The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937, January 04, 1924, Image 3

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| Watch this Space
next week
This store will make an
important announcement
Two eminent New York cM-
Nyssa Packing Co.
, vines r«*-ently d bated the ques­
Safe Cracked Sun. tion “lu the Bible th« i.ilalhbn
word of God ”
Th« judges c«r.
The Nyaaa Pooking C o.’a place of
business w as entered soma tim e Sun­ sisted of two Episcopalmns and
School r e s i m .d b a sin e ts i t the old
Mrs W. T. Fenn has gone to Cali- day nig h t by Unknown parties and one Christian Scieitist. After
itn n d W ednesday, a fte r a t vo w eeks forni» t . t s k e m edical tre a tm e n t. She the r s a fe blewn open by dynam ite. hearing the evidence the judgra
C hristm as holiday. So fa r ea learned expacta to ne gone ab eu t six m onths About $32 in checks and money w ere decided in favevof the negative.
th e re waro ne c a s a a lti.a am ong th e
F ran k «Uttorgar la ft this w eek U r taken. The robbers th en made th air
This would seem ty be a profit­
l escape in a car Le'onging to J . A. Fal-
facu lty °a aeenunt of ova. indulgence Pa, tland and a t h . r coast pou.ta.
in the bird Diet cheers h o t does n et
| ton which they stole from the Nyssa less discussion unless the Bible
Billy N okida is r»r«orpintr th s Ions g a rag e , w here it w*a atnrsd, «inc* is defined with more ux^ctnehs.
Miss Ev f a Scrw e i r r re tu rn , d home a f tw en ty p e rfv è ’iy v <xd dollars which tiirc no word has bten received Tnere have been many versions
whick mysieriouAly di*apD**are«J from as to th e ir w hereabouts,
Tusr.dpy f r o * a w eek’s viatt with rel-
of the Bible, and no two of them
a draw er in the kit. hen were n«
a tire s in Un I a rio
i The a a ‘e was a cum? l e t . wreck and alike.
It is obvious that they
been in the h a o it o f keeping a r*a rye
i will b- mit on the r c tir .d list R hat cannot 1 1 be the infallible wjrd
W. H. Fox and fam ily have *one ta
fund of idsh. He bad le ft the re sta u r
M ietutiti, wi ere
r. I1 ox ex p ects to J * n t f. r a few m inute» to go to the , m akes “ B r c h " tha a rre st, however, of God. 'ihe King James version,
aaffaga in a r « i ,g.
j peat flice and upon hia re tu rn the t is th a t they used a good .o a t which he
the one in common u e. differs
The Serial Club held a buainesa money was gone It ia Auppo^td «one had le ll ha gm g on the wad as a rru f
materially from the Revised ver­
m eeting Thursday evaning in the one who knaw w here the money
basem ent. I hey decided ta tu rn over | k e p t took ad v an tag e of h<s abaencj to urea they could have ju st aa well sion, the latter having eliminat­
used som ething less expensive to dead ed a number of passage* whiah
th a fu n is ts the library for the aext \ help him self.
en the sound or tb e ir nefarious work.
•ix m onths.
! Jim Beam is th e proud ow ner of a The knob of th e safe w as knocked off are considered to b« mere in­
J . R H u n ter denarbed T hursday on n w Ford car
an 1 th e " s o u p ” poured into the scr. w terpolations and not« part of the
baaina h fa r the M t-onnon Conapau
T. e beys oi th s Myssa Packing Co holes, th u s saving the robbers the original text. If this b« true
He is d istric t m anager and hxa the ap
are of the opinion tn a t Mi. 1924 ia tro u b le o f drilling holes. T here is we have been teaching for a
pefn tm sn t o f sab «eziun for the te rri • ta ilin g out w ith a grudge against
every ind icstio a th a t th e w ork w t* number of centuries a» livintly
te ry la bis d isisi« t.
th< rn
In at», itiou to having tb eir done bv ex p erts, b u t unfortu n ately
T ay lar baa rs ta rn a d from P ert- safe erttek- d, they soffered iLv loss of they senna to have le ft i;o clue as to inspired what was in res lity only
ef human origin. If the Revised
Isnd and is sla p p in g s i Ihe S ta r Hotel, th ree l a t hogs, w eighing about *200 their iden tity .
version is Infallible, then the
T he thr*e-y*ar-*ld d a u g h te r of Mr. lbs, whieh w are emotht red iu the car
aad Mra. F ran k Phll'ip* had th e a la while being shipped to Portend. Cueer
King James version is not, a«d
fo rtu n e te fall and break h e r arm th s up, hoys! I t 's b e tte r on before.
vice versa. Hence in any d is ­
w eak.
T his sold snap has showed a p some
cussion of the credibility of th*
Mrs. H arry Newby is in receipt o t Bibl" it is recesaarjr to state
Mra C. L Mc3ey and aan R obert of e a r local w sa’h e r prophets, no end
re tu ra a d from Pendleton, a f te r epend ed. U p to w ithin I I m lnnten *f th* the announcem ent of the m arriage c f
whieh Bible, or v h! h v •r*-’on of
se ttin g in *f cold w eath er they were Mary R athar Spier to C. Karl hix o n en
ing the holiday« w ith relative*.
p re sid in g * mild open w inter, nnd now Tuesday, Decem ber 26, 1923, a t Cum­ the Bible,is mei>«t Al»r ‘he fact
Tha O, hi S. K ta ain g to a will m eat
look a t i t —zero w eather and four berland, M aryland. The bride is well that the oldest majn.scrp< „slant
in th* Odd Fallawa hall Ja n u a ry f, be­
inches of snow on th s ground. The and favorably known in N yssa, having from which th«N«w Testament is
ginning a t 9:10 a. m. Covered lunch
concennun of opinion ia th a t Ed Rich grown up to young womanhood here written dates about 100years Gila
•a n . All m em bara a re urged ta ha
previous t* moving to M aryland a few
and Bob Millar a re m ostly to blame.
side of Christ aatars somewhat
p re aa at and bring thim ble and neadl*.
yeara ago with har parents, Mr. aad
There ai*
Mrs. I. Spier. H ar m any friends her* into the quuation
0 * Decem ber 17, S t. J o b n ’a Day.
none of the original manuscripts
Golden Rule C hanter, order E astern
will extend b est wishes
S 'a r , iaetelled th e new officers for the
known to be in existence. What
A lbert Foucb, an aennunt a t whose
ensuing y ear. A a h ert m usical pro d sa tb w as published in last w eek’s
we have are merely copies of
gram and sp a e th w ars given and da- Jo u rn al, w as born in Ohio M arch 2,
several times removed and
lleinua rafraslim enta served. A num­ I860 He cam e w ith his p a ren ts w est
may not have been accurately
ber of a u t of tow n g u ests w ere pres o 1882 T hey «am rad across the river
Thieves, presum ably those who rob-
e n t and a ssisted in tha w ork of >n from old F o rt Boise for a w eek anc b t th e Nysaa P icking Sunday night, transcribed. There are so many
s e r e amo- g the last to tea its crum b­ broke in to the Nysaa g a ra g e and stole factors entering ieto tha ques­
A p arty w as held a t the Doris Green ling walls T h tj m et the first party a car belonging to J . A. Felten. They tion of the infallibility ef the
It mo T uesday evening an I a pleasant ot re tu rn in g m iners from California first broke into B rnest Wilson’s ga­ Bible that, humanly speaking,
tim e enjoyed. Tkoaa p re se n t w ere: a fte r the d eath of G rim es on B urnt rage b u t as ha had removed the ba- it is impossible to prove
I well B a x te r, Doris G reen, A la Blay- river. As no one had supplies on which t ries they couldn’t g a t nay action and
t i k M a rg are t
H a n n ifin , Dorothy to live they cont naed on and w intered left it. Dewey Ray and Claus T enien
For Sale.
n ear Island City, G rand Ronde vailey, while re tu rn in g from O ntario about I t
Cook and D ann? Divans.
: iid re 'u tn e d here ia th e fall of 1863, o ’e'ock th a t night m at a fa st driven
Two pool tables, cue«, rack and
Mr. and Mrs. A V Cook spent New settling r e a r S tar.
car which they belitva was Mr. F e l­ ball*. Chains fo r |50. W. B. Hoxi*
\ a r ’s wi h Mrs Cook's paren t, Mr.
He was active In developing the ton’s.
a • Mrs Geo. L yalis, of O ntario
3- ake valley and it» resources, es
T ypew ritar p a rar S akacta for a
terse Thompson and son R ooart of p d a ily its roads. A t one tim e or an
penny a t th s Je u rn a l affisa.
o ther he ran ferri- s or bridges a t Vale,
Pi .'-ite w -re in N yssa W ednesday.
N .ssn , Old F o rt Boise, Parm a, C ali-
Services in the Parish Hall fu st Sun.
M s L Barron was the vict m . f
w.U, S ta r and M ontour
S' me of ij. v in every month in the ev en in g
/ I o t To »day h -By su# a;;,-
.ird Sunday in every m onth h e re a fte r
th 8 w -ia e sla I shed knowing they T
a 1> o'clock in the m ornin .
. 0 Ira c .ure o ' nor l?y. J. at
JO:i-n be a fiu n c i 1 to s, ti af b e tfrr
b -a iik i
The d atepwed on
vo ’i ior.s m ight O' uw
Some 2000
• f Ice w h tl. w a .t.o g
- r
f- I o .- 'e :i ridges today te s tify t"
' ■ i . i t s te >h g>
ia . res glit. h e was a.S' the foun
i have ■, alt.
d . e the town of P - t u i
D *9. B radford & B radford. Carver
G O J rm ith v» as ia NgBCS Tlihra y
U ng the N z P a rc ; and Bannock gi .liuates. Consultation acd examina
Ten yeara successful prac­
from C rane, wo- a l e baa beeri wo - ird i» n w ars, be belong io and w as ar uon free
tice in the s ta te ot O iegun
F irst
i«.g v. th a rail ocfl bridge g»ua
officer ia ihe M ontgomery c 'm p a ry , d or w est of Bank of N yssa
boa teceivad a mu a ’« vacation, whi
a d w hen fe a rs of a m assacre In '.he
he will spend vis C a g e « a u g h te r in
Boise valley seem ed im m inent, he led
w estern W ashington.
Pen pointa a penny a piece a t the
th e only body e f volunteer riflem en to
Mr. ami Mrs. G eorgs Bchweizer and tak e p r t in the war. They -coated Journal utfiee.
ahildraa took N w T e a t’s dinner w 'th the te rrito ry south of th e Snegc river,
relativaa in Ontario.
aiding by m’litary escort, couriers
LstLei- ¿pier Married
E d e r Hdwe. G o.
»»♦ ♦ ♦ • • » ♦ »» »»« » » ♦ •♦ » ♦ » *
2 nd
Mak« your ar-angem ents to be present on that date or
soon a fte r and
Enroll at LIN K’S
Our school this vear is bigger and better than ever b e
fore. Have us prove this
S en d today for catalog g vingcompletr out'ioe of courses,
of tuition, etc.
L I N K ’S B U S I N E S S C O L L E G E
B<> sa. Idaho.
B. C Beetham, Mgr.
Nvssa Commission
Poultry bought or handled on com­
mission. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Phone 4-7, Nyssa, Oregon
See Me F a . and ace better.
Dr. J. A. McFall
Eyesight $peei<di»t
O n ta rio
We «Had
our own
Phone 147
O fija i
Auto Tbtft
M>. aad Mrs. F re a k Millar and little
d a u g h te r sp en t Naw T e a r’s day with
friends ia F ru itlan d , Idaho
Mr. aad Mrs. Dewey R ay and Mr,
aad Mrs 0 P. L ackap w are visiting
in W eiaar Naw F e a r ’s day.
R alph Laskey ia visiting hia sister,
Mra. J. VJhalen. to N am pa th is weak.
H. A. S tephana has parahased a naw
F ord ear.
Mr. and Mrs. C P. L askey have
moved into th* building oa the E ast
Side oppoaida th e depot.
" R e d " D aV rlas ratu ra v d la st S a tu r­
day from a trip to hia aid horn* in Hol­
land, w here he kaa bean re v isitin g the
seenes of hia childhood aiaca last
Marab. N eediest to say he was glad
to g e t hack to th e land of th e S ta rs
and S tripes
George P. W ard and fam ily of La
G rand are vlalti g a t th# H. J . Ward
home. C aerge may caaaluda to re ­
tu rn to N yssa to live.
through th e dan g er zone. I t is char
natsristl* th a t sen* *f these pioneer
s s a u ti ev er asked for a pension, and
even the s t a ts of Idaho has no correct
list e f the nam es of those who belong­
ed te th eie pioneer m ilitary companies.
His fa th e r was a mk istsr of the
Disciples of C hrist chu-eh sad in early
life be become a m em ber e f tb is faith.
His pioneer day* in th is world are
over. He helped to lay the foundation
for a glorious comm onwealth aad did
his work well.
L et those who come
a fte r tak e up the harden and carry on. )
§ CarLad of Hogs next Fri­
day. Phone 6
F o rty acres of land for re n t fo r crop
re n t one m ile north of Adrian by G. U
Sm ith. Sas J. Boydell.
Nyssa Packing Co.
For S a te — F our Je rse y cows, on
E hrgood place across railroad track.
Tony DeVrlea.
Ink Sc bottle a t the ¿ ru m a i office.
lo ca o i
I0C 30Z
Make your pullets lay by
We hare it prepared
! Nyssa
of the
Malheur County Bank
Nycs t, Oregon
at tha does af bucine»* September 14, 1923.
L tA B I L I T M
L , . P . and diaaounla.............*314,384 22
O rsrd’tfis
B ask in g H euss, F o rn itu re
and F ixture*------ -----------
O th er Real B a ta ta ........... ---
* 568
Capitol S t o c k ........................... * 2*,000.0*
Surplaa and P ro fit* ..............
42.010 95
Bills P ayablo_____ .................
R# iacormc*______ ______ NONE
Wbarty Bendaand Warrant*
W -:
DEPOSIT*............................. $36,144 61
Oxy-Acetylene Welding
OASP AND DU* r*OM BANK3 t» J, i? 7
Nyssa Grain &
Seed Co.
1103.466 4? i —
*197,6*4 II
H. J. Ward, PresiIcpt.
« V - V,M
J. P Dunaway, Grehier.
O. G. Bauer, Acsietant Cashier
H. A, Diven Asciatant Cashier.
L. Phillips
J. J . Sarazin
J, W . Re«««.
T h c . i n e c r . d c .l r « of t h i. beak i . to p ^ a io f o p r « p .f l t y
T . help
J . P g e t y .e * »hat* Cl U U d us« th a t ah*** « I I I w iado».
All Work Guaranteed
I0 B 3 0 I