... .................. $17,010.96 (b) Less rurrent exponuos, interest and taxe* paid_____ nena Individual aapoeite subject to check, including deposits don the Stats of Wregon. county, aillas ar other publie funde.. Cashier.« cheeks of this bank sutsteadiag payable an demand Total of tima and savings deposits, other than hash da- posits, surja«» to reserve, be ms 29, 24, 26, 26, 1219,641.89 Tiaae certificate» of deposit outstanding________. . . . _______ Total of time and eavtage deposits payable oa demand or eubjeet to notice, items 27 and 28___ . . . . $ 96,908,16 18,866.90 86.000.00 17,010.96 238,248 61 6 , 897.67 96,903.19 Mra. A. R. Mcflarty and two baya, Dalbart and Colon, returned this weak Tha annaal Silver Tea for tha pnblis from Paisa, whara thay bays seen via library will bo given at tha aenncil T ele)......................................... .................................................... 6401.466.49 Itiag relatives for the past two waaks. roam Tharaday afternoon, Janaary 24 Mra. Matfaaay of Arcadia was in STATE OF OREGON. County of Melbeur, te. Tha castomary shower o f hooka will ba I, J. P. Ounaway, cashier of tb# above uamad bank, do solemnly swear bald at this time alee, and will be ap- Nyaaa Tharaday on business. that the abeve statement is trua to tha heat o f my knowledge nod belief. predated by the board. Harry Lantk ratnrn.d from the J. P. DUNAW AT. Cashier. CORRF.CT-Attest: H J. Ward, Jehn Ray, J. J. Saraain—Directors The body of F. 0 . Caracas was ship Black Canyon Saturday, where ba baa Subscribed end sworn te before me this 19tb day o f January, 1924 ped to Everett, Wash.. Tharaday for .•an working aa tba aovarnniaat dam. J. BOT DELL, Netar\ Public. burial. It waa aceempaated by Toaay My eommlsaion expires November 16, 1927. Broara, wka will ratnrn in aaaot a weak to holp cloaa op tha badness preparatory te raturning to Evaratt to Ih this isaua s f tba Jaurnal Biatrict llro. Attaraap Robar! D. Lytle aanouasaa Dr. Sarazln actampaalad Mr. and bia caddidaay far tha aemiaation at Mrs. Cllataa Wabb ta Baker Snnday, tha primarie! la Ms y far ra-alaetion, Mrs Webb underwent an oper sabja.t to tha will of tba rapublicau ation. Dr. Sarazia returned Tuesday v.tsra. While Nyssa baa a aandldata and rapartad tha patient aa dehag far thia affisa In tba person of E. M. •Italy. Blodgett, who will receire loyal lap Attarn.y B. M. Blodgett* waa Irani- port from boma falba, wa wish to commaad Mr. Lytla at thia tima far hla astiag badaeia In Vala Menday, faltkfol aad sflcisnt work during H A Stavana ia conyiacad that gas- hla torm af sdlcs It ia a retard oliaa, while It may be all right for ta whteh ho too paint with pride. ruaalng Ford can , is not a aueceia aa a Are lighter. He tried it eut Menday Forty acres af land far reat for erop We grind at tha Nyssa Packing Co.’s slaaghter hansa, whara ha waa trying ta atart a rant ana mila aarth af Adrian by G. 0 ear ewn •ra with green weed Nat succaadlag Smith. ■•• J. BaydalK rery wall, ha gave it a liberal d m af UT what ha suppaaad waa coal oil, but Far Balo — Foar Jersey raws, on waa’t, with tba raaalt that aa expla •Ian aaaarrad which aiagad off his Ehrgood plot« railroad trash. BURBIDGE ft BAT, )4lt whlakar* aad atharwiaa marred kit Toay DaVrlaa. facial baaaty, but did na l o i n s dam- lab le botti« at tha Jauroal affici. •4» Nyssa Commission House Ainennces Candidacy Poultry bought or handled on com mission. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 4-7, Nyssa, Oregon If you want anything usually kept in an uptodate meat market GEO. L. GOODRICH, Prop. Phone 6 S m ■•FMJ and aaa better. Dr. J. A. McFaU Byeafcfct SpeeKHat ò * tarla (Irtn * WE HAVE IT Nyssa Packing Co. ■OBOI IO M BO I Make your pullets lay by feeding M EAT SCRAP «ONDBNSBD BTATIMBNT o f «ho Malheur County Bank Nyssa Garage IfyMO, Oregon ■t tko eloso of buine«« December 31. 1923. AGENT u a b iu t h b i W« hare it prepared Leene nud disecante. ................8 8 1 4 ,8 8 4 >2 «verdrafts ... ________ 2 4 1 .4 6 Banking H ouse, Fermiers and Fixtures......... ................ * ,6 0 0 .0 0 Other Rial Estate... ................ 8 0 6 68 Liberty Bandsand Warrants 9 ,8 6 7 07 CASH AND DUB FROM B A N K S 6 9 , 7 .7 .0 7 Capitol I t o e k .............. 1 8 ,0 0 0 .0 9 4 2 0 1 0 9ft Bills PayaMo .. .. Raoiseanntt.................... D E P 0U T 8.................. » 4 0 3 .4 6 5 49 Nyssa Grain & Seed Co. ....8 NON! NONE car § ¡Chevrolet 8 8 6 .4 4 6 .6 4 .. .6 4 0 6 ,4 6 6 .4 9 OFFICERS ANO SIRI iottors H. J. Ward, Prasldoat. Jobs Ray, Via# Praaidont J. P Dunaway, Caabior. O. G. Baiar, AaataUot Caaktor H A. Dirán, Aaaiftant Caabiar. O. L. Phi Hi pa J, P. Baaca, J. i. Sarazia Dirado ra Tba lineara daalra of thia bonk la to pvomsta prosperity. Ta help yea gart ytar share af ft and uaa that abara with wisdom. Oxy-Acetylene Welding All Work Guaranteed