/ ATE CITY JOURNAL U. 1 SA, OREGON, FRIDAY. JANUARY 4, 1924 VOLUME XML NO 9 HÂR0IK6 H E M ÍU.1D LA G R W STORE BOGGED $1.50 PER YEAR FEAR BLIMP IS WRECKED question and statistics there are certain social and environmental W E A T H E R REPORT FOR factors that contribute to the spread W E E K O F D E CE M BE R Three Million Dollars to He Raised, Puget Sound Region Is Hit By of these diseases which may be con­ $1000 Taken in One-Man Robber) Aircraft Forced To Stay A loft Over $56,000 in Oregon. trolled by law. : In reporting your A High Wind And at Hill's Department Africa On Account O f Date Temp 1923 Rain eases o f pneumonia and tuberculosis The Harding Memorial Associa­ Min Inches Kain Storm Max. Store Fierce Storms 1 you are therefore rendered service in tion, with headquarters at W ash­ Dec. 20 0 40 11 the control o f disease and the re­ ington, D. C., is headed by Presi­ 0 Dec. 21 37 5 duction of death and disability ir. Seattle.— Ten persons were killed, dent Calvin Coolidge and nli the j La Grande, Ore.— Hills Department Paris.— The French naval dirigible Dec. 22 30 0 7 your community. scores suffered injuries of varying Dixmude, which has been aloft seven members of his cabinet, and an in­ store, of La Grande, suffered a loss Dec. 23 30 0 12 severity, property damage to a quar­ corporation of responsible men has of $965 in currency and checks for and one-half days, its crew of 52 Dec. 24 34 0 21 ter of a million dollars was done, been formed for the purpose of j $35 Monday as the result of a dar- prisoners in mid air, unable to land, Dec. 25 40 25 Tr. Snow not including the foundering of two building a Harding Memorial. i ing and successful one-man robbery has not been seen since Sunday eve­ 38 Dec. 26 0 12 On Wednesday, Dec. 26, Mr. Lynn mall vessels and three freight ning, the ministry o f marine an­ Temp Date 1922 Rain It embraces the three purposes of- The police arrested one suspect late Kygar anil Miss Charlotte H u f f -, steamers were blown aground in a nounced this afternoon. Dec. 20 33 8 0 1st. Acquiring the Harding yesterday but after grilling him hi terrific wind and rain storm whieh man were mnrried at Caldwell. The home with the grounds, the same to j was released, as he established an Dec. 21 31 0 4 Grave fears are entertained that raked the I’uget sound district bride is the eldest daughter of Mr be kept always as archives for the j alibi that left no doubt as to his Dec. 22 29 0 15 the airship’s crew, in desperation, and Mrs. Elroy Huffm an, the Christmas eve and Christmas day. Dec. 23 29 sleet 21 books, papers, speeches, etc., o f the , innocence of the crime. has ripped open her gas bags and H. E. W atkins, clerk, who was In .06 Dec. 24 33 26 Seven lives were lost in the groom the second son of Mr. and late President Warren G. Harding: plunged into desert wastes o f north­ M is. J. W . Kygar. The newlyweds the store at the time, was sluggei 0 Dec. 25 42 21 foundering of vessels, four qf them western A frica, or into the Medi­ 2nd. Establishing a Chair in Dec. 26 28 .1 35 when the Canadian tug Tyee went will probably spend the remainder1 some University to be determined, into unconsciousness but is not seri­ terranean o ff the gu lf o f Gabes. at the John Rust ously hurt. He was struck on the to the bottom of Pedder Bay Christ­ of the winter to statesmanship, diplo­ ranch. Their many friends unite in devoted head with some blunt instrument, mas eve, two on Lake Washington macy and international law; wishing them a happy, porsperous possibly a billy-club or some other B E T T ER B U T T E R , C H E E SE ■n an open boat capsized, and a 3rd. A lso of building a mausol­ O N E A IM OF C O N F E R E N C E instrument, badly bruising his head seventh, a fisherman, was drown’ d life together. eum and monument in which shall Thomas Rust and M iss Bessie Mr. W atkins’ forehead is also cut. near Aberdeen when his boat was rest the remains of the late President The improvement o f the quality ol Oregon W ool Growers To Meet At but it is believed this was due to caught in the surf. Two men were Whipple were married during the Oregon dairy products, especially and ultimately those of Mrs. Hard­ holiday week, also. Mrs. Rust is a hitting the counter with his fore­ killed in Seattle and one in Aber­ Pendleton, Jan. 28, ing. butter, will be one of the main daughter of Mrs. A m y Whipple oT head as he fell. deen by falling power wires. 29 and 30 topics at the state-wide agricutlural This enterprise calls for three N.vssa. Mr. Rust is a son of M rs.! The robbery occured Monday a f­ The storm eame up “ the night be­ economic conference at O. A . C. $50,000 of whicn Mary Rust, who is one of Owyhee’s million dollars, ternoon sometime b. tween the hou' fore Christmas,” and raged from January 21 to 26. A special commit­ State of pioneer settlers. Their many friends has been assigned to the of four and five o'clock. Mr. W a t­ The 28th Annual Convention of Aberdeen, to Seattle, at one time tee will formulate the program foi Oregon as its quota. join in wishing them a long, happy kins did not become conscious until the Oregon W ool Growers A ssoc­ cutting o ff Aberdeen, Tacoma and the dairy work of the confemce. President Harding’s last weeks married life together. They w ill, about 5:45 o’clock. in Pendleton, Seattle from all outside communica­ An analysis of dairying in Oreg *n ia tio n will be held of activities were spent on the Pa­ live at the old home place for the According to Chief of Police CHnt tion. Wires were blown down, por­ followed by specific recommendations Janifhry 28th, 29th and 30th, an­ cific Coast, and the people grew to present. Haynes, nearby towns have been tions of the three cities plunged in- for the development of this industry nounces Mac Hoke, Secretary. Com­ The past week has been a busy love him for his splendid character notified but no reports o f the as­ Con­ o darkness as power lines broke, will bo undertaken by prominent l ing right after the National one in community activity. T he, and his high ideals, and also to ad­ sailant and robber being apprehended and street ear service was inter­ dairymen, members of the college vention, the Oregon meeting will be mire, respect and love Mrs. Hard­ Sunday school gave a brief Christ - 1 have been forthcoming. The of­ of L, rupted. sta ff, bankers, members of commer­ able to secure several speakers mas program following Sund ay. ing for her womanly qualities. ficers are combing La Grande today national prominence, F . R. Marshall cial organizations and other interest­ It is desired tiiat voluntary con­ school, consisting of music by tho in efforts to find the man. He ed individuals and group representa­ National Secretary; Dr. W . S. Mc­ shall be made to this oorchestra and singing. M iss B e r -: tributions is described as a fairly young man, Clure, who is now in W ashington, tives at the conference. fund, and that a very great many nice MacLuft'erty sang a solo. well built, and was wearing an over­ D. C. working in the interests of Methods for increasing the effic­ Monday evening the community people should participate in it, that coat at the time of the pilfering. Reserve iency of production will be included the W ool Growers; F oiest all may have a tangible interest in Officers Arre t .M m Near Hunting - Christmas tree, with a program The police have in their possession in the program. The value of pure officials; representatives from other the enterprise afoot. given by the school children under ton for Possession a complete description o f the robber. railroad, mar­ bred sires with production records state’s associations; Contributions may be sent to B. the direction of Prof. E. L. M ac- of I.iquor keting and financial leaders; and behind them, disease control, higher F. Mulkey, state chairman of the Lafferty. A large crowd was pres­ station, college, and producing cows, the advantages of experiment ent and all were treated generously Harding Memorial Association for will cow testing associations and bull as­ livestock sanitation aulliorities the State of Oregon, suite 403 Cor District Attorney Robt. D. Lytle to candy and nuts, 116 pounds of Mr. Regele, teacher of the upp r sociations, and other production fac­ be present. bett building, Portland, Oregon, or and City Marshall John Barkley ar candy and 95 pounds of nuts being The Pendleton Commercial A sso­ they may be sent direct to head­ Bend, spent his Christmas vacati m tors will be considered. en­ rested Arthur Antrim at his home given away. Data bearing on these subjects ciation has agreed to stage an with his parents in Salem. quarters at 1414 F street, N . W ., Thursday evening a musieale an.l near Huntington, Oregon on Decem­ tertainment and banquet that will will be presented at the conference W ashington, D. C. Elmer W alker’s son Ira has been given under the ber 23rd for possession of intoxicat­ short play was by specialists of the college experi­ surpass if possible all previous a f­ Between the 6lh and 16th o f Jan­ seriously ill. ing liquor. Ho was brought to Vale auspices of the P. T. A . The music ment station and extension service. fairs. uary, 1924, a drive will be made in Elmer Stradley and family have and plead guilty and was sentenced consisted of solos, duets, trios and Data will be given on the basis that the several counties of this state to moved back to Big Bend. They are CATTLE M EN SEE R A Y to six months in jail and fined $450. quartets, sung by the Misses Ber­ funds, but meanwhile, living in one o f Mr. Carrol’s houses. dairying may be the major enter­ nice M acLafferty, Marian Lowe, secure the OF S U N S H IN E prise o f a diversified farming pro­ and during that time, it is hoped Word has been received from the Lois Russell and Segua Peterson. Why Pneumonia and Tuberculosis? “ The uplift in livestock prices is gram in Oregon. that a large number of people will Harris fam ily that they have just The play “ School D ays” was a Why should pneumonia and tuber­ like a ray of sunshine breaking respond o f their own initiative. recovered from the measles. culosis be reported? W hy should “ scream” from start to fiish, with G U A R D R A IL S N O W PROTECT through the clouds,” said W illiam Governor W alter M. Pierce is There will be Chritsain Endeavor The teacher was nay disease be reported ? The laws an all-star cast. A U T O S ON OLD OREGON T R A IL Pollman, president o f the First N a­ taking an active interest in this at the school house every Sunday Elliott. The school of the State of Oregon and also of Mrs. Robert Division Engineer H. R. Baldock tional bank o f Baker. “ W ith first Harding Memorial enterprise, and night. Everyone is cordiully invit­ other states in the Union require children were Doc Pullen, George made a trip o f inspection last week class steers selling around 8^4 ami has issued a proclamation calling ed to attend. Kaylor, Si Bigelow, Ada Schweizer, j that all kinds of communicable dis­ over the Oregon Trail to view the cows at 614, it looks as if the Port­ various churches of the Jim W elsh came home to spend Fred Pullen, Ger­ upon the ease be reported to the health of­ Lou DeGoede, work e f the guard rail gang that land market was going to be good. state to say something commenda­ Christmas with his parents, Mr. M rs. Fisher, Ida' ficer. The list o f reportable dis­ trude Bigelow, has been erecting protections on the The cattlemen have traveled a long Wm. Peutz and w ife .1 tory to this movement on Sunday, and Mrs. Thos. W elsh. eases is found in the rules and reg­ W alters, side hill sections of the highway. uphill road, but it looks now as if January 6th. Miss Lois Wilson was a visitor a , ulations of the State Boards of Robert Elliott was “ baby brother” ; The work has been completed from we are over the w orst.”— Portland The movement is non-partisan, the Schultz home one night Iasi, Health of the respective states. and delighted the audience with his i the top of the Blue Mountains al­ Telegram. and all persons who desire to per­ week. antics. The play was given in a This list is remarkably uniform in most to the foot o f the power plant petuate the name and memory o f a Many people of the Big Bend were all the states and includes the house filled to overflowing with an hill on Dead Ox Flat. The guard R A D IO E D U C A T E S T H E P EO PL E president, who verily yielded up his Parma visitors Tuesday, doing their which fully appreciated respiratory diseases such as pneu­ audience rails will go all the way to the bot­ life in conscientious discharge of Christmas shopping. the efforts to entertain. Proceeds The educational value o f the radin tom soon. They are built of heavy monia and tuberculosis. the tasks of a president of all the Mrs. Kathryn Claypool left last The necessity of reporting erup­ of the evening amounted to $16.80. ! timbers nailed to eight by eight to families in their homes and on people, are earnestly requested to Tuesday evening for Vale, where Harry Evans left Saturday for the farm s is becoming more fully tive fevers such as smallpo.4, scar­ by eight posts. contribute to the Harding Memor­ she will take her examinations. She appreciated. From one Western let fever, measles and chiekenpox Windsor, Col«., to visit his mother ial. is the teacher o f the lower grades broadcasting station people in 114 Told By A Clergyman has been generally recognized. Ihe and brother over the holidays. of district No. 47. Miss Marian Lowe arrived Sun­ cities and towns, and thousands of necessity of reporting pneumonia Mr. and Mrs. John W all and sons “ A strapping big fellow the other Miss Hazel Young, from Okla­ from Waitsburg, W ash., to Kenneth, John, Jr., and James Mar­ farm homes in the country enjoy and tuberculosis is not quite so up- day day brought a demure little lass It j homa, is now attending the Big | daily entertainment. parent, The onset of these diseases spend her holiday vacution with her ion arrived Saturday for a visit at the parsonage in order that they Bend school. Lectures from great educational is inure insiduous and their spread parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Lowe. Lowe’s. George Tureman is spending his might be joined in the bonds o f ma­ centers Mrs. George Glascock and chil­ scattered over thirty-one is consequently less alarming. It Messrs. W m . Compton and Paul Christmas vacation with his daugh­ trimony. states are heard from one super is only recently tnat the true nature dren motored to Huntington Thurs­ Fisher are visiting in the Chas. “In accordance with my custom I ters, Misses Ella and Bernice Ture­ station. o f pneumonia and tuberculosis has day for a week end visit with Mrs. Fisher home. man, who are staying with Mr. Joe turned to the bridegroom at a cer-1 A fam ily in F em dale, California been recognized. Pneumonia was Della Robinson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Biadley and tain part of the ceremony and said, Mr. and Mrs. Oce Schweizer and 1 daughters, Ruby and A lta visited King. hears concerts from Portland, Ore­ supposed to be caused by exposure "T h is is now your lawful wedded Mrs. Ruth Johnston entertained a gon, and farmers at Livingston, to cold and tuberculosis was sup­ family ate Christmas dinner with Grandma Bradley for a few days few guests for Christmas dinner. w ife.’ Montana enjoy concerts from Des posed to be inherited. It is now relatives in the Bend. at the ranch. They returned to On­ “ Trembling with embarrassment, Mr. and Mrs. W arren Fenn had as tario Thursday night after the play. Many of her relatives were present. Moines, Iowa. known that both of these disea-'os as he had been from the outset, the guests to Christmas dinner Mr. and The pleasure that a whole fam ily are infectious. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Kygar were ing in the Kingman home. big fellow turned awkwardly in the gets from nation-wide music nnd As pneumonia and tuberculoses Mrs. Stanley Fenn and family, Mr. the ‘beneficiaries” of a grand chari­ Mr. and Mrs. John W all and Miss direction of the girl and said: lectures is intensified by the fact are commumcable diseases tney and Mrs. C all Fenn and fam ny and vari Thursday night when about Marian Lowe were guests at the ‘Pleased to meet you.’ ” that they have been deprived of should be repoited. The control Messrs. Bob ana Guy Wallace, B ert' Misses Lois Russell and Segnu annual gathering of the “ old Kol- these things until the discovery of o f infectious and communicable dis­ James and lorn and Goldie Baird. F A R M E R S M A R K E T PROGRAM Peterson o f Boise are guests of Mrs ony” at the Overstreet home. Ernest Hansen, a recent guest at Oce Schweizer. eases depends upon the knowledge In place of the usual Farmer’s the radio. Miss Lillie May Hunt was an of when, how, and where tney oc­ the Uiwe home, returned to Gooo- Mrs. Margaret Schweizer and overnight guest at the DeBord home W eek at the O. A . C. there will be cur. This knowledge depende-. upon irg Saturday. held an agricultural economic con­ P O U L T R Y SH O W TO BE children Carl and Anna are home Wednesday. HELD A T C A LD W E LL air. und M is. Irwin Smith and for the holidays. reports received by the her th ot- Mr. and Mrs. Ellis W alters and ference in January, 21 to 25, to take and tamiiy of ficers. W hile the quarar une o; Rev. Glenn Davis Kenneth McDonald and Gerald family attended the W . H . Fox sale up and work out a comprehensive The Gem State Poultry association these diseases is modified, it is ?aim a were dinner guests in the DeBord left Friday to program of productionand marketing. spend the j Friday. has announced a fine program for home on Christmas day. holidays r.ow recognized that frank Cases of ¿vans with their grandparents, R. R. Overstreet and son Robert The best minds of the state will oe Vliss Edna Groosbeck of Beaumont Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Tufts, of W alla (who is home from Corvallis for the present and it is hoped that a line the four days institute which will be pneumonia and open cases 01 tucei Hennis and Kobt. W alla, Wn. culosis are dangerous to th puol'c .nd Messrs Ed be determined that held in Caldwell, Idaho, January 7 holidays) and Maurice Judd cut logs o f action may to 11, inclusive. Addresseswill be Jostwick were guests of Miss Rutn will help the farm ers out o f their and should be isolated. Mrs. Delva W all and Miss Marian on the Owyhee ranch Thursday ar.d given by poultry specialists o f Idaho. In addition to tne quarantine .jvans during part of the holidays. Lowe were entertained Friday even- Friday. present serious condition. HI ARE 0EM_IN STONI OWYHEE WOOL GROWERS CONVENTION ¡EPÜTIES ARREST BOOTLEGGER BIG BENI) .VK-vr-â T H E U S E t a r e n ’ t you ûOiiNCî B>G W H A T 7b THE GAME, TEUX Y m y ? To S hould G ood s e e . dll ? fay Aik Flivvers Are All Right, ». o u r Newspajier Union ALL out m o ney i h ave F f2 0 N T OF D o e s n ’ t to T h E co st d o is RADIO me a stan d STORE out "T hen — a t T he m o st exciting MOMENT OF T h E CÍAME- O in A N D IT r - »n R u t— ^ n ic k l e 'T h a t g a m e 0 ea T Î P GEE P r a d io ’ s a i GREAT T h in g 77 fj I ( m \ ml