— iiqp.i... i ■ i ■ , . / w y ys i - T Nyssa Brass Band LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF T h is Trade Mark appears <mli| on bebu 85 CEKK ne ^ HAT means that the repairs having this trade mark were made in the factory where the original machine oame from. It also means that these repair parts were made by the same Woricmen who made similar parts for new machines •n d that they are made of the same materials. Genuine IH C Repairs fit closer, wear better and last longer than “Will-Fit" or “Made-For” substi tutes. A m achine that is part genuine and part Imitation is a hybrid, a mongrel. Come to us and ■et genuine I H C repairs, and you will also get th e Met -orroick-Dcering repair service, which is worth T Eder Hdwe. ¡Company M cC C MG L I N E — Ü â É B m B ¡ S B Cold weather is here. Buy your meat by the CHUNK-it comes cheaper. Get oar prices. *5 Mrs. S. J. Ehrgood is spending thi Thanksgiving aeason w»tb her duugter, Mrs. Morehead, and family in Boiso. A car driven by John Zittercob and containing several mem bers of h s family was forced off the roadway ii fro n t of the Parish Hum e Thtl»*da> evening and a wreck narrowly averted Mr. Zittercob was leaving town end met a car coming into town and would have been run into head on had he m a n K »bnv w e r e t r a n s a c t i n g baameaa not sent his c»r into the ditch. The in N yasa S a t u r d a y . tr«( Its of the other car «bowed plilnly Goblin Baird and bill Coleman weut t h a t it was on the wrong side of the 1 to Bo>*e Monday to get a saddle pony r>ad. l ’s num ber could not be i b for Goldie to ride, as he a xpse ta to go tam ed. to Jordan Valley with h ;a Uncle, Win. An unusual sight wai to be ohserved Loveland, to upend the winter. at the Nyssa Commission H .use tnis M. A. tiav of E m m e tt wa< visiting, week in the shape of severe* hundred a t the borne of tiia sister, Mrs. C. P. , fa t capons, all dressed in capon s \ Ie Lackey, the first of the week. being picked for the fancy city i3ar* Mr. and M r. Butler of A rcadii k «:U Q * ° L- Goodrich the gur.ial were in Nyssx Monday visiting Mr. ! •“ »'’“ K*'1’. informs us t h a t canon n.cSt Butle r’, p a r e n t .. Mr. ai.d Mrs. J . W, ia the most expensive on the mark. I being se veral cents above the best tur Wills. key ptice. Mr. «■» Mr. J. P B a x te r m . t o r . d Misa Edith Scott, local school tea I- to P e r m . Friday evening . . 4 visited ar, spe nt Thanksgiving in Caldwell f fiends. with friends. Mrs G a r r e t t was in town Saturday A. S. V aaghaa, who has bee- In from Apple Valley. Baker coun y ainoe laat spring sailing Mr aud M r. W arrea Fenn and ion McConnon'a remedies, has r e ta r n s d to Lew i, of the Owyhee s t a r te d the I r a t Nyaaa, of the week for C a lifo ra ia to spend the 8ix packages matches for 20e or w inter months. three for 10e a t tha Journal office. Ceunty fiuperinteadeat E M Crail visited the Nyaaa schaala Friday, laav in« some new book, for the school li brary Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Lawrence William Loveland of Jo rd a n Valley ie in the city visiting hia m other and ware pleasantly surprised by a number iis ta r, M r. Loveland and Mrs. Bwiaia of frienda Sunday, the eeeaaion being Mr, and Mra. L aw renco’a tw entieth Baird, and family. wadding anniv ersary. They were pre Seymour Rosa of Ontario visited a t sented with a china U a set. A social the C rawford home S a tard a y . time was enjoyed by ail, a f t e r which Mias Morand. the a oaa ty librarian, delicious re fre shm e nts were servad, was in Nyaaa Irons O n t a r i . Thuraday j Those pre sen t were: Mrs. Klinken- and took in the silver tea. berg, Mra. A shcraft, Mra. Sooter, Mrs Wm. Beam, Mrs. J B. Smith Mra. Whipple, Mra F Lauck, Mrs. A. and Mrs. F ra n k Fry of the Oregon V. Cook, Mrs. Blaylock, Mra. Holmes, Trail diatrict attended the silver tea Mrs. W. L. and Mrs. D W. Gibson, in Nyasa Thuraday Francis Klinkanbarg, Beulah Sooter, Miss Lily May Hunt, l e a t h e r at M a rtha Law renee and Ray Ashcraft. Kingman Koiony, ia yiaiting he r par- ( ents, Mr. and Mra. ff. C. B a n t, this week. Dr . Bartl«U of Ontario wra in N y ttd Watl ru&day an profuasional busincts. Mias Thai at a Leuek ¡a the proud o n e r of a new Remington Standard t y p e w r it e r which she received last Monday. Mrs C W. R ' b a r t e r , who haa been visiting h *r f o n C o i r la a a t T w m Falla, retu rand home Monday. Frank Morgan and family of K ’ng Twentieth Anniversary Rebekah Meeting Nyssa Packing Co. Mra. A, V. Cook and Mra. H. D. Holmes want to Ontario S a tu rd a y to Visit Mra. Cook's aaetksr, Mra. G. W. Lyelle. BURBIDGE & RAY, Prop. . . . . . . . . t» « Frank MeKuight of Vela was a bus- inesa visitor in Nyaaa Saturday. > »»»»< A MESSAGE TO FORD OWNERS i DOES YOUi; FORD START HARD? ARE YOUR LIGHTS POOR? It is a fact that a Ford magneto does become weak! Let us test your magneto free! We have installed a wonderful machine for testing and recharging the ferd Magnet. It can be done in a few min utes, at a small eost. Drive in and let us convince you. You be the judge and the jury. We use the “COLPIN RE- CHARTER” and give your Ford new life without leosening a bolt or a nut. SATISFACTION GUARENTIED OB NO CHARGE. Come in, let'» get acquainted £ *-• Service Garage Nyesa, Oregon —-^-M-ftt»»» ae ae a » See McFa 1 and aee better. Dr. J. A. McFall J Clause Tansen has purchased a new Maxwell eaapa. Adolph debaaiter, who ia working on the Black Canyon dam a t Em m ett, was dawn Sunday visiting hia family. Eyesight Specialist ntario - J îjjîti We grind our own lentes Phone 147 J J. P. Baxter and bia m o th e r wont to her home a t Kuna Sunday and while there Mr B a xte r enjoyed a big hant. A f t e r the uauai prcceedinga Friday night a t the Kebakah lodge they war« e n te r ta in e d by Mra. Wm. Beam und Mra Robert Elliott with games. Una of tbo many f e a tu r e s was in t r y i n g to sea who could oat a supfui of popcorn Aral, >n which Messrs. J M. Duncan, Robert Elliott, Dallas Danuun, Sidney Uorbidgo and Wallaco Lynch p a rtici pated. The judges decided Bob Elliott finished hia cup first but couldn’t get his wbielio wot. so Dallas Duncan scored first, a f te r wn ch bounteous re*reahuieiKS were served n Clarence Loveland, wife and children amt Mrs. Loveland’s nephew of Big Bend were in the city Sa tu rd ay visit ing Mr. Loveland's m othe r and aistar. Mrs. Robertson sn ta r ta in e d Mrs. Morion Holt of Apple Valley d a rin g the day and they ail took in the hand concert in the evening. _ . Makts lit Debut Tn» new N vmh hr««« b«nd m«de it» initia«' appra-art«— before the public last Monday sv* ntr-g and “ put it ov t “ big l*he och I t w n i MEET SCRAP We have it prepared N ssa Grain & Seed Co. N Y SSA New Style Ford NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN T H E 1 OUNTY COU RT OF T H * STATE OF OREGON FOK T H E COUNTY O F MA LH RUR. In tha M atter of the F a t a t e o f Charles Woodward, Deceased. The undersigned, having bean ap pointed by the County Cooit of tho S ta te of Oregon, tor tha (' unty of Malheur, administrator of the e s t a t e of Charles Woodward, deceased, und hav-ng qualified, notice ia hei 'by given to the creditor* of, und a! persons having cliims aKainat the e sta te of said dec* ased, to pre sent them, duly verified *s required by law, within six months a f te r tha first publica’.V-n of this notice, to said adinin)-*rato,- a t hia r sidence a t Nysss, Ore|.»n, or a t the office of E. M. Blodgett, a Nyssu. Oregon, e a th oi said places ’ eing tha places of business of said itm iin istra- tor, JA M E S , I. IMVBN, Administrator of li*e E a t a U o Charley Woodward Deceased. Date of first pablieation Nov. 23, ¡913 Date of last publieatioa Dec. $1. l s ( J NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN T H E COUNTY COTRT O F T H E 8T AT E OF OREGON FOR T H E COUNTY O F MALHEUR. In tha m a t t e r e f the E sta te of Wm. Canfield, Deceased. The anderslgaed, having been ap pointed by the County Court ef the S ta te e f Oregon, for the County of Malheur, adm inistrator ef tha e s ta te of Wm, Canfield, deceased, and having qualified, notice ie hereby given to the creditor* of, and all peraona having alaims againat the e s t a t a c f aaid d e ceased, to present them, dnlg verified as required by law, within six m enths a f te r the first publication of this no tice, to said adm inistrator, a t the of fice of E. M. Blodget, in the Town of Nyssa, Malheur Ceunty, Oreg ", which said pL ee is hereby d e il g n a tu l as the place where said administrator will re ceive said claims, E. J. RICH, Adm inistrator e f the e st a t e of Wm. Canfield, Deceaaed. Date o f first publication Nov 23, 1923 Date of last publication Dec. 21, 1928 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR Dy»«n h o o ter In th# M a t te r of the E e t e ’e of Mrs, The m arriage of Ernes* Dyson and L c skinnerj D t c „ sed. Miss Veima »outer occurred Monday The underii(fned h, ving been , p. evening e t ike home of the bnde in this . pointed by (he County Court of the city. Rev. J. J. Fleming p e r f o r m i n g ' 3 u t e of 0re(ton for the County of tne ceremony. Both contraelinK par Malheur adm inistrator of the e sta te ties are popular young people of N y s s a - , Mrg u c sltinneri deceased, and atidhave many friends to extend best having qualified, notice is hereby given J a c k Froat is busy these nights and wishes. They will continue to make some of the boys a rc beginning to their heme in Nyssa. » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ H t M t VS t S S I wonder w hat they did with their sam- mev’a wages. A vary pleaaaat evening was enjoyed by th e Bridge Clab laat Tuesday whan the mem bers m a t a t tha home c f Mrs. A rtte Robertson. Gaoats to m ake tbree tahloa of bridge wore present. Mra, H. Divan won high acora for the evening. Nyssa Realty Co. ■PliCOPAL CHURCH., V j t Services la the Parish Hall first Sun. day m evsry month ia the e v e n in g Third Sunday in avary m o n th h a r e a f t e r a t 11 o'clock in the morning. Pen paiate a penny a pinco o t the Jo n rn a l oflloo. BO YDELL Licensed and Bonded Reol Betete Brok« ö r .- n r y - T r a r r Some Livestock on Every Farm 30001 G oneral In OREGON NYSSA aoD oc aoB oi ÍNyssa Garage ffrairrand kay farnaia* with S PECIALIZED out livtshook to ooonnae tho surplus it Ulto raiilnjf livijto:* withojt rai»inf aiy of the f«»dj whieh trill reduaa th» ««it wf producing tho animals. Either way puts the seals of pfo.Its out of balance and Isivas the formar to facs the pMiibiliniei of luti aa noa/oe hi» ons and only elas» of production. If* art particularly in-ersstsd hero at ¡the Malheur County Biak in tho dovolopmont of psrmansnt and continuous agricultural prosper ity, and are always ?Ud te lead smistante in previdinj the i i :lr:nd and q n lity ef live stock for the tarmar» i a this locality. ’ ChevroletPA^ Oxy-Acetylene^ Welding I MALHEUR CO. BANK a» » - ? AGENT Capital............... $25 09# QG Surplus............... $25,000.00 , All Work Guaranteed :F S t-^ rtO R E G O N . > — — a a t H s t t t t s t n t M i assisted by The Ford Motor Company announce! an addition to ita line of c a n —the Tu- dar Svday, whico brings to tho puslic an entirely new style of Ford enclosed body. It it a distinctive type designed to carry five passengers in complete comfort. Besides its g e n tr a l tppeal aae high quality aspset, the T adar Se dsn has ssveral new f e a tu r e s which promise to win immediate favor. The two doors are unusually wide, 38j inches te be exact, and are set at the f ront of the car, hung in ex ceptionally heavy fram es and swing forward on e ithe r side in line with the d riv er’s seat. Bide windows running bask from the doots are ebleng in shape and 32 inch»! in length, affording unusual vision to the occupants, while a large rear win dow adds to the visibility. E xterior appearance ia enhanced by a wind shield visor, cowl ve ntilator aad se cure r e a r fenders of new design. Interior fittings are a tt r a c t iv e The upholstery ia in special Ford fabrics of da rk brown with floor r u g to match. Both the dvors and side windaws have beeg equipped with revolving type window r e gula tors of the same design as those used in t a r s of much higher price. The Tudar Sedan, which is now in production, is priced at $690 at Detroit. IOUOI Make your pullets lay by feeding w bh a p a rt o f the Weiner band, the combi nation numbering 65 piece*, under the direction of Prof. Spies. Liberty T h e a te r was peeked from g a r re t to ce.tar by an enthusiastic au dience when the curiain went uu and for the next two hours listened to a varied p r .^ r a n i of instrum ental and vocal mu»ic wilh intense enj yment T- ere were number» by the entire band, numbers by Spies orchestra, -oloa, d iet*, q i irietip etc*., all rendai e l i n a ruaMitr tw call forth hearty ap piause which i # many cases nothing but an encore would Ptop. The pro gram cr.ded wi.h a pillow fight, which was participated in by a num ber of contestants f»r championship honor» This is ra th e r a unique style of combat and elicited much m errim ent The Nyssa people are proud of their band an l are gra te ful to Prof. Spies the Weiser boys for helping to mak t ie a fair such an unqualified success. The receipt* of the evening amounted to *116, which will be applied to the puici.abtj oi instruments. to the e r 'd i t o r s of, and all perse: < having claims a g ain st the e s t a t e o * s id d ceased, to pre seu t them , duly Verified, t s required by law. with. 1 Ml months a f t e r the first publication of this notier, to said administrât».- at his raeidence naar Nyasa, Oregon, or at the uffi-a of E. M. HloJoett, in Nyssa, Malheur County, Oiegon. H J. WARD. Administrator ot the F a tate of Mrs, L. C. Skinner, Deceased. Date of first, publication, Nov. 9, 192'. . Date o t laat publication, Dec, 7, 1923, BUOI