OREGON SLOPE Mr. and Mrs. Milton Lauer and sun Ralph and Mrs. C. Wnicher mo tored to Caldwell ¡Sunday and vis ited Mrs. Lauer’s sister, Mrs. Ada Merrick. Mrs. C lifford A yers o f Big Wil- ow spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Skippen. L. L. Culbertson, who is teaching in the high school at Rupert, Idaho, is spending two weeks at the Otto M iller home, the Rupert school be ing closed to enable the students to aid the farmers in harvesting the potato and beet crops. Mrs. W. L. Davis received a tele gram on Tuesday of last week an nouncing the death o f her father, C. M. Stetson at the fam ily home in Auburn, Maine. Mrs. Davis le ft that evening fo r Maine. Mrs. W. F. Vincent and Mrs. Otto M iller received a wire last week an nouncing the death o f the aged grandfather, D. M. Davis, at Wes terville, Ohio. OUie Howard, the small son of W. L. Howard, is suffering from a broken leg, sustained by a fall from a hay stack Saturday. The break is near the hip. Word was received last week by Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Boals o f the safe arrival o f Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Karst at their old home in Sioux City, Iowa. The home o f Mr. and Mrs. E. Frost was the scene o f an enjoyable party Saturday evening o f last week the occasion being a birthday sur prise in honor o f Mrs. Frost. A t the close o f a pleasant evening re freshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Troxell expect to leave Thursday fo r Portland where they w ill spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. W . Howard who have been guests o f their son, Dave Howard and fam ily, fo r the past few weeks le ft Saturday fo r Portland. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mattison were guests last week o f relatives in Tamarack. Mr. and Mrs. George Skippen are spending a fe w weeks in Cambridge. Mrs. James Applegate o f Ontario was a dinner guest Sunday o f her sister Mrs. J. A. Matteson. Mrs Stanley Brown and sons of Ontario were the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Frost, last week. Mrs. Dave Howard spent Sunday at the August Lund home in P ay ette. Bernard Frost, Ray Gutterridgc and Ernest Lauer entered Payette high school Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Otto C. M iller en tertained at dinner Saturday even ing in honor o f L. L. Culbertson. Covers were laid fo r fifteen. Follow ing the dinner ‘'500” was enjoyed. HAPPENINGS AT VALE Juntura on their way borne from Boise where Mrs. Welcome under went an operation fo r appendicitis. [ Mr. and Mrs. Chebey Boyer an d , Has Varatioi Geo. W. Mcknight, register o f the son o f Ontario were in Juntura last' U. S. Land office in Vale, is taking week on their way to Crane. Jimmy Jones le ft fo r Portland his vacation at present, having leit this week with a shipment o f cattle. office duties in charge o f his official Mae Stanton entertained a num associates Wednesday. "Judge” Mc ber o f her friends at her home Sun knight erpects to spend the greater day afternoon in honor o f her tenth part o f his vacation on his ranch a*. Twin Springs and left fo r there jn birthday. Mr. Patterson o f the Northrup Thursday morning. Hardare Co. o f Boise was in town Returns T o Work— this week. Mrs. Chas. Brown resumed her Mrs. Pete Jones returned from work in the county clerk’s office Ontario last week. Mr. Secoy, the painter spent the Monday, after a week’s absence oc week end with his fam ily at Ontario casioned by illness. this week. R&OGAN The firs t number o f the Lyceum course was here Friday evening Oct. 19. There was a good attend ance and the program was very much enjoyed. From the sale of season tickets and receipts at the door the winter course is assured. H. L. Smith is ill with rheuma tism this week. Everyone is busy harvesting their fruit crop at present There is a big crop so a good many cars aie sent out each week. Mrs. W. L. Capps and baby went to Ontario and spent the week end at the Isaac Reed home. Mr. and Mrs. C yril Crawley are visiting with friends and relatives a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Crawley o f Baker, are spending a few days with C. C. Crawley before leaving fo r the Coast to make there future home. Mrs. Mary E. Brown who has been spending the summer with her daughter, Mrs. H. M. England le ft on Monday for her home in San Diego, Calif. Mrs. Harry W agner and son came to Brogan to do some shopping on Tuesday o f this week. L. D. I.ynde and Harry W agner came down from Malheur to help m the fru it a few days. H arry Whillock is down from Mai* heur again this year to help harvest the apples. The Union Oil Co. painted the gas tank in front o f the V a ll-y Mercantile Co. this week which is quite an improvement to the appear ance o f the street. Mrs. Robert Crummett and small daughter went to Vale last Satur- and spent the week end at her home there returning on Sundav evening H. C. Means I l l - Friends here will be interested to know that Henry C. Means, form erly o f Vale and now of New Meadows, is quite ill as the effects o f a fall a short time ago. He is confined to his bed at present but it is erpected that he w ill steadily improve. Payette Visitor— Thos W alton of Payette was a visitor in Vale the last o f the week, having filed on a tract of land lo cated near Payette at the land o f fice here. Guests A t Ingram Home— Mr. and Mrs. Frank P* ' mer guests o f their daughter, Mrs. t han . . . * u.. ..url u nurl Ingram, in the city the Par‘ o f the week. They le ft Tuesday fo r their home in Juntura. Files On Horn' Robert Ballentine o f Ironside was in town Thursday and made applica tion fo r an additional homestead en lo,.ated near Ironside. Jerome Der- rick o f that locality was one o f his witnesses. Mrs. A. H. Chester la Boise— Mrs. A . H. Chester met friends from the East in Boise last week and enjoyed a pleasant visit with them. Saturday she returned to Vale. _______ Makes Final P ro of— Allen Johnson o f W estfall sut mitted final proof on his homestead Tuesday. W arren B. Spaulding and Chas. W. M erritt accompanied him to Vale as witnesses. Sunday In New Plymouth— Dr. and Mrs. P. M. Drake o f this city motored to New Plymouth Sun day and were entertained at the home of their friends, Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Drysdale. California Visitor— Mrs. Carl J. F eg tly was very pleased with the arrival o f her sis ter, Mrs. H. Compton, on Monday ol this week. Mrs. Compton visited here until Wednesday when she left for her home in Los Angeles. Mrs. Compton ill be remembered as Lola Ivers. Pass Through Vale— Mrs. H. Haroldan d children pass ed through the city Wednesday on their ay to the northern part of California. They lived near Watson a number o f years but expect ^ to Visit Mrs. Emily Anderson— make their future home in Cal There are several guests at the home o f Mrs. Emily Anderson this ifornia. week. On Tuesday her son Will Weekend in Country— Anderson arrived from his home in Mrs. W. L. Hutton spent a pleas Umapine, Oregon, to spend a short ant weekend visiting her sister Mrs. time visiting here, and Mrs. Emma R. N. Pope who lives several miles Jones and Cecil Hart are over from out of Vale. Nyssa. The form er being a daugh ter and Mrs. Hart a granddaughter County Librarian Here— o f Mrs. Anderson. They are en Miss Nina Moran who is the joying a very pleasant re-union. county librarian, was in Vale Tues Miss Vera Beasley Here— Miss V era Beasley spent a pleas ant week end visiting Misses Freeda Walbrecht and Blanche McDonald. Miss Beasley form erly lived in Vale but at present is working fo r the Stanfield company in Weiser. day and visited the library here. She returned to her home in Ontario Wednesday. Ontario Visitors— Mrs. H. Lee N oe and Mrs. L. K Bullock were visitors in Ontario Thursday. A fte r transacting business there they returned to their respee Teachers V isit— Misses Mildred Copeland and five homes in the city. Glyde Schubel left Friday afternoon Working In Fruit— fo r Ontario. Miss Copeland spent John Boswell spent Sunday with the week end there and Miss Schu his fam ily in Vale and return'd bel went on to Caldwell to visit until that evening to Brogan where he i Sunday evening. working in the fruit. H. C. Eastham in California— It is reported to The Enterprise that Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Eastham have left Boise and are located in San Pedro, California. Mrs. Wild III— Mrs. Marian W ild is very ill this week. She has been suffering with poor health fo r some time but tin attack seems to be unusually severe BO« What’s in a Name?” G iv e t o O rders^ By M ILD R E D M A R S H A L L Foote « W »M r tigno Ì M M I your Lcky Jay and lucky Jmuul H ELEN LEONORE, N E LLIE , LE N A , ELINOR once said that a woman S OMEONE may be a proverb for any amount o f evil or misfortune, but as long a» ■he Is a proverb for beauty, her name « i l l ring through the centuries. In proof of this 1» the ever-popular name of Helen. Coming from “ Hellos.” the Greek aun god who drove his flaming chariot around the heavenly vault da> by day. the name aignlflee light and brightness, and conjure» up a dazzling figure o f youth, beauty and cleverness. It la the queen o f feminine names. It« fame beginning with the oldest ol Greek epic», the Illsd, with Helen of Troy whom Tennyson describes as A daughter o f the g o d » d ivin ely tall. And most divinely fa ir, liar loveliness w ith sham e and w ith su e prise P r o » « m y sw ift speech; she turning » ■ m y face f t , « star-Uhe sorrow s o f Im m ortal eyes. Spoks clow ly In her placs. I had grea t beauty; ask thou not m y name. No one can bs m ors w ise than destiny. Many drew swords and died W h ers'sr I came I brought calam ity. * * * * * * »♦ m iiH w , i; Nyssa Barb c ig a r mm SHAVING, HAI* , HOT ANI) COIAI L. B. HAMAKEi ;; Nysaa, ++++++++++++♦+♦+* One o f the tirst to bear the name wa« the mother of Constantine and restorer of the shrines at Jerusalem, who wa« called St. Helena. Through careless P R O FESSIO N AL pronunciation, Helen became Ellen or Ellin, the Welsh version. Elayne fo l lowed. the mime becoming lamed a« oKTRorAm the mother o f Sir Galahad, whom Ten nyson later Identified with his “ Lady of Shalott" From this, Ireland adopted Eileen, or Alleen. Its poetical associa D R HARRISI J tions are continued through Ellen Ir win and her piteous der.th upon Brae« osteopathic Pig of Klrth, and Ellen Douglas, beloved Ontario, Onu heroine o f Sir Walter Scott. O ffice: Wliana Bldg a Italy took the name of Helen and transformed It Into the soft musical Brogan Visitor— Weekend In Boise— A Welcome T o Nyssa Mrs. Robert Crummett arrived ¡n . An auto party including Mr. an ’ Civic organizations in many cities the city Saturday to spend the week Mrs. Geo. E. Davis and their daugh are adopting systematic elans fo r end visiting in Vale. ter Lillian and Mr. and Mrs. Le i welcoming strangers. Whenever a gerwood motored to Boise Friday W inter In California— newcomer comes into the place, in. C. W. Knowles w ill again spend afternoon and spent the weekend The Wicked Judas. W. & ROD formation is given by the real estate the winter in California. He ex there looking overt he city and at During a visit he paid to Oberam- tending business affairs. men or other party who had to do Bonded Heal Ima pects to locate either in Long Beach W ESTFALL mergaii several years ago the late Mr. with his renting or buying a house or San Mateo but as yet has -a t Mrs. Burrow Visiting— Andrew D. White, the American dip i.NHIRA*) definitely decided. He le ft the last He is immediately given an invita I. P. H art sold his lambs to lomat, made the acquaintance o f the Mrs. C. C. Burrow went to Cat ’ o f the week and w ill go thru in his O ffice at Residue«, Ml Frank Oxman and w ill deliver them tion to associate himself with the ac w ell Saturday where she antic' .Indus, whom he described as by far car. Mr. Knowles expects to return iwwa« at Harper Friday. pated spending a fe w days with h- the best actor In the whole perform tivities o f the community. to his home here in the spring. H. O. Serfling spent a fe w days mother who lives there. ance. Mr. White remarked to him Inquiry is made as to what lodge, o f last week in Vale having some ihut lie ought to have a double snlary, Nyaea. Beelars Visit Owyhee— churches or other organizations he Guests at Fegtly Home— dental work done. as the Judas had In the miracle piny» Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beelar motor Mr. and Mrs. A. McCoskey w Leo. B uffington was a business may have associated with, and he is ed to Owyhee Sunday and enjoyed a if the Middle Ages, when this was visitor from Jordan V alley Monday. invited to affiliate himself with sim pleasant day visiting the latter’s out of town guests at the home i bought due to him as compensation C IT Y ORAI LIÏ Mack Lee who has been in On ilar societies in his new place o f mother. L ittle Cary Beelar return Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. F eg tly o f t' ¡'or the Injury done to his character city. A fte r enjoying a d e lig h t tario the past month with a broken C. hhabaki by his taking that p a rt At this the residence. I f he never belonged to ed home with her parents that even leg came up last week fo r a few visit they returned to their horn • i iberammergnu Judas smiled pleasant ing after having spent the previous Baker City Wednesday. Mrs. F e g " days visit returning Saturday for anything, he is told that the local week with her grandmother. ly, and replied: “ N o ; I am conlenl PROMPT DELHI organizations all welcome newcom. further medical treatment. accompanied them as fa r as Ont " ’ mi share equally with the others. But Kraaoaablc Eu and returned home that same da A nice assortment o f the county erg and any o f them would be glad Visitors From W ilder— the same feeling toward the Judas still library books are now to be had at to have him come in. An auto party including Mr. and exists.” He then told Mr. White the PHONE li Visit Malheur City— the homeof Mrs. J. C. Medlin. following story, a few weeks he- It would be a fine scheme i f every Mrs. Ernest Diven and Mr. and Mrs. H arry Tamhlyn, county sur-o Leo Estes made a trip to Ontario Jas. M orfitt motored from Wilder lore, while he was working at his last week to consult an eye special stranger who moves into Nyssa could to Vale the last o f the week and motored to Malheur Wednesdn - carving bench, the door of tils work be m et in some such way. I t would spent the week end visiting their spent the day there on Im-ia - ■ ist. A T l o K VEÏRH IH '‘hop opened and a peasant woman Amanda Gregory visited with Mrs. be a pleasing idea to present each respective parents and many friends Mrs. Tamblyn accompanied him from the mountains came In, stood Wayne Hyde while Mr. Hyde was newcomer with a booklet containing in Vale. The visitors form erly lived ■«till, and gazed at him Intently. On At Dead Ox Flat— attending court. K. JA. RIDIMI in this city. Deputy Sh eriff Chas. Glenn spci hl" B',klnK her what she wanted she Our teacher, F. A . Everett, is a description o f the facilities which Attorney >; Is Saturday in Dead Ox Flat on o'- .ald: . “ I »«w you In the play yester organizinz an orchestra composed of the city presents, with a list o f its Watson Visitors— day. I wished to look at you again Land and Probata tort' fiv e pieces. organizations, an invitation to join Mr. and Mrs. Jas. randon were ficial business and Mrs. Glenn a - Ymi look so like my hushnnd. H e Is Fred Cammon was a business such o f these as he fe lt in sympathy guests o f the latter’s parents, Mr. companied him to enjoy the trip. Nyssa. On»» dead. He, too, was a very bad man !" visitor Monday. and Mrs. Jas. Brown, o f this city with, also to ally himself with the —Manchester Guardian. Nyssa Visitors— Charley Pierce and w ife were din over the week end. Mr. Brandon is Mrs. G. W. Clevenger and her ner guests at the Jack Welch home associations that work fo r civic pro a rancher who lives near Watson. K. W. HH A l i U S gress. A newcomer who was met in The visitors returned home Monday daughter, Mrs. Harold H ill, motored Sunday. On# Bettor. Attorney a» M to N y s s a Monday and spent the day Mr. and Mrs. Guy Claypool have that way would fe e l that he was in evening. The South Side Political, Social and there visiting and on business. Room« I l II, moved into the J. C. Medlin house a live town. He would be less like Athletic club had split into two fac fo r a fe w days. They expect to Wtlsea BMt tions regarding Its choice for Its next W. H. Ellis Here— ly to hang around the fringes o f our Guest From Payette— leave soon fo r end where they will Miss Teresa Pederson was a guest president and the meeting hall was W. H. Ellis Here— _ ___ life without getting acquainted fo r Ontario make their future home. at the home o f her aunt, Mrs. Ferd W. H. Ellis spent the early part ^ " mile<l when election night came E va E verett who is teaching at a long time. Zutz, over the week end. She re- o f the week at his home in V ale be- rmm<1- As the chairman started to upper Bully creek visited with her Anyone moving into a new place turned to her home in Payette Mon cause o f illness. On Wednesday he cull the gathering to order, the door parents Saturday and Sunday. feels like a cat in a strange garret, day. was feeling quite well and returned keeper stopped a member who was Estes Morton and fam ily o f H ar entering, pereplrtng under the weight to his work in Brogan. as the saying is. A person who per were seen in town Sunday driv Working In Jamieson— of a canvas sack slung over his ever saw the nervous and uncomfort, ing a new sedan car. Adrian Sias returned to Jamieson Go Deer Hunting— shoulder. Mrs. Ina W akerlig returned home able ways o f a feline stranger in Tuesday morning where he is work Byrd Glenn, Tom McElroy and “ Cassidy,” be demanded, “ what from the Hot Lakes Monday where unfamiliar surroundings, appreciates ing in the fruit. He spent several La Vern Zutz le ft the last o f the have ye there?” she has been receiving medical treat- the force of the simile. A glad hand days here visiting his parents, Rev. week with their shotguns and camp “Bricks," replied Oaeeldy with some How about your Id* mnt. She is v e ry much improved. and Mrs. C. A . Sias. ing outfit fo r the Blue Mountains belligerence. billheads, statemw» Fannie Buffington of Jordan to a stranger is a wonderful hel° and they promise to return in n “Cassidy, there’ll be no brick throw- V alley is visiting her sister, Mrs. I. in making him contented in his new Ironside Visitor— lopes, cards, etc, D* week orten days, i f not later, with in' the night Words and ballots win ! E. F. Pratt, a well known rancher venison fo r friends and folks. The be all." P. Hart. environment. The quicker he makes until they an «0 I* Mrs. Clem Cammon and son and friends, the more likely he is to stay. o f the Ironside country, passed thru hoys expect to camp on Snake creek “ D’ye think e o r said Cassidy with then ask us to nail *1 Vale Tuesday on his way home a f as the mountains surrounding Bennie and Thomas Payne motoreri are skepticism. The more cordial the invitation to “ Annywaya, the hrlcka ter spending the early part o f the reported as excellent ground for to Ontario Friday on a visit with in a hurry for you. Ca come In, so i f they start anythin’ wa the form er’s mother, Mrs. S. O. join organizations, the more likely week on a business trip to Ontario, deer hunting. require enn go them wan better. T ie me owa he is to take hold and do public Nyssa and Owyhee. Mr. Pratt has Payne. ears that heard a guy «ay, ‘There’ll anJ* a ranch on the Owyhee and reports New Family H ere— John Turner was over from Har work. be a lot of mud sitngln' the n igh t’ everything in good condition for this per Monday trucking grain from the b*> Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Johnstone ar The American Legion Weekly. time o f the year. Jack W elch ranch. rived in Vale from their form er to REMEMBER 7 J home in Minnesotalast week. Mr. K Spends Sunday Here— to Johnstone is an expert mechanic and JUNTURA Cal Leet, postoffice clerk o f On to N ever feed a football player in is employed at the Ford garage When corned beaf waa eight cant» | tario, spent Sunday here with his It is dangerous. He The fam ily expect to make their to Preparations are being made by raw meat. triends. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thompson in the city. might bight o ff his g ir l’s nose.' the A lta r Society fo r a Hallowe’en Johnnie Dodge Leaves— And a suit waa twelve bucka! What’s a little rouge between a entertainment. A program is being Johnny Dodge left Vale on Wed Mrs. Geo. Carey Home— planned to be followed by a dance. girl and her football hero? Nothing nesday for Bakersfield, California, Mrs. Geo. Carey returned to her And doctor» charged a dollar! The Tom Woodward fam ily have if it is on her lips. where he w ill spend the winter with home in the city the last o f the week Footballers must know open field, his father and brother. moved into town fo r the winter. from Portland. She left her hahy And nobody ata baker’» bread! Mrs. Louis Pelsole returned Sat running. Dodging autos helps in son in the sanitarium where he has urday from a week’s visit with this. N ever try to s tiff arm a LO C ALS heen fo r sometime. He is past the Rosters Visit Here— limousine. relatives at Payette, Idaho. And they gave apara riba a w a y! in Everybody should konw football. Litttle Norm a Batchelder was a -'anger point but must remain Ralph Masterson returned last Portland until he is entirely out o f week from Salt Lake where he de A good football player can trip a “Tiest at little Randall KesterV danger. And nobody ever heard of pyorrhea! birthday party at his parent’s home collector and step in his face. livered a shipment o f cattle. Women should learn football. It in Ontario Saturday afternoon. M” . Contest Case— W ill Upson came in from his And there weren't many telephones! would help in bargain counter rushes and Mrs. Kester and children ranch last week. Floyd Dillon and A lfred W . B r y brought their visitor home Sunday ant both o f Weiser. and Chas Me Adam Murray o f Beulah was a and opening tight windows. And muatc lessons were only four ___________ «to Buy the baby a footboll. T ell him and spent a very pleasant day at C ullough o f Huntington appeared be M ia! business visitor this week. «U ta wa have t h e " * » football players don’t cry. Savee the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Charles t . Mrs. M. W. Levens and Mrs A l fore the land office in V ale Thurs "rmim* mu * Batchelder. you lota o f singing. And day in a contest case. Welcome of Bums passed thru barber chaire were made of H eyThei Fun and Fact \ »O F PA8SETH A WAY YOUTH IS P E R E N N I A t M e ‘ l i t a V* W f p i p f r ?*yn<1>rt<* > — qnlred »niionsty “ In the excitement of leaving did von say good-by to J papa and mamma ?” “ No." he replied. “ I sold ‘An re- v voir!’ ” — Boston Transcript « tnct. fl. The formation o f a drainage y I d’striet under the provision, „ f O ^ p te r 340 o f the General Laws o f ¡Oregon for 1915, under the provis-l R- w ittora R o o m T , , î ”* * W|U_ * J,*- 11 Ontario Rdl Oregon