I m GATE CUT JOURNAL Candidates’ Card. FOR DISTRICT ATTORN BY I haraby announce my eaadidacy, aubjact to the will af tha votara at tha Republican primary la ha bald ». br o w n May 16, 1914, for the nomination, far re -e tee 'ien , to tha offlee af Dietriet at tha Poatotfto* at Nyaaa, Attorney for Malheur County. (Signad) ROBT. O. I.YTLE. a. Frank 0 . Carman Passes Away Sat. Chiropractors a weakly a ew rp ap ar oabltabad aa4 having g a aa ral circulation la this eoaaty, comm encing w ith the toeaa tb era ef a f J a a s a r y 11, 1914. aad ending w ith tha laaaa a f F a b ra a ry 22, 1924. DAVIS & LYTLE. A tta ra a y a fa r plaintiff. R aaidiag a t Vale O ragaa. NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION TO FORM DRAINAGE DISTRICT IN TH R COU NTY COURT O F T H E STATE O F OREGON FOR T H E Ora. Bradford A B radford. C arver COUNTY OF M A L H E U k . graduatea. C onsultation and exam ine Notica ia hereby given th a t hearing Icon frea Ten yeara aureeoeful prac­ F unaral services w ar* ha d here tice in tha a ta ta of Oregon. F lra t on tha follow ing p atilion will be held T uesday a t the P resbyterian church door w eat of Bank of Nyaaa In the County C ourt room a t the Coun­ l a r F rank O. C arm an, whoaa death ty Court House, in the C ity of Vale, County of M alheur S ta te of Oregon, Occurred a t hia horre iu Nyaaa. S a tu r­ Pen pointa a penny a piece at tha on tba 26th day o f F e b ru a ry , 1924, a t day, Ja n u a ry 6, 1924 Mr. C arm an waa barn In Allagan Jo u rn a l office. the hour of II :00 o ’clock in tha fo ra aaunty, M ichigan, M arch 13, 1869, and noon of aaid day, fo r tha purpoea of and died a t the age of 64 yaara, 9 determ ining w h atb ar tba p ra y er of SUMMONS m enlha and 2$ daya. He waa a real- aaid petition (h a ll be g ra n te d . d e n t of M ichigan for a period of 42 IN T H E C IR C U IT COU RT O F THR All persona ow ning or claim ing an STATE O F OREGON FO B T H E ia ta ra st In lands described in eaid pe yaara, w here ha m et and waa united COUNTY OF M A LH KUB. ia m arriag e to Miea Phoebe Fakan on titian are h ereby ro tih e d to ap p ear a t BO ISE PA Y E T T E L U M B E R COM­ ■aid place on la id d a ta and ahow J u n e 28, 1884. O f thia union waa born one child, a d a u g h te r, Mra, Alice PA NY, Lim ited, a p riv ate corporation. cause, if any th e re be, why tha p ra y er Broera, who reaidea in E v a re tt, W a it. P laintiff, va, G. B. P o rte r and W illiam ia aaid p etitio n ahould not be g ra n te d . Mr. C aim an Ilia d a devoted Chris- P o rte r, D efendants. H. S SACKETT, To G B PO R TE R and W ILLIA M tia n life and waa of a noble c h ara cte r. Clark of the County Court. H e flrat ioined tha church In the year PO RTER, tha above-nam ed defendanta. IN TH R NAMR OF T H E STATR 1884. Upon hia a rriv a l In Nyaaa ha PETITION Joined th e P reeo y terian church here. OF OREGON: You, and each o f you. H a moved w ith hia fam ily to the ata te a re hereby required to a p p e a r in tba IN T H E COUNTY COURT OF T H E o f Wleconaln about th a y e a r 1901 and above e n title d c o u rt and eauae w ithin STATE O F OREGON. FOR T H E realdad th ere fo r aeven yeara, then aix weeka from th e 11th day o f J a n ­ COUHTY OF M A LH EU R. vialted the a ta ta o f T exaa for a ahort uary, 1924 which la th a date of tha T a th a Honorable Countv C ourt of M alhaur County, S ta te of Oregon: tim e, Anally a rriv in g In Nyaaa, Oregon, first publication of thia sum m ons, than and th e re to a n iw e r or otherw ise Tba u n d e r li n e d being ow hara of in th a y e a r 1909. F a r m any yeara before he came to plead to tba eem p lain t filed herein more than fifty per cen t o f tba acreage Myaaa Mr. C arm an waa a m em ber of a g ain et you and to defend harain, and a f tha contigooue body of alkali, wat th a I. O. O. F lodge and joined the if you fall ao te do, for w ant th ere and overflew la id in M alheur County, h a rc in a fta r described, do Nyaaa c h ap ter of thia lodge in tha be­ of th e plaintiff w ill ta k a ju d g m e n t O ra fea , ginning of th a t c h ap ter Ow ing to hia againet you, and each o f yea, fo r the hereby p etition your hanorakla body failing h ealth ha waa compelled to give •urn s i One H undred F o u rte en and 74- to eaaaa to ba organised a d rainage ap hia lodge work, w hich waa a m atter 100 Dollar* ($114.74) to g eth e r w ith In­ d istric t fo r th a purpose a f having such a f deep re g re t to him, aa ha waa an t e r s i l thereon from Ja n u a ry 8, 1928, lands reclaim ed and p ro tested from BDtil paid, a t th e ra te of aix p e r cent. tha effects of w a ter, fo r sa n ita ry aad a ctiv e m em ber. H a leavaa beeidee hia w ife and (6 per cent) per annum , and for ita ag ric u ltu ra l parpoeer and for th e too d a u g h te r, tw o grandchildren, two costs and diabaraem enta herein, end v e alea rs and w a lfa ra o f tba pablio u til­ b ro th ara aad oaa aiatar, the la tte r rea- will a lia tak e an order fo r th a aale of ity and baaafft; and fa r th a parpaas af p ro p e rty thia petition we e ta ta th a following identa a f M ichigan. A boat a f trianda th a fallow ing described aad naigbbore mourn hia lose, aa it which la atta ch e d h rra in . in th a poa- m atters, as e ra required by C hapter haa bean fittingly rem ark ed th a t “ not reeaien of Jannea A Sm ith In tha •40 *f tha G eneral law s of Oregon, for ana unw orthy a ct could be held againet D rexel H otel, in Vale blalhaur Coun­ the y e ar 1916. ty. O regon: h im .” 1. Tha nam e proposed for eueh dis­ 1 N ational caeh re g iste r, slxa 39J I 8. About fo a r yeara ago Mr. C arm an factory No 618216; 1 N ational e-eb tric t la W ARD D RA IN A G E DIS aa (fared a atroka a f paralyala in hia re g is te r. No. 926665; 1 M andal phene- TRICT. rig h t rid*, b u t he had a p p a re n tly re 2. The boundary lin ts o f th a pro 849 gained fa irly good health. The m orn­ grap h ; 1 H errin H all M arvin aafa; 1 posed D rainage D istrict are aa follows: ing of hia demiae he aroae aa uaual and plane, m ade by W altham Plane Com Com m encing a t th a q u a rte r corner a fte r doing hia faw outdoor chorea he pany, Milwaukee, W isconsin; 1 g e tb on th e N orth aide of Section 8, Town Thomas clock; 1 old R em ington type came in and prep ared to e a t hia break- w riter. No 10; 1 em ail e le ctric fan; • h ip 20 South, R ange 47 F i a t; thence fa a t. J u a t in the vary a c t of a lttin g F u rn itu re and bedding in room num ­ w a it o u t half mile; thence South one- down at the table a n o th e r atroke aam e bered 216. D rexel H otel, consisting ef h alf m ils; then*« w est to th a e ast 1 bed com plete, 1 d resser and eavar, 1 and quickly reached hia h e a rt and he bank a f tha Ow yhaa d itc h ; thanee table, 1 rocker, 1 chair; paaaad aw ay alm oat a t once Hia la a t along said e a s t hank of tb a Owvbee P u rn ito re and bedding In room remark waa: “ I t la th e end; It I bared 216 in D raxul H otel. eona> ij-n .ig ditch iu southerly direction tn a point G ad’s will “ He waa p repared te of 1 bed com plete, 1 d resser and w here sa d e a j t bank e f Owyhee ditch cover, 1 table, 1 rocker, 1 chair; m eet It bravely and waa found w orthy. F u rn itu re in room num bered 217 in In te rs ta te the- south line o f Section 1, T ha body will be »hipped to B ra ra tt, Drexel Hotel, coeaiating e f 1 library Towaebip 20 S , R ange 48 E. thei ca W eak , for burial. table, 1 c e a te r tab le, 1 china cabinet, aaat to th e couth q u a rte r corner to " A noble aoul haa paaeed from e a rth , 2 rockere, 3 chairs, 1 M orris chair, 1 Section 6; thence north o n e-q u artef leu n g t, 1 W illam ette sew ing m achine; mile; thence eeet 660 fe e t; thenra A noble h e a rt fe «tilled. F u rn itu re and bedding In room nu Hia kindeat aeta a re a n t fo rg o t; bared 218 in D rexel Hotel consisting n e rth to th e north line of Section 6; Rem em ber, ’Tie G od’a w ill.’’ ot 1 bed com plete, I d re sse r and cover, thence w est to point of beginning. 1 ch air. 1 w ritin g desk; 8. The to ta l acreuge in.luued In t ) a and th a t th e proceed! of sueh sale be said proposed D rain ag e D ie triet te 448 applied tow ard the p aym ent of saM fluaae little lain acres. ju d g m en t. Haar depeodoaey af 4 The n u l l of the orw nere e f tha T his sum m ons ia pabl shed by v irtu e ha Be (TUnedlc ettuated at land In aaid proposed D rainage Die* ad Bella lata. Ita populatl lea la of an ord er o f tha Honorable Dalton Ju d g e of iha above entitled trie t aa shown by the record o f Mai- apeak Free«eh. hat a Higgs, ourt, duly m ade and en tered harain TVrr are provided « With feed on th e 7th day of Jan u a ry , 1924, dl heur C ounty, O regon, i-nd the acreage M ne. TBa re stin g publication th ere o f for eix sue owned by each of aaid owner* it aa a managed by the ollowa: a aa streets. eesalve w eeks >n th e G ate City Journal, NA M ES ACRE GE E arl W ard j F ra a k W ard i __________ 185 acres Aad ray J W ard J R obert B. B ra w n ............. l i t a c ra l Chaa. G a rrla sa ................................82 aarea I . J . W a rd ____ _____________ 60 a r m M alhaur C ounty............. IS a tr i a 6. T ha proposed reclam ation and protaetian a f ra id lands Is for sa n ita ry and a e rie u lia ra l purposes: and aueh prepared reclam atio n and pro tectio n will ba a aa d u tlv a ta tb a public health aad w elfare, and of pablia u tility and benefit. 8. A l'e f th e loads Included in said proposed d istric t a re properly iueladed therein, and will ba baaeflclally affect ad by Iha a para liana a f Iha proposed dietriet. T. The bene* te e f eueh prepeeed recla­ m ation aad p r e la ttie a w ill axaaad th a dam age ta bo dewe; and th a h ast In te r­ est of th e land iacladsd, and a f tha ow ners o f aeeh land aa a whole aad of R c r a f e a r C M , typt, tde«l for pedferl, plumbert and otheri kdndling heavy fl tha public a t largo, will be prom oted M j typet ta m#ct tvery h«wlmf r«t]uir earned for itseli through years of re­ of handling adapts it for usa in the trla t a n d e- th a provleiara a f S h a p ter liable eervice in diversihad lines. limited areas about loading dock* ware­ 840 of tha G eneral Law s of Dragon far houses and construction location* Powered by tha famoue Ford Model 1918, a u d e r tha provisions of which T angina through the Ford planetary Giving rapid, dependable hauling ear- ’.hia petition la proposed, la a proper transmission and special Ford worm vice at low initial cost, and at the and advantageous m ethod a f accom ­ gear, it brings to the busineaa man for lowest possible expense for operation plishing tha reclam ation and prate •- hia delivery service tha abundant and upkeep, it paye the highest cbvid* tloa a f tha land in th a aaid proposed reliable operation, and real ends on the investm ent of any D rainage D ietriet. economy for which motor transportation Them trodti cm « be oktmmtd through 9. Tha proposed plea fa r th a raala the Ford product ia the Ford Weekly Furche te Plum. equipm ent available a o u b le everywhere. 30 tha business world m atioa and protection a f tb a land in •aid prapaaad drain ag e d iatrtst is by lito drains. T here will ba constructed V. B. STAPLES. ONTARIO,OREGON '.to ro le , ana of twa 12 inch Hie flhs<. G arrison's whitb will • • ’end owned land, and ' l # ' S A i t l - [M | a rd a < And. by Earl V a i r ■ aa --•non ray J . Wa. nud drain aa line ,01 te th Robert B. B r a n 'S a Blear. The land iu the pr< aa altualad that, wltheu C A R S • TRU CK S • TR A C TO A S aenetrueted. tha water is n o t eeaitruetud, off aad tha water I EPISCOPAL CHURCH. IN T H E COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FO R T H E Service! in the Parish Hall first Sun. COUNTY O F M A LH EU K dmy in every m onth in the ev en in g T hird Sunday in ovary m onth h e re a fte r In the m a tte r of the eetale of G ustav* a t 11 o ’clock in th a m ornin, . Adolph Schw eiier, deceaaed. Noiu-a is hereby given: T h at M arga­ re t W ulraek Schweiacr. tha duly a p ­ For Sale. pointed, qualified and acting executrix Two pool ta b le t, cues, rack and of the e s ta te of G ustave Auolph balls. Choice for $50. W. B. H oxia Schweiz r, deceased, has renderad and presented for final se ttle m e n t, and filed in said C ourt her final account of T y p ew riter p a re r 6 sheets for a her adm lniatra'ion of aaid e a ta te and petition to r distribution end her dia- penny a t the Jo u rn a l office. charge as said executrix, and th a t Monday, th 15th day of D ecem ber, 192 ar the hour of 11 o'clock in tha forei oon of said day, a t the court room of s-aid Court, in the C ourt house in Vale, M a-h.ur C .u n tv , S la t* of O re­ gon ha- been a. p .inti-d and fixed by the Ju ge ol said County ,o u rt, in an order m ade and en tered by said Judge on the 10,h d ai of D ecem ber. 1923. as the t u r e and place for h e arin g ob­ jections to raid account, th e s e ttle ­ m ent t ’-ereof. a rd the tu rn in g of iaid petili ion; a t which tim e and place any ai d all peraona interested in Bait es­ ta te may appear and object to eaid account and con e st the sam e; and all persons concerned therein ar# fu rth e r notified to be p re sen t and «how cause, if anv th ere be. why said account and Six packages matches for 10 rep o rt should not be approved, settled and allowed and the undersigned dis­ cents at Journaloffice. charged as such executrix. SS M argan W alr ck Schw eiter, CO U N TT OF M a LHUUR Liquid p erfum e l i e bottle a t the E xecutrix of the e s ta te of G uatave I. H. J . W ard, being first duly sworn, WaUack Schwniaer, Deceased depose aad la y : T h at 1 am one of the Jo u rn a l office. S ach et perfum es 10c F irs t publication Dec 14. 1923. p etitioners o f the foregoing petition; package. L ast publication Ja n . 11. 1924 th a t I have read said foregoing p e ti­ tion and th a t 1 believe the allegations ■ ♦ * * ♦ * * » ♦ » < »COOOOOOOOOOQ»«e a s e »♦♦♦♦■ >♦« a a a a a a » < a a a > > a th ere o f to ba true. I fu rth e r sta te th a t th e signature* appended to said petition ara tru e and proper sig n atu res of persons whose nam es appear Blgned th ere to , and th a t each and all of said signora of aaid petition are owner* e f lands w ithin th a proposed drainage d istric t as se t fo rth in said p atilion. H. J. W A RD, Sabecribed and ewern to before me this Srd day a f Ja n u a ry . 1924. J . BOYDELL E. M. B lodgett, N otary Public for O rag aa. G E N E R A L IN SU R A N C E NYSSA OREGON My comm ission expires D ecem ber T, P ro te ct your property w ith a sa fe and sound insurance policy 1924. and be happy. D ata a f first publication Jan . 11.1924 D ata a f laat publication Fab. 8, 1924 • a ir . 10 Tha sig n e rs to thia patitio a agraa th a t they will pay any and all expenses Incurred and any ta x or tax e s th a t may bo laviad a g a in st thalr respective lands fee the purpose af paying of organising or a tte m p tin g to organise the proposed d istric t, sueh ex­ panse ta ba tax e s againat th* lands of the algnero in p r.p o rtie n to th e n u m b ir of acres owned by them and affected by th a proposed drainage. 11 W H E R EFO R E , your petitioner« pray th a t tba land* described heiein, or such of them as may be found by the C ourt to be properly included in the proposed drainage d istrict, c ith e r perm anently or until fu rth e r investi­ gation and surveys may petm it elimin- at-on, shall ba declared organised into a drain ag e d istric t under the provision of C hapter 840 of the G eneral Law s of Oregon for the y e ar 1915. E arl W ard F ra n k W ard A adrey J . W ard R obert H. Brown (Jhse. G errieoa H. J Waad STATE OF OREGON ¡Insurance Legal Papers Drawn i jan . ia I, th« undersigned, Mrs. F. O. Carman, will sell at the late residence of F. O. Carman, Nyssa, Oregon, the fol­ lowing described property: Household Goods 2 rockera, 6 dining roam chairs 3 baosteads and spriflgs complete, in good order 1 cook stove. Round Oak 1 beater, g u rn e t 1 oil stove. 3-burner, brand new 1 dining table, I kitchen queen 1 parlor table and music rack COOKING UTENSILS—Pots, pans, dishes, etc. 6 Head Cattle f milch cows, 2 yearling heifers, 2 calves three moNtha old NINETY-FIVE CH IC K EN S-26 Rocks, balanee Miscellaneous Forks, shovel«, doable tree» 150 quarts canned fruit DeLaval cretin separator No 12 Buildings and lot* Lot« equal 1 1 4 acres Land can b, bought separate from the build­ ings, or top^ther. Buildings consist, of 3-room house with porch Garage, chicken house, 200 capacity Barn for 4 cows Several small buildings Other sma.l articles too numerous to mention white Leghorns 1 Ford car. 1916 model, in good running or License paid for MRS. F. O. CARMA Amos J. Miller S. D .Goshert Clerk