To know how good a cigarotte really can bo made you must try a y - 50 GOOD ioc CIGARETTES GENUINE “BULL’ DURHAM TOBACCO GATE CITY JOURNAL C. L. Fisher ................................28.6 S. M S t e w a r t ............................ 166. Wm P e a t* ...................................... 118 Spaalding Mfg. Ca___________ 9.6 M alhear County, O 'e g o n _____ 12 2 6. Tha proposed reclam ation and prataetiea of said leads ia for can tary and ag ricu ltu ral purposes; sad sach reclam ation and protection will Do conducive to the public health and w eifara, and of public u tility nod ben­ efit. 1. All the lande included in said proposed D istrict are properly included therein, and will be beeeficially affect ed by tha operation of tb s proposed D istrict. 7. The benefits of su h proposed reclam ation and protection will exceed the dam age ’o be done; and th e best in te rests of th e land included and of the ow ners o f such lands as a whole and th* public a t large, will be pro (noted by the form ation and proposed operation of said D istrict. 8. Th* form ation of the drainage D istrict, under tha provision! of C hap­ te r 240 of th* G eneral L aw s of Oregon for 1916, under the provisions of which this petition is proposed, ia a proper and a (vantages method o f accom plish ing tba reclam ation and protection of the land Within the proposed D istrict. 9. The proposed plan for the reels m ation and protection of th* property and lands in the proposed D istrict is by system of tile drains properly de­ signed and located to earry off w aste, seepage and drainage w ater. Tba land included in the proposed drainage D iitric t is ae situ ate d th a t w ithout ditches and til* d rain ag e being constructed and laid, and the w aste, seepage and drainage w ater drained off, th* said lands will rem ain cold, sour and unprofitable for a g ric u ltu ra l pur­ poses. 10. The aigeera of th is petition agree th a t they will pay any and all ex­ penses incurred, and any ta x or tax es th a t may be levied agai at th e ir re ­ spective lands for tha purpose of pay­ ing th* expenae of organising, or a t­ tem pting to a rg a n ’ie the said proposed D istrict, said expanse to he taxed • g a in s t the leads of tho signors hereto ia proportion to the num ber of se res owned by them and affected by tha proposed drainage. 11. W H E R EFO R E , your petitioners pray: th a t tb* land* described herein, nr sasb a t them as may be found by tba C ourt to bo properly included w lthla the proposed d rainage D istrict, e ith e r perm anently or until fu rth e r in­ vestigation and survey* m ay perm it elim ination, shall bo declared organ lie d into a drain ag e D istrrict, under provision* s f C hapter 840 of the Gen­ e ral Law s a t Oregon for th e year 1916, and aay and all am endm ents tbaratu. Signed, S. M. S te w a rt Wm. Pautx C. L. Fisher John F. Reeeo STA TE OF OREGON 1 COUNTY OF M A LH EU R ) 8* All persona ow ning o r claim ing an n te re s t in lands described in aaid pe­ tition a re hereby notified to ap p ea r at said place and on said d a te and abow Published every F rid a y a t Nyasa, cause, if any th e re be, why the p ray er O regon, by in said petition should n et be g ra n te d . H. S. SACKETT, H. F. BROW N Clark of the County C ourt or M alheur County, S ta te o f Oregon E ntered a t the Poetoffiee a t N yssa, IN T H E COUNTY COURT OF TH E OOUNTY OF M A LH EU R, STATE Oregon, as second-class m ail m a tte r OF OREGON. To the Honorable County C ourt of E. M. BLODGETT Said County and S ta te . A ttorney and counsel! a t law The undersigned being more th an 60 P ra c tice in all C ourts per cen t of the a creag e of the eontig N ysea Oregon uous body of alkali, w e t and overflow lands in M alheur C ounty, S ta te of N O TICE O F H E A R IN G O F FIN A L O regon, h e re in a fte r described, do ACCOUNT. hereby petition your honorable body IN T H E COUNTY COURT OF T H F to cause to be organised a drainage d istric t for the parposa of having such STATE O F OREGON FO R T H E lands reclaim ed and p rotected from COUNTY O F M A LH EU R the effects of w ater, for sa n ita ry and In the M a tte r o f the E s ta te o f Sol agrico ltu rai purposes and for th e con omon B a rn ett, Deceased. venience and w e lfare o f th e public N otice Is H ereby Given, th a t thd utility and benefit; and fo r the pur undersigned, R. W. Sw agler, adm inis­ pose of th is p etitio n we s ta te th e io l tra to r, w ith th e will annexed of the lowing m a tte rs as required by C hapter e s ta te of Solomon B arnett, deceased, 40 of th e General Law s for Oregon for has filed in tha above e n title d court the y e a r 1916. and cause bis final account and rep o rt 1. The nam e proposed for sueh as sueh a d m in istra to r w ith the will an naxed, and th a t the above entitled drainage d istric t is: Owyhea D rain co u rt haa se t Monday, the 17th day of age D istrict. 2. T he boundary lines e f the pco- D acam ber, a t th e hour o f 11 o ’clock a. m. in tha county c o art room in the posed D istrict a re as follows: Beginning a t the n o rth ea st corner co u rt house a t Vale, M alheur county, Oregon, aa th a tim e and place in which of Section 35, in Township 20 South, any parson In terested in said e sta te R ange 46 e ast of th e W illam ette Me­ m ay appear and file objections In ridian, in the County a t M alhear, S ta te w riting, if any they have, to la id final of O regon; running thonee south to tha north bank of tb a Ow yhea riv er; re p o rt and accoont D ated this 6th day o f N ovem ber, thence in a so u th w e ste rly direotiea along tba north bank a t said Owyhea 1921. river to a point w here »aid north hash R. W. SW AGLER, A d m in istrato r w ith the Will annexed of said river in te rse c ts the south boun­ o f the E sta te of Solomon B arn ett, dary line of said Section 16: thence w est along tbo south boundary line ef deceased. D ate o f first publication Nov. 16, 1928 said Section 15 to th a a o u th w sit cor­ D ata of laat publication Dec. 14, 1928 ner of said Section; th en c e no rth along the w e st boundary line e f aaid Section 36 to the n o rth w est corner a t said Sec­ tion; thence e a s t along th e north NOTICE OF HEARING ON boundary line of seid Section 16 to the PETITION TO FORM n o rth ea st corner of aaid Section, DRAIAGE DISTRICT which ie tho plnco of beginning. 8. T he to ta l a ereag e Included in tha IN T H R COU NTY COURT O F TH E ST A T E O F OREGON, FO R T H E aaid proposed D istrict is 102.6 acres. I. John F Reece, being first duly 4. The nam es of the ow asra of tha sw ora, upon my oath say : th a t I am COU NTY O F M A LH EU R. N otice ia hereby given th a t bearing lands w ithin said proposed d is tric t, as on* e f the above nam ed petitioners; en th e fellaw iag petition will be held shown by the records of said Methane th a t I have read tha foregoing petition a t the C oart H ausa in the City e l County, S ta te of D ragon; and tha acre­ a ad th a t I believe tb* allegations Yale, C ounty o f M alheur, i t a t e of O re­ age owned by each of said owner* Isa s thereof to bo tru e I fu rth e r sta te th a t tha sig n a ta ra s a ppearing te said gon, on th e l i s t day e f Decem ber. follows; petit.«a are tra a and p repar sig n atu res NA M ES A C R E A 8E 1921, a t th e hour of 11:00 o'clock in a t parsons whoa* aam es appear thara- th e forenoon e f said day, for th e p u r-' John F. R e e c e ___ ___________ 168.4 | to, and th a t each and ail of said sign- peae a f determ in in g w h eth er the William McEwen and J M. Mc- I arc of said petition are ow ners of E w e n ........................................... 120. ' land within the proposed drainage Dis- p ra y e r of la id petition shall be g ra n te d . ' tric t as sa t fo rth in «aid petition. John F. Reece. Subscribed and sw orn to b a fe rt me ' this 8th ray of Novem ber, 1838. B. M. Blodgett. N otary Publio fo r Oragon. My eomm iaslaa expire* Decem ber 7, 1924. D ata of flrat publication Nov. 16, 1921 D ata a t last publication Doe. 14, 1923 Dec. 7 T k w ffo u M ig tk ir Slanting windshield anil one-nan top 1-nd material aid in giving th« enure car a lower, mi re sty :al» a p p e a re d FROM THE- NYSSA PHARMACY FOR HIM Razors Stationery Brushes Flash Lights Fountain Pens Silver and gold Pencils Cigars FOR HER Perfumes Candy Stationery Combs Toilet Sets Ivory Sets Novelties FOR THE CHILDREN Play Balls Dol's Toys Books School Supplies Stationery Photo Albums JEWELRY Select your Christmas gifts NOW while our stock is complete A larger variety of gifts than ever before to suit every taste and every pocket book A small deposit will hold any article for you until Christmas. “ S E E T H E D R U G ST O R E F IR S T NO TICE FOR PU BLICA TIO N D ep artm en t of th e In terio r, U. S. Land Office a t Vale, Oregon, N ovem ber 20, 1923. N otice is h'-reby given th a t M argaret W .Schw eixer.of N yssa,O regon, who,on D ecem ber 6, 1912, m ade d e se rt la:.d e n try No. 02489, for N JN J, Section 22, Township 2 ) South, R ange 46 E ast W illam ette M eridian, has filed notice of in tention to m ake final proof u n d e r the th ird p a rag ra p h of Act of March 4, 1916, to establish claim to the land above described, before R e g iste r and Receiver, U. 3. Land Office, a t Vale, Oregon, on the 27th day of D ecem ber, 1923. Claim ant nam es as w itnesses: W illiam Glenn, William Schweixer, B erna Schweixer, J S. Glascock, all of Nyssa, Oregon. Geo. W. M cKnight, R e g iste r. Chiropractors NO TICE FOB PU B LIC A TIO N . D e p artm en t of the In terio r. L and Office a t Vale. Oregon, O ctober 22, 1923. N otice is hereby given th a t Clara M. Davison, Assignee of A lbert E. Miller, of N am pa, Idaho, who, on A pril 17 1908, m ade d e se rt land entry No. 0785, for NEJ Section 13, T .w n - ship 22 South, R ange 46 E ast, W illam­ e tte M eridian, ha9 filed notice of in tention to m ake final proof, to estab lish claim under the third para raph of A ct of March 4, 1915, to the land above described, before R e g iste r and R eceiver, U. S Land Office, a t Vale, Oregon, on the 4th aay of Decem ber, 1928 C laim ant nam es as w itnesses: Anson B e n n ett, of Boise, Idaho; Ed H iller, of Nam pa, Idaho; W illard Da­ vison, e f Parnra. Idaho; W. B. N aplon, of Hom edale, Idaho. Geo. W. M cKnight, R egister. tf NOT! JL FOR PU BLICA TIO N D epartm ent of the interior, U. 3 Land Office a t Vale, O re., O ctober 22, 1923. N otice is hereby given th a t C harles H Davison, A ssignee o f O tto Beyer, of N am pa, Idaho, who on Anril 14, 19.8, m ade d e se rt land e n try No 0784, for N W i, N JS W i, Section 13, Town ship 22 South. R ange 46 E ast. W illam- e tto Meridian, has filed notice of in ­ tention to m ake final oroof, to e sta b lish claim under the third p a ra g ra p h of act of M arch 4, 1916, to th e land above describod. before R e g iste r and Receiver. U. S, L and Office, a t Vale, Oregon, on the 4ih day of D ecem ber, 1923. C laim ant nam es a9 w itnesses; Anson B ennett, of Boase, Idaho; Ed H illier, of N am pa, Idaho; W illard Davison, of P arm a Idaho; W. B. N apton, of H om ekale, Idaho. Geo. W. M cKnight, R egister. Drs. Bradford A B radford. C arver L'quid perfum e 16c bottle a t the graduates. C onsultation and exam ina­ tion fre e Ten y ears successful prac­ Jo u rn a l office. S achet perfum hs 10c T y p ew riter p a ie r 6 sh e e ts fo r a tice in the s ta te of Oregon. F irs t package. penny a t the Jo u rn a l office. door w est of Bank of N yssa. ESTRAY Came to my p ace tw o milea so u th ­ w est of N yssa one bay her e branded "D ( aeven D) on le ft shoulder, w ith th ree w hite fe e t—rig h t fro n t foot w hite, w hita apot on foiehead and nose, w eight a bout 1260. O w ner can have sam e by proying property and paying charges. EA RL W ARD. Two sh e e ts he vy carbon pap er fo r 6c a t th e Jo u rn a l uffice. FO R S A L E —A bout 400 iba a lfa lfa send off th resh in g m eet ine, 20c per lb. If ta k e n a t once. Will sell all or any p a rt. DeBoer & Sm it. Ink 6c bottle a t tb s Journal office. Nyssa Commission House Poultry bought or handled on com­ mission. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 4-7, Nyssa, Oregon GEO. L. GOODRICH, Prop, DANCE at Big Bend Park Dec. 7th STRADLEY’S ORCHESTRA A n apron connecting the radiator with the fender skirts Is also • decided improvement A comfort feature much nprr~' *' 1 by i w-rers, is the additional leg room provided by the enlargement i f the cowl. is on this job, with plenty of pep A llo w ua to ahow you the entire line of new Ford cars now on ttaplay in our ahow room. . These cars can he obtained through the Ford W e e k ly P urchase Plan T . B. STAPLES, Oatario, Or*. C A R S • TRUCKS • T R A C T O R S Gift Suggestions Don’t be CONFUSED in the NAME Looking at th« new touring car from the side, you are ; r one« favorably impressed with the e'T t of longer, morv' gra «1 i l.nee ••cured by enlarging the cowl and niaing the radiat w jp CHRISTMAS 3 New and old style dancing Dec. Well! Well! Well! Dec. 7 GO 7