HE G ate Cmr J ournal NYSSA. URKCON, FRIDAY, ÜKCKMH¿R 14, 192:, ME XXII. NO 7 COUNTY STATISTICS USE O F CHRISTMAS 05144484 TREES APPROVED Large quanitiea of young Dougla Malheur County Real Estate Trans firs were reported to have been fers Recorded Durili); Week slopped from this state this year t o 1 O f Dec. 1st lo Hih. ITEMS Ul INTEREST ABOUT California and Hawaii to be used as I Silver Bow Motor ( lar Co. to C. | THE BOVS AND GIRLS. Items o f Local and Personal Interest, Gathered Christmas trees. Oregon's firs wi’.! M. G oodenberger-StiNE1/*, and E ): thus help to make it seem li.ee B y The Journal Correspondents. NW H Sec. 11-17-4«. 9-26-23. $1.00. Fourteen boys’ and girls’ clubs in I Christmas in balmy Honolulu. In ‘ U. S. A. to Edw. H. Somerville- (From Malheur Enterprise EHWV4, N H SE'A, SW >4SE'. Sec Malheur county have received certi-1 4He United States 5 million Christ j Watson P. Davidson of St. Paul, ficates of achievement from H. C. mas trees are used each year, and j 29; NW>4SW>4 Sec. 28-15-41. - « moved down irom Jamieson for the president of the Oregon Western Edw. H. Sommerville et us to D. Seymour, state club leader, through in th eastern States with thier rein I Colonization company, visited this OW YH EE ' winter. They are located at the C. B rett-E tiW 'A , NVfeSE‘4 , S W > 4 d 1 Oregon Agricultural college ex- t">ely dense population, trees suit- — ~ ------------------- * Moore hotel. section the first of the week on <1 Gruell, of the upper i Mjsg chryatal Stacey visited Lela E14 Sec. 29• N W *iSW !4 Sec. 28-; tension srvice, for completing their able for use at Christmas are he business connected wbh the exten died Friday, interment be-|Qx™ g u„ da~ returning to B o is e '15-41. 11-28-23. *1.00. ' work 100 I * r <*nt. W. D. aiming scarce. This year the New sive land interests of the company he Vale cemetery. I t)lat evening. Edw. Hannon et ux to J. P. Han- K‘nder- coan‘ y dub agrent, organiz- England crop was shut o ff on ac in Malheur county. r smith, T M. Lowe and F .! Mrs. Andy Lackey and Helen re non-undivided V4 interest in SW14S ^ « club, the first of the year, ‘ ount o f a uarantine against the A meeting was held last Friday bed took hogs to Adrian to tulned from Spokane Sunday. WN4 Sec. 25; S E * S E % , SWVi, etc. Were standard clubs *p^ . ° ’ the ®;'P«y moth- On the in the office of F. S. Rieder, the .lo (Frank Miller's carload which Dr. J C. Bartlett and Miss Alva A. A. Doubrava et ux to John T*th def,‘ nlte '’ •'ograms outlined for Atlanta Coast it is reported that it cal agent here, and was attended by 'Portland. Arnold motored to Nampa Thursday Thompson-Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, and w e .t , the year 8 work- The clubs were « becoming profitable to grow th businss men of Vale to discuss 10 feet o f Lot 8, Block 43, Brogan composed of 265 boys and girls of Christmas trees. Someday we raaj members of the school- to attend the Elk’s Ball. the future development of this . u . Ul,| M i; Kobt. El- Mrs. C. C. Burrow and Mrs. R. 1). 12-23-22. *50.00. , whom . . 76 . . per cent completed their may n come to that , in the Northwest. - county. Messrs Geo. Kaylor and Lytle were in town from Vale, Mon- Ernest C. Wilson et al to Geo. R. ( P ^ ^ - Seven different types (lf Does the agelon g custom of cut Mr. Davidson also visited Harney kuU went U> Vale Monday to 'd a v . Swan-Lots 9 and 10, Block 21. dub work have been done in the ting Christmas trees at the holiday county, where the company has a ent at the tax commission Mr. and Mrs. Lumpee and daugb- Teutschs Add. to Nyssa. 11-2 23. *1. eoUnty thls year- f T t m T H u ™ “ V * demonstration station established on Ult Vale, Otto F. Strobel to Nellie Strobe’ -1 Clubs with their local club leaders ( farest “ f t * " * 1* This is a question a tract of land near Burns to dem J ter Leah were down from I N % , NWMSWy* Sec. 16-1C-46. n > - 1 and officers are as follows: often asked o f Government and onstrate profitable irrigation by ey Bradley is working on his shopping^ Monday^ pumping water for diversified farm Mrs. T. C. McElroy o f Vale was 31-23. $1.00. . Kol° nT pi(f C J ub’ M'_J.Udd I f m te r e ^ h y ^ 't h e u ! T ‘ i W T. ditch and boarding with his] in town from Vale Monday. Fred G. Lackey et ux to B. W . j leader, five members, Cora Elliot, products next season. Mrs. A. C. Bradley, Service expects letters protesting Miss Patterson of Weiser was Grover- NW14SW)4 Sec. 23-18-45. president, Evelyn Debord, vice-presi against the cutting of young trees nd Mrs. Warren Fenn - 1 ‘ . . . registered at Moore Hotel Monday, j 11-1-23. $2,000. dent Floyd Eliott seen secretary; Brogan for Christmas. It is usually point Sunday rom a vlsl ° u | Mr. Walker of Seattle spent Sun- U. S. A. to Frank Palmer-SVfcSE | pig club, Clyde Cole, leader; eight ed out that several million trees arc YVovo, Utah, where they went, ^ ^ * See. 6 . N E yt Sec. 7. NViNW'.i members, Neil E Engl, England, president, used each year which if left to grow id the funeral o f Mrs. Fenn’s Mrs. Roy Smith ntertained the Sec. 8-26-42 12-30-19. Eldred Lockett, vice-president, Joe to maturity would produce a consir! )ther. M. and M. Club Friday. A pleasant1 U. S. A. to Frank Purser- SE*4N Davis, secretary; Amiex pig club. erable quanity of lumber. Is it nd Mrs. Vencenti Mendiola afternoon was spent sewing, after jE *4 Sec. 27-28-46. 10-8-92, Orville Green, leader; Alva Van not, therefore, an economic waste Jldren called at the DeBord wh;ch dainty refreshments were U. S. A. to Eliza Purser-NEM NE' Buren, president, Rex Guilford, vice- r, . . , , NO 2 THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE unday, Mr. Mendiola b r o u g h t gerved Mrs. Wilmer Boyer won K Sec. 26; NWVINW’4 Sec. 25-28- president, Grant Weber, secretary. “S ‘3 S S’ The Forest Service believes that ESPECIALLY NOTICEABLE IN of sheep Monday to Paatu" | t h e prizes in a contest. 46. 1-15-97. Dorca3 3ewing club> Mr3. w . L SOUTHERN PART the use of young trees as Christmas stalks on the DtBoid . T h e first evening party given by U. S. A. to Frank PurserNWCi Turner, leader, 15 members, Dorothv trees is entirely justified. To what local P.-T. A. is planning » ' t h e Music club was held at the h om e'N E V i, N H N W ^ , SW ViN W ^ Sec. Laxon, president Barbara Castleman highr use can trees be put than t< a entertainment to be given l o f Mrg. E c< van Petten. ; 26-28-46. 3-26-92. vice-president, Beulah Rasmussen, bring jo y and happiness to the lit High Living Cost, Poor Wages And Xmas week. Tho not defi-n-^ The program was aa follows: | W. F. McNaught .to C. W. A l -; secretary; Brogan Blue Bird sewing Supply of Labor tle children. tied, a playlet, with music l*iano solo, Mrs Cox; Vocal solo, dredge-Lotg 6, 7, and 8, Block 30, club Mrs. May Noah, leader, 14 Reasons ging by the Misses _ M arian, Mrs. Graham; Trio, Rollins, Peter- Ontario. 12-1-23. $10.00. members, Thelma Smith, president, ¡and Bernice Mac Lafferty j SOn,Cox, (violin, cello, piano); vo- C. W. Aldredge et ux to W. 1 • Dorothy Cole, secretary; Sewing nbably be chief attractions of ca[ S0iOj Mrs. Young; piano solo, McNaught-LoU 20, 21 and 22, Block I club of District 49, Jefferson, Mis. High living costs, poor wages and ening for which a small “ J" Mrs. Breithaupt, vocal duet, Mrs. 4, Villa Park Add. to Ontario, 12-1 Ira E. Ray, leader, five members, _ , an over supply ui lalair ai» given as will be charged. | Peterson and Mrs. Young, piano 23. $10. Lucile Stoneman, president, Goldie I Grandma Childs \ egetable Hash the reasons for the Hundreds of peo- Cut cold meat, onions and carrots ! ,)le who ^ leaviliy California rs Morton and Smith, juniors solo, Mrs. W. J. Pinney. Sheriff H. Lee Noe to Thos. G. Ray, vice-president, Ona Watkins, into a baking dish, season with salt weeUly> Bennett of Hutchins, A fter the program dainty refresh K elly-EHSW % Sec. 36-18-43. 12-8- (ario High, accompanied State Division two cooking club of Jeff pepper and thick rich gravy to cover j Ca l i f s a i d in an interview at the 23. $100.00. rian Thompson on his sec- ments were served. erson, Mrs. Ida B. Leach, leader, and slice raw potatoes on top. Bake ; idanha, Monday. Thousands have around Thur. on the tuber- Miss Dollie Roilins spent Sunday five members, Edith Joseph, presi until potatoes are done and nicel; 1 .■ f'; that state during the last six Marriage License Issued -,st. The party were dinner in Baker. William Bedal and Dora Pollard. dent, Loisa Tooley, vice-president, browned. Mr. Murphy spent Sunday in months, he said, and ^thousands more at Lowe’s. Thelma Leach, secretary. 12-5-23. Mrs. Eliza Champneys, London will go before the exodus ceases. Th* [state traveling library is in Nampa. Big Bend corn club, Edwin Wilson While the winter month are us- Mrs. -Ivan Oakes had Guild at her Complaints Filed in Circuit Court leader, 11 members, Lois V/ilson, of Mrs. Robt. Elliot, presi- Chess Pie uallythe when greater numbers ^f the P.-T. A., and any who home Thursday afternoon. J. R. Blackaby Comercial Co. vs. president, Chester Wilson, vice- One-half cup butter, 1-3 cup milk, travel to California than any other Holmes D. Glover. 12-4-23. Recovery president, Elmer Parker, vice-presi ercsted in obtaining books are 1 cuo sugar, 2 eggs, 1 cup chopped part of the year, he dfriared, this to avail themselves of this on note. $1,345.86. dent Wesley Roberts, secretary. nuts, 1 cup seedless raisins, 1 tea winter is seeing outgoing trains ADRIAN ____________ Mary Ellen Agnes Sherman vs. L. ntiy to read good books. Big Bend dairy herd record keep spoon vanilla. Cook in double boilei heavier loaded than , thus" entering Mrs. Irmal Ashcraft is visiting Sherman. 12-5-23. Divorce, M rland Mrs. Oce Schweizer and ing club, Edwin Wilson, leader, six butter, milk, eggs and sugar; add - | Ameil Claud vs. Rector Amwine members, Chester Wilson, president, raisins and nuts. Cook Ufttir thick, the ¡¡tat». ^^^Jw ere dinner guests Sunday at her sister at Glenn's Ferry. This condition, he said, especially ank John’s home in the Bend. Tom McGivern and his sister, Mrs.' 12-6-23. Damages. $1,830.00. Clare Fleetwood, vice-president, Rex add vanilla, cool. Serve in indivi- prevails in thed istrict surrounding ---------------------------- Weikland, secretary; Wade dairy ual pie crusts. Kennard of Vale was a bus- Claypool, spent the week end in On- Los Angeles and thè southern part herd record keeping, Vem Eaehus, ^^ ^ H visitu r on tho Owyhee Wed tario visiting at the home o f their * Mrs. H. W. Steelhammei. t)u, 3tate. Many families from CRESTON leader, 16 members, Elmer Parker, parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Me- i nesday the east and middle est tho went to president, Wesley Roberts, vice- Christmas Plum Pudding announced that E. L. Mac Givem. Guy Travis made a trip to Ontario California a year or so ago form Mrs. Johnston has returned to | Two cups raisins, 2 cups currant*», . . . . «... „ Lee Johnston, jty will deliver an adress, fol- this week to have ental work done. presidentpresident, , 1 , those returning. Working conditions cups bread crumbs, 2V4 cups su- .... , ___ | [ Sunday School next Sunday. Adrian from a long visit with rela T. R. Beers put down a new well secretary. ... , .. , . . are poor, said Mr. Bennett and gen- Valley View poultry club, Mrs. P. gar (% white and V4 brown) 1 cup | th’ere are ten men to -very tives in Vale and elsewhere. striking good water at depth of 220 F. Countryman, leader, nine mem suet chopped fine, 1 cup almonds . Leo Betts was in the city on bus feet. , , J. , .. u , job open. ARCADIA iness Saturday. Miss Freda Scott spent Thanks bers, Homer H. Oft, president, Carl chopped fine, 1 cup citron chopped Wages are poor because because many E. Sundquist, vice-president, Bea fine, 1 small cup milk, 6 large or K 000 Born to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wal giving at the Shumway home. who go have a smSW amount saved Qwit an accident happened here trice Griffin, secretary. 8 small eggs, M teaspoon cloves, 'i ker, a son. Mother and child are Clarence Atterbury was a visitor up or small incomes from money in Ifedm ;,iy evening when a car Annex calf club, Orville Green, teaspoon nutmeg, V4 teaspoon mace, doing nicely. at the Stewart home this week. vested anda a a result they are w ill by Bill Cathey’s boy of Vale, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Newton were A large dinner party was given leader; seven members, Alva Van 2 teaspoons salt, 1 teaspoon cinnn- ing to work at lower wages than |to a team of mules with a load Caldwell visitors Friday. last Sunday at the Beers home. All Buren, president, Rex Guilford, vice- mon, 1 teaspoon soda, 1 cup molasses will the man who has a family to In belonging to Elbert Butler, Flour to make very stiff. Steam 5 Sheriff Lee Noe was in Adrian on of the Creston neighbors were the president, Grant Weber, secretary. support. This condition prevails not mule got on top o f the car hours. Will keep for weeks in a business Monday. guests. Jim Yost and Guy Travis only in unskilled labor but in skill Jmpletely demolished the top Earl Caverhill, who is now living were there from Grennet Creek. McAddo lives in California. If he cool place. To serve, slice and steam ed labor, he soM* and shield and cut the mule so - . ,, , ... . ... . .__ . _ i ------ ------- --------------------- 15 to 26 minutes. Ithat a veterinary had to be a . ran W’ »« f .aS ’ ^ rs- J°bn Wall and Miss Georgie promises less climate but a better — Mrs. J. F. Miller. quality he is elected. The boy crawled from under ™SIVnf at the McCreary home on Cox came up from Riverside. Peeved at Income Tax Law. r riday. QU y shumway went to Riverside eck without getting hurt. There would be more old maids Hood River^—The Oregon income Ford lives in the United States Frank Miller expects to ship a j f or a )oad 0f supplies this week. Jim Benall and little son His platform should be more park if there were no such things as tax law has lost one citizen for car load of hogs from Adrian, Dec Miss Scott is taking spinning les [the day Wednesday at the Hood River. JamesTiaydam, wealthy shades in front parlors. ing and less cops. ember 10th. sons on the old spinning wheel. retired New Yorker, who had resid * < RU' . , I Floyd Anderson made a trip to i Sloan of Parma, manager ol I _ . . . . . . . „ r ed here for the last seven years has „ ,, , . ,, Ontario for the Van Petten Lumber S. & I). ranch was in this t _ _ , . . . . , , , left here for California. Co. Tuesday, bringing back a load Saturday on business. Mr. Suydam before leaving wrote o f cement. | and Mrs. John Car o f Ontario to Governor Pierce announcing his The following were entertained visitors at the Clyde L on g 1 reasons for leaving the state, at a lovely supper at the R. 1. [ Friday. also wrote the county clerk here Crouch home Wednesday: Mrs Dollie rd Oris and wife of Nyssa giving formal notice o f his change of McCreary, Misses Elsie Elliott and (visiting at Charlie Bullard’s residence. Mr. Suydam declared Threlma McCreary, Messrs. Ray that he considered the state income mond Marshall, Cecil Weedmark and ilbcrt Butler, Jr. went to Boise tax law an injustice. He declared Clarence Elliot. After supper cards Isiness Tuesday, that he would not have objected to a were played, while some o f the girls friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. schedule such as provided under the made marshmallows. ny surprised them on the 29th federal law. Mr. Doyle has again got his car la basket dinner, it being their in running order, having had a ser i1 nrversary. On the 80th Mark Pershing’s Birthplace. ious breakdown in the early part of »m e crowd met at Howard Maryville Tenn.—On the site of a the week. )les, that lieing the wedding nn- cabin near Maryville, a marker do- Mr. Newton had the misfortune ;ary of Mr. and Mrs. Temple noting the birthplace o f the mother to get his foot trampled on while ¡young people had a taffy pull of Gen. John J. Pershing has been playing a game of basketball. The evening. placed by American legion members foot is some better, but he still is of Tennesee. In this manner have compelled to wear his bedroom slip the legionaires of the Volunteer per. State honored their commander-in Frank Miller shipped a car load chief during the world war. The - music club met at the h o m e !°f h<' f to P^ land markRt" marker was dedicated at a special rs. W. W. Wood Saturday. The a a r t'm'e Elllot went wlth th,;m’ ceremony arranged by the legion ‘ he will visit many friends near hi« ¡a Parisfal was read and men, and several thousand were old home while there. were played. presente at the gathering. Judg R. C. Enos was a Caldwell visitor 9** Monday Bridge club met a! John J. Jennings of Knoxville made one day this week. Rome of Mrs. Rodericus. High the principal address. Adrian was well represented at 4 was Won by the hostess. the meeting held by the Mason John Wood entertained the Lodge in Nyssa, December 10th. December 9 to 16 Has Been Desig ilay bridge club. nated By Governor J. E. Holly and family were Boise Pierce s. Aiken entertained the Fort- visitors Friday. Governor Pierce designated Decem Jtly club Wednesday. Every candidate has two loyal sup ber 16 as Harding Memorial week. iy Duncan and wife were in On- porters, but both of them are hold A proclamationurging all religious, Saturda and Sunday visiting ing up his socks. business, social, fraternal and civic He home of Mrs. Andy Lackey, bodies to commemorate the late r. Whitting of Weiser registered If Coolidge is elected again he president in a fitting manner was He Moore Saturday. gets four years’ rent fre. That’s issued from the executive offices. !r. and Mrs. C. H. Oxman have nough to make any man think. {■■»■{■♦■H 1 'i 1 i * ♦ lMH Q UNTY N EWS CLUB NEWS NOTES MLKEUR U N I T j THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE LEAVING CALIFORNIA j Home Recipes Is H e Going to Take It Out of Hock? ’ARIO NEWS NOTES ix onTWiwrisnritiWN>iH ‘i r r .. IK ■ ■ . W N t W l Ç J ! ;> J * 1