«■ our readers may »late whether e* set pi»» ■■ they approve tbs *i r»— ■ it num* j ceded that they never will pro- (hibit, yet we do not hear any SI B8TANCK. We commend to our reader* thi» op­ “ Thou «halt not kill.” wild clamor for th**ir repeal. portunity, porhap* the firat that baa Published every Friday at Nyssa, “Thou shall not it*»!.” Why? tieen olTared te the Americas psblic. Oregon, by “Thou shalt not commit adul their direct „ opiaioa It is claimed that the prohibí t* rarater _ . . at . tery. ” H. F. BROWN tv h ry ^ m e n “ t _°J ?o from one state lo an- EPISCOPAL CHU*CH. O reiron. aa second-clase mail matter In what respect then do they »ther for immoral purposes (hey differ in principle from our pro- have violated the \ lute slave law 3emu#< ta lh4 h . h first Sun. E M. BLODGETT hihitory law? The people still and are subject to a, eat and mr j . g .« £ b ~ £ l£ Attorney and couneell at law have the option of obeying or pnsonmmt. If 'here is at b o’clock ia tha morning. Practice ia ail Court« disobeying any of these laws, thing as vi lation of persona Nyasa Oregon but if they disobey they do so liberty this would seem to be it, Chiropractors at the risk of incurring the pen- but you never hear i» called that. GOD’S FLAN VS. PROHI- Dra. Bradford & Bradford. Carvor | alty for disobedience. This is It is generally conceded to be a graduates. Consultation and examina- BITION. true of every law, both human necessary ».election to society, turn free Ten years successful pri ae­ Is the enactment of a law pro­ and divine. Hence we can safe- Why is the prohibition law a tico in th« »Ute of Oregon. rl rei hibiting the manufacture and ly accept as a principle that God violation of personal liberty door weet of Bank of Nynee. sale of alcholic beverages con­ believes in prohibitory laws but while the Mann whi.e slave aw Pea point« a penny a pioea at tk* trary to God’s plan of dealirg gives us the power to disobey is not? They are both proh.bi Journal ottiee. with objectionable things? This them if we are willingto pay the Lon 'aws* one designed to question arose during a recent penalty. prevent immorality and the discussion of the prohibition other drunkenness. by what law. • The comention contention was wan mu ma.'e e In . Christ’s time adultery was principle . . . do we determine , „ ,, . *, that that a prohibitory law violattd' pum8,iable Wlth dtath- The one is a violation • . * ______ of personal i God’s method of working in such two thieves who were crucified liberiy and the other is not. Will cases by taking away from man i with Christ were paying the some one use the columns of the the right of choice; that it w asjpenal% for vi“lating t e law- Journal to answerj only by resisting and overcoming aRa inst theft. temptation that we became A careful study of the Bible strong and that a prohibitory must convince anyone that it is QO law interfsrred with this plan. not God’« plan to allow violation To discuss this question intel- of laws against objectionable or Bok Peace Award ligently it is necessary to study injurious practices without fear The corapetitjon for tke Americ. n the scriptures and see just what punishment for their viola- Award, created by Edward W. God did in similar cases. From tion. True, He allows tempta- Bok, and offering » 100,000 for the His actions in many cases we tion to exist in the world, but ‘ best practical plan by which the can readily construct the princl- He prescribes a penalty for those United sta tes may co-operate with pie upon which He w orked-and who succumb to it. And that is °ther natilT ‘° Bcbi*v.e, B.nd ,preBe” ' i l is the principle we are discuss- w^at the prohibition law does. vtrnbv demand. Y o u cwm b u y th it c a th r o u g h th e I ' o r J W eek ly P u r ch a s e P la n 1 V. B. STAPLES, Ontario, Oregon CA ILS cil of the Arr.eri an Pi ace Award. 8. Through Mayor« eommittees in many communities 4. Tnrough the universities and libraries of the country. 6. Through local organizations of all kinds. Organizations whose combined mem­ berships total many millions, have al­ ready agreed to submit a copy of the winning plan and a ballot to their . members The press of the country, both the datliei and weeklies, ij generally to oycrat ng with this attempt to secure from the American people a wide ex­ pression of opinion on this vastly im­ portant subject. Many papera which have a con istent policy of not carry­ ing ballots of any kind have made the first exception in their history in this instance. With so many agencies ef such a wide variety ceoperating, the commit­ tee feels that the “ referendum” should be mast effective. However, it em­ pties.zes the need of securing, not a great volume of ba lets representing ttie hasty, un onsidered action of the voters, but the real opinion ef tka voters after they have carefully read the plan, or a luminous digt st of it. This paper is cooperating with the CuniKiitteu of the Award ia this mat­ ter, and we will carry a copy ef the winning plan, auh a ballet upon which «««#>««♦ >0 « M H »»«« We Handle Whiz Anti- for your Radiators. Keepi jl ' Arvin Heaters fot Batteries Repaired and S erv ice Ga Nyssa. Oraron ....................................... ..... We W ish You All A Happy and Prosperous New Year THE GATE CITY JOURNAL IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATK OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR la the matter of the estate of Uuatavs Adolph Schwaizar, deceased. Notice is hereby given: That Marga­ ret W alrack Schweizer, tb* duly ap pointed, qaalifled and acting executrix of the estate of Gustave Adolph Bchweizcr, deceased, has rendered aaid presented for final settlement, and filed in said Court her final account of her admimstranon of aaid estate and petition for distribution and her dis­ charge as said executrix, and that Monday, th. 15th day of December, 192.1, at the hour of 11 o ’clock in tba forenoon of said day, at the court room of said Court, in the Court house in Vale, Malheur County, State of Ore­ gon, has been app dnted and fixed by the Judge of said County Jourt, in an order made and entered by said Judge on the 10th day of December. 1928, as the time and place for hearing ob­ jections to said account, the settle­ ment thereof, and the hearing of aaid petitition; at which tima and plaee any and all persons interested in said es­ tate may appear and object to said account and contest the same; and all persona concerned therein are further notified te be present and »how cauae. if any there be, why aaid account and report ahould not be approved, settled and allowed and the undersigned dis­ charged as such executrix, Margart Walrack Schwciser, Executrix of the estate of Gustave Waltaek Sehweiaer, Deceased. Firat publication Daa 14, 1928. Last publication Jan. 11, 1924. • waolicr Attor» .y K IT — _ Ut