a a . , w K i i m K i ^ t - t r - >e n a > « n (iflo H il P i t t a « VJ JUU 1 M 71 a an . asses l ot do,n* anything that a real tui e enough whistle could do. The entire Tha community wae shocked Sunday entertainment waa of a high claa* na- to hear of the audden death of William lure and each member of the company Canfield, which occured about 11 an nrtial. to o . o’clack Sunday morning while he waa | ---- - ■ Ur. and Ur*. Ian W. Kutladga und at work at tba prune drying plant at •wall ton of Boite «pant the week end the Idanha orchard. Death was un- ; at the home of Hr. and Mrt. Artie doubtedly dua to a sudden attack of The death of Joel Luo par, a wall Robertson. heart trouble, H# had complained at known eitiicn of tha Aroadia neighbor Ur. and Mra. A. H. Hcydell spent The members composing the newly the breakfast table that morning of hood, occurred Wednesday. October Tuesday and Wednesday in Boise Mr. organized brass hard are practicing pains in his chest but had felt well 24, at bis home, following an illness of Baydal! attended the grocerymen’a hard on their re-pective instruments enough to attend to his acual duties. about 10 days, death being dua to au At 10:30 he talked with one of the convention. and are attaining a degree of pro attack e f flu and pneumonia. Funeral Messrs. Ewing and Peoperad of the fioiency that is a source of gratifies other employes and then resumed his aervirea war* held at tha family hama Nyaaa cchools, were dinner guest* at tlon to the many friends and boosters work, where he was alone. Shortly on Thursday at 2 p. m , conducted by W.ll Beam home Wednesday evening, of the band. Regular practice nigh* after he was discovered lying on the Rev. Dailey of Parma and tbe remains Urs. C L McCoy was Hostess Fri Is munday of earh week and ia held in floor of the dryer unconsetous. Help interred in tha Nyssa cemetery. was immediately summoned and ef day evening tor an enjoyable bridge the community hall. A large number Mr. L o o p » was born at Jamestown, party Two tables were In play, the of spectators are present at each prac forts were made to revive him, but Tenn., on October 5, 1854, being 99 without avail, ard he died without re high score being won by Mrs. Harry tice and last Monday evening a num- years old at the time of hia death. gaining consciousness Goshert. The decorations followed j her of ladies also attended. At that Funeral services were held Tuesday From Tennessee he want to Kentucky the Hallowe'en motif, which was also time it waa decided to hold the first at 7:00 p in , in the Methodist church, when a small bey, where he lived until carried out in the decorations band entertainment on Monday, No conducted by Rev. J. J. Fleming and 1906, when he moved to Kaiuaa. H* Mr. and Mra. J P Baxter spent vember 26, just a month from date the body interred in the West Side lived In Kansas antil 1917, whan ba HAT mean« that tka repairs having this trade went back to Kentucky and atayad a Sunday in Parma, gueits at tbe Chat. I. will require hard work to get ready cemetery. mark were made in the factory where the I in that time, but Director Spies is few months. He then came to Oregon Dorman home. Mr. Canfield was born in Muncie, til , ' original machine oanae from. It also means i confident that they can put on a cred Mis ( has. McCennell went to Boise and was *8 years old at the time of his and made hie home at Arcadia until t these repair parts were made by the same itable entertainment. Following is the today for the weak end and will take | death He has liyed in Nyssa for the his death. He leaves a wife and three o rftm e n who made similar parts for new machines personnel of the band as at present in the play. “ Tha Covered Wagon.” past 16 years and for 15 years of that living children, three other children that they arc made of the same materials. organized: time has made his home with C< C. having died in childhood. Those living Ml-a Mabel Harg o f Holt* was the Corneis—Elmer Stradley, Jake van are: Mrs. Lenora Shelton of Oneida, Genuine I H C Repairs fit closer, wear better and Hunt. He has no relatives in this ' vi guest the flrat of tb* week of Mr*. Twiak, Clair Peppered. "ipnn.; Mrs, Iora Guffer of Elgin, Ore longer than “ W ill-Fit” or “ Made-For” substi- cinity, but has a brother at Hood ] Chat. McConnell. Clarionets — Glen Brown, W. H. ff*'. and Bryant Looper of Ardadia. a A machine that is part genuine and part River and a sister somewhere in the A. Hinaeb was attending to buainaae Cracker, Ur. Looper was a man of hi^h char tion is a hybrid, a mongrel. Come to us and East. Mr. Canfield was a lover of matter! in Vala Wednesday. Slide trombone—Cliff Tillman. acter and was greatly respected by alt genuine I H C repairs, an d you will also get the music and of children and had many who know him, He was a member of Valve trambona—Rikas van Twisk. Hallowe’en Danse, Big Bend Pavil !wmick-Oaaring repair service, which is worth friends among the little folks. He the Methodist church. lioa, Thursday, November 1. Baritone—Lloyd Orta. was of a sheerful and optomistie na* Bat* horaa-Wm. Stradley, Arthar Will Beam ia ovar ea tha Malkaur turs and his philosophy ef life could Cock. river this waak assisting Will Qathay be briefly summed up in the following Hangad far Nat Drinking. Snare drum—Glena Dayls. put op bit third tutting of alfalfa. 43 m hmgi be .«ftp? fdrit d “ftp verse which he was very fend of quot Bass drum—J. P. Baxter. wdtSeT of Cawtry who waa uangwi ing: | Misses Ualea Garman and Rita Alto*—John Koupmau, Walter Strad There ain’t no use to grumble and com for leaving hia ala.” ft ai . es from Beam enjoyed an auting on Mitchell lay. the story that on tha way to the gib plain. , butte Sunday. They hiked out from Ia addition to the above regular You might as well be happy and rr- bet where Haw try malefactors expi the Will Beam ranch to the butte, a ated their crime« It waa the < uetrnu to members, tbe following beginnora are joie*. distance of at leaal 10 milea, dialed to practicing on various lustrum nts with W ben God sorts out the weather and halt tb* proceaelon at one spot, and tha top of tha batte and then hiked aandt rain, give tha criminal a farewell drink of a view of joining the band as soon as back home, wbiab provaa pretty con they are proficient enough: Whv, rnin’a my choice. boor. A saddler, marked for death, clusively that they at* soma hikers. The eommanity has lost an honora eaatamptuoaaly refused tbe i raftered Joceph Ewing, Letter Kllakenbarg, draught aad waa promptly banged. The youag ladies enjoyed a geameua Abram Vaughan, J. J. Fleming, Dewey ble and apright citizen and his death la Bp jnat aa many minutes later aa b* luncheon and took a number af kodak Ray, Oscar Sauer, Uarlaad Divan mourntd by n wide circle of friends. had declined to (jelly a breathless views while on thn mountain. Transit Lackey, Bobby Hamaker, Otia horseaaan arvtved with a raprlavaf Mra. O. D. Sale * f Payette visited Croaker, Charley Silten, Butter Sit- with her mother, Ur*. J. W. Will*, ten, Lowell Baxter, Paal t’reokor. Big batti* Sa* blue Ink only ie at over Saaday. Janraal olile Mrs. W. H. Beam visited her slater, Mra. W. P. Breakover, at Waller this Sunday School at 10 i m There la “ Cuptaeathesla,” sixth sante that waak. clam for you and w* wanld lik* to enables tha poaseaaer to intuitively It ia axpaatad that qait* a large del The Miaaaa Paulia* aad Mildred egation of Nyaaaitaa will attend tha •ea yon in yaur class aext Sunday perceive tha truth, hai basa discov Forbes arrived Wednesday from Port dase* at Big Baud Park this evening. morning. ered by a Fvanch scientist. Ha asserts land to vial* with their parents, Mi. Our local dancers have learned that Remembar the Man’s Bible class that this sixth taas* la aipaaially de- and Mra. J. H. Forbes, and family. ti»*y ar* always sura of aa evening’s that meets each Sunday moralag In velopad in woman. A lot of hatbands Rav. Ira K Eldridga, district super •Ujoymeut when they attend a deuce the Commercial Club rooms. Mr. i wHI wonder why this ia hailed aa a ra- intendeat of the Boil* district af the at Big Band and they don’t past any âmes Yoang la tha teacher and yeu eent dia -Omaha Baa. Methodist «birth, preaehed at the of them up if they tau help it. Must* will enjay thls hour’i study of Bible local Commaaity eburab Sunday eve will ha turnisoad by titradley’a full laaaou applying on prêtant day thèmes. Panai! tablets radaeed sne-half at ning. orchestra, waisd ia a sutbelaat guar Morniag service et 11 a. m. Sub- tha Joarnalofllee, antee that this importaai feature ef Attorney ■. H. Blodgett attended ta jact far tha sermon le “ The Blggest tbo dance will ha all that the meat Thing in Lifo Today.” Mra. MaCarty legal buaineea in Vale Wednesday. Atmosphere Above Earth's Hugh Loy, 11 yaar-ald son o f Ur. •ritieni euuid desire. “ Turney in the ili sing al this servita. A cordial The atwoephare la believed ta aa Straw,” “ Yes, We Have No Banan welcome t* all. and Mas. Herb. Ley af upper Owyhaa, lend mach mora than 10B mile* Shew* waa brenght to Nyaaa Saturday for en,'' and other lat*t?) stuff Will be Yoang Paople’e meeting at 7 p. m. IB* earth's surface. Mi derniffr UP ta Luneh will ba served. AU the yeung folke are iavited to * * i medical attc tieo. The boy got into rendered. rapidly for tha Ural BsW of ten«m Mil li madh mora gtwd- a mix up with a hone aad anffared a Tickets en sale at the box ottice come to thie service. Í aalt?. N a d t b phenomena Ml MB | number of injuries to his anatomy, in- promptly at 8:00. Kvening eong service and sermon at - Bgfet. du* ta («Cractlan af light- ft MM L e f t all go. ! eluding a broken leg, broken collar p. m. Coma and anjoy tha oveaing be demonstrated that the air M U M | bone, eeveral fractured ribs and num service with ue. height ef dB ortica ; bat athaP erous other breaks and braaiea. Out- Card of Thaaks. ach aa tha behavior r t aide of these, however, the young man DOES Y O U R FORD S T A R T H ARD ? Wa wish to thank our many friends ia all right and bids fair t* live to a While they last a beautifal picture rara atr A R E Y O U R LIG H TS POOR? and neighbors foa their kindness dur good aid ego. will b* given free with each 26c put- ing taa illness and death of our bo- is a fact that a Ferd magneto does become weak! E. U. Blodgett hat moved hit fam loved husband and fatbar and far chace at the Joaraal olile*. let us tesi your magneto free! High-Sounding ily to town from hia ranch aad ie tea*- their floral offerings. have installed a wonderful machine for testing and China*« emparera ara •ever mom pying tha Allea bans* ia the north Mrt. Joel boapar. arging the Ford Magnet. It can be done in s few mia- tfeard by name frani Mm no-meat off part e f the city. Bryant Leoper and Family. . at a small cost. Eriva in and 1st us convince yes. Yoa •lair secession, and era gam-rally ah W. B. Hoxie «peat several daya this Mra. lore Guffay and Family. h# judge and tb# jury. Ws use the “ C O LF IN ME I same, I saw, I conquered,” M ed to by soia* auch title ne “ixud weak at hia home here, the ioclemeat RGER” and give your Ford new life without loosseing might wall be tha motto of the Leak« af a Myriad I aera,” ar "Who Sea eff weather baviag ««used t temporary t or a eut. SA TISFA C TIO N G U A R E N TE E D 0 1 NO Last—A larga ais* brawn ovaraoat •rokestugl Batortainora, whs gave the ■aapaueiaa af work an lha waterwheel RGE. Coma In, let's get acquainted. aa the afternoon af Tuesday, Ostober drat nuMher of the lyeaam court« at which ha ia installing ea tha appa» IT, ea (ha highway between Datario tb* Liberty Thaatar Tuesday aveaing. Added Warrantage*. Owyhaa. A 90 per cent Increase far an artU-tu and Nyaaa. Finder pleas* cammuai- They fully lived up to their advances it coats $1 would make It cost tlJtt, •at* with L. L. Boyd, Bakar, Otago*. aotiaaa and delighted tha audlanaa with Clotblsa* state that 17 maa eat af t for tha article that baa doubled brilliantly executed reportoiro that •vary ICS make aaa sail af alatkat last Included all varieties sf mails, frem la price tha now prie* la 200 par Nysea, Oregon Fee ad - Fair lady’s light brawn the simplest melodies to tbo hlghoel sf tba old. twa years. Sixty three man wanld like ta kaew wkara teas* fellawa gat giara*. Inquire al aflea af J. Hsy- classical mulls. Aad the instruments dall. their alatha«.—Tatomt Ledger. used wars many and varied. Tha ham- A stlek of gum freo witk each ■* le e Me Fell and eoe better. We «Had bl* bandsaw is net asually classed as a parchas* at the Joarnal office. set own musical iastrament but in tb* handa of Mi. Loako It .emitted the sweetest ■trains of mueic imaginable. Likewise J ( ) Q W O F K S it t l l C Phono 147 Eyesight Specialist tba common or garden variety of bicy J Ontarie • Oregon cle pump beaame a most wonderful whistle, capable, la Mr. Leake a hands. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF This Baad Boys Will Give Enter! aiomea Crossed the Divide o n lij on GDmw^BMIllS Eder Hdwe. Company ORMICK-DEERING LINE e P rin t B utter B ig Bend Dance Cemmunity Church Notes W rappers ate City Journal MESSACI TO FORD OWNERS First LyccHin Number ervlce Garage C Dr. J. A. McFall Journal Office lO E S E S K B r M S O I Som« Livestock on Every Farm ies are getting very bad. We have the PECIALIZED grain and hay farming withoat lives tack to eaasnmc the surplus la like raising livsslsak without raising say • f the fssSa wkieh will redttae the cost sf predating the animals. Either way puts tke ■oale ef profits eut ef hslanst end leaves the farmer te faee the pesaihilltiea ef loss ea maybe hia eae and only class ef preductioa. S KNOCKER 1 Nyssa Grain & Seed Co. ORBOOM. Wa ar* particularly iataraitad bars at tha Malheur County Bank in the development ef permanent nnd continuous agricultural prosperity, aad arc always glad te lead aaaistaac* ia providing tha right kind and right quality of liveaiack fur tha farmer* in this locality. MALHEUR CO. BANK EapiUl Surplus faS.MA.0O IO B O I Nyssa Garaô© AGENT Chevrolet Oxy-Acetylene Welding I All Work Guaranteed S