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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1923)
— 1 ■lüim jM U ' L J L -im m v » « "» » ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « » « ♦ « M W ♦♦♦ ' Mr. Phlppea and family th i. w*ek o . d T hraa her. H.*„J Beam. T kO n . mov*<t to Blgm, where h* he* rneured Thompson. Janata C a r t e r Hoar n work in . mill. D n n .w .y , M *. D n n . w . y , E . r l Ric Mr. and Mr*. J . R. H u n te r viiited *rd»on, Eugene R n n n if a a , Ire n e B k j . in Boise Wednesday. sen, Robert OlaiMa, Alton Bayer Miva Rita Keam i* visiting thi* week ®m , r Jr Baird. Frank Rambaud, Paul Mrs. CorbiQ and two children o r * Miaa Georgia Tbompaon, d a u g h te r of at the home of her uncle Kd at Iren* Creokar, (,ord*n I.ooper, Je rd Looper Her fa th e r will m eet her a t , n a John Jo h n «°» ■ pending th e holiday* with relative* Mr. and Vpa. J e a ie Thompson, wan •ido. a t S ta r . operated on Tuesday a t the Ontario Brogan tomorrow with « c a r and bring At laat re her home. Mr. and Mr*. F. 0 . C a rm a n e n t e r ' hoipita l for appenoleitia A ttorney E. M, Blodgett was traan- taincd a «mail company of friend* a t a porta ah* waa g e ttin g along nicely, al a c tirg legal business in Boise a couple aumptuou* t u rk ey dinner on Christ- though for a time she wee very low. Thoa* who claimed t h a t Nyasa Mrs T. J. Ca.dwfli left Saturday of riava thi« w*-nW, r e tu rn in g Friday. ■ as. couldn’t g e t a crowd a t ai y public •ohil Derm a a b r o tb e r * o f the late fuetion got the shock of their young The I adíe* nf the Soeial Cirele will for Long Beach to ppend the winter with hereon Cecil. Ja m e« Demi», is visiting a t Ihe Den live* Monday when the free turkey have a bemr*«* meeting e t the C o m Otto Schoeiter of H’ghy, Idaho, a r nis home h e '.' Dia we-k Mr. Dennis and chicken atunt was pulled off Th* mercial Club room oa Thursday, J a n u a ry 8. a t 2 i>. in. AH m em ber* re- rived in Nyaaa Tutatfay to v ait hi« is en m u te from his borne in California town waa full of inter* ated visitors moth'-r, Mr». J J Schneiter, and to Tennessee o visit two d a u ghte is. qe ea te d to be prevent and the event was a success from oiht r relatives. l orn - T o Mr. end Mra. Hank Eg- every standpoint. A g 'i tba Felton r f Twin Fall* i* via Mr and Mrs Fred Powell left 8 a t mom‘, on Sunday, L e r s m b t r 28,a baby At 2:30 the band began to play and iting a t th e J . A. Felton home. urriay fer Long Heath to spend ih daughter. at the psychological moment Sidney H. J. Ward c p in t a lew day* winter in t h t hopes of bent fitting their A special school meeting waa held at Burbidge aad Georg# Good nc& began in E lg in thi* week a tte n d in g a family health. * tho t ve school house Thursday, a t which turning tho fowl* loose, and rennm n t h e r e Among those who were fun atarted. The poor bipeds didn’t toe budget Hi amended by the tax Jessie C a r te r of Boise was the gaest pre ae nt were G e orge W ard and f a m commission was adopted. The a tte n d stand much chanee, but were quiekly ily and Mr*. Clarence Ream , formerly of Miss Hazel Beam this week. surrounded and caught. The greased ance was light. Mia Alda McDonald Mr a i d Mra. Hays of V s ‘e wt-re pig, however, was a little herder prop C. L. McCoy and Blayney Boydall L a r r y H a m ah r and family apent guaata Chriaiaiaa a t the Wra Vogta osition and gave its pursuer- a run for took in the m*»ical comedy ’“I r e n e ” at home. Chrletm a* with frieeda a t Meridian their money. I t waa finally captured Boise Christina* night. Mr. and Mra. Pearl Bingman and by Harry Newby. Among Tl oae who Brady Few ler, t h e threehing machine Seymour Rosa and family of Ontario captured either a turkey at a chicken man. h a t pnrehaeed a aew up te date Mr. anu VIrs Marvin Warren of the a te Christmas dinner a t the Charley were Chas Newbill, Mr. Harland. corn ahailar, which ho lato a d a to load Oragon Trail district were Christmas l raw fero home. tha home of Mayor snu Mri. Cleaton Hoxie, John K kabecke. e a t e a t r a c k and heel a rena d te the There ware over a dox»n fowila turned verioue farm * where t h e r e le c e r e t o , P. M. Warrea. loeae. S a nta Claus was prevent ar.d Mrs. M a rgare t Marshall stepped off bo ibollod, wbtoh ho will diapoao of made many friends among the Uttla r i t h aoataoaa end diayetcb. Tho m a #n he r way to Mina, N e r , to viail falks. Tho band played t lj . iu g the End Mra. Gae. Sehwaiser. Mra. chino fa equipped with all tho latea» Mina E daa Warren, a form er popular davieaa a ad it la claimed will do about Marshall haa bean viaiting tha laat four Nyasa girl, b a t for tha past two •u ltr a proceedings and eddid greatly e v e r y th in g an tha f a rm e x c e p t milk m aa th s with her aotkar, Mra. Ruth vanii an a p a r a to r a t tha Ontario success of the uceasionr. Share, a l Caldwell tha eowa. téléphona exchange was qaiatly ■ r s . Blintaa Webb ia an tha sick liat. Mr*. A. R. MaCarty and bay*. Cnlia arriad in Weiser at noan C hrist aad Dnlbnrt, a re a ,e n d in g holiday Adalph Sehasitar, who ia working mas day to W. fl. Williams of weak in Boia*. aa th e Blank Canyon dam near Eta Independence, Oregon, who ia a civil Albert Faash. proprietor of tho Hotel A. V. Coak aad family w ant t* Ba m alt, spool Christmas with hi* family engineer now engaged in baildlog a Woatera aad a a# of tho best known NY 18A, OREGON highway from Baker te Malheur City. sitiaena af tha Saak* valley, died at k e r t* a alahra ta C hristm a s with hi* ia Nyasa. paranta. H a r r y L autk retu rned hams the The ceremony was bald a t tha home io bta hama la (His city Monday, Decem Weiser of Mr and Mra. J . W, Hub ber I t , at 8:48 p, m., a f te r aa illness John Bigelow waa viaitiag • d a u g h I r s t of tho week from Crane, where hard, Rav. Mr. Adair of tha Presby af abeat a weak. Had Mr. Fauoh lived ho had been working. te r a t Caldwell thi* waak. n x t a a a a b M t bb b b M a H i a a M a a a a b m b» « « » »*» *»* terlan church ofleiating Tha happy until tk* 2nd of a s x t march he would Mr. and Mra. Croskar war* Caldwell J Sw an and d a u g h ta r Mary left coupla are making their heme a t Ba have bean 78 years old. Funenal se r on Sa tu rd ay fo r Kent. W aak., to m ake visitors Saturday. Miss Violet Cox spent Christmas ker. Mrs. Williams, who ia the daugh vices wars bald a t tk* Gommunity a f o r t n ig h t ’* visit a t his b r o t b a r ’s in Nam pa, tha g aeat of her sc a t, Mrs. te r of Mayor and Mrs. P. M Warren eharch a t I’arm a Wednesday a t ■ p. home. has many friends ia Nyasa who sa m. Rav. M eagom cry of Parm a Whalen. Mrs. C. L. McCoy and h t tl * aon are tend beat wiahaa. preackad th* a irm an and the body waa fake your arrangement! to be prei*nt on that date or Clarence Ziak aad family and Mi* »ponding C hristm a s waak witk kar laid to rest in tha P a rm a oometery. A shcra ft and sen Ray apent Christmas soon after and pares«* a t Psndlstsn. Mr. Faueh H avas a wifa, two ion«, a t tha Lam Wilson ham* in the Oregon J. R. H u n te r kaa been appointed Hugh aad Frad, and a daughter, kCr». Trail distrial, d iatriet m an a g er for t h a WaCannan Stephan U tta r , ta mourn hia toaa. Mr*. F ra n k Lesak and d a u g te r Cath A family reuaion waa held at the Co. This is the position faranarly held Mi. Fouch waa ana a f the earliest esk hav-1 Jehn Ward home Tuesday and a big settlers of tho Snake valley, coming by Archio Sinclair and ia g i v t a to M". arine war* ia Ontario tkis ir.g dental work does. Christmas dinner enjoyed together. hero while young hoy and passed H u n te r as a wall deserved recognition Mr*. Helen Clement of Ontario, Those present wore: Mr. aad Mra. through all th* exciting scenes of the of his success as a distrib u te r *f tha Holdan vXament and family of Area John Word Mr. and Mrs. Audrey early day* af this asetioa McConnon prodaets. die, Mrs. Havry Clam ant and son Ward, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Robe risen, Mr, Banaon of Weiaar visited his ur school this year is bigger and better than ever be and v a riola o th e r m em bers of Mr. aad Mrs. E arl Ward, F ra a k Ward, Ink 6c bottle a t tha Ja a n m l alile*. wlfa and d a u g h te r in Nsaaa thia week tore. Have us prove this Gertrude Wilson, Mr. and Mr9. Wm. V and to g e tk a r t n sy visited r a aa tivss a t the Schweixer family too na m tro as to Coleman. end today for catalog giving complete outline of courses, mention took Christmas dinner at Krnitland. ------ i ------------- the George Schweixer home. ites of tuition, etc. Mr and Mrs. Doaglas McDonald era G o r g e Green and family spent hero from Malhaur City viaitiag rela Christiana with relatives in Boise. tives and friend*. Glen Davis acted a* chaperone for a F r a a k and Harry Leock retu rned to Mra. Ora Harria and ckildreo hav* returne d from a v i iit w ith friends ia work a t th* Black Canyon dam Thurs bunch who went «kiting on the Sher day, a f te r spend'ng C r i s t i n a s a t their wood oond Wednesday evening Ow E m m e tt, MENTHÜ. L'a-*’ I« Boise. Idaho. B. C Beetham, Mgr. ing to the fact th a t the ice was not Frank Louak ia apendiag th e kaliday hems ia Nyasa. very solid the pa rty adjourned about /%># éiü~ C* w i h i o a t Maaaaa M U M s asM M s a H aaaaaaaaas a n a« >»ee seaaoa a t hit horn* in thia city. He I* Adalph Schneiter aad fawily visited 19 o'cloek, but they all report a good employed aa a bl> c k a a l t k a t kh* gov relfttiv«» in Boil« Christina». time. Those in the party were: e rn m e n t diversion dam a a a r E m m ett. Glen Davis, Wilfred Shumaker, Edna G E. SehVe'xer was in from thi Miaa Eva Boydall a rriv e d Sunday Box canyon to spend Christmas with Dennis, Dick Shumaker, Chas. Leuck, from Albany, where aha is leaching, homo folks. Norvill# Leack, Vernen Allen, Kay- to spend tha holiday aeaaaa with bar D ob Davis waa heme from Seattle to parents, Mr. and Mrs. J . Boydall. spend Christmas with bis parents, Mr. Diatriet M a nager O r r of th e Idaho aad Mra. R J. Davis. Pow er Co., was called to K ansas City, Th* S hristm as program a t tha Meth Mo . this weak by tha d e a th of hia odist church was raoderad to a crowd fathe r. ed b a sic, standin g ream being a l a Mra. &. R. Richardson r a t a n t a d this premium. Those taking p a rt acquitted week from a th ree w e e k ’s v i s i t witk them aalvas with credit and wan muth relalivaa in lawn. applaus*. S a a ta Class a ppeared upon Boh Martin aad family h a v e rate ra» the lean# and delighted th* little folk» ad from a ihr** months visit ia g a s with his Jelly appearance and quaint At tha elosa candy and nuts ses. Rab has resum ed his w ork as op re m a rk s war* d istrih a tad te the ahildren. e r a to r a t th a O. S, L. depot, e extend the compliments of the season and wish you all a LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF Success Happy New Year Pepu!ar Gouple Wed A Pioneer P?sici H d w e. Co. i IIP WINTER TERM BEGINS JAN. 2nd Christmas Reuiion in r o ll a t L IN K ’S Skating Party LUDENS LIN K ’S B U SIN E S S COLLEGE L . v p Q u ir k Rf!;ef N y s s a C o m m issio n É H ou se Poultry bought or handled on com ission. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 4-7, Nyssa, Oregon GEO. L. GOODRICH, Prop. See Me Pa i and aee bettor. Dr. J. A. McFall fiyesigkt ipaeaaJiat datario Q rojoa Mrs. W. W. F a s t e r aad children Mr. and Mr*. W. 8. Clore s f Weiser aad C. L McCoy were guaata a t tha span! Christmas with friends in Nam- Frank Millar hem* Christm as. M Wo grind a nr own leases P b o o e 147 J UM lake your pullets lay by feeding N y ssa MEAT SCRAP We hare it prepared G arage ▲GENT cars C h e v ro le t 1 f I Oxy-Acetylene Welding N y s s a G ra in & S e e d Co. OREGON. All Work Guirtiteed |